It can be said to be the darkest one in the previous rookie competitions!

Everyone looked at the screen jokingly.

From their eyes, it is not difficult to see that players from other countries are just the turtles in the urn of Subei.

In the dream, Su Bei, who was wrapped in bone armor and looked like a monster, just stood there, putting great pressure on the other players.

Pu Dashan was fighting between the two, his face pale.

He is lucky to have survived till now.

Originally, with the killing of several elites in North Jiangsu, the fear was extinguished little by little.

Now that Su Bei stabbed Kari to death with a sword, he undoubtedly poured a bucket of gasoline on it with a smile.

The feeling of fear revived and came to my heart again.

Torre stepped forward with a firm expression: "For the present plan, we have to work together to kill Su Bei, otherwise none of us can escape." "

"Let's kill Su Bei together and win the rookie king!"

"it is good!"


Everyone responded loudly.

Hu Dezhi, who turned into a mountain spirit Xiaoyang, howled in response.

He took the lead and rushed towards Su Bei.

After running for a few steps, he was only a few steps away from Su Bei, and faced the tall and oppressive Su Bei directly.

The suppressed IQ regained the high ground, and Hu Dezhi sensed something was wrong.

The pace unknowingly slowed down.

Scratching his long-haired face, he looked back, and a few question marks slowly appeared above his head.

What about people?

I saw Torre and the others fleeing in the opposite direction, and they had already run a long way.

His face was full of emotion.

Look, there really is a fool here!


Shan Jing Hu Dezhi scratched his long-haired face, looked up at Su Bei and smiled silly.

Would you believe me if I said it was just an accident?

Su Bei chuckled.

Meaning, what do you think?

The bone sword in his hand swept across, and the mountain spirit broke into two pieces.

Strangely, no blood flowed from the wound.

Hei Mao Shan Jing was cut into two pieces and did not die.

Instead, it turned into two little long-haired men, running frantically towards the distance.


Hu Dezhi was devastated. If he hadn't turned into a monkey, he wouldn't be able to curse.

He has long greeted the nineteenth generation of other players' ancestors.

Are you moral to deceive a simple monkey like this?

Su Bei snorted lightly, and this result was no exception.

Players who can survive to the present have more or less brushes, and it is purely accidental that Brother Asan's Kali is like that.

With a light finger, the golden centipede hanging on his body got the command.

The body rose against the wind and swayed.

It seems slow but really fast!


The sound of gold and iron mingled.

The two dwarf goblins turned their heads to look at it, their canthus tearing apart.

Bite down the terrifying and ferocious mouthparts, and the mountain spirit was cut into two again.

One for two, two for four.

Before they could get up from the ground, the golden centipede opened its mouth to spit out the venom, pouring the stinky mucus on its head, "Ahhh!"

Being stuck by the venom, several goblins rolled on the ground in pain.

Then it was swallowed by two golden centipedes.

The mountain spirit has tenacious vitality, but even if it can split, it will inevitably be decomposed and digested in the body of the golden centipede.

After stirring in the abdomen for a while, he stopped struggling.

After eliminating the mountain spirit, Su Bei looked up.

The players could no longer see their backs, Su Bei didn't care, this was his dreamland, it was easy for them to come in, but not easy to leave.

The only thing to worry about is another problem.

The bone armor on Su Bei's abdomen was split into pieces. These looked like bone armor, but they were actually pieces of bone flying swords.

In the high-frequency vibration, this can bounce off the attack, and the defense itself is not good, otherwise it will not be broken by a gap.

When the bone armor is uncovered, the word "good" appears on the abdomen.

The silver hook painted on the iron, however, has a ghostly aura, which cannot be concealed no matter what.

At the beginning, the word "Shan" was like blood, but now it is only a light red color, and the color is getting lighter and lighter.

Su Bei had a hunch.The first group number Luwululu[-]lu This book is a free resource in the group, please do not spend money to buy it.

When the word "goodness" disappears completely, he will have to pay a price.

"It seems that I need to hurry up and kill everyone else."

Su Bei murmured, "Are you ready, I'm coming soon!"

Park Dashan ran and ran until he was out of breath.

Cover your stomach and breathe.

Before getting into thriller games, he was an executive in an international company.

In the game, relying on the profession of a dreamer, you can freely explore the secrets of other players in the dream world.

Only then did the wind and water flourish until he swelled up and used his skills to enter the ghost's dream.

Then, he saw great fear.

But by chance, he also learned of a flaw in the ghost's dream.

As long as you walk to the border of the dream, relying on the characteristics of the dreamer profession.

He can go through the turbulence and leave the dream.

"After running so far, it's time to reach the edge."

He wiped off his sweat, and looked up, the old mansion, with the words "Su Mansion" written on it.

Park Dashan staggered and almost fell to the ground without holding his knees.

Isn't this the mansion just now?

He is running back again!

The black fog filled the air, and Park Dashan's five senses were confused.

Stumbled and staggered, tears slipped down from fear, and was about to beg for mercy.

Su Bei approached from behind, his men were merciless, and the bone sword slashed.

The cold country player group is destroyed!

Audiences in the cold country reacted differently after watching this scene.

Some were cursing, some were silent, and some were relieved.

Pu Dashan fled, and Su Bei chased after him.

I have been chasing for so long.

They, the audience, became more and more frightened as they watched.

Anyway, I can't escape, I might as well die early!

All of a sudden, the fear of the strong and the hatred of the enemy welled up in my heart.

The cold country audience talked about crusade against Subei.

Secretly, many teenagers regard Subei as their idol in their hearts.

Until, a paper by a cold country expert was dug out.

This is second-rate academics, because analyzing hot players is not enough.

So I chose the early stage of the game, and the relatively unpopular player Su Bei wrote a paper.

Who knew that northern Jiangsu would suddenly emerge.

The paper caught fire all of a sudden.

One of them is that Longgu City, the hometown where Subei is located, was once occupied by Han people in history.

Of course, it is limited to the map of Han people, and even Little Sakura doesn't recognize it.

However, the people of Han Country didn't care, and took this paper directly to the Dragon Country network.

"Did you see, Su Bei's ancestor is actually Han Guo Smecta?"

"Northern Subei has the blood of Han people, so we must recognize our ancestors and return to our ancestors in the future."

"No wonder Subei is so strong. It turns out that it has a relationship with us Han people."

The National People's Congress of the Cold Country has an outburst of nature.

It is necessary to let Subei recognize his ancestors and return to his ancestors.

In this regard, Longguo netizens only asked one question.

"That is to say, is there a possibility that Subei is not from Longgu City, but from Ghost Buddha City."

"Ghost Buddha City is in the southwest, while Longgu City is in the northeast. The difference between the two places is hundreds of thousands of miles."

Cold country netizen: "..."

The cold country expert hadn't been happy for too long before he was caught and criticized by cold country netizens.

It's you, who made us lose face Smecta internationally.

During the live broadcast, the remaining players fell under Su Bei's hands one by one.

All Gaul players were killed!

All Australian players were killed!

All the epileptic players were killed!

"I had too much blood on my hands to punish myself."

"I decided not to eat with a spoon in the future."

Su Bei touched the blood stain C on the bone armor.

With one hand, he scratched the itchy flesh under his ribs, while mourning with deep pain on his face.

Sang a few great compassion mantras to the corpses on the ground.

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