A woman with a little scent of rose came between the two of them, stretched out her hand and handed the football over.

"Thank you, I will definitely work hard!"

Unlike the boy's information, Ulandal was a little surprised.


The girl's eyes widened, obviously surprised by Rita's appearance.

"Master Ulandal, I didn't expect to meet you here." Rita's eyes were complicated.

She really didn't expect that she just heard the name of Youlandelle in Luoshu just now, and met Youlandelle in the blink of an eye.

This must be too coincidental.

Rita was in a daze, and suddenly remembered Luo Shu's words just now.

"I really didn't come here for the Herrscher's body," Luo Shu said with a smile, "I want to find a friend."

"Bianca Turandelle Atagina."

Compared with Otto, Luo Shu obviously pays more attention to Ulandal.

Rita didn't understand why, logically speaking, Otto's information is naturally more important, after all, he is the bishop of destiny.

She subconsciously wanted to refuse.

Because Rita has complicated feelings for Ulandal.

In the early days, because of Otto's mission, she came to Ulandal as a semi-undercover agent, but after getting along for a period of time, she began to resist this mission.

Because she didn't think Ulandal was a dangerous person who should be "suspected".

But it was Otto's order, and she couldn't refuse.

This kind of struggle and guilt has always affected her, so she has always had an incomprehensible friendliness towards Youlandelle.

Including claiming to be a maid, in fact, there is more or less such a reason.

But now, there is another person who asks her to find Youlandelle.

Luo Shu didn't ask her to do something to Ulandal like Otto, but simply asked her to go to Ulandelle.

Rita thinks that Luoshu must have other ideas about Youlandelle. After all, if he is just looking for someone, Rita doesn't think that with Luoshu's ability, he will not be able to find Youlandelle.

But she couldn't guess what Luo Shu was thinking.

Since the last parting, Rita felt that Luo Shu's smile became more and more gentle, as if he had thought about something clearly.

But deep down in her heart, she was always a little uneasy, feeling that although Luo Shu at that time was dangerous, he was more or less a human being, but today's Luo Shu, although he looked more gentle, was not like a human being anymore.

Rita wanted to say no, but she finally said yes.

But even though she agreed, Rita didn't intend to just do things according to Luo Shu's wishes.

After all, Luo Shu has bad intentions towards Youlandelle.

London is such a big place, and Ulandale is here for vacation, so as long as she deliberately avoids those famous places, she can always delay the meeting time.

However, Rita's wish was broken.

Just set foot on the land of London, and met Youlandelle.

Should it be fate?

"Rita, why are you here?" Urandale asked first, "If I remember correctly, you should have come with the task of the bishop, right?"

Rita smiled and explained: "There is still a little time, but I didn't expect that Mrs. Ulandal would choose London as a vacation place."

This is really a wrong choice.

Come to London, be targeted by that strange guy, and the holiday is probably over.

Rita didn't remind Yolandelle, because she thought Luo Shu might be eavesdropping.

"Have you forgotten, Rita, I said a year ago that if you have time, you must come to England to see it," Urandale said softly, "It just happened to be time."

Rita's wine red eyes flickered slightly.

Since the hard-won holiday is destined to disappear, it is better to enjoy it before then.

So she applied with a smile: "In this case, let me be your tour guide and show you around."

Urandale was a little surprised.

It was not surprising that Rita was willing to introduce her to the customs and customs of London.But it's not like Rita's style to come out to fish during working hours!

But she did not refuse, but said with some hesitation: "So, what should you do with your mission?"

"Miss Tour Dale, as I said, there is still a little time, you don't need to worry about this." Rita stood up with a smile.

She stretched out her hand and saluted slightly.

Urandale put her hand on Rita's: "Then... I'll leave it to you."

Rita smiled and said, "Of order."

What followed was a very fun play time.

In the former residence of Sherlock Holmes, Yolanda looked curiously at the props that Holmes was said to have used.

At Big Ben, the girl lazily straightened her waist and completed a check-in task.


In the end, the two came to an open-air restaurant.

Needless to say, the taste of the food, especially for the two who have just checked in everywhere.Although for Ulandal, she prefers Rita's craftsmanship.

After a short pause, Rita handed out a notebook.

"These are the nearby scenic spots, and I hope they can give you some reference." Rita said, "I'll deal with the task of the Bishop first."

"Then I'll take a stroll by myself first, and finish the task early, and I'm still waiting for you to be my tour guide." Ulandal waved her hand.

"Then, I wish you a pleasant journey, Lord Ulandal." Rita got up, gave a slight salute, and then turned to leave.

Urandale reached out to take out a tissue and wiped the food from the corner of her mouth.

"Rita, what are you worried about?"

school starts today

How should I put it, it's different at school and at home, it's a bit difficult

It's okay, complete the task on time (x) and according to the amount (√)


Section 141 Chapter 3 Plans

In 2015, the world was unexpectedly peaceful.

In the original timeline, the third collapse broke out in Changkong City in 14, and the Yusanjia officially opened the prelude to saving the world in 16.

Of course, under Luo Shu's arrangement, the Yusan family had no chance to be together.

Today's Mei has become the Third Herrscher, receiving relevant training in the World Snake's base, and preparing for the next war.

Kiyana was recovered again, and after Otto found that his plan was useless, he chose to bring Kiyana back to the headquarters of Destiny.

As for Bronya, after this incident ended, the power dispute within Anti-Entropy gradually subsided, Einstein regained power, and Bronya also entered the Anti-Entropy Headquarters.

Einstein thought this was a very talented girl, and considering her relationship with Seele, Einstein decided to train her.

The footsteps of Destiny and Anti-Entropy have never been dictated, and they invariably accelerated their pace of progress, because a certain gradually dissipating shadow is getting closer, as if the last moment that was once recorded in the records is about to come.

According to the records of the last era, after all the thirteen Herrschers failed, the last Herrscher will appear to replace his gods to clean up everything in this world.

Otto didn't care about Herrscher. For him, the real danger in this world was never Honkai, but human beings.

He is the only person in this era who is qualified to say such words, because he is the real pioneer of the man-made Herrscher plan.

Einstein is not as "optimistic" as he is. She is skeptical about whether humans can defeat Honkai, but she doesn't want to give up.

In short, although with all kinds of problems, both sides are preparing for this last moment.

Although theoretically speaking, there are only 3 Herrschers now, and the last moment is still far away, both Destiny and Anti-Entropy have already smelled the last moment.

As for the world snakes, they are too busy saving Kevin and don't care about that at all.

But fortunately, these will not affect the world of ordinary people. In their eyes, the world is still as beautiful as before.

Luo Shu is also very grateful for this.

If even the world of ordinary people is in chaos, then I am afraid that the fate of this world has reached a fork in the road that determines the outcome.

Luo Shu doesn't care about the war between Honkai and humans, because no matter who wins or loses, she doesn't care much.

But she doesn't hope that the world she lives in will be barren one day.

"There seems to be a little more time, and it seems that there is not much left." Luo Shu said softly, "It's finally coming to an end."

"You seem very anxious?" Gem Will asked, "Since the third collapse, you have been speeding up the progress of everything intentionally or unintentionally. We still have a lot of time, why are you so anxious?"

"I just feel that I don't have much time left." Luo Shu shook his head and said softly.

It was a kind of intuition, she felt that she probably couldn't see those interesting people anymore.

The current time is 15 years, and compared to the history that Luo Shu is familiar with, nothing has happened yet.

But the storm caused by her butterfly was already huge enough. Basically, the plots that Luo Shu knew had probably become useless.

What she did was good enough for the Honkai faction.

If according to Luo Shu's plan at the beginning, she originally planned to sneak into St. Freya College as a teacher like Walter, so that everything will go ahead according to the plot, and Luo Shu's room for maneuver will be much larger.

But in the end she accidentally played too big, and then the whole plan suddenly disappeared.

But fortunately, Luoshu always has a plan B.

Luo Shu has already seen most of the God's Keys that have appeared in the game, so she aimed at the last God's Key—【Thousand Worlds One Multiplication】.

This is the locomotive that anchors the present world and the sea of ​​quantum, and can reach the tree of imaginary numbers.

This is the most important step in Otto's plan. After all, Otto has tried all the means that can be realized, and the results are obviously all ended in failure.

In desperation, Otto set his goal on the god.

But in places like Quantum Sea, if there is no coordinate, even Otto would not want to set foot there. After all, once lost in the Quantum Sea, it would be much more troublesome to leave there.

So he will definitely come to find [Thousand Worlds One Vehicle].

Luoshu's goal is not [Thousand Worlds One Car], and he doesn't even want to interfere with Otto's plan.

Of course, Kevin and the others were not the only fusion fighters in the last era, but most of them died in the war against the Herrscher of the Last Era. Mei selected several suitable targets among these people and arranged different plans for them.

In the setting of the Honkai series, Merlin, the archmage who assisted King Arthur in the legend of King Arthur, does exist in history. He is the strongest human fusion warrior who has survived from the last generation of civilization 5 years ago: Kevin Kaslana.

According to the information of World Snake, most of the legends of King Arthur are Kevin's real deeds, except for the mythological elements. Among them a new home was built, but failed for unknown reasons.After that, Kevin and King Arthur finally turned against each other.In addition, the so-called "Elf Island" Avalon is very likely to be a world bubble in the Quantum Sea.

And King Arthur's true body, who is said to be the fairy of the lake, is the original owner of the Second God's Key, a spiritual fusion warrior from the pre-civilization era, and Kevin's best friend SU.

SU is the observer chosen by Mei. In addition to observing the way out of civilization, he has other tasks, responsible for monitoring the actions of Kevin and Fu Hua.

At the end of the legend of King Arthur, Kevin intended to carry out the "stigmata plan" ahead of schedule, but was stopped by SU.In the end, SU sealed Kevin into the Quantum Sea, and he escaped into the Second God's Key to start the 1500-year observation until Destiny discovered the Second God's Key in 2015.

This backstab from a teammate successfully made the ancestor stay in the Quantum Sea for countless years.

Even now, the World Snake has failed in his mission to save Kevin.

And Luoshu's goal is SU.

Of course, it would be even better if you could run into Youlandelle on the way at this time and brush up your favorability.

She is not interested in 【Thousand Worlds One Vehicle】, but she wants to know whether her own appearance is also observable.

SU has been observing for 500 years, but has not found any other way.

Luo Shu didn't know if her appearance was a path, but she wanted to know.

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