At least she couldn't escape the sanction of the Holy Light, so in order to avoid the increasingly strict church inspections and to survive the organization, she decided to start transforming the organization!

For example, forcing some authors who have broken the update to re-update~

Tomorrow, I will write a testimonial at the end of the cursive, tsk, school is about to start! !

Chapter 138 Volume [-] Epilogue

At the end of the second volume, some people asked me why I wrote Yuno to death hastily, listen to my sophistry!

In fact, I originally planned to continue writing, first write about Gray Snake and Raven

Then there is Yoshino

In this case, the logic is smooth.

Because Luo Shu needs to feign death to escape, he temporarily borrows Yuno's body to make others misunderstand Yuno. This is because the Houkai consciousness is manipulating this body.

Because Luoshu has done a lot of things, these things even a lawyer can't do, but if it is the will of the collapse, then everything makes sense.

After that, Gray Snake launched a fire attack in order to cover Mei.

In the end, it was the persuasion of both parties, Raven to Mei, and Ain to Yae Sakura.

I planned to write up to 35 words, but I didn’t feel much in the second volume, so I didn’t write it

Fast forward to the third volume.

Chapter 139 London

Russell Square, London, England.

The woman in the white shirt reached out and brushed the hair behind her ears, her rose red eyes were full of relaxation and joy.

There is a tear mole under the corner of the right eye, and a dark purple rose is decorated on the chest.

Under the short black skirt was a pair of slender thighs in black silk, and a pair of black short boots under her feet.

Rita's thin lips were slightly pursed, evoking a subtle arc.

She was rarely in such a relaxed mood.

It has been a long time since the end of the third collapse.

After Youlandal and Fu Hua missed, the Third Herrscher disappeared. Not long ago, Destiny just got the information. It is said that the Third Herrscher was persuaded by Raven, the cadre of the World Snake.

Raiden Mei joining the World Snake can only be regarded as a trouble for Otto, and he doesn't care about it.

As for the Yae Sakura and Seele who appeared in the third Houkai War, Yae Sakura saved Walter under the attack of Benares, and finally with the support of Einstein, Benares had to choose to retreat .

After some cordial and friendly exchanges, especially after confirming the identity of Yae Sakura, Einstein chose to invite her to join anti-entropy.

When Walter was seriously injured and dying, anti-entropy needed a strong fighting force to sustain the scene.

Yae Sakura's strength is obvious to all in the third collapse. In addition to her identity problem, Einstein has no reason not to choose Yae Sakura.

This was Luo Shu's arrangement, and she didn't think there would be any problems with her plan.

Also, Seele disappeared with Benares, meaning to return to Siberia.

As for Rita and Kiana, the two of them are looking for opportunities to return to their destiny on their own.

Otto didn't doubt the two of them. The only problem is that Kiana's tasks are relatively heavy recently, and she has no vacation for the time being.

Since then, the whole world has once again fallen into a state of tranquility.The traces of the past that belonged to the Houkai disappeared, as if they had never appeared.

Destiny didn't make any extra moves, and just put a small part of its energy on guarding against the world snake. Apart from that, Otto still focused on [Thousand Worlds One Vehicle].

That's why Rita is here.

According to the information obtained by Otto, [Thousand Realms] once appeared in history, and it has a very close connection with the legendary Avalon and King Arthur.

So he specially appointed Rita to look for [Thousand Worlds One Vehicle], because this is her hometown.

Despite the orders, Rita felt happy.

On the one hand, it was because she had indeed been away from home for a long time, and now that she came back, she would naturally have various emotions. On the other hand, it was because the guy who had played with her had suddenly disappeared.

Rita originally thought that Luo Shu chose to transform her into a family member because she valued her status in Tianming, so she was also very worried about what she should do if Luo Shu asked her to do some troublesome things.

However, after such a long time, Rita's inner struggle has somewhat receded.

"Hey! Here."

Luo Shu, who was wearing casual clothes, kicked on his short boots, and greeted Rita with a smile.

Then Rita felt that her mood was really terrible.

The good mood during the whole journey, the emotion of returning to my hometown, all turned into a sigh of why this guy is here.

She could only walk forward slowly, showing her best qualities and showing a beautiful smile to Luo Shu.

Luo Shu reached out and hugged Rita, then let go.

"Well, although it's London, I think the etiquette in China is not bad." Luo Shu tilted his head slightly and said with a light smile.

"Since you know it's London, you should abide by the etiquette here." Rita said helplessly.

Rita is such a dedicated person, even if she is with Otto and Ulandal, she will abide by her responsibilities as a maid.No one knows why an S-rank Valkyrie likes to talk about the so-called maid's responsibilities so much, or even actually abides by these rules in daily life.

But everyone knew that Rita was really following the rules.

She has a gentle smile in front of everyone, like a mask pasted on her face.

Only in front of Luo Shu, she didn't care about this.

"Is that so?" Luo Shu asked curiously.

She pressed her profile against Rita's.

Luo Shu's height is 165cm, which is enough for a girl.

But Rita's height and shoes made her look taller than her, so she had to stand on tiptoe for this movement.

Rita's breathing fluctuated slightly, and then she regained her composure.

She stretched out her hand and pushed Luo Shu away, and said angrily, "You misremembered again, this..."

"I know," Luo Shu took a step back and said casually, "But I like it, how about you?"

Rita narrowed her eyes.

She was very wary of Luo Shu, because of what Luo Shu did to her and what Ulandal reported.

After returning to Destiny, Youlandelle and Fu Hua compiled their findings into a report and submitted it to Otto.

As Otto's confidant, Rita can naturally also check it.

Unlike Otto's determination that the person who was killed was manipulated by the will of the Houkai, Rita felt that there were other possibilities.

Such as Luoshu.

There's no reason, but that's how she feels.

Luo Shu didn't expect her answer, or rather, as if he knew Rita's reaction, she just opened her arms and said softly, "Welcome to London."

It's like a welcome to a friend.

"So what do you need me to do?" Rita asked flatly.

She didn't think it was a coincidence that Luo Shu came to London and just met her.

The only possibility was that there was something in London that attracted her, and she needed her own help.

Rita guessed that it should be the key of God.

Apart from the God's Key, she really couldn't think of anything else in London worth thinking about for an existence beyond the Herrscher.


Forget it, although Rita also likes these things, she doesn't think Luo Shu will be interested in them.

"I really have something to ask you for." Luo Shu didn't show the shame of being exposed, but became more confident, "I want you to find someone for me."

"?" Rita asked curiously.

What deserves Luo Shu's attention should be a Herrscher body like Lei Dian Mei, right?

Rita hesitated.

Anyway, this is her hometown after all, and Rita can't accept this as the land of herrscher's recovery.

Luo Shu saw Rita's hesitation.

She shrugged and explained casually: "You guessed wrong, I didn't come here for the Herrscher's body."

"Away from Home, Too Many Rich Women"

This book is also known as: "The Outlaw Madman: Zhang San, but a First-Class Scholar"

"Xu Xian, the Hero of the Grass, Is Just a Buddhist Disciple"

"Undead Knight: Ning Caichen is good at time management"

"Jedi Knight: Li Bai vs. the Witch"

"Three Thousand Ways for the Poor Zhang Jiuchuan to Find a Rich Woman"


I was obviously just cultivating, and I hugged the rich woman's thigh by the way, but there was something wrong?

Realizing that his vest was opening more and more, the boy fell into deep thought.

I just follow what my master told me not to use my real name when I go out, and build a vest by the way, how did it end up like this?

Master: What kind of vests are you wearing? ? ?There are all kinds of races to provoke women, this operation is more skilled than me! !

The front row prompts that the early stage is slow, please be patient!

Chapter 140 Chapter 2 Encounter

Rita left the airport blankly.

What Luo Shu said just now made her a little embarrassed, but in the end, she agreed to Luo Shu's request.

Rita shook her head, not thinking about it.

Forget it, anyway, London is so big, you might not just bump into it, right?

Then she saw a familiar figure.

Rita stretched out her hand to cover her eyes, and she felt bad all over.

The blond-haired girl stopped the football in front of her, and then hit the ball with a little force.

"Wow!" The teenagers on the lawn looked at the football in the sky in surprise.

They couldn't wait to surround the girl, because the ball was amazing, and they thought it was a special skill of a certain athlete.

"This trick is so powerful, can you teach me?"

Seeing the eagerness in the young man's eyes, Ulandal felt a little helpless.


This is no special skill, if you have to say it, it is a miracle with great effort.

Playing football with these children, what skills can be used there.

She can only comfort these little guys like this: "As long as you practice hard, you will definitely be able to do it in the future."

The encouraged teenager obviously gained confidence.

Of course he didn't know what kind of power this beautiful girl in front of him actually possessed.

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