Fortunately, Yukinoshita Yoshino's ultimate goal was basically achieved.

She found out who had bullied her most precious sister, and after secretly investigating the black information of these people, she successfully forced them to drop out of school.

Of course, taking revenge on this insect-like enemy was only a very small part of her purpose.

More importantly, she confirmed that her younger sister made excellent friends in St. Eden Academy.

This is the most important reason for her to feel at ease.

And among the friends this younger sister made, the one who impressed her the most was undoubtedly Yuan Jing.

It's definitely not because this boy has left her deflated.

Well, although there may be a little reason for this, the most important reason is the abnormal behavior of his baby sister when he mentioned this boy.

This made Yukinoshita Yoshino's "Sister Control Radar" respond.

Although Yukinoshita Yoshino has never been in a relationship because he is too good and his eyes are above the top.

But I have never eaten pork, and I have always seen pigs running.She is already a college student, and unlike Yukinoshita Yukino who lives in isolation and is covered in thorns, Yukinoshita Yoshino who was raised as the heir of the family has always been the type of person who is good at communication and has a good face. It is much richer than Yukinoshita Yukino.

What's more, things like love have always been "obsessed by the authorities, cleared by the bystanders".

Therefore, she may be the first to discover Yukinoshita Yukino's love for Yuan Jing and take the initiative to match it up, even before Yukinoshita Yukino herself.

But what Yukinoshita Yono himself never imagined was that in less than a month, the relationship between this group of high school students would develop like this.

In other words, that Yuan Jing would be the adoptive son of the Patriarch of the Yuan Family, and was even appointed as the next Patriarch...

With such an identity, wouldn't it be a little impossible for him to join Xue Xia's family?

It might be a bit strange to say, but this was actually Yukinoshita Yoshino's first reaction.

Very similar to Yuan Jing, Yukinoshita Yoshino is actually a celibate.But the reason why it became like this is different from Yuanjing——

Her vision is too high.

Only ordinary birds need branches to perch on, but Kunpeng, whose wings are thousands of miles long, cannot perch on ordinary trees by nature.

What Kunpeng needs is the boundless "Northern Darkness".

But it is a pity that there is no character who meets Yukinoshita Yono's requirements, and with Yukinoshita Yono's pride, she is really unwilling to make do with it.

As a result, Yukinoshita Yoshino became a 'celibate' person.

However, the Yukinoshita family must be inherited by blood. As the future heir of the Yukinoshita family, she must consider the continuation of the family.

Fortunately, she also has a half-sister.

Even better, this 'silly' sister of mine seems to already have someone she likes.

Then quickly ask my younger sister to take him down, and bring him home to show my parents during the Chinese New Year, so as to save the two elders from whispering in her ear every day, "Is there anyone you like in college?" , 'Don't ask for a good family, as long as you can see it' or 'When will you bring your boyfriend to the house and let us meet' and so on.

I'm so annoying!

As long as my younger sister brings the man back, then my parents will definitely focus on my younger sister and brother-in-law, and my ears will be quite clean.

Moreover, in this way, the problem of the future successor of the Yukinoshita family can be solved. This plan can be described as perfect.

However, since Yuan Jing is not a commoner, but a member of the Yuan family, then this plan should be unlikely to be realized, at least like his father, Yuan Jing's 'wildness' into Yukinoshita's family, becoming Yukinoshita's family is already It is unlikely.

Yukinoshita Yangno sighed slightly in his heart.

'Well, I wonder if we can discuss with the Minamoto family, let Yuanjing and Yukino's first, no, the second child's surname be Yukinoshita.If this doesn't work, how about I follow Minamoto's example and go out to pick up a child? '

"I don't know if I can be as lucky as Minamoto Raimitsu..."

While listening to his sister's words, Yukinoshita Yono thought so in his heart.

As for the girls' plan to defeat Minamoto Raimitsu and regain Yuanjing, after listening to his own sister's story, Yukinoshita Yono did not comment on it.

Of course, as a 'sister-in-law', she would naturally agree to her sister's idea of ​​dressing up like her sister in the cultural festival.

It's not the first time she's done something like this, so she's very familiar with it.

However, if Yukinoshita Haruno was really asked to evaluate this plan, her answer would be——

"Not smart enough."

This is not to say that there are any shortcomings or loopholes in the plan, but in Yukinoshita Yono's view, it is not very smart to have a conflict with Minamoto Raimitsu.

If you want her to operate it, avoiding the edge is actually a better option.

Minamoto Raikou's arrival was nothing more than a hurricane, and she would one day leave.

When the 'hurricane' is passing through, it is undoubtedly quite stupid to fight her directly. Smart people will hide in places like the basement, and only poke their heads out after the hurricane passes.

According to my sister's narration, a certain conflict broke out between Minamoto and Minamoto Raimitsu long before this, and this conflict finally ended with Minamoto's victory. is proof.

Not only that, he even managed to get Minamoto Raimitsu to swear.

Although judging from the current situation, the effectiveness of this oath is not reliable, and the doting mother will try to break the oath with various reasons, but victory is victory, this is an undeniable fact.

That being the case, no matter how much Minamoto Larimitsu makes a fuss, she, as the loser, will not be able to bring Yuanjing back to the source family, and the time she can be active is only the time until the cultural festival.

After that, her reason for going down the mountain will disappear, and returning home after staying for a while is the final result.

Because of this, Yukinoshita Yono called Minamoto's arrival a "hurricane".

There is no need to conflict with her at all, just endure this period of time quietly.

Of course, temporarily avoiding the edge does not mean permanent patience. Regarding the mountain that must be climbed by [Minarai Mitsu], Yukinoshita Yoshino actually has his own solution——

Now that his silly younger sister has confirmed his words, it is not impossible to get on the bus first and then make up for the ticket.

Compared with Yukinoshita Yukino, Fujiwara Chika, Hayasaka Ai, Touma Kazusa and others who are still high school students, Yukinoshita Yoshino who is a college student is already a "dirty adult".

Compared with the 'forward attack' adopted by the girls, she actually tends to 'take shortcuts'.

Unlike Daichi Fujiwara, who is a little staid and can't accept pre-marital [wow——] behavior, Yukinoshita Yoshino, as a young person of Sakurajima's new generation, is actually quite open to it.

The so-called love is unscrupulous.

This is Yukinoshita's point of view.

"Well, this plan..." Yukinoshita Yoshino dragged out a long voice, showing some hesitation.

Seeing Yukinoshita's performance like this, Yukinoshita's expression was a little nervous.

This is what Yang Nai discovered with his peripheral vision.

Promise is naturally to be promised.But before that, she can take this opportunity to seek some 'benefits' for herself, for example...

She lightly hooked her fingers towards her younger sister, then blinked her right eye slightly, and gave her younger sister a 'you understand' expression.

The nervousness on Yukinoshita Yukino's face instantly turned into helplessness, and then she showed an expression of 'I knew you would be like this'.

But after all, it was her who wanted something from her. After hesitating for a moment and preparing her mentally, Yukinoshita Yukino got up and came to Yukinoshita Yoshino with a face of death, and then sat down gently. on my sister's lap.

Yukinoshita Yoshino hugged the younger sister who was 'into the net', put his chin on his younger sister's shoulder, smelled the fragrance from his younger sister's hair, and showed a somewhat satisfied expression.

There is a word called 'cat sucking'.

It refers to the actions of cat owners towards cat owners, including kissing and hugging cats and even sniffing hard.

Yukinoshita Yukino is an extremely pure "cat heroine", and Yukino Yukinoshita, who is a sister-in-law, is also a variant of "cat slave" in a sense, so she likes to "suck cats" Of course it's a very normal thing.

However, as the two grew older, the gap between each other also deepened at home, and Yukino was no longer the 'follower' who had been dragging her clothes and following behind.

She already has her own ideas, and even before me, she found someone she likes and will be with her for the rest of her life......

I don't know how many times this kind of intimate action can happen again.

He hugged his sister for a long time.Yukinoshita Yoshino's heart was at peace.

As the eldest daughter of the Yukinoshita family and the person who will inherit the Yukinoshita family in the future, Yukinoshita Yono will naturally not be as free and relaxed as she appears.

Naturally, she also has her own troubles, worries, and anxieties, but she hides them very well, and does not show them to the people she cares about, so as to prevent them from worrying about herself.

After all, she is already an 'adult', and she has to take responsibility for herself.

In this way, absorbing 'energy' from her own sister, Yukinoshita Yono quietly put her mouth close to Yukino's small, white ingot-like ears hidden in her long hair.

She resisted the urge to give him a mischievous breath, but whispered next to him——

"Xue Nao, have you considered what will happen next?"

"After that?" Yukinoshita Yukino's body trembled slightly as she was startled by her sister's actions.This kind of movement, like a cat blowing fur, is extremely cute in the eyes of Yukinoshita Yono, a sister-in-law.

"Yes, later." Yukinoshita Yono repeated fondly stroking his sister's long black hair, "If the plan really succeeds, after Yuanjing is liberated from his stepmother, What are you going to do next?"

"What are you doing?" Yukinoshita Yukino blinked in confusion, then seemed to think of something, her fair cheeks began to blush.

"We haven't figured it out yet, but the general direction must be to correct Yuan's character, at least to make him have a male-female affection for us."

"It's really cool to like to be alone, and it's really reassuring. But can you be around and give us some space?"

"That's what we think."

'Is it still called Yuan classmate? "Xue Xia Yangnai thought in his heart with a bit of resentment, "If you don't dare to call him by his name in private, can't you be a little bit promising? '

'In a relationship, it turns out that the party that falls is the loser. '

"Then, what next?" Yukinoshita Yoshino continued to ask with some reluctance, "Let's take the most optimistic estimate, you have influenced that piece of wood, and he has begun to fall in love with you, and then What? Have you considered what happens next?"

"After that, what's the situation?" Yukinoshita Yukino repeated Yangno's words as if he was parroting his tongue.

"That's right." Yukinoshita Yoshino's words were a bit cold, as a 'bystander' and 'sister', she had to say something.

"Have you ever considered that the reason why you can get along so harmoniously and fight for a goal together is precisely because of Yuanjing's personality. It is precisely because of this desire to change his personality that you two will be united."

"And once you succeed? Once Yuanjing starts to open up and is willing to accept you, my silly sister, have you considered what will happen after that?"


"The so-called love is originally a mixture of possessiveness and greed. It is an incurable 'poison'. Once it is contaminated, trying to quit is like cutting the flesh of the heart."

"Although your relationship is very good now, the friendship between each other seems to be indestructible. But I am sure that in front of love, no matter how strong a friendship is, it is just a castle built of sand, and it will fall apart as soon as it is washed." About this point , Yukinoshita Yoshino has tasted too much.

"I don't intend to question or destroy your friendship, but I hope you can think about your future. Isn't there an old saying?"

Yukinoshita Haruno said word by word——

"People without thought, he must worry about."

Chapter 80 is very blue! (4k)

Thursday night.

Yuanjing was being used by Hayasaka Ai as a teaching tool to Shinomiya Kaguya, while Yukinoshita Haruno was earnestly persuading her upright younger sister to be more considerate.

But at this same point in time, there was a cloud of gloom and gloom in the Sigong Group.

In order to improve the cohesion of the group so that employees can contribute to the prosperity of the Sigong Group, like many other large conglomerates in modern society, Sigong Yan'an has adopted a method called——

Equity incentives.

Simply put, it is the practice of distributing shares to employees as an award.

As long as you work hard, the company will become better and better, not to mention your dividends will increase, and the stock price will naturally rise.

This method of bundling personal interests with the interests of the company or group will undoubtedly help to improve the work efficiency of employees and allow employees to serve the company with all their heart, so many large companies or groups are using it.

However, as the saying goes, there are advantages and disadvantages, and there is naturally no perfect solution in the world.

For example, now—

Just today, all the stocks of Sigong Group have experienced cliff-like declines to varying degrees.

By the time the market closed in the afternoon, all of its stocks had basically fallen by more than 10%.

In other words, the stock assets in their hands have shrunk so much all of a sudden.

Moreover, the objects of this kind of equity incentives are often the middle and high-level or technical backbone of the company or group.Generally speaking, the higher the level and the more important the position, the more equity it holds.

When the company is thriving and the stock price is rising, these people will naturally get more benefits from it; in contrast, when the company's development encounters a bottleneck and the stock price suffers, their losses will naturally be much greater. many.

Suffering such a huge loss all of a sudden, the individual will feel resentful.And this resentment naturally needs a culprit to pay for this somewhat inexplicable stock price collapse.

In the current Sigong Group, there is only one person who can pay for it——

That was Sigong Huang Guang who temporarily took over the position of Sigong Yanan and began to take charge of the power of the Sigong family.

Although he did not publicly question his ability or oppose his actions, the distrust in his eyes or the complaints whispered in private are naturally indispensable.

Generally speaking, in the face of such a situation, the leaders of the company and the consortium must stand up and directly issue a public statement to all employees with courage. Whether it's drawing big cakes, or slapping breasts to guarantee it.In short, no matter what method is used, the impetuous people must be stabilized.

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