"that's it?"

"Things are not that simple. Once you say it, the other party will want to arrest you, and all you have to do is run away and not let the other party catch you."

"You asked me to do such a boring thing?"

"You don't have to do what I don't care."

Seeing Mu Bai's appearance, a group of people couldn't help frowning. Mu Bai's appearance didn't seem to be playing tricks on themselves, so what is Mu Bai's real purpose?

"Okay, so answer me, what is your choice, give up, or choose to agree to my game?"

Ibuki Mio glanced at Mubai and replied: "I will!"

"Then come on, I won't give you any help during the process, if you get caught, then the game is over."

After Mu Bai finished speaking, he disappeared in front of Ibuki Mio. Ibuki Mio frowned and then went to find the curator of this library. Although he didn't know the identity of the curator of this library, since Mu Bai It is definitely not easy for him to tell the other party like this that it is so inevitable for the curator of this library.

After returning to the residence, Mu Bai broadcasted Ibuki Mio's situation live, the mirror of God!

This panda, Gungun, brought back an ability from Aulari, which can play a certain screen.

The current Mubai is broadcasting what Ibuki Mio is experiencing now, and Ibuki Mio finds the curator of the library, and then repeats Mubai's words to the curator of the library.

Immediately afterwards, Ibuki Mio noticed that the face of the librarian had changed, and then, as expected, Tong Mubai's expected appearance, this librarian had him arrested.

Naturally, Ibuki Mio would not let the opponent catch her. Ibuki Mio, who had been prepared for a long time, turned around and ran 283, and then Penny Ibuki Mio confronted those chasing soldiers.

"Which librarian is the guardian of the tower of Hamna, the city of death?"

Arisu Sakayanagi guessed who the curator of that library was.

"To be precise, it is the guardian of the pharaoh's tomb."

"The purpose of their existence is to guard the tomb of the Pharaoh and guard the death capital Hamna Tower. Anyone who knows the death capital Hamna Tower belongs to the kind of person they want to kill."

"You actually asked Ibuki-san to do such a dangerous thing?"

Ichinose Hoonami covered her mouth in surprise and looked at Mu Bai.

294 God of Contract

Ibuki Mio finally took yours and escaped back, but if Mubai hadn't used the panacea for Ibuki Mio, then Ibuki Mio would probably be cold by now!

"Congratulations on surviving!"

This sentence from Tiandao Mubai, Qu Ling felt her fist hardened, looking at Mubai in front of her, there was an obvious meaning revealed in her eyes: If you don't give me an explanation, then I will fight you!

"You don't want your contribution to be zero when you go back, do you?"

Mu Bai looked at Ibuki Mio and said indifferently, Ibuki Mio's expression froze for a moment, then she looked at Mu Bai suspiciously.

"You don't look like you, Kushida Kikyo and Horikita Suzune will please me, likewise, it doesn't look like Ichinose is devoted to me, and it doesn't look like I love Sakayanagi Yusu , so if you want to get contributions, the most difficult thing is to pay a small price, of course you don’t have to do it, I asked you before if you want to implement it, right?”

After hearing Mu Bai's explanation, Ibuki Mio fell silent, and looked at Mu Bai with displeasure in his eyes.

Why should I be treated differently like this.

But thinking about the difference between herself and other people, Ibuki Mio finally endured it. Ibuki Mio can't learn the way those other women treat Mu Bai. I want Ibuki Mio to learn from Horikita Suzune and others. Kushida Kikyo would abandon the Pride like Mubai Ibuki Mio would never do.

"So, what are you upset about?"

Mio Ibuki felt even angrier after hearing this sentence!

I really want to kill Mu Bai with one punch!

"Remember one sentence, there is nothing free in this world, if there is, then you need to consider whether you will be poisoned to death!"

"It's like you need to pay yourself for accepting my protection, so what kind of price do you think you need to pay to get your contribution?"

"So you can choose whether you want to continue or not. Of course, you can also choose to buy an insurance, that is, let me save you when you fail and die. You have to keep the price of saving you for the first time. With me for three years, the second time for ten years, and the third time for a lifetime, you can choose to do it or not."

Ibuki Mio is well aware that this is a trap of Mubai's. Mubai's goal is to make herself a product of his possessions.

But Ibuki Mio really had to admit that she was persuaded by Mubai, this situation was quite bad, but Ibuki Mio was also unwilling.

So Mio Ibuki made a decision to take a gamble!

If he wins, he will make a lot of money. Even if he loses, he won't suffer anyway. Although [-] is still a big girl, sooner or later, Mu Bai will attack her, and then it doesn't matter. what.

At that time, Mubai has already played with him anyway, so is it important to leave or not?

"` "I agree! "

Mu Bai looked at Ibuki Mio in front of him and laughed, then said: "Then, the contract is established, and those who break their promises will be punished by eating rocks!"

In the next moment, Mio Ibuki felt the contract between herself and Mu Bai, once she broke the contract, she would be punished.

"what is this?"

"The power of the god of the contract, if the contract between you and me is violated, there will be very serious consequences, both you and I will be punished!".

295 Stubborn character really poked me. .

Mubai's panda travel system will often bring back some strange things for Mubai. The contracted theocracy from Morax was brought back by that panda.

The others breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the choice Ibuki Mio made, but at the same time they felt a little bit disappointed. What Ibuki Mio did made them feel like the kind of woman who sold her body for benefits.

But fortunately, this kind of thought just disappeared after a short time.

They are not idiots who will go all out for this kind of thing overlap, and use this dangerous method if there is a safe method that is not practical. Is this something that a smart person can do?

Of course not, only idiots would do that kind of thing, not to mention that they are all wiped out by Mu Bai now.

Since it was already wiped clean by Mu Bai, why bother to continue.

"If any of you are interested, you can go together!"

Hearing Mubai's 283 question, everyone looked at Mubai as if they were looking at a mentally retarded person, and they were not Ibuki Mio's kind of people who wanted to save face and suffer, how could they do such a thing.

Therefore, if Mu Bai wants to make them suffer, then don't even think about it.

Seeing that no one agreed with Mu Bai, he shook his head regretfully: "It's really a pity, this is a rare experience."

Everyone's eyes showed contempt when they heard Mu Bai's words, who would have nothing to do to find excitement for themselves, and what's more, they would die!

They are not like Ibuki Mio's strong girl.

Kushida Kikyo secretly rejoiced in her heart that she didn't have the appearance of [-] to save face and suffer. I guess Mio Ibuki's heart is already crying, after all, I can easily get contributions. I take myself Isn't it clear at a glance which one is more appropriate to gamble with your life?

Only those who have brains will choose Mio Ibuki's route, and the current Kikyo Kushida undoubtedly regards Mio Ibuki as that kind of person with brains.

If Ibuki Mio had a good mind, she wouldn’t be what she is now. To be precise, if Ibuki Mio wasn’t so strong, as long as she sacrificed a little bit of dignity like Kushida Kikyo and Horikita Suzune, she would be there immediately. You can get Mubai's reward.

It's a pity that Ibuki Mio is not willing for the sake of her dignity.


Today's is playing with Horikita Suzune's body, ignoring Horikita Suzune's flushed face.

"I thought you would trade your dignity for contributions like Ibuki Mio."

Horikita Suzune resisted the feeling coming from her body and replied to Mu Bai: "Anyway, I must have paid for my body, so why should I do such a thing with my own life! "

"Don't you want your dignity?"

"What kind of dignity do you want? Or what kind of dignity can you have?"

(aiej) Listening to Horikita Suzune's painting, Mubai laughed: "You can see it quite clearly now."

Horikita Suzune remained silent.

"To be honest, Mio Ibuki is the most unlucky of you guys. My favorite among you girls is Yusu Sakayanagi, and Yusu Sakayanagi is also very smart."

"Then there is Ichinose Hoonami, this girl is a typical character of Yamato Nadeko, she will not change what she has decided, since she has followed me, Ichinose Hoonami will not leave, so naturally I will not treat you badly Ichinose Hoonami, as for you, this is the blessing of Yukinoshita Yukino, you and Yukino have too many similarities."

"As for that woman, Kushida Kikyo, she can afford to let go. He can get benefits from me regardless of dignity. The opponent rewards."

"However, Ibuki Mio is the only one who is like a dowry maid. I only accepted Ibuki Mio out of the idea of ​​collecting strange ideas, so Ibuki Mio probably didn't want to be like her because of this reason. Kushida Kikyo looks so cheap."

"What a stubborn girl who is slightly fascinated by the other party!"

Horikita Suzune gritted her teeth and said, "Can you not touch me when you talk about other women!"

"It's really stingy, don't you think this look is particularly exciting?"

Mu Bai looked at Horikita Suzune and said: "This will only make me think you are more obscene."

Mu Bai spread his hands helplessly.

"Well, since you think like this, then forget it, I have to go and comfort the girl who fascinated me, this stubborn character really pokes my XP."

Horikita Suzune almost couldn't hold back and let Mu Bai go, this bitch.

296 The Scorpion Emperor

What kind of girl is Mio Ibuki?

In the past, Mubai didn't know and didn't want to know, but now Mubai knows what kind of girl Ibuki Mio is.

A stubborn, strong girl.

Although a group of people are not beautiful, they can only be said to be average, but the character of the other party made Mu Bai have some interest in this girl.

Mio Ibuki, who was washing her body, found herself hugged from behind, and her body tensed instantly.

However, before he could attack a voice, Ibuki Mio stopped the behavior that he wanted to attack.

"It's really a rose with thorns."

Hearing this voice, Ibuki Mio turned her head and saw Mu Bai's face as expected!

After confirming that it was Mu Bai, Ibuki Mio didn't resist.

"Is it my turn?"

Hearing what Ibuki Mio said, Mu Bai laughed: "You are really calm enough."

"What if I'm not calm? Do I have a choice?"

"Of course you have a choice. You can choose not to accept it, you can choose to reject me, and then as the price for your breaking your promise, I will go home and vent my anger. Maybe I will pour my anger on your family at that time. "

Ibuki Mio is no longer surprised by what Mubai said, or this kind of behavior of Mubai makes Ibuki Mio feel normal.

"Then come on and do whatever you want."

Ibuki Mio directly chose to be bad.

"It's really cute and stubborn."

The words that came from the ear made Mio Ibuki's closed eyelids tremble slightly.


"Where are you going?"

Looking at Mu Bai's big and small bags, it was clear that he was going out, and a group of girls couldn't help asking.

"Go and play with a scorpion, does anyone want to go with me?"

These individuals present were not idiots, no one would believe that Mu Bai was really just looking for a scorpion, so everyone in the end chose to go with Mu Bai.

What Mu Bai is looking for this time is the Scorpion King!

Or it could be called the Demon Scorpion Emperor in this way.

The Scorpion Emperor has the power to summon the Death Army, which is a contract between the Death God Anubis and the Scorpion Emperor. The Scorpion Emperor dedicated his soul to the Death God Anubis, and the Death God Anubis Si is to give Emperor Scorpion the qualification to summon the army of death.

On the way here, Mu Bai had already told these girls that he was going to find the Demon Scorpion Emperor. After listening to Mu Bai's words, their eyes lit up.

Obviously, they already understood that this is another huge contribution. It can almost be said that if they can complete this task, then they may directly enter the top [-] contribution rankings at that time.

"Then the first thing we have to do now is to find the bracelet that Olympus, God of Death, and Emperor Scorpion signed the contract with. After getting that bracelet, we can summon the army of death, and then Special props kill the Scorpion Emperor who signed a contract with Anubis, the god of death, to control that bracelet."

Mu Bai glanced at these people present: "If any of you are interested, you can challenge the Scorpion Emperor. Of course, if you die at that time, there is nothing you can do. This one is not in the scope of my protection for you." middle."

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