Everyone: "..." If they read correctly, this player wears a cross around his neck, which is taught by the Holy Light.

What does it mean when you sing the Great Compassion Mantra to others?

However, the costume of the bloody butcher in northern Jiangsu made the audience afraid to say anything through the screen.

"Now it seems that there is only one Torre left."

Su Bei murmured.

Chapter 183 Beheading Torre, the Blood Ring Octopus of the Deep Sea Demon God's Family

In the dream, the Su residence.

Torre fled in embarrassment, and Su Bei chased after him.

Holding a sharp sword, Su Bei shouted to Torre in front, "Don't run away, I can't catch up with you, I can let you leave the dreamland."

Torre clenched his teeth, and with the wind under his feet, he responded out of breath: "I don't believe you, you are a very bad Dragon Countryman."

"If you have the ability, you stop first, and I won't run."

Torre thought in his heart, this Dragon Country person is extremely treacherous and absolutely untrustworthy.

He complained in his heart that Hu Dezhi and others died too early, and they couldn't even delay Su Bei for him.

Su Bei was furious, and said seriously: "My nickname is Honest Young Master, you dare to doubt my character, it seems that I can't let you go today."

"Tmd, you never intended to let me go." Torre was shocked by Su Bei's shamelessness.

For a moment, he couldn't help but curse back.

At this very moment, Torrey panted in disorder, and even his footsteps became disordered.

Su Bei's eyes flashed brightly, this is the wisdom of the Dragon Kingdom's art of war.

Grab the opening immediately.

The bone armor on his body turned into flying swords, and dozens of jade white flying swords slammed into Torre.


The flying sword was like a dense net, covering Torrey's body.

Feeling the piercing murderous intent behind him, Torre secretly thought something was wrong.

The hands turned into countless tentacles, and the head was thrown back without looking back.

Part of the flying sword was entangled by the tentacles, and the tentacles secreted mucus that corroded the flying sword. 200 In an instant, Feijian seemed to have been soaked underwater for many years, decayed and rotted into pieces.

After using this trick, Torre was not relaxed, his cheeks flushed red, and his orifices bleed.

The body seems to be under a heavy burden.

To make matters worse, several flying swords passed through the gap between the tentacles like a fish slipping through the net.

Under the control of Su Bei, he flew towards Torrey.

After piercing the flesh and blood, the momentum remained undiminished, and Torre's limbs were firmly nailed to the ground.

"It hurts!"

Su Bei chuckled, and slowly chased after him with a huge bone sword in his hand.

Torre lay face down on the ground, clenched his fists, and his eyes were full of fierceness.

He still has one killer move left.

Su Bei thought he had no power to resist, so if he approached carelessly, he would be hit.

Ten meters, eight meters, six meters, five meters...

Su Bei suddenly stopped three meters away and never moved forward.

Torre's expression froze, and he said furiously, "You really think you're going to get me, you're going to die."

"Even if I'm lying in front of you, you don't dare to kill me, we players from the beautiful country will not let you go!"

Hear Torre's abuse.

Su Bei showed hesitation on his face: "What you said makes sense, then I'd better go."

Pretending to ignore Torre on the ground, he turned and left.

Torre quickly laughed and said, "Of course I know you won't let me go, otherwise,"

"When I survive the third round of curse recovery, I will automatically quit the game. And I will give you a lot of props."

Su Bei's eyes flickered, revealing a look of excitement.

Torre struck while the iron was hot, seductively like a devil: "I have a blood ancestor contract here, and those who sign it must not violate it."

"As long as you sign the contract, you don't have to worry about me breaking the contract."

Saying that, the impaled right hand reluctantly took out a blood contract from the space.

Su Bei was about to move, his expression was beating.

Torre sneered again and again in his heart, as long as Su Bei couldn't resist the temptation to approach, it was time to kill him.

The final winner is me, Torre!

Just when the audience and Torrey felt that Su Bei would agree.

Su Bei stared at the bloody contract, and couldn't help but move forward.

Behind him, the bone sword in his right hand slowly stretched out.

A cold light flashed, and the head fell to the ground.

Torre's head fell to the ground a few times, with astonishment still remaining on his face.

Su Bei's expression was exaggerated, and he said sadly: "Oh, my hands are slippery, what should I do?"

"Or I'll glue your head together."

Surprisingly, Torre was not dead even then.

Torrey gritted his teeth, the hate was overwhelming.

His hole cards have not been exhausted, and his ultimate move has not yet been used.

Just killed by this despicable villain.

He hates it!

"Hey, I can't live, you have to be buried with me, ugh~"

Torre vomited continuously in his mouth, and tentacles grew out of his mouth.

Densely wrapping the entire head.

Soon, the shape of the head in front of him was distorted and deformed.

Transformed into a slimy human-headed octopus.

Blood rings appeared on the octopus, dangerous and beautiful.

In front of the screen, many people wondered, isn't this an ugly and cute octopus?

At best, it looks poisonous, and this is the creature Torre summoned with his life?

However, the players who know the goods are dignified.

"This is the subordinate of the demon god at the bottom of the sea, the blood ring octopus."

"This kind of creature will declare the teachings of the demon god under the sea to any intelligent being he encounters."

"Creatures that are successfully preached will become similar to the blood ring octopus."

"The more transformed creatures, the more blood rings on their bodies, and this octopus has hundreds of blood rings on its body!"

In the dream, although Su Bei didn't know the blood ring octopus.

But he didn't dare to take it lightly, watching the octopus vigilantly.

Octopus cooing bubbly sound festival.

Realized that Su Bei couldn't understand what it said.

After a while, the octopus uttered a language that humans could understand.

To Su Bei's surprise, the octopus was very polite.

"Give me a few minutes sir, I would like to introduce you to our great Lord."

The octopus is persuasive, and is the first to ask a question: "Do you know who lives in the deep sea?"

"SpongeBob SquarePants?"

Su Bei tentatively answered.

Hearing this answer, the blue-ringed octopus was silent for a moment, not knowing how to answer.

Fortunately, the octopus has a good temper, and continued to preach in a low voice: "There is an eternal demon god living in the bottom of the sea, and he is also the only true god of our blood ring octopus."

"By the way, do you know the gods?"

A strange brilliance burst out in the octopus' eyes, and when the octopus in front of him asked him if he knew the Demon God, Su Bei was stunned.

Then he opened his mouth wide and pointed at his white and neat teeth.

"Did you see it?"

The octopus was stunned for a moment, then suddenly noticed two fangs in Su Bei's mouth.

There is a strange aura attached to the fangs.

The octopus was dumb, and said somewhat unconfidently: "This is the blood ancestor? And there is another demon god's breath."

Su Bei nodded: "The other one is the God of Joy."

Then Su Bei Bone Spur gently cut open his skin, and there were strange transparent insects swimming in it.

"Do you know what this is?"

"It's the spirit worm of the pale angel."

The octopus was even more surprised.

Su Bei nodded, it seems that this octopus is quite knowledgeable.

This is not the end yet, Su Bei's abdominal bone armor was uncovered.

A "good" character is exposed below. Recognize. Accurate;. Ruo;': water.? First?, Hair!,,! White;?

"Do you know this word?"

The octopus is messy.

With its knowledge, although it can't see the meaning of this word.

However, the unique breath of ghosts and gods spread over the surface.

"Is this also a god?"

The octopus is messy.

Why are there so many marks of gods on a human being?

It's as if several gods once sat at a dinner table for a meeting.

Point at Su Bei's head, limbs, and heart with a knife and fork, and draw a few lines.

Say this piece is yours, this piece is mine, and the other piece is his.

The blood ring octopus hesitated, this preacher was too weird.

Do you still want to pass it on?

Su Bei nodded, feeling a little regretful.

He originally planned to prostitute the octopus for nothing, and let it tell the existence behind the word "good".

It now appears to be bankrupt.

Not waiting for the octopus to reorganize the language.

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