She doesn't have the same admiration for Yuan Jing as other girls, and the relationship between the two is extremely pure employment and employment.

No, to be precise, it should be said that it is the relationship between the borrower and the creditor.

This is the basis of the establishment of this negotiation.

This is exactly what Yuanjing's actions are going to prove.

If Shinomiya Kaguya shrinks back, shakes or feels guilty because of this, then this negotiation can be said to be her complete defeat.

This is an unacceptable result for her.

That's right, but...

"Kaguya," because it was related to his plan to leave the Yuan family, Yuan Jing originally had a mentality of testing, so he used an extremely affectionate title when he came up.

Calling each other by their first name without using their surname has a very special meaning in Sakurajima, and often only the closest relationship will call each other this way.

"You really, don't you have any unreasonable thoughts about me?" In the young man's words, there were one point of grievance, two points of disappointment, three points of doubt and four points of hope.

It seems that because the other party is very close, accompanied by some warm breath, the words came into Shinomiya Kaguya's ears, and after successfully paralyzing her thinking, they smashed into her heart. .

For Yuan Jing, who has excellent hardware conditions and has mastered foul skills like 'Hudang', as long as he really wants to, almost no women can lie in front of him.

"...Yes." Shinomiya Kaguya replied after being slightly confused for a few seconds.

Her tone was quite firm. From Yuan Jing's point of view, the other party's answer was undoubtedly true.

After Yuan Jing's figure left Shinomiya Kaguya, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Very good, at least she passed this test.

"However, although you are not interested in me now, it doesn't mean that you won't be in the future." Yuan Jing's voice returned to the faint tone before, "Although it seems to you that you have too much self-awareness, how do you guarantee that? Will the pure money relationship between us not deteriorate?"

"I can make written evidence." Shinomiya Kaguya obviously thought of this a long time ago, "In fact, I have already drawn up the document and signed it."

"Such a privately signed document has no legal effect." Yuanjing reminded.

"There is no need for legal benefits." Shinomiya Kaguya shook her head and said, "This is just a trick. If I don't fall in love with you, then naturally everything will be fine."

"And if my feelings for you deteriorate, this letter will allow me to withdraw from your competition. If I am tempted, this is the cruelest punishment."

Yuan Jing was silent for a while, as if he was thinking about something——

"Okay, please go back and wait for my news."


This rhetoric?

"Don't get me wrong," Yuan Jing shook his finger and stopped the anxious Shinomiya Kaguya, "Since you have shown your sincerity, then naturally I have to reciprocate accordingly."

"If you want to break away from Sigong's family, it's not enough just to throw the check on Huang Guang's face in Sigong. Leave it to me. It's just an apology for the offense just now, and a little advance payment. .”

"Anyway, it's a matter of cuddling grass and beating rabbits, and taking care of it."


Gently closing the door of the room, Shinomiya Kaguya let out a long sigh of relief.

She put her left hand in front of her, with a few traces of pain looming on her face.

Then, she pressed the thumb of her left hand with her right hand, and with a slight bone rubbing sound, she exhaled a foul breath.

In order to stay awake, she actually dislocated her left thumb long before knocking on the door.

Fortunately, this hard work was not in vain.

Chapter 75 Don't panic, this is just a technical adjustment (4k)

Sigong Huangguang is actually in a pretty good mood recently.

The direct source of this happy mood is that he was finally able to take over the power of the Sigong family.

On the Internet, there is such a saying that is widely circulated, that is——

"How can there be a 70-year-old prince in the world?"

This is actually used by sand sculpture netizens to ridicule the first heir to England.

Because the current ruling queen of England is too strong, the prince born in 1948 has been the crown prince for more than 70 years, and there is still no hope of inheriting the throne.

Because this incident is full of legends and has a sense of black humor, it has been widely spread on the Internet, and it has even become a kind of meme culture.

However, Sigong Huang Guang actually felt the same for the crown prince, no, it should be said that he felt the same for each other.

Just as the prince had been under the queen's shadow, Sigong Huangguang had actually been living in the shadow of his father, Sigong Yan'an.

There is no way, for other people, the deeds of Shinomiya Yan'an are too dazzling.

Before Shinomiya Yanan, the Shinomiya family was just a relatively inconspicuous branch of the Chinese family rooted in Tokyo.

It was under the leadership of Shinomiya Yanan that within a few decades, the Shinomiya family completed a miraculous leap, successfully becoming one of the four major families in Sakurajima, and becoming a family that can turn over in the heart of Sakurajima, Tokyo. The existence of hands being clouds and hands being rain.

With this father known as the "Showa Monster" in front of him, Sigong Huangguang, the eldest son and first heir, will naturally be under great pressure.

Everyone is expecting him to become the second Shinomiya Yanan, so that the glory of the Shinomiya family can continue.

But is the yellow light of the four palaces OK?

On this point, his father Shinomiya Yanan is actually the one who has the most say.

Apart from his own wise decision-making, the reason why he was able to lead the Sigong family to rise is that he has a pair of eyes that can see others clearly and discover talents.

Just like everyone else, at the beginning, Shinomiya Yan'an actually had high hopes for his eldest son.

He hopes that Sigong Huangguang can inherit his will and let the Sigong family continue to be brilliant, but as time goes by, he becomes more and more disappointed with Sigong Huangguang.

Not to mention being the founder of an empire like himself, according to his observations and tests, Sigong Huang Guang couldn't even be a simple conservative lord.

This is not because of his sinister nature.

Sigong Yan'an doesn't dislike the nature of his eldest son, and can even be said to appreciate it.

For those in high positions, insidious and vicious has never been a derogatory term.

But there is a prerequisite for this, that is, in addition to this, you must have the ability.

Wise decision-making, good use of people, extensive knowledge and strong knowledge, perseverance and determination......

Not to mention having all these abilities, at least one or two should be acquired, right?

It's a pity that the yellow light of the four palaces is not available.

He's just mediocre, and if you add that sinister and vicious character...

Sigong Huangguang is just an ordinary despicable villain.If the other party is not his eldest son, Shinomiya Yan'an probably wouldn't even bother to look at him.

Do you want him to take over your mantle and let him take the helm of the Sigong Group?

Can he do it?

He can't do it, doesn't he have the ability?

After being disappointed with Sigong Huangguang, Sigong Yan'an opened another trumpet, which is the second and fourth palace Qinglong.

This one is even more heavyweight, no, it should be said that it is the weight [send].

Although Sigong Huangguang lacks ability, at least he has the most basic sense of professionalism and responsibility.

Others are a bit disheveled, but he is addicted to it.

Sigong Qinglong is a typical playboy who lies under the blessing of his family and has no ambitions. His biggest advantage is that he was lucky to have a good pregnancy.

I'm not playing with women every day, or I'm on the way to play with women.The empty head was filled with white and cloudy liquid and yellow waste.

In his heart, Sigong Huangguang can at least get a "myself" evaluation, and Sigong Qinglong is pure waste.

As for the third son and fourth palace Yunying...

Although it is still far from the standard in Sigong Yan'an's heart, at least it has surpassed Sigong Huangguang in terms of ability.

However, unlike Sigong Huangguang and Sigong Qinglong, who have a single mother, Sigong Yunying was born to his second wife.

And when he married his second wife, Shinomiya Yan'an did not actually divorce his first wife.

This can be said to be a daily operation for the upper-class people on Sakurajima.

It seems that because of this reason, Sigong Yunying has an extremely strong aura.

Sigong Yan'an is vividly called "resentful woman".

For this third son who is too petty, Sigong Yan'an is naturally very disappointed.

The three trumpets in a row were unsatisfactory, and even a character like Sigong Yan'an was a little disheartened.

He even had some doubts about the meaning of his years of hard work and stepping on the bones of many losers to reach the highest point.

The Sigong Group has no successors.A hundred years later, the huge foundation I created will probably be completely destroyed by this group of prodigals, and will be torn to pieces by those guys who eat people but don't spit out their bones, right?

That being the case, let's get started!

As a result, Shinomiya Yan'an, who is nearly 70 years old, began to hang out in nightclubs.Originally extremely self-controlled, he gradually indulged himself.

He has been exhausted for most of his life, and how many brilliant achievements have he made that no one can imagine, so he can't enjoy it?

Come here, bring the best beauties, and the best food and drinks!

It was also at this time that Shinomiya Yan'an met Shinomiya Kaguya's mother, Shinomiya Mingyezhu, oh, it should be called Qingshui Mingyezhu at that time.

Regarding the fact that his father has always looked down on him, Sigong Huang Guang actually knows it quite clearly in his heart.

Because Sigong Yan'an never thought of covering up.

If the Sigong Group is compared to a country, Sigong Yan'an is the absolute monarch of this country, and he has no need to hide it at all.

It is also because of this that Sigong Huang Guang is full of resentment towards his father who he admired very much when he was a child.

The monarch's meaning will be passed on to his subordinates, because of the attitude of Sigong Yan'an, although the senior management of the entire Sigong Group maintains superficial respect for him, they actually don't think highly of him behind the scenes.

Especially his father's personal secretary, that bastard named Hayasaka Masato!How dare he contradict himself in public, relying on his father's trust to not give himself, the future head of the family, any face!

I can't fix you, can't I fix your daughter?

This is also the direct reason why Ai Hayasaka's identity as a spy was leaked out on purpose.

This matter was of no benefit to Sigong Huangguang at all, and instead exposed a nail that he planted next to Sigong Huiye, which can be said to be a very stupid thing.

But Sigong Huangguang still did it.He knew that Masato Hayasaka's Ai Hayasaka cared a lot about Kaguya Shinomiya, so he deliberately did this to torture the little girl and vent his anger on himself.

Anyway, there are as many nails as you need, and this one is not bad.

This man's small capacity can be seen from this.

The Yellow Light of the Four Palaces is at the time when the spring breeze is proud.The old guy is not in good health, and most importantly, his nervous system has also been affected to a certain extent.

Perhaps because of years of excessive damage to the brain, Shinomiya Yan'an has a certain tendency to Alzheimer's disease, and his memory begins to lose, and there are even several situations where he suddenly doesn't know what he is doing now.

To put it simply, there is some dementia.

With the precursors of dementia and his deteriorating health, Shinomiya Yan'an had to delegate the tight power to his eldest son and draw up his own will.

Although Sigong Yanan has a certain recuperation period every year, it is different from the previous situations that were controlled by remote control!

He really took over the power from his father, and the entire Sigong family no longer followed Sigong Yan'an's will, but gathered under his Sigong Huangguang's will.

The fragrance of power intoxicated him.After being shrouded in the shadow of his father for nearly 50 years, Sigong Huangguang finally sees the sun and the blue sky!

The good news doesn't stop there.

When he was in power, the source family who had been entrenched in Osaka, Kansai, and Tokyo, Kanto, suddenly changed.

Moreover, as a Chinese among the Chinese, the source family turned out to be the patriarch who came alone this time, so they needed to find a partner in Tokyo.

Although the Sigong Group is currently in full swing, but after all, the rise time is still short, and the hat of an 'upstart' cannot be removed.

But if he has a relationship with the Yuan family, or even completes a marriage with him.On the one hand, it can get the support of its abundant funds, and on the other hand, it can get rid of that indecent name.

This is the Yuan family's acknowledgment!

Don't underestimate this false name.Because of the remnants of feudalism, the upper echelons of Sakurajima actually paid a lot of attention to this thing.

As long as there is the recognition of the Yuan family, the expansion of the influence of the Shinomiya family in the political and business circles will be very smooth.

More importantly, this is something that Sigong Yan'an has not done, but I, Sigong Huangguang, have done it!

This kind of behavior of slapping his father's face so hard undoubtedly made him feel as refreshed as if he had eaten a big mouthful of iced watermelon in summer.

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