At this moment, he was sitting in his father's seat in the office originally belonging to his father, listening to his subordinates' report on what happened in the Shingong villa last night.

The morning sun shone through the glass on his well-cared-for shiny bald head, and even slightly refracted a little bit of colorful halo.

"Hui Ye entered that Yuanjing's room last night, or when he just finished taking a shower?" Sigong Huang Guang said with some surprise.

"That's right, although it didn't take too long, when the eldest lady came out, she put her hands on her chest, and her face was flushed, acting very unnaturally." The subordinates in the office reported so.

"Something must have happened between Eldest Miss and Young Master Yuan!"

"Oh, it's time for Hui Ye to become a young girl," Si Gong Huang Guang said with some emotion.He leaned back and leaned against the back of the chair very comfortably.

He was very satisfied with this chair that belonged to his father, once he sat on it, he didn't want to get off.

"However, considering that Yuanjing's appearance, this is also a very natural thing."

"It's nothing if you have a good face." The male subordinate in the office sneered a little, "I was praised so much, but it turned out to be just a big idiot. After being used a few tricks, I almost used up all the funds in my hand." Lost in."

"Hey, he's a young man after all, and he should suffer less from his knowledge. How can you say he's an idiot?" Si Gong Huang Guang's words didn't mean to blame at all, but they were full of gloat.

What the two of them were talking about was, of course, that Yuanjing broke into the stock market like a stupefied youth after holding two trillion yuan.

For such a large sum of money, Sigong Huang Guang naturally would not fail to pay attention.

However, the current him basically only regards this matter as fun.Imagining how the other party's face turned green when he saw the stock market data, he felt secretly refreshed in his heart.

There is no doubt that he is jealous of Yuan Jing.

So naturally he was quite happy to see him deflated.

"You said, after such a heavy blow, it's a very normal thing to drink away your sorrow?" Sigong Huang Guang said thoughtfully.

"Hui Ye was very worried when he learned about this, and when he went to persuade him not to drink anymore, he was drunk and took advantage of the alcohol to do some irrational behavior... Such a script, how do you feel?"

"Gao, Commander-in-Chief, it's really a clever plan. In this way, a fake 'fait accompli' can be made to give that Ms. Yuan a job..." Before the subordinates could finish their flattery, they discovered that the four Gong Huangguang was looking at himself with strange eyes.

"Since the real thing can be done, why make a fake?" He said with deep meaning.

"Ah, but Ms. Yuan..."

"Stupid, if Yuan Jing really made Kaguya's belly bigger, can Minamoto Raimitsu kill her? Even if she wanted to, Yuan Jing wouldn't let her do it." Shinomiya Huangguang sneered .

"It's Yuanjing's fault, but we can't blame us. In the end, Minamoto Raimitsu will still throw Kaguya to us out of sight and out of mind. With Kaguya and this child, we can handle it The next Gen Family Patriarch..."

At this time, a slight sound of printing came over, making Si Gong Huang Guang stop talking.

This is the program set on his father's computer. After the stock market opens, every once in a while, it will print evidence such as the increase and decrease of Sigong Group's stocks compared with the opening price, for his reference.

The subordinate took it out of the printer and handed it to Sigong Huangguang with great respect.

The latter looked at the data on it and frowned slightly.

As a behemoth of Sakurajima, Shinomiya Group naturally does not have only one stock.However, compared with the opening of the market, all the stocks under the Sigong Group have fallen to varying degrees.

However, the decline is not large, basically no more than 1%.

This is still within the normal range.

Don't panic, this is just a technical adjustment.

Saying this in his heart, Sigong Huang Guang casually threw it on the table in front of him.

For some reason, he suddenly felt a little panicked, as if something extremely bad was about to happen.


At this moment, in the other residence of the Four Palaces.

Yuan Jing looked at the computer screen in front of him, with a playful look on his face.

On the system panel that only he can see, the skill of [Securities Trading] is shining slightly, and the number beside it is Lv.3.

Even a majestic avalanche was just a very slight ripple at the beginning.

In other words, Sakurajima's stock market does not have a limit-down concept, which is really a great thing for Yuanjing.

Chapter 76 Why are you wearing Hayasaka Ai's clothes? (4K)

In contemporary society, stocks have undoubtedly been 'developed' for various functions.But if we go back to the source, the most essential function of stocks is actually only one, and that is——

Fund raising.

Stocks appeared in Europa more than 400 years ago. At that time, the Netherlands had just become independent from the rule of Spain. Facing a country that was in ruins, the leaders hoped to take advantage of their geographical advantages and take shipping and maritime trade as their pillar industries.

But at that time, the Dutch shipping industry had been developed for many years, and the fleet was mostly small. Similar to today's Chinese manufacturing industry, they were caught in the low-price competition with their domestic counterparts.

How to get rid of this unfavorable situation?

Some people suggested that there should be a special company responsible for the deployment of various fleets, organize more ocean transportation, and win more transportation orders from other countries, so that they will not only focus on the small domestic market and fight for blood.

Simply put, it is resource integration.

However, the Dutch government does not have such huge funds to establish such a company with a voice, nor does any of the major companies in the country have enough funds.

Then, their only solution is to raise funds from the public.

Before that, the company didn't have many shareholders, and the fund-raising meeting would solve the problem.Now, how to expand the number of shareholders to tens of thousands to 10?

So they thought of a way: Divide the company's shares into very small ones and distribute them in the form of par, so that ordinary people have the ability to buy more or less. People can get dividends.

This is the prototype of the stock, and the earliest joint-stock company in the world was born.

Once the stock was launched, it was very popular, and the Netherlands also successfully established this company for ocean transportation in Amsterdam.Later, this company achieved considerable success, which became the famous "East India Company".

That's right, although when it comes to the East India Company, everyone's impression is often the empire on which the sun never sets, but in fact, the earliest East India Company was actually established by the Netherlands.

At that time, some people needed to exchange stocks for money because of urgent matters, so stock trading behavior appeared.Gradually, everyone got used to agreeing to trade somewhere, and the increase in the frequency of transactions gave birth to the broker system. Later, with the participation of the government, a stock trading market, also known as the "stock market", was formed.

The above is the origin of stocks and the stock market.It looks like this, the company has raised funds, and shareholders can get dividends, and if they need money urgently, they can also exchange their stocks for cash.

Everyone got what they wanted.From this point of view, isn’t the birth of stocks and the stock market a great thing?

But the actual situation is not like this.

As a great man said, capital comes into the world dripping blood and filth from every pore from head to toe.

As one of the concentrated manifestations of capital, the stock market and stocks will naturally not be as beautiful as mentioned above.

This has already shown such signs when it was still a baby in its infancy.

You must know that in addition to regular businesses such as ocean transportation, trade, and mining, the East India Company also engaged in piracy, smuggling, and other less 'serious' industries.

This is the pillar industry of a country, as long as there is profit, it will be done.

How could they be willing to distribute the money earned through such hard work to the common people?

The East India Company has its own set of small calculations for stock dividends. It spreads unfavorable news such as ships being robbed and damaged goods to the public, which scares shareholders into fearing that the stock price will drop and the stock will depreciate, which will trigger a sell-off. Further decrease.

After the company bought stocks at a low price, it announced the discovery of gold mines and other news, so that the public rushed to buy them at high prices and so on, making profit margins back and forth.

Manipulating stock prices through poor information and insider trading, so as to extract money from stockholders... Such tricks existed when the stock market and stocks first appeared, and now, more than 400 years later, this is still the case. These listed companies use the stock market as an important means of extracting money from shareholders.

In modern society, it is generally called 'misleading the market'.

However, compared with the simple and crude method back then, with the development of more than 400 years, this method has been refurbished layer by layer, and the camouflage on the body has been changed layer by layer.However, no matter how the skin is changed, the core remains unchanged.

However, for this method to be successful, it must be mastered to a certain degree.

To put it simply, it is to let the stock price fall, but not let it fall too much. It must be within the control of the company, and there must be a way to make the stock price rise again.

Otherwise, this is simply depreciating the value of the stock in hand.For capitalists, this is undoubtedly intolerable.


The trading hours of Sakurajima stock market are Monday to Friday from 9:11 am to 12:15 am and from [-]:[-] pm to [-]:[-] pm.

In the morning, although the stocks under the Sigong Group showed a slight decline, they were still within the normal fluctuation range of the stock market.

It is during the annual recuperation period of Sigong Yanan, and it is very normal for stockholders to have a little distrust of Sigong Group because of this. There will be such a slight decline almost every year. Logically speaking, it should not be a big surprise.

But today's Sigong Huangguang is a little restless, with a premonition of impending disaster.

In the past, after lunch, he was always used to sipping tea and listening to music.

If it was when he was young, he would have recruited a few popular idol stars to have fun.But now that he is middle-aged, he is already quite powerless, so his interests are somewhat out of the low-level interests and become more refined.

But today, he canceled all the entertainment activities, and sat in front of the computer as soon as the stock market opened.



After just looking at it for a while, Sigong Huang Guang became furious and couldn't help but utter vulgar words.

If it is said that there was only a slight decline within an acceptable range in the morning, then after the market opened in the afternoon, all the stocks under the Sigong Group began to fall rapidly at a somewhat jaw-dropping speed.

Although Sigong Huangguang is not very proficient in stocks, he can still tell what red and green represent.

The Sigong Group has no plans to mislead the market and manipulate the stock price recently. Such a rapid decline is too abnormal!

What the hell is going on?

Sigong Huang Guang's face was gloomy, looking at the numbers that were still falling, he rang the bell in the office to attract a secretary.

A moment later, the panting secretary pushed the door open, and saw Si Gong Huang Guang's gloomy and distorted face head-on.

Seeing his arrival, Sigong Huang Guang snorted coldly, and threw the printed document with data at his feet——

"Explain, what is going on here?"

The secretary bowed down, picked up the documents that had been scattered all over the floor, and after flipping through a few pages, he showed a bitter smile of "this is indeed the case".

He hugged these documents to his chest, looking at the yellow light of the four palaces that seemed to explode in the next moment, he said cautiously: "Actually, as early as this morning, some bad information was fermented among the stockholders. "

With the development of network technology and people's desire for information exchange, large and small forums naturally emerged as the times require.

As for stocks, where information is almost equivalent to money, it is naturally also a fertile ground for the growth and germination of various related forums.

And just this morning, on the large and small stock forums, there began to be unfavorable remarks about the Sigong Group.

Things like tax evasion, government-business collusion, murder and intimidation of competitors.

"Isn't this normal?" It's a very common trick to splash dirty water on each other on the Internet, Sigong Huang Guang frowned, "Just relying on such unfounded things?"

Has the Sigong Group ever done such a thing?Sure did, but so what?Will that do anything to the greatness of the Four Houses group?How could such a behemoth be able to trip up with just a few scandals?

"It's not a baseless rumor." The secretary said in a low voice. "Behind every statement, there is definite and detailed evidence, and according to my verification, it is basically true."

"Of course, if that's all it is, the stockholders will be afraid that the government will approach the Sigong Group because of this, but they will not lose confidence in the Sigong Group because of this."

"Really important news, actually..." The secretary hesitated for a moment, but seeing Sigong Huangguang's increasingly gloomy face, he still gritted his teeth and said, "It's your father, the commander-in-chief of Sigong Yanan medical record photos."

"The diagnosis of [Alzheimer's disease?] on it is the most important reason for their loss of confidence."

Alzheimer's disease is the official name for dementia.

The Sinomiya Group is an empire built on the prestige of the Sigong Yanan.As long as Sigong Yanan is still there, the foundation of the empire will be indestructible.

On the contrary, once the Sigong Yanan is gone, the foundation of this huge empire will turn into gravel.As long as a strong wind blows, it will be crumbling.

The expression on Sigong Huang Guang's face turned ferocious, "Even knowing such news, it seems that there are ghosts in the group."

Gritting his teeth, he said, "What about the public opinion control team's response? Are all those people just working?"

"After noticing the limelight, they have already dispatched. However, the enemy is clearly prepared, and the number is extremely large, almost comparable to our side." The secretary said, "Moreover, the group Such a violent reaction, on the contrary, made those stockholders begin to believe in the accuracy of these news."

"...Just this is not enough." Sigong Huang Guang squeezed his voice through his teeth, "Even if these uninitiated civilians believe the news, they will only wait and see with suspicion. There will be Such a situation must be led by big capital.”

He looked at the secretary who was sweating profusely with his eyes burning, and said in a cold tone, "Have you found out which one it is?"

"We don't know exactly which force made the move," the secretary replied in a low voice. "If we trace the root cause, the initial capital flow that intervened came from abroad." After a little hesitation, he added, "It's the beautiful country. power."

"Sitiao family..." Sigong Huang Guang immediately locked the target in his heart.

The only family that has resentment towards the Sigong family but knows it very well, and still has such power abroad, is the Sijo family who were expelled by their Sigong family to the beautiful country and "returned home".

This is to see if the father is not here, do you think I am a soft persimmon easy to bully?


Stretching his arms upwards, Yuanjing stretched his body, and each joint made a slight creaking sound.

What he has to do is to deal with almost the entire professional team of the Shinomiya family with the strength of one person.Even if [Securities Trading] has been upgraded to Lv.3, this is not an easy job.

It was a huge drain on him both mentally and physically.

Fortunately, Ningguang really deserves to be a good teammate.

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