All of a sudden, Ai Si's eyes widened: "It's delicious!"

"Ha ha."

"anything else?"

Mu Bai handed his explosive ball to Aisi.

Aisi shook her head: "No, we're one for each of us."

Looking at Ace, Mu Bai laughed: "If it wasn't for the fact that I would definitely leave Olalie, then I would definitely let you be my girlfriend, Ace."

Compared to others like Hestia or Santiao Yechunji, Lililuka and so on, Mu Bai still likes Aisi more.

"Girlfriend? Riveria told me that I can't be your girlfriend."

Riveria's mother has really worked hard, I'm afraid she has confessed a lot to Ace, but seeing Ace's slim appearance at the age of 14, Mu Bai couldn't help secretly praising her in his heart. What about the heroine with fairy bloodlines?

After parting with Aisi, Mu Bai returned to the Freya Familia. Mubai's life is very simple. Most of the time he spends time training in the Freya Familia, or fighting in the Freya Familia to increase his combat experience. .

"Please wait a moment, Mr. Mu Bai."

Suddenly a voice came from behind, he stopped and turned his head, Mu Bai saw the half-elf girl Aegina.

"What's the matter? Miss of the guild.".

50 Monster Offering

"My name is Aegina Zur. Thank you for the previous ones. If it weren't for you, Misha and I would probably be regarded as abandoned children to appease the anger of Freya's family."

"You don't need to care about this, I have received your kindness before."

Toss it with a peach, and return it with Qiongyao.

The other party reminded Mu Bai of his kindness before, and Mu Bai received it. Naturally, Mu Bai would not look at the other party as a scapegoat.

Just like Mihe, the previous Mihe also helped Mubai, so the potions purchased by the Freya family are all purchased from the Mihe family, and it is for this reason that the current Mihe The business of Tianqing Pharmacy is not very good, but life is much better than before.

Therefore, Mu Bai said that it is unnecessary for Aiina to thank her, what other people think is not important, the important thing is that Mu Bai should feel it himself.

Mihe helped Mubai, and Mubai returned his kindness. As for whether Mihe wants it or not, it has nothing to do with Mubai. Just do it like this and make yourself happy.

The same reason.

Aiina and Misha’s previous care for Mubai also made Mubai feel the other’s kindness, so Mubai reciprocated this kindness, preventing the other party from being abandoned as an abandoned child .

Looking at Mu Bai, Aegina didn't know what to think: "Then as a thank you, let me treat you to dinner."

Mubai declined Aegina's invitation.

"No, I'm helping you to repay your previous kindness. I don't like to owe favors to others, so Miss Aegina, you don't have to take this matter to heart at all."

Aiina looked at Mubai, saw that Mubai was really unwilling to accept her thanks, and said: "Since this is the case, it's okay to treat you to dinner as a friend, we are friends, right. "

Seeing Aiina's appearance, Mu Bai knew that she couldn't refuse anymore.

"Okay, so how about the hostess of Abundance at eight o'clock tonight?"

Eina nodded.

"no problem."

Mu Bai then looked at Aiina and asked: "You are wearing the uniform of the guild, what are you doing during work?"

"The monster festival held by the Ganesha family is about to start, so now I am in charge of communicating with the Ganesha family, and I happened to see you when I was passing by."

Monster offering?

Mu Bai immediately recalled that the Monster Festival was a celebration held by Uranus and Ganesha in order to allow adventurers and residents to accept those monsters with wisdom, but is it really useful?

The monsters, humans and demihumans in this world can be said to be immortal. If you want humans, demihumans and intelligent monsters to live in peace, tsk, Mu Bai really doesn’t know what to say, Uranus? Don't you know?

Or is it all about helping heroes be born?

After recovering, Mubai looked at Aiina: "Then I won't disturb your work, Miss Aiina, I still have things to do, I'm leaving first."

After bidding farewell to Aegina, Mu Bai returned to the Freya family, and then began to write down the contents of the dungeons he had seen to find encounters based on his memory.

Mu Bai is going to leave this to Freya when he leaves, and what Freya does at that time is Freya's business, not her own business.

When Freya came back at night, she looked at Mu Bai and said, "The punishment for the Ishtar family has come out, the punishment of [-] million faris, and the compensation for the [-] million faris of the Demeter family."

"Should the compensation be given to the Demeter family instead of Nakiri Erina?"

Mu Bai only paid attention to the important point in a split second. This sum of money is to compensate the Dimit family, not to Nakiri Erina. There are two meanings.

"Are you angry?"

Freya looked at Mu Bai and asked.

"No, there is nothing to be angry about. This situation is in my expectation."

"However, even if this situation has been expected, I still feel quite upset."

"It's not because of Nakiri Erina, but because of myself. If Nakiri Erina is replaced by me, the result will be the same."

"No, if it were you, I would directly destroy the Ishtar family, and then forcibly send Ishtar back to the heaven. I don't care about the guild."

"But I won't let that happen."

Freya looked directly at Mubai, and promised to Mubai.

"But I guess, Goddess Demeter must have handed over the [-] million compensation to Nakiri Erina, right?"

Facing Freya's gaze, Mu Bai slightly put aside the subject.

"I don't know about that. After all, this is a matter within the Demeter family. If you are interested, you can ask Nakiri Erina yourself."

"I'll ask when I go to the hostess of Fengruo tonight, but before that, sister, you are looking for me for something."

"That's right, the monster festival is coming soon, so when that time comes, you can accompany me to the monster festival."

"Um, can I refuse?"

"Oh No!".

51 Lilyluca Erd's Nightmare

The monster festival came as scheduled, without any accidents, Mu Bai originally wanted to go out and hide for a while, but Mu Bai didn't forget Xi'er's green tea level, brother wouldn't be heartbroken to spend a little money, right? Mu Bai thought of this sentence Bai felt his heart throbbing.

So as long as Freya can't find herself, then she has passed this level. Unfortunately, Freya seems to have guessed it early, Ota, Allen, the Four Warriors of Yanjin, Black Sword and White Staff, etc. The cadres of Freya's family were directly ordered by Freya to watch over Mu Bai, so that Mu Bai was completely dumbfounded.

"Is it necessary? Anyway, you are also the first family member of Olali, don't you feel heartbroken when you look like this?"

"No, on the contrary, I still find it very interesting, especially after seeing your current appearance, I am sure that my choice is not wrong."

After changing into another pair, Mu Bai and Freya who turned into Xier walked out of the Freya family, but Mu Bai, who was held by Xier's arms, always wanted to pull his hand out of Xier's arms, but unfortunately Xier died He hugged Mu Bai's hand tightly.

But when Mu Bai and Freya walked through a certain alley, Mu Bai stopped.

"what happened?"

Seeing Mu Bai stop, Xier asked suspiciously why Mu Bai stopped suddenly.

"There are some things, just a moment."

As Mubai said, he walked into the alley, and Xier followed, and when they entered the alley, Mubai and Xier saw that in the darkness of the alley, several guys who should be adventurers were beating He was holding a little girl, who was petite and looked as if she was only about ten years old.

Xier immediately understood why Mubai picked up the alley, it turned out that it was because of the things that happened in this alley.


Mu Bai's voice reached the ears of the adventurers who were beating the little girl.

"Little ghost, this is not your business, or are you and this thief accomplice?"

Hearing this, Xi'er was slightly taken aback, as if she didn't expect such a situation to exist, but Xi'er didn't open her mouth, she wanted to see what Mu Bai planned to do.

"I said, stop, or I will help you get out."

A flash of electricity flashed in Mu Bai's eyes, and the blue-white arc in the next moment instantly made these adventurers realize that Mu Bai was not something they could afford, and after hesitating for a while, they quickly fled here. Bai ignored the adventurers who had already left, and looked at the girl who was beaten and could only curl up.

Walking forward, Mu Bai then bent over and looked at the curled up girl.

"Lilyluca Erde!"

Hearing her name, the girl raised her head and looked at Mu Bai, as if she didn't understand why the other party knew her name, but Mu Bai didn't say much, took out a bottle of panacea and sprinkled it on the On Lilyluka Erd's body, Lilyluka Erd's body was healed from the wounds from the adventurer's beating.

Lililuka Erde looked at Mubai with some disbelief in her eyes, as if she hadn't thought that Mubai would give her the recovery medicine, and she couldn't understand why Mubai would do this.

"I still lack a supporter, what do you think of her?"

Mu Bai turned his head to look at Xi'er and asked, Xi'er looked at Lilyluka Erde, and a smile flashed in his eyes: "Oni-chan, as long as you like it yourself."

"I am Mu Bai from the Freya family, I hope you can transfer to the Freya family to become my exclusive supporter, if you are willing, then I will ask the goddess Freya to come forward and let the goddess help you complete the transfer. "

Hearing Mu Bai's words, the pupils of Lilyluka Erde's eyes shrank into a needle's eye. Lilyluka Erde wanted to break away from the Sumo family in her dreams, but the head of the Sumo family clearly stated that the price was 100 million. Faris was willing to let Lilyluka Erde leave the Suma family.

How could Lilyluka Erde, who is single and still a supporter, have so much money, so in order to make money, Lililuka Erde risked being killed by those adventurers in the dungeon and cheated In the past, Lilyluka was beaten by those adventurers because she was discovered to be hiding magic stones when she was a supporter.

But now a person who knows me suddenly appears, and is an adventurer from the Freya family, the first family of Olali, who is more willing to help him get out of the family, on the condition that he becomes the adventurer of the other party, who is the other party? what purpose?Why exactly should you help yourself?

Many thoughts came to mind, but Lilyluka Erde showed a smirk on her face: "I'm sorry, adventurer, Lily doesn't want to leave the Sumo family!"

"I'm not discussing with you, do you understand?"

Mu Bai said to Lilyluka Erde coldly, he only does things according to his own mood, and he does what he wants to do.

Just like helping Lilyluka Erde now, Lilyluka Erde will not accept helping Mubai at all.

52 Freya sometimes loses face

Listening to Mu Bai's words, the fake smile on Lilyluka Erde's face could hardly be maintained anymore.

"What I say is what I say, understand?"

Looking at Lilyluka Erde in front of him, a trace of indifference flashed in Mu Bai's eyes.

Mubai did have sympathy for Lilyluka Erde, and also wanted to help Lilyluka Erde out of good intentions, but Lilyluka Erde probably didn't want to agree because she was worried that Mubai had ulterior motives.

Mu Bai guessed what Lilyluka Erde was worried about, but Mu Bai didn't have the slightest intention to explain.

"Master Adventurer, can you tell Lily why you chose Lily as a supporter?"

Lilyluka Erde seemed to have made a decision when she saw Mu Bai, and it was a unilateral decision, the expression on Lilyluka Erde's face instantly became ugly.

"Let's go, go to the Sumo family to settle this matter."

Mu Bai didn't want to waste time, and directly asked Lilyluka Erde to take him to the Sumo family.

Xi'er held Mu Bai's hand with a smile, and didn't mind Mu Bai's behavior at all.

Under the leadership of Lily Luka, Mu Bai came to the Sumo family, and met Chanis Lustra, the head of the Sumo family, but the other party knew that Mu Bai was from the Freya family. But he didn't intend to let Lilyluka Erde go at all, Mu Bai couldn't help but look at Xi'er beside him.

"The Freya family is really shameless, so it seems that they can only be taken away by force."

With a flash of lightning, Mu Bai appeared in front of Chanis Lustra, pointing his finger at Chanis Lustra's forehead.

"Ten thousand volts discharge!"

In an instant, Chanis Lustra let out a burst of screams. Of course, Mu Bai didn't kill people. After all, killing and hurting people are completely different in nature. question.

But if Mu Bai kills, the result will be different. The guild clearly stipulates that adventurers are not allowed to kill, otherwise they will be wanted by the guild.

"So Oni-chan, what are you going to do next?"

Looking at Mu Bai in front of her, Freya looked at Mu Bai with a smile in her eyes.

"Of course, I will go to God Sumo in person. Compared to this trash full of money, God Sumo will be more talkative than this trash."

Listening to Mubai's words, Xi'er looked at Lilyluka Erde and said, "Then take us to God Somo."

Lilyluka Erde said with a serious expression: "Do you really want to go to God Sumo? Although God Sumo doesn't care about the affairs of the family, if you want God Sumo to take care of you, then you must go through God Sumo." the test, and this test is to drink the divine wine of God Somo without being controlled by the divine wine."

"Well, although there is no guarantee that there will be no problem, God Sumo who wants to come is still willing to do a little favor. I just don't know if Goddess Freya's face is good. After all, someone has already swept Freya today. It's the face of the goddess."

Facing Mu Bai's ridicule, although Xi'er smiled, her fingers pinched fiercely on Mu Bai's waist.

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