There are only some ghosts left who are dubious.

And Su Bei didn't sit idle or hide.

Instead, with the accumulated fame, Su Bei and An Yingji made a movie.

One person, one ghost plays the lovers of human and ghost in the movie.

There are rumors of an anonymous ghost that An Yingji often enters Su Bei's room in the middle of the night and stays until the next afternoon before leaving.

There are often lipstick marks on Su Bei's neck.

Coincidentally, the color is exactly the bright purple that An Yingji loves.

According to informed sources, the hotel's walls are particularly well insulated.

Crouching outside the door can't hear anything at all.

At this point, there were still some doubts about the ghosts in northern Jiangsu.

Attention was completely attracted by this lace news.

Many ghosts cursed Su Bei for ruining their pure goddess.

Not long after the movie was released, Su Bei and An Yingji appeared on a variety show. It was different from the real world. The stage of the show was Baifan mourning hall, and the guests were colorful paper figurines.


However, the ghosts have no abnormality and think it is normal.

The bald host ghost showed a curious look on his face, and raised the microphone gossipingly to ask: "There are rumors that the two developed an underground relationship during the filming of "The Love Triangle between Humans and Ghosts."

"How do you two respond to this?"

An Yingji's tall and slender legs were crossed, and she took Su Bei's arm affectionately.

Jiao snorted, "How do you respond? I will sit down and respond!"

Su Bei touched the monocle and responded with a serious tone: "Let me declare again, we are just discussing the script in the room."

"Through the exchange, we deepened our understanding of our respective roles and benefited a lot."

The bald host ghost is noncommittal, you two are holding hands even if you have nothing to do with each other.

When we are fools?

Cheerfully pointing to the side of Su Bei's neck.

"Then, what's the matter with the lipstick marks on your neck?" "

Su Bei's expression remained unchanged, and he reached out to wipe off the lipstick marks.

"What lipstick, I don't know what you're talking about, Amitabha!"

An Yingji suddenly got rid of Su Bei's arm, her beautiful eyes were filled with water, and she looked like she was crying.

It hurts the ghost to see it.

"Red lipstick? This is not my lipstick number, Subei, you steal it!"

The eyes of the presiding ghost were as bright as a barren head.

This is big news!

An Yingji and Su Bei had a secret relationship, and Su Bei was caught stealing food at the show.

Before the host ghost could react, he slapped the host ghost crisply on the face.

The force was so great that it dented its face.

Host ghost: "..." It was very confused, Su Bei stole it, why did you hit me?

An Yingji explained pitifully: "I couldn't bear to beat him, so I had to beat you."

Host ghost: "..." It makes sense, but it doesn't seem to make sense.

Before it could react, another slap came.

The host ghost clenched his fists and looked at Su Bei angrily: "Why did you hit me too?"

Su Bei explained affectionately: "An'an will hurt your hand when he hits you, I can't bear it."

There were stars and stars in An Yingji's eyes, and she was very moved.

Host ghost: "Then I go?"

The director switches the screen in time and plays the movie trailer.

The poster came into view.

The sunset is dim, and the Ferris wheel stands alone.

The man is holding a head and weeping, the head is beautiful.

On the screen, the title of the movie "Human and Ghost Triangle Love" slowly emerged.

It was Su Bei who played the man, and An Yingji's head.

It is worth mentioning that no special effects were used throughout.

The movie screen flashed, someone has a ghost.

Here, ghosts are real ghosts, while people are pretenders.

However, seeing the character image in the trailer, foreign players exploded one after another.

Because all the images of living people in it are highly overlapped with the players.

Torre the muscular man, Arthur the gentleman with the mustache, Park Dasong the otaku with kidney deficiency...

Even the names of the characters are exactly the same.

Everyone knows the heart of Subei!

Where is making a movie, this is putting on a wanted list.

Subei's revenge came quickly.

"Some of you reported me, I don't know who did it."

"Then just send you all to the west together."

The foreign players collapsed.

It is conceivable that when the movie is broadcast, their image will become famous in the ghost society.

Even if you use skills to change your face, as long as a ghost finds out.

Will die without a place to bury.

Su Bei is trying to force them to death.

"Su Bei has already asked the Pale God Sect to search for us everywhere, and now they deliberately put our appearance in the movie."

"This is to mobilize the ghosts who have seen the movie to hunt us down. The Dragon Kingdom players are too deceptive."

"Subei wants to kill them all, so we will fight him to the death."

Subei's act of killing all of them eventually drew backlash from foreign players.

Since Su Bei was established as the Holy Son by the Pale God Sect, he immediately activated the power of the Pale Pale God Sect.

Go around hunting down foreign players.

And now, they are making movies in person to publicize their appearance.

Let them be completely exposed to the ghosts.

Queqiu did nothing wrong with Dragon Kingdom players.

If this continues, there will be one and only one winner in this rookie competition.

That is the Dragon Kingdom where Subei is located.

This kind of ending is not only unacceptable to the players, but also to the countries behind them.

The countries united to put pressure on Longguo, and Subei's behavior was anti-human and a traitor.

I advise Long Guo to contact Su Bei and ask him to stop his actions immediately!

Long Guo acted very innocent, and the spokesperson of the Abnormality Management Bureau said aggrievedly: "There are all female ghosts in the address book in North Jiangsu, and they don't exist at all."

"It's not that we don't get in touch, it's that we can't get in touch."

Pretty Country questioned that Long Country could pass the news to Subei by contacting other players.

However, Longguo plausibly stated that we are not qualified to waste players' off-court help opportunities.

If it doesn't work, let your players contact Su Bei and see if he believes it or not.

Other countries are impotent and furious.

In the hamburger restaurant, there was a variety show interviewing Su Bei and An Yingji on the screen.

The ghosts shed tears of emotion as they watched the scene where Su Bei and An Yingji beat up the host.

"This is the pure emotion between ghosts, and stupid living people can't understand it."

"The feelings of the living have long been soiled by dirty desires!"

Among the ghosts wiping blood and tears, a beggar in ragged clothes remained silent.

It looked out of place.

It seems that they can't understand the emotional outlook of ghosts in the underworld.

Keenly feeling the contemplative gazes of the ghosts, the beggar knew that his behavior just now was not right, which had already made the ghosts suspicious.

The beggar was silent for a while, and reached out to the mother and child.

The mother dismissed it, threw a hamburger on the ground, and turned her head to educate the kid.

"Eat, good son, study hard, or you will only be like him when you grow up."

Hamburg fell to the ground, revealing a bloody palm sandwiched between him.

Facing the apprehensive eyes of all the ghosts, the beggar picked up the hamburger, chewed it fiercely, and devoured it hungrily.

His eyes were still fixed on Su Bei on the screen.

"Hey, you see, he's a bit like Torrey in the movie."

A ghost exclaimed and pointed at the beggar.

Hearing this, Torre's face changed, and he turned his head and walked away from the burger joint.

Fortunately, the ghosts didn't get to the bottom of it and caught up.

"Hehe, it's really embarrassing for the majestic little demon god Torre to become a beggar."

Torre was startled when he heard the words, and looked in the direction of the voice.

An old sanitation man in a green vest was holding a broom, his dirty beard messed up in the wind.

Torre's eyes shrank suddenly, and he said in disbelief: "You are Arthur the Great Britain!"

The top rookies of the two countries met on the street, with tears in their eyes, extremely embarrassed.

It's all the damn Su Bei's fault! .

Chapter 174 The Conspiracy of the Players, Dare to Divinate Subei?

Snowflakes flutter, the north wind blows.

There seemed to be bleak background music in the air.

Both were familiar with each other's names.

Knowing that the opponent is a dark horse rookie player from a country, he is a strong enemy in horror games!

It was expected to meet at the peak and have a showdown.

Unexpectedly, the real meeting scene was so unexpected.

The two players were speechless.

Arthur was the first to break the silence, and said, "I didn't expect to meet in this kind of scene."

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