"If he tells me tomorrow that for the sake of the family, he wants to betroth me to the Shitiao family to ease the conflict between the two families, I won't be surprised at all."

Before this time.Shinomiya Kaguya has actually had some contact with the Sijo family, and has also had contact with the children of the Sijo family's generation.

Concubine Shijo is also a student of St. Eden Academy in the same grade as her. Although her younger brother Sijo Tei does not go to school in St. Eden Academy because he likes football, but as a peer, she also had a relationship with him. Have some contact.

If Si Gong Huang Guang were to choose someone as her marriage partner, then excluding Yuan Jing, the next generation of the Si Tiao family, Si Tiao Di, would naturally bear the brunt.

Although she doesn't have any ill feeling towards this pair of siblings, but if you say that you want Shinomiya Kaguya to follow the family's wishes and marry Sijodi, then she absolutely cannot agree.

She is also a girl in the blooming season, so she naturally hopes to marry someone she likes.Naturally, he hated this kind of political marriage.

"I no longer have illusions about this family. I must get the money as soon as possible to draw a clear line with this family."

Shinomiya Kaguya frowned and thought.

She is not someone who has no sense of money. As one of the planners of the Deacon Cafe and the one who decides its price, she naturally knows how big a sum of 200 billion yen is.

Even if it is exchanged for the largest denomination banknotes, such a large pile of money is probably heavier than her weight.

If she is an adult and able to enter the society, she feels that although this matter is more difficult, she still has the confidence to pay back such a large sum of money.

But Sigong Huangguang obviously wouldn't give him such time.Before graduating from high school, he estimated that he would sell her in order to recoup the 'investment' made by the Sigong family in her.

There is not much time left for her.

Just as Shinomiya Kaguya was thinking, her gaze happened to pass over the computer behind Yuanjing, and she was slightly taken aback at the charts and red, green, and green images on the screen.

As a member of the Shinomiya family, she naturally knows something about this thing.

This is, stock?


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Chapter 73 Kaguya: Please treat me as a useful tool (5k)

"What are you looking at, don't worry too much about this." Just when Shinomiya Kaguya was looking at the computer screen behind Yuanjing, and was slightly distracted by the data on it, a sudden sound came from her forehead. Remembering the right impact, knocked her out of the thoughtful state.

"Yeah." Shinomiya Kaguya let out a soft cry, covering her forehead with her hand.

She looked down at her feet, and found a ball of paper that was tangle up was bouncing mischievously a few times beside her feet, which was obviously the culprit that woke her up from her contemplation.

And as for who was the person who flicked the ball of paper onto her forehead——

In this room, there is only one character who would do such a thing unceremoniously.

Shinomiya Kaguya raised his eyes and looked at the boy who was sitting leisurely on the chair.

Sure enough it was him!

Yuan Jing didn't even bother to pretend, his slender right hand protruded slightly, as if he just flicked something over.

"Student Sigong, if you put your hope in the stock market and think that you can get wealth from it with your own ingenuity, then I'd better advise you to go to bed earlier." Kaguya Sigong was thinking too much just now. It was too obvious, Yuan Jing could see her thoughts at a glance.

"The most indispensable thing in the stock market is people like you who think they are extremely smart, and it is often this group of people who end up on the stage," Yuan Jing shattered Shinomiya Kaguya's fantasy without hesitation.

"I don't want to negotiate with you standing on the roof one day later, trying to find an opportunity to pull you off the roof while arguing with you." There was no trace of emotion in his words, with a look of contempt Shinomiya Kaguya's future looks quite certain.

"That's too troublesome."

Shinomiya Kaguya was a little bit unconvinced by Yuanjing's so sure statement.

As far as she knew, before Yuanjing entered St. Eden Academy, he had not actually received guidance from an expert or studied in a scientific system. Instead, he only relied on online courses for self-study and his ingenuity. With the scholarship of St. Eden Academy as the principal, enough funds for his life can be obtained from the stock market.

If you can, why can't I?

This idea just skipped slightly in her mind, and then was suppressed by her rationality again.

Although Yuan Jing was merciless towards her, he was one of the few people around her who neither wanted to use her nor expected to get anything from her.

As long as the news that the blood of the Shinomiya family is not flowing in her body gets out, the flattering people around her will probably not only hide away, but also talk about her secretly behind her back.

But Shinomiya Kaguya can be sure that Yuan Jing's attitude towards her will not change a little because of this matter.

Although this young man's attitude towards her could never be called 'gentle', Shinomiya Kaguya recognized his character very much, and believed that Yuan Jing was definitely not the kind of person who intended to harm her.

As a member of the Sigong family, she is not unfamiliar with the risks in the stock market and the ruin of investors' families.

She is not so arrogant that she thinks that she is the one-in-a-kind stock speculator who will be omnipotent in the trading of stocks like a god, only getting in and out.

The reason why she was thinking like this before was purely because she wanted to earn the 200 billion yen so much that she had enough reason to separate herself from the Shinomiya family and the Shinomiya Huangguang who wanted to sell her as a bargaining chip. Just boundaries.

After this fantasy was mercilessly pierced by Yuan Jing, she also woke up very quickly.

Shaking his head and clearing the idea of ​​'earning 200 billion yen from the stock market' from his mind, Shinomiya Kaguya frowned in some trouble.

She now needs a stable and quick way to make money, so that she can make up the 200 billion yen as quickly as possible.

Such a doorway, if you think about it carefully——

In fact, there are quite a few.

It's a pity that these methods have long been written in Sakurajima's laws, and they are basically harmful activities.

Although she can't be called a good and law-abiding person, she still retains the most basic kindness and empathy as a human being, so she naturally disdains to do those things.

But in this case, all the roads in front of Shinomiya Kaguya seem to be blocked——

Because she is underage, the way to work is naturally blocked, and the Sigong family will definitely obstruct it in this regard. Even if they don't obstruct it, if they want to pay off the 200 billion "debt" by hard work, it is only in terms of time. It is impossible to speak, therefore, Pass;

Borrowing the power of the stock market, relying on your own ingenuity and superb skills to obtain 200 billion from it, the principal is a problem, and the risk is too high, and it is too unstable, so it is also Pass;

As for violating the law of Sakurajima, taking risks or getting 200 billion yen by stealing and cheating... Because there is a great possibility that she will complete the seamless transition from Shinomiya's house to the prison, so she must definitely pass it. .

In this case, isn't there no way out at all?

Even so, Shinomiya Kaguya still did not give up thinking.

She finally saw the dawn of getting rid of the shackles of the Sigong family, how could she just give up so simply?

It was also because of this that after walking out of Yuanjing's room, Shinomiya Kaguya no longer looked shrewd and capable in the past, but always looked a little dazed.

Fortunately, there was Ai Hayasaka, who knew everything inside, to take care of her carefully, so Shinomiya Kaguya did not make a series of incidents such as hitting the wall or glass, and falling into the pond of Shinomiya's villa.

"Miss, that's wasabi," Ai Hayasaka said with a bit of worry in her voice, "You put so much on the sushi all at once, can you really eat it?"

Shocked by these words, Shinomiya Kaguya recovered from the trance, and saw the green paste on the sushi in his hand that was like a hill and exuded a pungent smell.

For her in the past, if such a situation happened by accident, she would not hesitate to throw away the sushi 'spoiled' by wasabi in her hand, and then go to get another one to eat.

But today...

Shinomiya Kaguya put it in a small dish on the dining table, picked up the chopsticks and carefully scraped the thick wasabi from the sushi to the top, and then put the slightly processed sushi into his mouth.

Her eye circles immediately turned red.

This has nothing to do with emotion, it's simply because it's too hot.

Wasabi is actually a very penetrating condiment. This simple treatment cannot directly erase the influence of the 'green devil', and its taste has long since penetrated into the sushi.

But even so, Shinomiya Kaguya did not follow his first reaction and spit it out.

Although there was a slight pain on her face, she swallowed it after chewing for a while.

After slightly relieving the burning in his mouth with water, Shinomiya Kaguya exhaled lightly.

In the past ten years, the word "thrifty" has never been associated with her, and she has been enjoying the generous resources provided by the Sigong family with peace of mind.

But after learning the truth, she seemed to have grown a lot all of a sudden.

She began to straighten her mentality and make certain preparations for her future life.

She will definitely leave the Sigong family. For her who has a high probability of leaving the house, the waywardness and extravagance of the young lady are naturally luxuries that she should not have. She must start now and gradually get rid of these' Get rid of bad habits one by one.

...It is true to say so, but it is really spicy.

Shinomiya Kaguya picked up the remote control and turned on the TV, as if she wanted to use this to divert her attention.

According to the rules of the Shinomiya family, masters and servants are not allowed to eat and drink at the same table.She has not left the Shinomiya family yet, so she has to continue to abide by this rule.

Now there are three people who can be called "masters" in this Shinomiya villa, namely Yuan Jing, Minamoto Raimitsu and Shinomiya Kaguya.

Minamoto Raikou hated others being used as light bulbs to hinder her meal time with Yuan Jing, Shinomiya Kaguya naturally would not touch this mold.

So tonight, she ate in a separate restaurant as usual.There are actually many such rooms in the Shinomiya Villa.

There is only Hayasaka Ai beside her as a valet.

And when Shinomiya Kaguya turned on the TV, what caught his eyes was a 3D image with onion-colored long twin ponytails, and the extremely melodious song filled the entire restaurant at once.

Eh, I remember seeing this image in Yukino's book. I remember it was called Hatsune Miku?

And this song...

"This is the champion selected by the judging panel of St. Eden Academy from all entries, and it is also the sacrificial song of this St. Eden Academy Cultural Festival." Ai Hayasaka's tone was full of pride, a look of honor Yan look.

"The entire score and the sub-instrument part are from Master Minamoto, the piano as the main instrument is played by Ms. Touma, and the lyrics are written by Ms. Yukinoshita," she said with some familiarity, "I will hand over the singing to the electronic singer It was Master Yuan's idea, and the work of making it move was jointly completed by him and Miss Yukinoshita."

"As soon as this song came out, it created an extremely explosive sensation on the Internet. It climbed up the rankings at an extremely fast speed on the major music charts of Sakurajima. It is almost only a matter of time before reaching the top."

Oh, Shinomiya Kaguya remembered.As a member of the lamb department, she naturally knows about Touma Kazusa's upcoming release of her first solo album.

She also heard a little bit about its publicity strategy, but because she had little relationship with her, she didn't pay much attention to it.

However, judging from the current situation, the publicity plan is going very well.

That's great, if only my plan to leave the Shinomiya family can go so smoothly.

Shinomiya Kaguya thought with some envy.

"Hey, wait a minute," Shinomiya Kaguya suddenly had a flash of light in her mind, and she seemed to have an idea, but when she went back to think about it, the idea was mischievously hidden, which made her feel a little confused for a while. Stupid.

But Hayasaka Ai who was on the side didn't know what was going on in her heart. After seeing Shinomiya Kaguya lost in thought again, she thought that the young lady had started to worry about the 200 billion again.After hesitating for a while, Hayasaka Ai said with some embarrassment——

"Miss, in fact, with the work of more than ten years, I have roughly saved some savings, if you need..."

"How can I ask for your money." Kaguya Shinomiya subconsciously replied, "That's all the hard-earned money you deserve, how can I take it away. Besides, no matter how much you save, tens of millions of yen It's as good as heaven."

"How could the 200 billion yuan be available to high school students..."


No, no, no, no!

There are high school students who can afford this amount of money.

Shinomiya Kaguya's eyes suddenly lit up, and with the 'help' of Hayasaka Ai, she finally caught the idea of ​​playing hide-and-seek with her.

She stood up abruptly and walked towards the door of the restaurant at an extremely fast speed.

"Miss, your dinner..." Ai Hayasaka said to Shinomiya Kaguya's back, who was a little confused.

"I'm stuffed!"

When these words reached Ai Hayasaka's ears, Kaguya Shinomiya had long since disappeared from the restaurant.

Looking at the barely touched food on the table, Ai Hayasaka fell into deep thought.

Is it too early to start exercising the ability to endure hunger now?

Will Kaguya really be that miserable in the future?


After taking a few deep breaths to calm down his beating heart, Shinomiya Kaguya stretched out his hand and gently knocked on the door in front of him.

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