He found a member of the Soma family and asked him to take him to the place where the god of wine, Somo, usually brewed wine.

The arrival of Mu Bai and the others did not bring about any changes in Dionysus Soma, who still made wine on his own, as if Mu Bai and the others were like air.

A little blue light appeared from the fingertips of the finger, instantly smashing Sumo's jar of divine wine, and a scent that made Mu Bai, who didn't drink alcohol, spread out immediately, Xi'er saw Mu Bai didn't even blink his eyes.

"Oni sauce, are you able to resist the divine wine?"

"Resist? I don't think I have the ability to resist, so my magic weapon is you, you go and drink."

The smile on Xi'er's face was stiff, looking at Mu Bai as if saying, are you serious?

Lilyluka Erde also looked at Mubai, as if looking at some kind of non-recyclable garbage.

Even Mu Bai's face was as thick as a city wall, and he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed under this kind of gaze.

Seeing Mubai in front of him, Xier said with a resentful expression: "So Ouni-chan, are you going to let me try to resist the divine wine?"

Mu Bai's expression was a bit awkward, he seemed to have miscalculated, originally Mu Bai planned that Xi'er, Freya's trumpet, would not be handled by Su Mo's divine wine, and he had the chance to win, but Mu Bai didn't One thing that comes to mind is Will Sheer help?

But now that Mu Bai knew the result, Xi'er not only didn't help, but even planned to make things worse.

So this is something to do on your own?

As for Lilyluka Erde, Mu Bai didn't think that Lilyluka Erde, who hadn't met Bell Cranney yet, would be able to rely on her own ability to pass this time's Somo Divine Wine test.

53 Listen to the voice of all things, clumsy tenderness

Seele didn't intend to help, and Lilyluka Erde couldn't count on it, so it seemed that she could only do it by herself?

But Sumo's holy wine is no different from drug gambling. Once it is contaminated, it is difficult to quit, at least people with weak will can't solve it at all.

Su Mo just looked at Mu Bai like this, and Mu Bai also understood what Su Mo meant by looking at him, the corner of his mouth twitched, Mu Bai looked at Su Mo and said, "I want Lilyluka Erde to quit So Mo Family, so..."

Su Mo didn't speak, but just walked aside, and then put a jar of God's Wine in front of Mu Bai.

"No matter what you want to say, drink this wine first and then talk."


The wine jar in front of Mu Bai is not small, and Su Mo just said that after drinking, this bastard Su Mo is definitely taking revenge on himself for knocking over his jar of wine, so this is deliberately embarrassing himself .

You are a dog.

Mu Bai looked at the jar of divine wine that was still as big as your own head, Mu Bai looked a little hesitant.

But after Mu Bai took the divine wine, Mu Bai still didn't believe it, this divine wine could really sink him.

Pulling out the plug directly, a wonderful smell of wine filled the air immediately, Mu Bai couldn't think of any scent that could be compared with this scent.

Mu Bai, who smelled this fragrance, was in a trance, but fortunately, the trance was only for a moment.

But just smelling the fragrance, Mu Bai was in a trance, and Mu Bai was very worried that he would talk nonsense after drinking the divine wine.

"If I get drunk and say something I shouldn't say, you control me immediately."

Mu Bai leaned close to Xi'er and whispered something in Xi'er's ear, if he said something that shouldn't be said at that time, then let his elder sister control him with charm.

"Don't worry."

Xi'er looked at Mu Bai with a full smile.

After getting an affirmative answer, Mu Bai picked up the wine jar and drank it in one gulp.

After delving into the entrance, Mu Bai felt a very strange feeling. After the wine entered his throat, Mu Bai felt that his body seemed to be jumping for joy.

But unexpectedly, Mu Bai has a clear consciousness.

Not a single drop was left, and Mu Bai drank all the divine wine in one go, but Mu Bai didn't feel drunk at all. Instead, he felt more and more sober. The world seemed to be talking to him. The whole world They all opened their arms for themselves, and even heard some kind of sound from those divine wines.

Hear the voice of all things!

Mubai immediately realized that knowledge-colored domineering is likely to be improved again, allowing him to reach the level of listening to the voice of all things.

"God Sumo, if I pass your test, let Lilyluka Erde escape from the Sumo family."

Mu Bai suddenly felt sleepy for a while, looking at Su Mo in front of him, he said hastily.

After finishing speaking, Mu Bai's eyes darkened and he fell straight down, directly on Xi'er.

Xi'er immediately hugged Mu Bai, and then looked at Mu Bai with more and more satisfaction in her eyes.

That filthy soul peeled off some filth again!

Lililuka Erde looked at Mubai who was drunk in Xier's arms, she didn't understand why he had to do this, obviously he was very resistant to the spirit wine, but why he still didn't hesitate Did you drink the divine wine?

"Oni-chan, he is a very stupid person. Even though he has his own tenderness, he never wants others to understand. He wants to save you. A girl from the small race, even if you misunderstand me, even if you are If you drink the divine wine, he still wants to save you, what a fool."

Lilyluka Erde looked at Mubai who fell asleep in Xier's arms, her face was full of disbelief, the law that adventurers are all scum had been engraved on Lilyluka Erde long ago. In the life creed of virtue.

"You may have encountered a lot of misfortunes, but it's not that there are no good people in this world. Sometimes it's just that you haven't met your own heroes yet."

Lilyluka Erde was greatly shocked, and then looked at the sleeping Mu Bai, the expression on her face changed several times.

"If he didn't have a firm will, it would be impossible for him to say the words that asked me to let you leave the family."

Su Mo also spoke, and Lilyluka Erde was astonished when Su Mo spoke for the first time.

"God Soma."

"As a reward for him, I can let you leave the family."

Hearing Sumo's words, Lilyluka Erde looked at Sumo: "I am very grateful!"

Then he looked at Mu Bai again, his eyes full of gratitude: "Thank you very much too, Lily...Master Hero!"

Xi'er looked at what happened before her eyes with a smile on her lips.

54 Lily: The cruel Lord Mubai is so handsome!

When Mu Bai woke up, the first thing he saw was the familiar ceiling.

Back to the Freya Familia!

Letting out a breath, Mu Bai suddenly thought of something, he seemed to have an appointment with Aegina at Mistress Fengrao at eight o'clock, what time is it now?

Mu Bai immediately got up and was about to go out, but before he could go out, he saw Lilyluka Erde pushing the door and coming in, and when he saw Mu Bai woke up, his face immediately showed joy.

"Lord Mu Bai, you're awake!"

Mu Bai nodded slightly and then asked: "How long have I been asleep?"

Lilyluka Erde replied immediately: "It's already the third day, Lord Mu Bai has been in a coma for three whole days."

Mu Bai's expression froze, he really missed the appointment, how should he explain this to that half-elf girl?

"What's the matter, Master Mu Bai?"

Looking at Mu Bai, Lilyluka Erde was a little puzzled, and Mu Bai's expression seemed to be that something had happened.

Mu Bai glanced at Lilyluka Erde, shook his head and said nothing.

"It's nothing."

After speaking, he looked at Lililuka Erde and said, "Is there anything?"

"Lily has already been adopted by Lord Freya as a family member, and is your exclusive supporter, Lord Mu Bai. At the same time, Lily also needs to take care of your daily life, Lord Mu Bai."

Listening to Lilyluka Erde's words, Mu Bai frowned.

"No need, I will take care of myself, you go back."

Mu Bai saved Lilyluka Erde just because he wanted to save her, to satisfy the pity in his heart, not that he needed Lililuka Erde to be grateful to him, but purely wanting to Be self-satisfied.

So now Lilyluka Erde doesn't need Mubai to be grateful for her share.

"Before Master Mubai leaves Olali, Lily will take care of your daily life, Master Mubai. If Master Mubai hates Lily, then Lily will try to minimize appearing in front of you, Master Mubai."

Lililuka Erde was slightly disappointed.

Mu Bai frowned, glanced at Lilyluka Erde, and said in a strange way: "I don't need you to take care of my daily life. If I go to the dungeon, I will notify you as my supporter."

Lilyluca Erde had a relieved expression on her face.

"Okay, then Master Mu Bai, you must be hungry, Lily has prepared food."

Mu Bai looked at Lilyluka Erde in front of him, how should I put it, he always felt that the other party seemed to be a bit difficult to deal with, and his heart softened just now. . .But forget it, it's just a supporter, and I don't go to the dungeon very much.

"Put the food over there. I'm going to wash up now. I don't need you here. Let's go."

"Then Lily will leave first, Master Mu Bai's change of clothes will be taken away by Lili later."

If he didn't answer, he was acquiescing to what the other party said.

After cleaning his body, Mu Bai finished the food brought by Lilyluka Erde, and finally felt full in his empty stomach.

"I hope I didn't say something I shouldn't have said before."

Mu Bai didn't expect Su Mo's divine wine to be so powerful, so he directly let himself drink a piece of it. He was still very sober at first, but the next moment he fell unconscious, which is very embarrassing!

After Mu Bai finished eating, he wanted to find Freya, but found that Freya was not among the family members. Obviously, he drove the trumpet to Mistress Fengrao's side.

Mu Bai decided to go out to find Freya and ask if he said anything that he shouldn't have said when he drank the tea, and at the same time, he also went to Eina to explain that he didn't release the pigeons on purpose.

"Master Mubai, are you going out?"

Seeing that Mu Bai was about to go out, Lily Luka got out from nowhere, and asked Mu Bai with a smile on her face.


"Then Lily will go with Master Mu Bai."

"No, I'm not going to the dungeon, so don't follow me."

After Mu Bai finished speaking, he ignored the other party and left the base of Freya's family.

"Oh, Lord Mu Bai is really cold, but the cold Lord Mu Bai is also very handsome!"

Lily Luca said with a sigh, but soon turned into a longing expression.

If Mubai knew what Xier said to Lily Luka after he passed out, then Mubai would know that his good sister's brainwashing skills are awesome!

Mu Bai first came to the public account, and quickly found Aiina, but when Mubai found Aiina, Aiina's expression was very bad, especially when Mubai appeared, Aiina Na's face darkened even more.

"I'm sorry, I didn't release you on purpose before. For some reason, I fell asleep for three days and just woke up, so I didn't intentionally release you.".

55 Obviously I Came First

Hearing Mu Bai's explanation, Aegina couldn't care less about getting angry, she immediately looked at Mu Bai, her eyes were full of worry and asked: "Then you are all right now."

When Aiina heard that Mu Bai gave her reasons, she couldn't care less about getting angry, and immediately asked Mu Bai.

"It's all right now, so I'm really sorry for what happened to Miss Aegina before. As an apology, I will wait for Miss Aegina at Mistress Abundance at eight o'clock tonight."

Seeing that Aegina no longer had an angry look on her face, Mu Bai said with a smile.

"No, I still invite you to dinner. There is a reason for you before, so I invite you, at eight o'clock tonight, right? Then don't let me go this time, Mr. Mu Bai!"

Facing Aegina's words, Mubai's face was a little embarrassed, and he didn't intentionally let the pigeons go, so there was nothing I could do!

Afterwards, Eina and Eina promised that they would not release pigeons today and then quickly slipped away.

Just after Mubai left, Misha came up and said to Aegina: "Obviously I came first, but in the end, Aegina and Mubai's relationship became so good so quickly. It's over."

Aegina was blushed by Misha's ridicule, and then Aegina said to Misha: "I just want to thank Mubai, after all, if it wasn't Mubai before, then we are now Throw it away as a tool."

Aegina sighed, she was very disappointed with what the guild did that time, but life still had to go on, and the guild's benefits prevented Aegina from resigning.

When Misha heard this, she patted Aegina on the shoulder. If it weren't for the guild's benefits, Misha would have resigned a long time ago.

Fortunately, after the last time, the guild increased the benefits of Misha and Aegina, and promoted them by the way, which can be considered to appease Misha and Aegina.

This is also one of the reasons why the two did not resign and continued to stay.

On the other side, Mu Bai came to Mistress Fengrao.

"Oni-chan, you're awake."

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