
The four streamers flew down, and every time a gemstone was embedded in the groove of the glove, the corresponding energy would penetrate instantly and bless Li Ming.

Until the last [Time Gem Energy Crystal] fell into the groove, the superimposed power of the four Infinity Gem energy crystals directly stimulated Li Ming's Light Knight power to burst out, even the card [Light Knight Original Form] Without reading it, the transformation was completed directly.

Red, blue, yellow, and green are very different in nature, but they are also of extremely high levels. It seems that substantial energy is clinging to the armor with red, silver and black lines interlaced, adding a few different colors to it.

Vaguely, a brand new force is about to transform under the stimulation of the energy of the infinite stone.

But when the power of the Light Knight gradually climbed to the peak and had a tendency to change, this power became exhausted and stopped stimulating. It only pushed Li Ming's state to a peak level.

And Li Ming took a few breaths, quickly controlled his strength, and exited from the transformed state.

"How about it?"

Seeing him back to his original appearance, Peter quickly asked.

The situation was unclear just now, and there were several other super villains who might have awakened, so he didn't rush to disturb.

It wasn't until now that Li Ming controlled himself that he asked anxiously.

"It's nothing, it's just that the power of these four gadgets is stronger than I imagined, and it's so effective after being blessed... let's use them one by one in the future!"

Li Ming shook his head to explain, raised his hand and glanced at the four energy crystals on the metal glove that had gradually calmed down from the shining state, then walked to the first seat and one side of the round table with Peter and sat down.

At this time, the spacecraft had already lifted off from the ground without a sound, quickly broke through the atmosphere, and headed towards the deep space of the vast universe.

Li Ming glanced at the group of super criminals in front of him who were firmly bound, eyes closed, and motionless, and suddenly said, "Since you're awake, don't pretend to be asleep... let's talk! "

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

While speaking, Li Ming raised his silver metal gloved hand slightly.

On the glove, the yellow mind crystal lighted up slightly, and the mind power instantly acted on the deep brains of the super villains on the opposite side, controlling them to open their eyes and raise their heads.

Excluding Martin Lee and Norman Osborn, who have already woken up, they feel that their bodies have suddenly lost control, they are involuntarily controlled, and they have made actions beyond their own will.

Professor Thriller, Rhino, Scorpion, and Lizard woke up in a daze, still a little confused about their current situation.

But after seeing clearly the appearance of several people sitting opposite him and already beside him, he quickly widened his eyes.

Unlike Professor Lizard, Martin Lee, and Norman Osborn who knew the identity of the two or one of the young people in front of them.

The relatively reckless and aggressive Rhino and Scorpion roared at them immediately.

"Who are you two?"

"where is this place?"

"You brought us here, what exactly do you want to do?!"

"You two boys had better let me go obediently, otherwise it will be too late for you to cry when I grind your meat into meat paste later!"

After waking up the super villains who were pretending to be asleep and really sleeping in front of them, the psychic energy quickly dissipated, returning control of their bodies to them.

But for each of them, Li Ming restrained their bodies with different strengths. At this time, even if they struggled, they couldn't get out of their seats, so they could only threaten Li Ming.

Among them, the scorpion and rhinoceros, whose bodies are completely integrated with the biological exoskeleton, cannot be peeled off at all, and have little loss in combat effectiveness, are the most rampant.

They found themselves restrained, and while struggling, they roared angrily, making quite a commotion.

For the few guys around him who haven't figured out the situation, Norman Osborn frowned and shouted directly: "You stupid bastards! Shut up!"

But Rhinoceros and Scorpion are such rebellious people as super villains, how can others be able to make them honest with a word of yelling!

Not to mention that that person was Norman Osborn, whom they already harbored resentment.

They froze for a moment, and were about to open their mouths to roar, Martin Lee also suddenly opened his mouth on the other side: "I said, you two guys, can you shut your dung-spitting mouths first?!"

While speaking, a dark light leaked from his body, his eyes glowed with white light, and the scorpion and rhinoceros who had been stared at by him were stunned and closed their mouths.

"Good job!"

Norman Osborn smiled strangely and praised, "It seems that even after being imprisoned for so long, you monster has not forgotten your own ability..."

"Osborn, if you won't shut your mouth, would you like me to help you?"

Martin Lee turned his head expressionlessly, staring at Norman Osborn with black and white glint pupils. It seemed that there was no disturbance, but it made Norman stand upside down with hairs all over his body. , shut up immediately.

And when Martin Lee noticed that one of Norman Osborn's legs had become a mechanical leg, he engraved the sentence "You still got my nerves to connect the outer limbs after all, although the way is relatively Unexpected - Otto Gunther Octavius".

The danger in his eyes dissipated, and he burst out laughing suddenly: "Hahahahahaha! You damn guy has today! Well done! Sunlight, you and Otto, you did really well!"

"This is the promise I made when I sent you to prison, isn't it? Just do what you say!"

Li Ming smiled and shook his head, glanced at the group of super criminals with different expressions, and made another judgment on them.

Hearing Li Ming's answer, Martin Li's laughter subsided, and the negative energy that had been vaguely gushing out instantly dissipated, and he turned to look at Li Ming seriously: "Thank you for those things you did. Although this guy didn't die, when I knew Norman When Osborne saw the miserable scene, the evil raging in my heart finally vented out, and now I should..."

Professor Lizard, that is, Dr. Connors, has finally gained some control over the madness brought about by the lizard gene during his long prison life, and now he just happened to be awakened by the energy of the Mind Stone and the effect of the sedative. calm state.

Among the people on the field now, only he and Thriller watched with cold eyes, waiting for others to find out from the two populations of Sunlight Lee and Peter Parker in front of them, what is the situation now.

And several other super criminals will be afraid of Martin Lee, but Norman Osborn will not.

After all, the two of them have already torn their skins apart.

Now that he realized that he was being pushed step by step into the abyss of losing everything, and that he had something to do with Sunlight Lee's revenge for Martin Lee, a strong anger surged in his heart.

Ignoring Martin Lee who was still talking, he stared at Li Ming and Peter and growled, "Peter Parker! Sunlight Lee!"

"You two are Spider-Man and Light Knight, right?! It's you two damn guys who made me lose everything!"

After being imprisoned for such a long time, Norman Osborn had already guessed accordingly, and combined with the reactions of other people, he made a certainty of course.

"Yes, you guessed it right!"

Li Ming and Peter looked at each other, and then they both nodded indifferently and gave an affirmative answer.

This point was also discussed by Li Ming and Peter a long time ago. Among these people, there are many people who know their identities clearly, and things will always go wrong after a long time. It is better to confess their identities directly from the beginning.

Anyway, in the universe, they have no place to leak secrets.

And if he can return to the earth smoothly, Li Ming also has a way to let them keep the two secrets forever, so there is no need to worry.

After experiencing the Battle of New York and where he was going next, these things were completely manageable for Peter.

After getting an affirmative answer, several super criminals who had calmed down suddenly started to bluff.

They never expected that the little bug who had been hiding his head and showing his tail would appear in front of them with his real identity so carelessly.

Immediately, the rhinoceros waited for Peter and roared: "Little bug! Long time no see, let me see if you are still fragile enough to be crushed!"

As he spoke, he began to struggle with a more ferocious posture.

Li Ming heard the muffled sound of the floor being trampled hard, and felt a pain in his heart, so he simply raised his hand again: "Everyone, don't damage the spaceship!"

The yellow crystal shone slightly, and a simple hint of the mind was activated.

Immediately, the rhinoceros' movements stopped, his face was full of shock, and he wanted to continue but he couldn't make any corresponding movements at all, his face was flushed with suffocation.

In the eyes of others, such a situation is undoubtedly an extremely terrifying situation.

"Enough of the quarrel, and the quarrel has caused you to quarrel. Next, it's time to talk about my purpose of getting you out..."

Li Ming clenched his fists and smiled lightly.

Chapter 310 Situation

"Just say what you want to say, anyway, we have already fallen into your hands, haven't we?"

Martin Lee chimed in.

Most of the hatred accumulated in his heart for many years was avenged with Li Ming's help, and the negative emotions were also vented. Mr. Negative's evil personality was under control. Now Martin Lee is obviously more inclined to the person who is dedicated to charity.

Even though the situation was unclear, he still chose to stand by Li Ming and Peter.

"Hmph! Are some people going to stand against us so soon?"

Norman Osborn snorted coldly, squinted his eyes and glanced at the other people who hadn't made a statement, and said sullenly: "It seems that someone doesn't take the rest of us seriously!"


Martin Lee's complexion was slightly gloomy, and he was about to speak ironically and go back.


Li Ming knocked on the table, and looked at these super criminals with different expressions, but all of them were hiding in their eyes.

"It seems that you still haven't figured out your current situation, so that no one will take the initiative to seek death in the future..."

Under these people's dimly aware expressions, Li Ming showed a malicious smile: "Mastermind, open the all-round transparent observation wall, let them see where we are now!"

"Yes, Captain!"

The cold mechatronic sound of the mastermind of the spaceship sounded, and then, under the surprised expressions of everyone, the surrounding walls quickly became transparent, revealing the outside scenery.

The vast dark space of the universe came into view, and the sun not far away emitted scorching brilliance, which was weakened by the protection and shone into the cabin, illuminating every villain so that he squinted his eyes subconsciously.

And just behind Li Ming and Peter, under the transparent wall, a blue planet is close at hand.

There is no doubt that the place where they are now is the space beyond the earth.

No matter what experiences these super criminals have had, at least space is an extremely remote existence for them.

Even if they heard Li Ming call it "spaceship" before, they didn't have it at all, or they didn't dare to think about it.

I thought that at most, I and others were secretly transferred to other hidden bases or deep-sea ships.

It never occurred to me that the self who was still in the prison before the coma, came directly to the outer space after waking up in a daze!

Even the most reckless and arrogant rhinoceros just now was dumbfounded at this time, his mouth opened wide, and he was speechless for a long time.

As agreed before, this time the opening communication with the criminals was mainly done by Li Ming, and Peter only needed to watch the play from the sidelines, so far he has not made much noise.

Now admiring the expressions of these guys, this guy's face is full of joy that I am not the only one making a fool of myself.

When Nick Fury was still operating to get these super criminals out, Li Ming took a few free partners to break through the atmosphere and almost reached this position, allowing them to feel the power of their bodies. The taste of space.

At that time, after coming to the space outside the earth, Peter stood by the wall and looked at the scene outside through the transparent wall, and his performance was no better than these people.

At that time, he didn't feel that he was fully committed to it, but now he saw them and realized how dumb he was at that time.

"Don't be fooled by him!"

Norman Osborn spoke suddenly, staring at Li Ming: "If we are in space, how can we maintain a normal level of gravity and sit here stably, this is simply a holographic image you made to play us !"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the people who were shocked by the space scene around them suddenly changed. Reckless people with low levels of knowledge, such as Rhinoceros and Scorpion, just hesitated for a moment, and then looked at Li Ming fiercely.

It seems that he wants to redeem his "ugliness" when he was surprised by the other party's deception!

"Norman Osborn has been in prison for several years, and now you are too far behind, it's just the regional gravity system inside the spaceship, and you don't realize it at all..."

Li Ming shook his head, "If you want to try the feeling of weightlessness in the space environment, I can also let you experience it, Mastermind!"

"Captain, please order!"

The mastermind's voice sounded, but it made the corner of Li Ming's mouth twitch.

Even 01 before evolving into Datalight could directly understand his intentions and shut down the regional gravity system by himself, but this guy just responded.

The degree of mental retardation is comparable to Xiao Ai's classmate!

Well, after all, this guy is just the artificial intelligence of the spaceship that he and 01 just wrote, so he can't be too harsh.

Thoughts were spinning in his mind, Li Ming looked at Norman Osborn's slightly changed expression and said with a smile: "Turn off the gravity system in the current cabin area."

"Roger that!"

Following the mastermind's response, an indicator light on the wall turned from green to red. In an instant, the stable gravity in the cabin disappeared, and it felt like it was acting on everyone instantly without any effort.

Ripples activated, Li Ming controlled his hair and body to maintain their original state without floating, while Peter had his own biological electrostatic force field, which could also overcome the inconvenience caused by the weightlessness of space.

"Do you believe it now?"

Li Ming asked.

If it wasn't for the fact that the bodies were not tightly bound and unable to break free, the bodies of these guys would have floated up long ago.

But even so, the sudden disappearance of gravity, the complete weakness of the body, and the faint feeling of floating, still made these super criminals clearly aware of their situation.

Norman, with strands of hair floating upwards, gritted his teeth, his complexion changed several times, and he did not speak after all.

The performance of the others was also not much better. Among them, Electron, Professor Lizard, Thriller, and Martin Lee, who had a considerable level of knowledge, also looked suspicious.

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