This is the second time she has stood in front of this door today.

But unlike the previous time, she was not called here by Hayasaka Ai, but she came here on her own initiative.

Accompanied by an inaudible 'squeak', the door in front of Shinomiya Kaguya slowly opened, and at the same time, a puff of damp water vapor rushed towards Shinomiya Kaguya as the door opened slightly. .

She opened her mouth, but no words came out.

It’s no wonder that when she asked the maid if Yuanjing was convenient at this time, her expression would be a little weird, and she would say “We all support you!” What else is “Now is the best time, and I won’t be able to see it if it’s later.” .”

At that time, she still had some doubts about what the 'can't see' in their mouths was...

Why didn't anyone tell me that this is the time when he just came out of the bath?

It seems that because of the reason why he just took a bath, Yuanjing's face flushed slightly, and because of the heat, he deliberately opened the large bathrobe on his body, and Shinomiya Kaguya could even see a few mischievous drops. The drops of water rolled from the boy's skin, passed across his chest, and flowed into the deep darkness...

Calm down, Kaguya, you must be calm.

Think about your ambitions and goals today, and don't be dazzled by beauty!

"I have something to tell you," Shinomiya Kaguya said to Yuanjing as calmly as possible, suppressing the complicated thoughts in his heart, "Can I go in?"

Yuan Jing blinked, and then gently turned his body away.


"Do you want me to hire you as my assistant?" Yuan Jing said with great interest.

"That's right." Kaguya Shinomiya nodded, "I know that Yuan-san wants to live a leisurely and solitary life. But unfortunately, this is becoming more and more difficult for you to achieve."

"In the allusions of the Hua Kingdom, there is a story about Mao Sui. His lord Ping Yuanjun once said a passage, that is, the behavior of a capable person is like putting an awl in a bag, and the tip of the awl will immediately pierce the bag and come out. "

"And once the edge is exposed, it will be quite difficult to live your previous life again."

In fact, there were certain signs of this long before, and it will be even more so after the cultural festival.

The phoenix among the chickens, no matter whether it has such a meaning or not, its extraordinary features will attract everyone's attention to it, which is inevitable.

Yuan Jing naturally understood this.

Especially after "Ascension" was published and achieved great success, he knew that not only in St. Eden Academy, but even people in society would start to focus on him who contributed the most to him. .

But he did it anyway.

Being alone is his hobby, but it should not be a shackle for him to look forward and backward.If you don't dare to do anything because you are afraid of being famous, that is putting the cart before the horse, and Yuanjing will not do anything.

"Then, you need someone like me to act as a buffer zone between you and others, to help you separate this group of people from you, so that you can continue to live the kind of leisurely, comfortable, carefree life you want. A life disturbed by people."

Regarding these words, Shinomiya Kaguya had already typed out the draft several times in his heart, so it was natural to say it very fluently.

"Not only that, you can actually entrust me with the work of dealing with other people that you don't like." She continued, "Take "Denglin" as an example, the author of this song is you, and you entrust it to me." Touma's house, let it be the title song of that Touma Kazusa-san's first album."

"But, did you and Yoko Touma really sign a formal agreement on this song?"

"I know that Ms. Touma Yoko is a very good person. In the future, she will not miss you at all for the benefits that should be given to you. However, you will definitely not only have the work "Denglin" in the future, nor will you There is only Ms. Touma Yoko as a collaborator."

"With your temperament, you should be quite impatient with this kind of haggling and intrigue at the negotiating table, so it's just right, you can leave this kind of thing to me." Shinomiya Kaguya raised her head confidently.

"I am from the Sigong family, and I am the best at this kind of work. If I make you suffer in this respect, you can deduct the loss from my salary."

"If you are not satisfied with my work, you can replace me at any time." She stroked her chest and said, "Of course, this is just an example. Besides, all the things you don't like to do and are inconvenient to do You can leave everything to me.”

"Just treat me as a convenient and easy-to-use tool."

"Oh?" Sitting on the chair, Yuan Jing looked at Shinomiya Kaguya with an inexplicable expression on his face, and asked suddenly, "I really need such a person to help me, but have you ever thought about it? Do you already have a suitable candidate around you?"

"For example, I think Hayasaka Ai is actually quite suitable for such a thing."

"This is about to mention one of my 'advantages' that she absolutely doesn't have." Apparently having expected Yuan Jing's reaction like this, Shinomiya Kaguya looked at Yuan Jing, and there was a sparkle in those scarlet eyes of brilliance.


"Unlike her, I have no desire for you."

On the last word, she emphasized her tone and said so.

Chapter 74 Kaguya: I have written it (4K)

No matter what it is, once emotions are involved, it will become quite complicated, which is caused by the complexity of emotions themselves.

In science fiction, such plots often appear, that is, with the development of technology, robots that were originally created as tools have emotions similar to humans.

After taking over most of the positions in human society and becoming an indispensable part of society, the robots became disobedient because of their emotions, and thus began to enslave human beings in turn...

Such a plot can be said to have become a classic plot in various science fiction novels.

What Yuanjing is facing now is actually a problem similar to the human beings in these science fiction novels.

First of all, it must be made clear that Yuanjing and Shinomiya Kaguya's current situation is actually very similar. It can even be said that Yuanjing's situation is a little more difficult.

The current Shinomiya Kaguya is at the stage where he will be sold as a bargaining chip by his elder brother Sigong Huangguang at any time, so he is eager to leave this impersonal family.

And the source scene is actually the same.Although Kaguya Shinomiya did not reach an imminent situation like Kaguya Shinomiya, Yuan Jing actually had an irreconcilable conflict with the Minamoto family, and the current concentrated expression of this conflict lies in Minamoto Raimitsu.

The Yuan family and Minamoto Raimitsu have been kind to Yuan Jing in nurturing him, and have devoted a lot of affection to him. Regarding this, Yuan Jing is naturally grateful, but this does not mean that he has to say goodbye to all the instructions of the Yuan family. 'yes'.

Minamoto Raiko is a 'mother' with a strong desire for control and exclusiveness. She is poisoned by the traditional thinking of the Minamoto family. She will not hesitate to intervene in Yuanjing's life and make various 'decisions' for him without authorization.

For Yuan Jing, who naturally loves freedom and an unrestrained life, this unreasonable "dominance" is undoubtedly unbearable for him.

As a person who is in a certain sense of sympathy, Shinomiya Kaguya naturally sees this very clearly.

Just as he wanted to break away from the control of the Shinomiya family, Yuan Jing was undoubtedly thinking of ways to break away from the control of the Yuan family, especially Minamoto Raimitsu.

This is much more difficult than myself.

I am just a dispensable concubine daughter of the Sigong family who only has a sense of existence in marriage, and there is a high probability that she is not from the blood of the Sigong family.

Although Yuan Jing does not have the blood of the Yuan family, his name has been recorded in the family tree of the Yuan family, and he was even appointed as the next head of the family, which is highly anticipated and valued by the clan.

Just thinking about how difficult it is for two people to break away from the control of the family, you will know that they are definitely not on the same level.

In this world where there is no supernatural power, if one cannot surpass human beings, one's power has its limit after all.

If you want to get rid of the control of Minamoto Larimitsu, there is no doubt that Yuanjing needs to cultivate his own strength, so that he can break the wrist with the Minamoto family.

Then, the next question comes, if you want to cultivate your own strength and establish your own influence, are there any available people around Yuanjing?

The answer is yes or no.

The reason why I say yes is because although it has only been more than two months, some extremely outstanding girls have already gathered around Yuanjing.

Fujiwara Chika, Yukinoshita Yukino, Hayasaka Ai...they are all excellent partners who can help Yuanjing establish his own power.Even Touma Kazusa, who is the weakest in this aspect, can rely on the influence of his mother Touma Yoko to make Yuanjing a new star in the music industry.

The power of the Yuan family on Sakurajima can be said to be intertwined and deeply rooted.

But outside of Sakurajima, it was beyond reach.

Minamoto Raimitsu arbitrarily rejected Touma Yoko's proposal to let Genjing go to Europa to participate in the International Chopin Piano Competition, out of such considerations.

And the reason for saying 'no' is naturally because the goals of these girls are too impure.

In short, because Yuan Jing's charm is too great, one of these girls counts as one, and basically they all want to 'do' him.

As a cold-eyed bystander, Shinomiya Kaguya naturally saw it very clearly.

Even Yukinoshita Yukino, who is the coldest, most 'vegetarian', and arguably the thinnest, has the idea of ​​eating up Yuanjing, not to mention Ai Hayasaka, who is the most active about it.

If one day, Kaguya got the news that her former personal maid couldn't resist giving Yuanjing to XX, she probably wouldn't have any surprises.

Oh, it seems that Hayasaka Ai can't beat Yuanjing; as for the idea of ​​designing Yuanjing to let him be recruited, it seems a bit unrealistic.

That's okay, this crumb maid can't succeed.

Yuan Jing is probably also very speechless.Naturally, he does not lack the ability to earn money and power, but these people around him basically dismiss this, they just want to greedy his body...

Of course, if he wanted to, he could actually use the girls' feelings for him in reverse.As long as he nods a little, then they should be extremely happy to contribute their strength to him.

But, leaving aside such an approach, it is completely different from Yuanjing's character.Even if he adopted such an approach, the consequences would be endless.

Because of the presence of Minamoto Larimitsu, the foreign enemy, the girls can work together () to defeat him, thus saving Minamoto from her clutches.

But after that?

Just like what I said before, emotion is the most complicated thing in the world.Even machines, with emotions, will behave beyond the expectations of their creators, let alone humans.

Love is, after all, synonymous with selfishness.

After losing the external oppression, the chances of the girls, who were originally friendly to each other, fighting openly and secretly with each other in order to monopolize Yuanjing are extremely high.

The so-called debt of favor is the most difficult to repay.

At that time, Yuanjing, even if he had an extremely important and dominant position in the relationship with the girls, would probably be irritated by this undercurrent.

It can be said that just out of the tiger's mouth, he has entered the wolf's den again.

So, is there a person who has the ability to help Yuanjing, but is not interested in his feelings and body, and can establish an extremely clean and pure money relationship with him?

Does such a person really exist?

The answer is of course yes.

There is no doubt that that person is only me!

The above is the entire thinking circuit of Kaguya Shinomiya.

As if introducing his strengths to the interviewer, so that he can get the dream job, Shinomiya Kaguya explained in Yuanjing's bedroom.

It can't be said that it is like.

Because Shinomiya Kaguya originally regarded this conversation as the most important 'interview' in his life.

Only by passing this 'interview' can Kaguya Shinomiya gain the capital to leave the Shinomiya family and truly control her own life.

While explaining her reasons, she has also been observing Yuanjing, as if she wants to read his actual inner thoughts from his expression, so that she can make a series of adjustments to her rhetoric.

In the elite education she received, there was already relevant content, and she had also received relevant training, and she was extremely confident in her ability in this area.

But she couldn't get any feedback from Yuanjing's expression.

Whether it was when she was talking about the predicament Yuan Jing was currently facing, or when she was explaining her unique advantages compared with other women around Yuan Jing, Yuan Jing's expression remained unchanged.

He neither shook his head in denial nor nodded in agreement, but just looked at her with interest, with a faint smile on his face.

This made Shinomiya Kaguya, who had considered this remark for a long time and was full of confidence, feel a little uneasy.

However, Yuanjing was originally the only opportunity she could seize at present, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that it was her life-saving straw.

Even if she had to bite the bullet, she would go for it!

After straightening out the whole logic for Yuanjing, Shinomiya Kaguya closed his mouth, involuntarily heaving a sigh of relief in his heart.

At this moment, she went back and savored her previous remarks carefully, wanting to check if there were any unclear points or loopholes. If there were any, she still had a chance to make up for it.

Fortunately, although she was a little nervous because of its important meaning to her, Shinomiya Kaguya's psychological quality was excellent, and the so much money that the Shinomiya family spent on her was not in vain.

Her thoughts and the meaning she wants to express are very clearly shown to Yuan Jing, and she has reached the best level she can do.

Then came the most worrying waiting time.

Fortunately, Yuan Jing didn't make her wait too long. After she finished speaking, the other party only thought for a moment, and then immediately made his own response——

He stood up, and then came to her at an extremely fast speed.

Originally, Shinomiya Kaguya and Yuan Jing were both sitting on the sofa in Yuan Jing's bedroom, with a coffee table between them.

But for the current Yuanjing, such a small distance is actually not much different from non-existence.

It didn't even take a blink of an eye, Yuan Jing came in front of Shinomiya Kaguya.

This distance is even much closer than when Shinomiya Kaguya entered the door before.

It was so close that in addition to the slight water vapor, she also smelled a little fresh and elegant fragrance from Yuan Jing's body.

Shinomiya Kaguya has never used men's shower gel, so it is not clear whether this is the smell produced by the shower gel, or...

Anyway, it's all right!

Shinomiya Kaguya didn't make any flinching movements. Although her heartbeat was a little disordered and the temperature on her face was gradually rising, she still stared straight at Yuan Jing's eyes that were so deep that they seemed to be sucking people in. His deep eyes showed his firm will.

She said in her heart: 'Don't panic, Shinomiya Kaguya, don't panic.This is just a very normal physiological phenomenon. '

'It's just like a man's face flushes and his heart beats faster when he sees a beautiful woman approaching, this is just a very normal physiological phenomenon! '

'As the so-called lustful sex is, relax, you are just pure lust, and you definitely don't have any unreasonable thoughts about the other party! '

Shinomiya Kaguya's words have a very crucial foothold, and that is——

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