Before he could say the name, Li Ming raised his eyebrows and asked, "You mean Dr. Banner?"


Tony snapped his fingers, "With Dr. Banner around, you should be able to fight no matter what level of enemy you encounter!"

He said happily, but he never thought that Li Ming still shook his head and said: "If it is a decisive battle, I will not hesitate to bring Dr. Benner, but after all, I am only going to be a scout this time, and at most I will act as a forward... ...It's not enough to make any crazy actions for an undecided matter!"

"Do you think Dr. Banner is crazy?"

Tony, who was taking a sip of his drink, widened his eyes and was about to take out his phone, "I don't know how he will react when he hears your evaluation..."

"Come on you!"

Li Ming rolled his eyes, "We need Dr. Banner's wisdom as well as his crazy power. This is not contradictory... This time, Peter and I, together with those super criminals, are almost there!"

"Well, if you insist!"

Tony stopped talking about this topic, and asked instead: "If you don't want to lure me into the gang, what exactly is your kid looking for me for?"

"Just to remind you of one thing..."

Li Ming thought for a while before saying, "I heard that you are currently researching the use of robots to maintain order and protect the safety of ordinary people?"

"Do you even know that you just came back?"

Raising his eyebrows, Tony simply said: "That's right! I do have this idea..."

"Don't you think there's always a limit to what the police and us can do?"

"We really can only help those within reach of our hands..."

Li Ming nodded, and before he could finish the next sentence, Tony snapped his fingers again: "The hero sees the same thing, I knew you would think the same!"

"However, artificial intelligence and machinery can devote themselves to every moment, and appear in multiple places at the same time, so that thousands of accidents can be taken into account at the same time!"

"If they are used as tools to join in the maintenance and protection, the public security situation in the whole world will definitely be improved...and if there is an alien invasion again, we will no longer be alone like before Fight!"

Tony spoke a little excitedly, obviously the impact of the Battle of New York had not been small on him.

Li Ming did not directly veto his words, but asked directly: "Do you still remember that a few years ago, I wanted to build a mutual aid app for all people, but you persuaded me to put it on hold?"

Frowning, Tony nodded: "Of course I remember... you said this, you don't want to remind me that my plan is actually of the same nature as your thoughts back then, right?"

"Sure enough, he is a smart person, and he can tell the truth as soon as he speaks!"

Li Ming gave him a thumbs up, full of praise.

"Do you think I'm a three-year-old?"

Tony rolled his eyes and looked serious: "I don't think my idea is comparable to your idea back then. In terms of practical feasibility, the two are obviously far behind!"


"I admit that there are certain problems with my idea, and there are many difficult obstacles in the implementation... But is there no problem with your idea?"

Hmm... this feeling.

At this moment, just like that moment!

Li Ming recalled the original scene in his heart, and then asked rhetorically, "As far as the growth potential of artificial intelligence is concerned, once it is allowed to take on the heavy responsibility of bearing the fate of the entire human being, what if the bottom-level human beings in the process of self-evolution If there is a problem with the code, you will not understand how destructive the other party is, right?"

"I don't need to say more about the uncanny valley effect. You must be aware of it. You should be able to simulate and calculate the probability of panic caused by using cold robots to maintain order?"

Under Li Ming's continuous questioning, Tony slowly put the wine glass on the coffee table with an ugly face and made a crisp sound, interrupting Li Ming's words.

"So you came here specifically to vent the hatred that I vetoed your thinking back then?"

Tony smiled half-smile, although he spoke jokingly, there was a hint of seriousness in his eyes.

For a man like him, it is not a pleasant thing for his plan to be refuted to be worthless.

If it wasn't for the fact that the friendship between the two parties is not deep enough, maybe he is not interrupting him now, but is about to get up and send Li Ming out!

"Do you think I'm such a stingy person?"

Li Ming rolled his eyes and said unhappily, "Just like you would have analyzed the disadvantages of the difficult plan for me back then, I am doing the same thing now!"

"I woke up in time before I started to implement it. I didn't do it without the support of someone who can completely cover the whole situation. It can be regarded as containing the possible troubles in the cradle in advance..."

Listening to Li Ming reflect on his own problems, Tony's expression gradually calmed down, maybe it doesn't matter to listen to what he said.

Li Ming, who had been observing the changes in Tony's complexion, saw this reaction, and continued to say:

"If my plan goes wrong, there may be some riots, but it will never cause such a big crisis... But your situation is different this time!"

"The panic caused by robots maintaining order, and even the subsequent riots are secondary... In this era when the Internet has become the lifeblood of the world, once artificial intelligence gets out of control, how dangerous it will be, do I need to say more?"

"Nuclear weapons are flying all over the world, and human civilization has ended in a nuclear war!"

Tony replied with a gloomy face, and before Li Ming could say anything, he took the initiative to say: "Well, you are right, I will reconsider whether to continue with this plan!"

Speaking of this, Li Ming naturally knew that if he insisted on asking for an accurate answer, it would be counterproductive.

Immediately with a smile, he picked up the wine glass in front of him and reached out to Tony: "I'm glad you can listen to my suggestion!"

"It's just that you kid is too annoying!"

Tony rolled his eyes and clinked glasses with Li Ming.

After gulping down the little whiskey in the glass, Li Ming chewed the ice cubes and suddenly reacted. He looked Tony up and down a few times, with an expression of surprise on his face: "I felt something was wrong before... I didn't expect it. , After leaving for such a short period of time, did you actually choose to metabolize the Extremis virus in your body?"

Maybe it was because of careful consideration before, but when Li Ming asked about Tony's face, he couldn't see any change in expression.

He put down his empty wine glass, nodded and said calmly: "I thought about it carefully, the strengthening of the Extremis virus does not only affect me alone, if I want my child to be a normal human being, this thing must not stay In my body..."

Hearing this, Li Ming was a little surprised: "If I remember correctly, you and Miss Potts are not even married yet, are you? Are you already thinking about your offspring now? The Tony Stark I know Not such a person!"

"Cut! Who do you think you know Tony Stark?"

Tony cut it, and before Li Ming could say something that would make his blood pressure soar, he raised his hand to stop him: "You can't say anything good, so stop!"

After a few jokes, Tony showed seriousness: "In short, I prefer to fight as an ordinary human being!"

"Well, that's not bad either..."

Li Ming nodded, with admiration in his heart, and couldn't help but joked: "Speaking of which, you, Tony Stark, are not without superpowers... The wisdom and money you possess are beyond the reach of most human beings." Achieving superpowers!"

"Pfft ha ha ha ha ha ha! Are you flattering me?"

Tony was amused and laughed, "Wisdom and money are superpowers, it seems quite reasonable!"

Li Ming looked at his head full of black lines, completely unaware of how he made him laugh when he said the truth.

Finally, when this guy finished laughing, he suddenly straightened his expression again: "But there is one thing I want to explain in advance, although I subjectively want to maintain an ordinary human body, but there will be a can of Extremis virus in my steel suit at any time." , if we really encounter an enemy that we can't solve, I will complete the injection as soon as possible!"

"Then I sincerely hope that this day will never happen." Li Ming said sincerely.

"I heard from Barton that you have always been quite 'crow-mouthed'. I hope you can say something good this time."

Tony joked.

"It's all just a coincidence, how can you believe the words of that guy's family!"

At this point, Li Ming didn't want to continue with such serious topics. He glanced at his watch and asked, "Do you have any plans for the evening?"

"Pepper is on a business trip to Washington, and I don't have any plans..." Tony said casually, "What? Do you want to treat me to a candlelight dinner?"

"I'm not interested in having a candlelight dinner with a 50-[-]-year-old man!"

Li Ming responded unceremoniously, and then said: "If you have time, why not invite Peter and Steve to have a meal together? I often go to Mick's Restaurant, the old man there is a good chef... ..."

The others were not in New York. It was Li Ming who opened the portal before entering the spaceship directly. After shopping, they naturally went back to the place they came from.

"Any cheeseburgers?" Tony asked suddenly.

"Um... yes, and it's pretty good too!" Li Ming answered after recalling a little.


Snapping his fingers, Tony immediately became interested: "Then what are you waiting for? It's getting late now, call them!"

"Already fighting..."

Li Ming said softly, and the phone in his hand was connected quickly: "Hello? Peter, Steve, shall we have dinner together tonight..."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

On this day, several super criminals who were detained in a secret prison and unloaded their equipment.

He was carrying out the same daily activities as before, but was suddenly attacked, and was caught off guard and injected with a large dose of sedative by an unknown person.

In unconsciousness, they were transported out of the prison they had stayed in for a long time, but it was already a prison they hated deeply.


In the darkness, Martin Lee's consciousness gradually became clear, and familiar and unfamiliar conversations fell into his ears.

"Thank you for helping me get people out, don't worry, we are leaving the earth now..."

A young and steady voice spoke sincerely.

"I didn't help much. If you didn't come forward in the end, those guys would never agree to let me get these dangerous elements out! Well, I have done what you want me to do, let me get off the spaceship ..."

Another voice sounded like a black accent, and then suddenly raised the pitch after the polite words.

"Remember! No matter what kind of enemy exists, don't take risks. If the enemy really poses a huge threat to the earth, you must come back and inform us of the news as soon as possible..."

"At that time, let's gather our strength and kill that son of a bitch!"

Another cheerful young voice sounded: "Although I want to say not to swear, what you said, Director Ferry, is indeed quite reasonable. With me around, I will definitely watch Sunlight and not let him take risks..."


Did he get me out?

And this voice... seems to be Peter?

Realizing that he was surrounded by two familiar people, Martin Lee regained consciousness faster and regained control over his body.

The effects of the tranquilizer quickly faded from his body.

"That's how it is, you know how dangerous those guys are, I hope you can make good use of them, instead of capsizing in the gutter and being trapped by them on an alien planet!"

The voice of the black accent replied, and then lowered his voice: "Finally, remember the person I told you, if you encounter any trouble that cannot be solved, go to her immediately!"

"Don't worry! I will, then goodbye... Mastermind, send Director Fury down!"

Li Ming, who had already registered with Martin Lee, finished speaking, and an electronic mechanical voice sounded: "Yes, Captain!"

Then, a series of footsteps gradually moved away, and a strange sound similar to mechanical operation sounded.

Presumably the man called Director Fury was sent away.

Watching Nick Fury disappear into the transmission elevator, Li Ming smiled at Peter: "Next, our adventure will officially begin..."

"Mastermind, let's go into space according to the preset plan!"

"Tsk! I didn't expect that I would still enter the universe. Thinking about it, I'm a little excited!"

Peter, who was standing beside him, said excitedly.

"This kind of thing is like sailing. When you first go to sea, you will still feel novelty about the vast sea. After you get used to seeing water in all directions, not only will you not find it interesting, but you will feel boring about the boundless blue sea... "

"And navigating in the universe is the same feeling, it's just that the blue sea is replaced by the deep space of the universe!"

As Li Ming was speaking, he and Peter walked towards the round table full of comatose super criminals behind him. There were still a few vacant seats, where they were sitting and chatting with Nick Fury just now.

While walking, the light knight driver appeared at the waist, and several cards flew out one after another.

The first card is [Destroyer Core]. When the light particles disintegrate and recombine, the metal ball quickly turns into a liquid state, clings to Li Ming's right hand, and turns into a card with grooves on the back of the hand and five knuckles. Wear your gloves securely.

The next four cards are [Reality Gem Energy Crystal], [Space Gem Energy Crystal], [Soul Gem Energy Crystal], and [Time Gem Energy Crystal].

After the glove was formed, it was quickly unsealed from the card state and turned into four crystals of red, blue, yellow, and green, which were embedded in the groove of the glove under the action of Li Ming's will.

And at this time, someone wants to ask, when did Li Ming get this extra [Time Gem Energy Crystal]?

Its source is naturally Ancient One.

Before everything was ready and ready to go, Li Ming went to Karma Taj to find Him again.

After a short conversation, Gu Yi agreed to his request, handed him the Eye of Agamotto, and asked him to tap the energy of the time gem sealed in it.

As for why He, who has always taken it as his duty to protect the stability of time, took the initiative to hand over this big killer to Li Ming, it is really intriguing.

Maybe it's just to ensure his safety on this trip?

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