Not only did she do the work assigned to her by Yuanjing extremely well, she even overfulfilled the task.

St. Eden's Academy was regarded as a place for information trading by some guys. Because of this, Ning Guang had a lot of 'black material' and 'evidence' in his hands.

But before that, she didn't dare to use these things at all, the reason is very simple -

She has no backing.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world.If she uses this to make a profit, no matter how secretive she is, there is a possibility of being discovered.

Sakurajima's consortium has nothing to do with law-abiding. At that time, what is waiting for Ningguang is probably the fate of being sunk in Tokyo Bay.

But now, the situation is different.

She also never thought that Yuan Jing would be from the Yuan family.As a result, the "handle" she originally handed over became a "voting certificate". Although she is a powerful figure on campus, she is almost nothing when she arrives in society, so she has a backer in such a daft way.

Still the big, thick, hard kind.

In this way, those things that she didn't dare to use before will become usable.

Not only that, but she also has a capable person, that is Ryunosuke Akasaka of the IT agency.

If one were to find a character in St. Eden Academy who truly transcended the times, it would be him.

Except for Yuanjing, which is open and cheating.

In the original book, he relied on his own ability to develop an intelligent AI maid who can be said to be almost artificial intelligence, and in this world, he also relied on the strength of the high school club to develop a maid that can convert photos into Two-dimensional images. Advanced technology can almost make the real ones look like real ones.

For him, writing software that dumps information in online forums is almost a breeze.

Sigong Huangguang probably never dreamed that his first enemies were only three high school students.

What happened today was just a beginning.

Such a big matter, even with the influence of the Sigong family, it is estimated that it will not be able to cover it up, especially in the absence of the Sigong Yan'an.

Like a boulder rolling down from the top of a mountain, it becomes more and more difficult to stop it later on.

In the afternoon, Yuan Jing had noticed that several forces were about to move.It is the nature of businessmen to seek profit, and the greed in their hearts will make them unable to bear a share of the pie.

In short, let the bullet fly for a while first.

Anyway, it wasn't Yuanjing who was in a hurry.

At this moment, Yuanjing's bedroom door was gently opened, and after a rude sound on the road, a maid with blond hair and blue eyes came in.

But she didn't close the bedroom door casually like usual.Because behind her, there was another 'maid' with black hair and red eyes following her.

Rao Yuanjing was also slightly dazed by such a scene.

He looked at the new 'maid'. The latter blushed a little with shame, and there was a slight tear in his scarlet eyes, as if he was quite embarrassed.

Shinomiya Kaguya, why are you wearing Hayasaka Ai's clothes?

Chapter 77 Next, it's time for maid teaching (4k)

To Yuanjing's surprise, Shinomiya Kaguya was unexpectedly very suitable for maid outfits, especially the traditional British-style maid outfits of the Shinomiya family.

Judging from the appearance alone, Shinomiya Kaguya is undoubtedly the most advanced beautiful girl.

Long hair like black jade hanging down to her waist, crystal clear ruby-like eyes, delicate and well-proportioned facial features, and a luxurious and slender body...

Although everyone highly admires the kind of person who is naturally beautiful and can overwhelm everyone without makeup, but there is one thing that cannot be denied, that is——

Beautiful girls also need maintenance.

As the eldest lady of the Sigong family, no matter whether her life is satisfactory or not, what she enjoys is the treatment of the top big family. In other words, she never has to consider the price of various cosmetics, skin care products and the like.

It is no exaggeration to say that the money spent on one finger of Shinomiya Kaguya alone has definitely exceeded the spending of more than 99% of Sakurajima's women on women's skin care products in their lifetime.

From this perspective, Shinomiya Kaguya can definitely be called a beauty carved in gold and jade.

Naturally beautiful, coupled with meticulous maintenance regardless of money, Shinomiya Kaguya is undoubtedly the top group of girls Yuanjing has ever seen, if only in terms of appearance.

If we had to pick one shortcoming for her, it would be that Miss Shinomiya Kaguya's boobs are indeed a bit regrettable.

This is a congenital genetic problem. Our Miss Hui Ye has actually tried her best to improve it the day after tomorrow, but it is a pity that even if she has spent countless money in this area, it still has little effect.

To this day, Shinomiya Kaguya still falls into the anxiety of "fear of starving her future children" from time to time.

Shinomiya Kaguya's mother passed away shortly after giving birth to Shinomiya Kaguya. Although she was still well taken care of, she didn't grow up under breastfeeding. One of her regrets, she naturally doesn't want her future child to be like this.

The problem now is that even if she wants to feed her own child herself, she is a little afraid that her hardware conditions will not be able to meet the needs of the other party...

Every time I think about it, our eldest lady will force herself to come to the point with some sadness.Of course, the "white" here certainly does not refer to wine, but some kind of white, calcium-rich drink.

People in the world call it [milk].

It may be because the mammary glands of cows are overdeveloped, adhering to the simple idea of ​​"what to eat to make up for", the idea of ​​"milk is good for breast enlargement" has long been spread like wildfire.

By the way, as a food that also has the effect of breast enhancement, papaya has always been in our Miss Kaguya's recipe.

And as for whether it works...

I can only say, [supernatural powers are not as good as days].

However, nature has great benefits, and small nature has small benefits.

Shinomiya Kaguya's figure is not the plump and voluptuous one, if it is really matched with a pair of heavy double breasts, it will look a little uncoordinated.

With a slender body and a small and exquisite chest, Kaguya Shinomiya reveals a delicate and subtle beauty with an oriental temperament.

In addition, the Shinomiya family's already extremely reserved and dignified British-style maid outfit of black long dress and white apron.

This mixed feeling of Chinese and Western makes Shinomiya Kaguya reveal a fairy-like charm.

Unlike Ai Hayasaka, who has blond hair and blue eyes and shows an orthodox British maid style, Kaguya Shinomiya, who has black hair and red eyes, shows the beauty of a mix and match that perfectly blends Japanese and Western styles.

But now, these two maids, who are very similar in clothes but have completely different styles and impressions, just stood in front of Yuan Jing gracefully.

"...Which song is this singing?" Yuan Jing asked with a subtle expression.

Hearing Genkei's question, Shinomiya Kaguya (Maid Ver.)'s face became more rosy, and compared with a certain thin-skinned young lady, Hayasaka Ai, who had been immersed in this way for more than a dozen years. The younger 'senior' behaved extremely calmly.

She leaned down slightly, stretched out her hands and placed them on the long black dress of the Shinomiya's maid, and used her thumb, index finger, and middle finger to twist the corners of the skirt very gracefully, and cast a very standard stroke on Yuanjing. Lady's gift——

"It's like this," Hayasaka Air said very politely, as if the head maid was reporting to her master, "A new maid has come to the house today, because she has never been exposed to such a job before. , Therefore, as the head maid, I naturally need to take her along so that she can familiarize herself with her identity as soon as possible and master certain work skills."

"To put it simply, I want to give her a one-on-one maid teaching, please approve the master."

After hearing this, Yuan Jing raised his head, glanced at Shinomiya Kaguya who was standing behind Hayasaka Ai, and found that she was also imitating Hayasaka Ai, and gently pulled up the skirt corner of the maid outfit towards him salute.

However, unlike Ai Hayasaka, who has already engraved this movement into her bone marrow, Kaguya Shinomiya's movements are also very standard, but they are still a bit blunt and unnatural.

The reason for this is naturally obvious——

In Shinomiya Kaguya's past ten years, her role has always been "Miss".

Just like what Hayasaka Ai said, Shinomiya Kaguya is an out-and-out "beginner" in terms of the title of "Maid", and it is precisely the old Si Ji who needs Hayasaka Ai to lead her.

However, although the red tide on his face has not dissipated, and his delicate fair face is full of shyness and embarrassment, Shinomiya Kaguya has no intention of giving up at all.

She is serious.

Now that she has worked hard to convince Yuan Jing, and the latter has agreed to help her escape from the Sigong family, her status as the "Miss of the Sigong family" has undoubtedly entered the countdown stage.

She didn't regret it at all, because it was her own choice.No, it should be said that breaking away from the control of the Sigong family and embracing freedom has always been the truest desire in her heart.

And now, she finally saw the dawn of this wish come true.

However, it was precisely because of this that she had to adapt to the huge change in her identity.In a short time, she will no longer be the embarrassing eldest lady of the Sigong family, but will become a "worker" under Yuanjing's command.

With such earth-shaking changes, even a genius like her still needs a certain amount of time for psychological construction.

Especially to sharpen her eldest lady's temper that she is used to because of being pampered for a long time!

Shinomiya Kaguya has an extremely clear self-knowledge, she is naturally aware of her own character flaws and shortcomings.

However, character is not something that can be changed at will. After all, it is the result of careful carving by the two carving knives of time and environment in more than ten years.

Even if she is determined to make a change, it is not something that can be easily accomplished by shouting a slogan.

Kaguya Shinomiya, who was extremely distressed by this, naturally began to seek help from her best friend and sister Ai Hayasaka who grew up with her.

The reason for the discord between her and Hayasaka Ai before was that Hayasaka Aina's identity as Shinomiya Huangguang's spy was exposed.

And now.

For one thing, Ai Hayasaka has already shown with practical actions that she and Shinomiya Huangguang are not of one mind, and none of the previous espionage behaviors were out of her original intention.

Secondly, Shinomiya Kaguya will soon break away from the control of the Shinomiya family and gain freedom, so naturally, she will have nothing to do with any of the affairs of the Shinomiya family.It would be a bit too silly to worry about these things that are about to drift away like clouds and mist.

She spent more than ten years with Hayasaka Ai, and she was accompanied by this maid of her size throughout her childhood and teenage years.

Rather than a master-servant relationship, the relationship between the two is actually more like a pair of sisters who grew up together.

In fact, as early as before, Shinomiya Kaguya had already forgiven Ai Hayasaka in her heart.But firstly, there is no way to save face, and secondly, there is no suitable opportunity. The relationship between Shinomiya Kaguya and Hayasaka Ai has always been a little stiff.

Of course, Shinomiya Kaguya still had a little bit of anger in it, because after the maid left her, she seemed to have no nostalgia for her, and started to circle around Yuanjing.

This kind of behavior of "seeing sex and forgetting righteousness" really made Shinomiya Kaguya a little unhappy, and even the eyes of looking at Yuanjing were a little subtle because of a little jealousy...

However, this is already a thing of the past.

200 billion yen is a lot of money. According to Shinomiya Kaguya's estimate, even with the most optimistic estimate, it will take until she and Yuanjing University to repay this astronomical debt. It's time.

If things don't go well in the middle, I will even live a life of "worker" for more than ten years, running around and running around for the "boss" of Yuanjing.

This is her own choice, and naturally she has nothing to regret. However, in order to adapt to the "part-time job" life in the future, the necessary psychological construction is extremely necessary.

Just like the countless scenes that have happened in the past ten years, she began to send a distress signal to Hayasaka Ai.

Also the same as countless times in the past, Ai Hayasaka immediately came up with a solution for Shinomiya Kaguya, which was——

Play as a maid.

Maids who need to think wholeheartedly about their masters and share their worries are undoubtedly the profession with the most "worker soul". As long as Shinomiya Kaguya can understand the essence of maids and have the experience of maids, then the life of migrant workers in the future will be It's just like the breeze blowing on the face, nothing to be afraid of.

That's what Ai Hayasaka said.

Coincidentally, because of accepting Shinomiya Huangguang's plan, Minamoto Yorimitsu is in a rare state of turning a blind eye to Shinomiya Kaguya's contact with Genkei recently.

There is also Shinomiya Huangguang's eyeliner in the Shinomiya villa, and they also need to take certain actions to make the bald man feel at ease, thinking that Shinomiya Kaguya is still under his control.

For all these reasons, Yuanjing presented such a rare scene.

"Maid teaching?" Looking at the two maids who were uniformly dressed but had very different temperaments, Yuan Jing tilted his head in doubt, "Are you going to teach Sigong to clean the room?"

Ai Hayasaka shook her head, "Of course not, although cleaning is also the job of a maid, but if you only know how to clean, you are just a pure maid, but you can't be called a maid at all!"

She put her fists in front of her chest, and said so emphatically to Yuanjing in an extremely resolute tone.

"..." Aren't maids and maids all essentially the same?Although she complained so much in her heart, but if she said it here, Ai Hayasaka would probably have no end.

Therefore, Yuanjing closed his mouth very tactfully.

"In order to complete the maid teaching for Kaguya, I hope you can cooperate and be a teaching prop," Ai Hayasaka said to Yuan Jing, "I wonder if I can get your approval?"

Recently, Hayasaka Ai has actually been mediating between the Shinomiya family head family and Minamoto Raimitsu, and there is no doubt that she has accumulated a lot of mental pressure; and she also took a great risk to eavesdrop on Shinomiya Huangguang's poisonous plan.

For this maid who has gone through all kinds of hardships and endured tremendous pressure, Yuan Jing still shows some tolerance.

Moreover, judging from the current situation, it should be Shinomiya Kaguya asking Ai Hayasaka to give her psychological construction in advance, right?

In the original book, Hayasaka Ai has always been Shinomiya Kaguya's dog-headed military adviser, providing her with countless reliable or not-so-reliable suggestions.

Now that the two seem to have reconciled as before, it is quite normal for Shinomiya Kaguya to go to Hayasaka Ai for advice.

The source scenic spot who roughly guessed the truth of the facts nodded.

"Okay, since you have agreed, then I hope you can act like a master." Instead of directly training Kaguya Shinomiya, Ai Hayasaka began to ask Yuan Jing.

"Master's style?" Yuan Jing was a little puzzled.

"That's right, I noticed that you called Kaguya Shinomiya-san before, which is a foul call." Ai Hayasaka said very naturally.

"The relationship between the maid and the master shouldn't be so indifferent. We are your property and avatars, and we should be the ones you trust the most." Ai Hayasaka explained in this way.

"Therefore, at least in the next teaching time, I hope you can use titles that are more in line with the status of master and maid." The blond-haired, blue-eyed maid began to look at each other——

"In other words, please use a title like [Kaguya]."

"Kaguya is a novice. It is actually quite important to use an appropriate address to make her feel immersed in the scene. If she still uses [Sinomiya-san], she will not be able to bring into the role she is playing now."

Hayasaka Ai's fair face suddenly showed some unnatural flushes, she stared at Yuan Jing and continued:

"Of course, please also call me [Love]. After all, in the next period of time, I will play the role of a maid who has worked by your side for a long time, so it is normal to call me more intimate."

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