Now is the first day. Although everyone has resentment and uneasiness in their hearts, after all, the time is short, and there is still a possibility to restore the confidence of the employees.

But Sigong Huangguang did not take such an approach.

Instead, he locked himself in his office, seeing only his cronies.


"Commander, such a major event has happened in the group, I think it's better to hold a meeting to stabilize people's hearts." Just like Shinomiya Kaguya has Hayasaka Ai as a personal maid, and Shinomiya Yanan has Hayasaka Masato as a personal secretary, the four Gong Huangguang naturally had a similar role.

And at this moment, in Sigong Huangguang's office, as one of Sigong Huangguang's cronies, he was cautiously advising his master, "At least to say, we have already grasped the matter. Why it happened, and is actively dealing with it, and assuring them that the situation will be contained immediately or something like that..."

By the way, the title [Commander], in the Sigong Group, was originally the exclusive title of the Patriarch Sigong Yan'an.But now, when Sigong Yan'an retired to recuperate and Sigong Huangguang took over the power, Sigong Huangguang asked others to use this name for him.

He didn't continue talking, because Si Gong Huang Guang's eyes had already moved to him.

At this time, Huang Guang of the Fourth Palace was not at all as energetic as in the morning. Although only one day had passed, he was still quite haggard visible to the naked eye - his eye sockets were slightly sunken, and his complexion was also quite pale.

But on the contrary, that kind of gloomy and cold temperament did not decrease but increased.Being watched by him with such a blank face, even the valet who grew up with him felt a slight chill down his spine, feeling like he was being watched by some kind of cold-blooded reptile.

"Are you teaching me how to do things?" Si Gong Huang Guang's words were full of icicles.

"Don't dare." The valet hurriedly bowed his head to show respect and obedience.He knew that his master was actually very suspicious, and he was quite taboo about this kind of overstepping.

But out of loyalty, some words have to be said.

"I know what you mean." After seeing his confidants bow their heads, Sigong Huangguang seemed to feel that his majesty was being maintained, so he explained kindly, "Stabilizing the morale of the army and boosting morale, I naturally know this. The importance of this kind of thing, but there must be a premise."

Sigong Huang Guang rubbed his temples wearily, and said: "That is, we really have a way to deal with this crisis."

"But the problem now is that we don't seem to have a way."

The valet was a little silent.

As one of Sigong Huangguang's most confidantes, he naturally sees very clearly the plight his master is facing, and he also knows that what his master said is indeed 100% true.

However, as a person who knows Sigong Huang Guang's temperament from the bottom up, he naturally knows that this is not the whole reason.

Those middle and high-level executives who hold the most equity are almost all members of Sigong Yanan's team, and they are great contributors to the Sigong Group. Several of them are even figures who fought with Sigong Yanan. Light even has to call them 'uncle' with great respect on the surface.

For these old fellows, Sigong Huang Guang, the 'temporary helm' of the Sigong family, can provide extremely limited deterrence. If a meeting is held, it is very likely that they will embarrass them.

Fear of such a situation was also one of the reasons why Sigong Huang Guang shrank in his office.

Alas, Lord Huang Guang, how can this kind of temperament make things happen...

The servant sighed inwardly.

"Have you found out, why did the Sijo Group suddenly attack our Sigong Group at this time?" After uncovering the unpleasant page, Sigong Huang Guang began to ask his confidant about this, which made him a little puzzled The problem.

If you want to launch such a financial war, you must invest a huge amount of capital.

As the saying goes, the person who knows you best is often your enemy.The Sijo family and the Shinomiya family are mortal enemies who are incompatible with each other, so they naturally know each other well.

Based on Sigong Huangguang's understanding of the Sijo family's current situation, although the Sijo family's rising trend is quite obvious, it is still more than a step behind the Sigong family. It should not have such capital to set off such a situation that although the gunpowder cannot be seen, but What a brutal war.

After hearing Sigong Huangguang ask this question, the attendant hesitated for a while, and then said in a low voice: "Commander, I don't know if you still remember the [-] yuan that Yuan Laiguang, the patriarch of the Minato family, gave to his adopted son. About [-] million yuan?"

How could Sigong Huangguang not remember?The deputy director of the securities department of the Teito Central Bank was hired by him, and he used Yuanjia's reputation and assets as a guarantee for the 200 billion yen in the Teito Central Bank, and turned it into a 100 trillion operation with 2 times leverage , It can almost be said that it was completed under his nose.

After that, he was naturally very concerned about the whereabouts of this huge capital flow, even for the Sigong Group.

In the previous few days, this could even be said to be his daily source of happiness.He even made a bet with his confidantes on the subject of 'how much did Yuanjing lose in the last hour'.

He remembered that the money seemed to have been lost by that Yuanjing, could it be that...

"The money was taken away by foreign forces, and you know about it, commander-in-chief." The servant said with a low eyebrow, he didn't dare to look at his master's expression at this time.

"After all, it is a foreign force, and it is not convenient to trace it. Therefore, after these funds flowed into other accounts, we did not continue to pay attention to the flow of these funds."

"But the forces that started the attack also came from abroad. We initially judged it to be the forces of the Shitiao family in the beautiful country."

"But when our technicians traced the source of their funds, they discovered," the valet thought of the incredible expression on the face of the person who had reported to him before, swallowing the saliva in his mouth, as if wanting to Relieve the dryness of his throat, "That's basically the expansion of the two trillion."

"..." Sure enough!

The veins on Sigong Huang Guang's face were bulging at this moment, like a monster that wanted to choose someone to devour.

"The Sitiao family invited a great god from nowhere. Not only did he set up a plan to swallow Yuanjing's two trillion yuan, he even used it as the principal, and inflated it in the overseas market in just one day. Almost double."

There was deep fear in the valet's words, and he even felt a tinge of despair after learning about the miraculous operation of that 'mysterious man' or 'mysterious force'.

In Yuanjing's previous life, Huaguo's economic market was actually strictly controlled by the state, and its performance was the 'price limit' system and 'T+1'.

The so-called price limit system is based on the stock price at the opening of the market every day. Its rise and fall cannot exceed 10%. Once it reaches this range, the stock price will be locked immediately and will not change today. .

That is to say, if there is a stock with a stock price of 100 yuan, the lowest price of the day cannot be lower than 90 yuan, and the highest price cannot be higher than 110 yuan.

Looking at the most extreme situation, that is, during the day, it first fell off a cliff to almost the limit, and then rose rapidly to almost the limit.Buying when it is close to 90 yuan and selling when it is 110 yuan is the fastest growth rate of capital, that is, about 22%.

If the exact opposite were the case, that would be a loss of 18%.

But in Huaguo, such an operation cannot be realized, because Huaguo's stock market adopts the 'T+1' trading model.That is, after buying on the same day, it must be sold on the next trading day.

The superposition of these two measures limits the speculative nature of the stock market to a great extent, and locks the upper limit of daily profit and loss.

But in foreign countries, it is different from China. Not only does there not exist any price limit, but S&P adopts the 'T+0' trading model, that is, stocks bought on the same day can be sold on the same day.

In other words, as long as you have the ability, it doesn't matter how much you want to earn.

"I suspect that the Shijo family should have caught up with a certain line on Wall Street. That is the hunting ground for the world's most high-level financial experts. Compared with there, Sakurajima's financial market is still a little immature." The valet said. The words are full of bitterness.

"...Don't make excuses for your incompetence, I don't want to hear such things." Sigong Huang Guang tried hard to suppress the anger in his heart, and continued to ask as calmly as possible, "What I want to ask now , only one—"

"Is the group of trash in the group's securities department capable of curbing the stock's decline?"

"It's hard." Sensing his master's anger, the valet lowered his head, "The other party's wrist is so sophisticated, it can even be said to be a blow to our securities department."

"To make matters worse, the collective decline in the stocks of the Sigong family today has alarmed the local financial forces. For this group of hyenas who regard 'making money' as their top priority, the deterrent effect of the name of the Sigong family is really limited .As of this afternoon, some of them have already tentatively stretched out their minions, wanting to get a piece of the pie."

"Of course, it also needs to cooperate well with the local forces of the Shitiao family..."

All of this is bad news.

"Enough!" Sigong Huang Guang yelled angrily, "Stop talking about this kind of thing all the time, what's the solution? Could it be that we just obediently watch each other cut flesh on the Sigong Group, and there is nothing we can do?"

"That's not the case, of course there are ways." The valet raised his eyes slightly and glanced at the enraged Sigong Huangguang, then quickly lowered his eyes.

"In the final analysis, although the methods over there are extremely clever, the reason for such a bad situation is largely due to the fact that Master Sigong Yan'an is retreating, which makes people confused about the future of the Sigong Group. "

"As long as he can come back to preside over the overall situation..." the valet couldn't continue.

Because a beautifully decorated ashtray had been smashed on him by Sigong Huangguang.

Suppressing the piercing pain, he closed his mouth.

"Okay, I said how could the medical records of the old man leak out. It turns out that there are ghosts in the group who are dissatisfied with my succession."

"As long as the old man comes back, then everything will be fine. People who think like this are no longer in the minority in the group, right? Now you finally stop acting?"

Sigong Huangguang and Sigong Yan'an had a gambling agreement. If he just brought his father back, then he would naturally be the loser and had to accept his father's will.

This is something he can't accept no matter what.

"Sitiao family, don't think that you are guaranteed to win, I still have a hole card here!" Sigong Huang Guang walked away.

He was going to meet someone, and as long as that person made a move, he would definitely be able to help him.


"No." Minamoto Raimitsu categorically refused.

She looked at Sigong Huangguang strangely, and said, "Why do you think that I will use the relationship between the Yuan family and other Chinese to force the Sijo family to accept negotiations with you? This is between you and the Sijo family. What does this matter have to do with our Yuan family?"

"But, if it's not your son..." Sigong Huang Guang hesitated to speak.

"Oh," Minamoto Raimiko's purple eyes narrowed dangerously, "You mean, it's all Ah Jing's fault?"

Chapter 81 This is Yuanjia's educational method (4k)

Minamoto Larimitsu doesn't think that the predicament that Shinomiya Huangguang is facing is that the source of his mistakes lies in Yuanjing.

This conclusion is not entirely based on his doting on his adopted son, because Si Gong Huang Guang's statement is unreasonable.

Although she doesn't quite understand what the so-called 'stock market' is, she is not a fool.

A fool can't be the head of the Yuan family.

According to her simple understanding, the so-called stock market is almost equivalent to the gambling house in her memory, but this gambling house is run by the state and is legal.

So, from her point of view, the whole incident was basically like this——

Ajing of his own family entered the gambling house with a huge sum of money, and then lost the money in his hands to the Sitiao family because of his inferior skills.Then the Sijo family gambled against the Sigong family with this windfall from the sky, and then won the battle.

The Sigong family couldn't afford to lose, so they wanted to turn to her for help, hoping to use some extra tricks to come back.

This is the overall context of events in Yuan Laiguang's mind.

She doesn't think Yuan Jing should be responsible for the failure of the Shinomiya family.

In this whole incident, Yuan Jing was also a victim.You know, he lost a lot of money.

Not only lost money, but also responsible for the use of this lost money...

It's like you were defrauded by telecommunications, but when you went to report the crime, you were detained by the police and held accountable.The reason is that the money you have been defrauded will continue to be used by criminals as funds for illegal activities, so you are generally responsible for it.

It doesn't make sense anyway.

Well, unless this whole incident is the result of Ah Jing, whether it is losing the money in his hands, or manipulating the stock price of the Sigong family, it is all a good show directed and performed by Ah Jing himself , then the Yuan family naturally wants to have an explanation for the loss of Sigong Huangguang.

But is it possible?

This is totally impossible!

No matter how much he thought that his own child was gifted, Minamoto Raimitsu never thought that he would be able to play with a big chaebol like the Sigong Group in the stock market.

When he was in Yuanjia's family, Yuanjing had never been in contact with such things as "stock market" or "stocks". The time for Yuanjing to go down the mountain was no more than three months, that is to say, his "stock age" was naturally will not exceed this number.

Even in the most absurd dream, there is no such human being who can complete the stock market in just three months, no matter how talented he is.

Sigong Huang Guang naturally had the same idea.The purpose of his trip was to rack his brains to drag the Yuan family into trouble, so as to sideline the Sigong family.

Even with such a purpose, he did not put forward the conjecture that all this is a 'conspiracy by Yuanjing'.

Not to mention whether Minamoto Raimitsu would believe it, even he couldn't convince himself.

Seeing that what he said before did not work, Minamoto Laiguang looked at him with a somewhat unfriendly tone, and there was even a cold light flashing in his purple eyes, he quickly wiped the sweat from his forehead, and apologized with a smile : "Where is it, why would I blame the son?"

"I'm just a little indignant at the behavior of the Sijo family." Sigong Huangguang quickly changed his tactics, "You may not be clear about what despicable tactics the Sijo family used to squeeze out two trillion yuan from your son. come out."

He even showed a little righteous indignation, as if he was extremely angry at the actions of the Sijo family, "I only learned of this news later, if I knew from the beginning..."

Shinomiya Huangguang wanted to use this to arouse Minamoto's dislike for the Shijo family, so as to drag the Minamoto family into trouble, but before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the frowning Minamoto .

"There is no distinction between base and lofty tactics, only success and failure." As a descendant of the samurai family, Minamoto Yorimitsu naturally upholds this point of view.

In the "kendo" book that Yuanjing brought from Yuanjia's family, it not only included techniques such as "Mu no Tachi", which at first glance belonged to "evil demons and heretics", but also "Hudang". The "hypnosis" technique, which will definitely be despised by the righteous way, basically shows the attitude of the Yuan family.

The base and the sublime are illusory things, and only victory is real.

This is also one of the ancestral teachings of the Yuan family.

"But, your child was cheated out of almost two trillion yuan, aren't you annoyed at all?" Sigong Huang Guang said in disbelief.

The total assets of the Shinomiya Group are valued at about 200 trillion yen, or 200 trillion. This estimate is obtained after including all the industries under its name, including various real estate and stocks, which are somewhat watery assets. value.

Although not very accurate, it can basically be used as a reference.

2 trillion accounts for 1% of its total assets!Sigong Huang Guang believes that even if the Yuan family is a Chinese among the Chinese, after losing this sum of money, it is absolutely impossible for them to feel nothing!

Although it certainly can't be said to hurt muscles and bones, it is definitely enough to make Yuanjia feel the pain.

"No." Minamoto Raimiko's words were full of calm.

Sigong Huangguang could tell that this woman was not trying to force herself or put on a show.

She really didn't take such a large sum of money to heart.

"In the end, the money was originally given to Ah Jing, and he was allowed to do whatever he wanted, as long as he could get something out of it." Minamoto Raimiko's tone was full of indifference.

Listening to the meaning of her words, it seems that the two trillion yen is just pocket money she handed over to her children.

This is not to say that the Yuan family is really rich enough to throw these two trillion yuan into the water just to make a sound.

It's just that they think that such a loss is nothing compared to what they get.

This is an extremely important part of their family's cultivation of their own children, that is——

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