"You seem to think that I am very interested in you? So you think that if you are willing to accept my asylum, I must take it?".

290 Horikita Suzune Looks Like Yukino

Looking at Horikita Suzune in front of him, Mu Bai said to Horikita Suzune: "Now you understand, it's not that I must protect you, but you want to accept my protection!"

Horikita Suzune suddenly felt that she was a little funny, and what she was thinking in her heart turned out to be nothing more than that in the eyes of the other party, it was really ridiculous!

But Mai Mubai didn't point too much at Horikita Suzune: "It's not impossible to accept my protection, but I just want to know to what extent you can do it."

"What do you want me to do."

Horikita Suzune has already sensed what Mubai meant, but Horikita Suzune is really not the only one who wants to do what Mubai.

"Do you know that you are very similar to a person? But you are far inferior to the other person."

Horikita Suzune frowned, 283 was very annoyed at what Mubai said. What does it mean to be far inferior to the other party? Horikita Suzune still has confidence in herself.

No matter which aspect!

"Yukoshita Yukino!"

Hearing the name Horikita Suzune said by Mu Bai, it was natural to know who Mu Bai was talking about, and Yukinoshita Yukino was also quite famous.

But Horikita Suzune did not understand.

"You are very similar to Yukinoshita Yukino."

Mubai compares Yukinoshita Yukino and Horikita Suzune from various aspects such as personality, etc. After Horikita Suzune is compared, there is only one thought left. Is that bad?

Horikita Suzune was taken aback as soon as this idea appeared, when she turned into this appearance and gave up on herself.

And I actually started to doubt myself after Mu (aiej) said a few words?

After seeing the appearance of Horikita Suzune, Mu Bai continued: "After comparing you and Yukinoshita Yukino from top to bottom, I guess this is the only place that is better than Yukinoshita Yukino!"

Mu Bai pointed to Horikita Suzune's slime!

Compared with Gu Bei Lingling, Yukinoshita Yukino is quite miserable. It is obvious that many years have passed, and the result is completely unchanged!

Mu Bai, who has personally experienced it, is naturally very aware of the size of Yukinoshita Yukino's slime, but it really hasn't changed at all.

Horikita Suzune's expression froze, and there was some humiliation in Mu Bai's eyes.

"Don't feel humiliated. In fact, you should be grateful. If it weren't for the fact that you and Yukino have so many similarities, then this time you come to me and I will let you kneel down and crawl over."

Horikita Suzune's body shook suddenly.

"Understood, if it wasn't for the similarity between you and Xue Nai that made me decide to let you go, you should be grateful for it now."

Horikita Suzune was a little annoyed but helpless, just like what Mubai said, Horikita Suzune should feel lucky, if it wasn't for Yukinoshita Yukino's face, Horikita Suzune would be even worse now humiliation.

At that time, will Horikita Suzune choose to agree with Mu Bai to kneel down and crawl over?


Horikita Suzune had already made all the preparations when she decided to come, no matter what the result would be, Horikita Suzune was already prepared!

So even if Mubai asked Horikita Suzune to kneel down and crawl over, Horikita Suzune would agree to Mubai's condition and kneel down and crawl over!

"Thank you, Xue Nai, it was Xue Nai who saved you from this humiliation."

"By the way, I want to remind you of one thing, that is, Kushida Kikyo should have told you, I will give Kushida Kikyo a certain reward, and if you, Horikita Suzune, don't want to be thrown by Kushida Kikyo , if you don't want to be threatened by Kushida Kikyo, then you'd better understand one thing."

"Do everything you can to please me, and then let me reward you."

"If you look like this, you won't be thrown off by Kushida Kikyo, understand!"

Horikita Suzune understands that Mu Bai is using a means of fighting between cranes and clams for the fisherman's profit!

Mubai asked Kushida Kikyo to trouble him, forcing him to seek Mubai for a deal.

Once I agree to Kushida Kikyo, I will definitely benefit from it. If I want to catch up with Kushida Kikyo, I must do everything possible to please Mu Bai, and what Mu Bai pays is just some petty profits. In this way, Mu Bai can easily handle Kushida Kikyo and her.

"It seems that you have figured it out."

Seeing Horikita Suzune's appearance, Mu Bai also knew that Horikita Suzune understood.

"What do you want me to do?"

Mu Bai looked at Horikita Suzune in distress!

"You don't know how to use your own advantages to please men?"

Mu Bai's words made Horikita Suzune's face a little embarrassed. Obviously, Horikita Suzune didn't know how to please Mubai.

291 Volume, that is, roll, roll dead count

In the living room, Kushida Kikyo looked at Mu Bai who came out with a happy smile on his face!

"What about that woman Horikita Suzune?"

Mu Bai ignored Kushida Kikyo and just took out a piece of paper that had been prepared long ago and handed it to Kushida Kikyo: "After reading it, burn it if you don't want others to get benefits too!"

Kushida Kikyo's complexion changed, and then immediately thinned the piece of paper.

When Mubai said to Sister Zitian: "If you want to crush Horikita Suzune, you still need to work hard. Maybe Horikita Suzune will also start to please me. When the time comes, I will also give Horikita Suzune a little thing."

Kushida Kikyo's complexion suddenly twisted and looked at Mu Bai: "You bitch!"

"Remember I'm the bitch who can give you good things, if it weren't for me you would be dead in the desert by now, understand?"

Mu Bai squeezed Kushida Kikyo's face and let Kushida Kikyo come closer to him, looking at the picture of Kushida Kikyo which is obviously very cute but makes people feel extremely hideous!

"Also remember that you are trying to please me, understand? If you don't know how to please me, then I will give Horikita Suzune something nice and you, hehe~!"

Hearing these words, Kushida Kikyo clenched her fists tightly. If possible, Kushida Kikyo really wanted to punch Mu Bai to death. The bell tone goes inward.

However, Kushida Kikyo has no choice but to be patient and acquiesce, like a dog to please Mu Bai, hoping that when Mu Bai is happy, he will casually throw him a meaty bone. -. . .

Kushida Kikyo already wished to kill Mu Bai in his heart, but. . .

Finally succumbing to reality!

No matter how much resentment and hatred Mubai has in his heart, Kushida Kikyo understands one thing, he has no choice!

If she didn't try to please Mubai but let Horikita Suzune please Mubai, how would Horikita Suzune take revenge on herself?

Kushida Kikyo has never doubted whether Horikita Suzune hates herself in her heart, that way threatens Horikita Suzune, if Horikita Suzune has a chance, if Horikita Suzune doesn't retaliate, Kushida Kikyo feels that Horikita Suzune's mind is full of shit !

So absolutely can't let Horikita Suzune surpass herself!

Seeing Kushida Kikyo knelt down skillfully, Mu Bai sneered and said, "Don't you understand this very well?"

The other people who came out of the room saw Mu Bai and Kushida Kikyo in the living room, they all froze for a moment and fled back in a panic.


Horikita Suzune said that she was very serious, Horikita Suzune never thought that a woman like Kushida Kikyo could completely trample her dignity under her feet.

This woman really has no dignity at all, it's almost like that. . .

Looking at Kushida Kikyo in front of her, Horikita Suzune really couldn't think of how to describe Kushida Kikyo, even with the vocabulary in Horikita Suzune's mind, she couldn't think of a single word to describe a woman like Kushida Kikyo.

At the same time, this also made Horikita Suzune feel a little urgency in her heart. What can Horikita Suzune say about a woman like Kushida Kikyo who can do these things without any bottom line or dignity?

0 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

But this also caused Horikita Suzune to feel anxious and anxious. Kushida Kikyo's appearance will definitely make Mu Bai happy Press yourself, if you can't get Mubai's acknowledgment and approval, then you will definitely be miserable at that time. Thinking of this, Horikita Suzune felt a little worried in her heart, and then she seemed to have made up her mind , walked over directly and started competing with Kushida Kikyo!


I have to say that Mu Bai was very satisfied with Kushida Kikyo and Horikita Suzune!

Sure enough, only competition has the driving force for progress. Now the sweetest Kikyo and Horikita Suzune compete with each other and Mubai can benefit from each other, which is great.

In the upstairs room, Ichinose Hoonami complained to Sakayanagi Yusu: "Mubai is too ridiculous."

Banliu Youqi just smiled: "What does it have to do with you whether it's absurd or not? You can leave after this development is over. Is it possible that you really plan to stay by Mu Bai's side?"

Ichinose Hoonami suddenly fell into silence, what Sakayanagi Yusu said made Ichinose Hoonami a little confused about what he should say.

Does the last self really want to leave Mubai?

Ichinose Hoonami found that he didn't seem to have influenced this matter!Where.

292 Mio Ibuki's Anxiety

Seeing Ichinose Hoonami, Sakayanagi Yusu laughed and said, "It seems that you never thought of leaving Mubai!"

Ichinose Honami did not answer this question, but instead looked at Sakayanagi Yusu: "What about you? Do you want to leave Mubai? Mubai likes you very much, I can feel him It's different for you than it is for us."

"Who knows."

Saka "[-]" Liu Youqi took a look at Ichinose Hoonami, then retracted his gaze, and his gaze continued to stay on the book, just that gaze. . .

"If you leave, Mu Bai will be very sad."

Ichinose Hoonami continued to talk to Sakayanagi Yusu, but Sakayanagi Yusu ignored Ichinose Hoonami.

Seeing this, Ichinose Honanami sighed and said no more, after all, their relationship is not that good yet.

"After going back this time, it really has completely changed, and the school with the highest strength will be completely broken!"

"Hehe, the school with the highest strength was broken long ago. Mu Bai made God's Tongue the queen of this country. This country has already become his hall of fame. The school with the highest strength Our schools are nothing more than remnants of the past."

Hearing this sentence, Lai Fanbo felt a little sad for no reason, but the sadness of all this was truly indescribable.

"Then what should I say, Sakayanagi-san, you seem to be."

"Stop thinking about it. I'm not interested in these things. The only thing I want to do is go back alive. That's the only thing I want to do now."

Ichinose Fanami gave a wry smile upon hearing this.

"It's also what we have to do now, which is to survive in this world for a year and then return to our world after a year. If it weren't for Mubai, we probably wouldn't be able to survive even a year."

Ichinose Hoonami rubbed his head and gave a wry smile, it seemed that he was really thinking too much.

If it wasn't for Mu Bai, they would have died long ago and couldn't die any more. What's the use of thinking about those things now.


Downstairs, Ibuki Mio is not feeling well. In the whole house, Ibuki Mio is the only one who is still a perfect girl, but the problem is that Mubai seems to have forgotten him. , which made Mio Ibuki couldn't help but start thinking wildly 0  …

Even Ibuki Mio began to wonder if Mubai was not interested in her anymore, if not, why Mubai didn't do something to her.

Under all kinds of wild thoughts, the current Ibuki Mio even has a feeling that she wants to run directly in front of Mubai to have a showdown with Mubai, so that Mubai can quickly do what needs to be done, and he doesn’t have to act like this All day long.

Even Ibuki Mio just thought about rushing forward to forget it with Horikita Suzune and Kushida Kikyo, but in the end. . .

4.9 Mio Ibuki forcibly endured it, after all, Mio Ibuki was not so cheeky yet!

Kushida Kikyo and Horikita Suzune are competing for nothing, but Mu Bai has nothing to lose. This is Mubai's calculation, but Horikita Suzune and Kushida Kikyo really have to be tough and cheap for Mubai.

293 Mio Ibuki's Battle Royale

The largest library in Cairo.

"What did you bring me here for?"

Ibuki Mio looked at Mubai and asked, but was suddenly called out by Mubai and brought here by Mubai. Ibuki Mio was very puzzled.

"I'm going to have some fun with you here."

After being stunned for a while, Ibuki Mio's face immediately turned red, and she looked at Mu Bai: "You..."

"Don't worry, I don't have the idea of ​​being a monkey for others to see, so bringing you here is not doing that kind of thing."

After seeing through Ibuki 08 Mio's thoughts, Mu Bai said lightly, and Ibuki Mio showed an embarrassing expression on his face.

"Then why did you bring me here!"

Mu Bai glanced at Ibuki Mio and said lightly: "The purpose of coming here is very simple, to tell the curator of the library that Hamna Tower, the city of death, has been found, and once someone enters the place of death Hamnata, then the High Priest will be resurrected at the end."

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