Don't take money too seriously.

Many Chinese in Sakurajima, especially those with a long history, have similar education.

The elders in the family will deliberately give extremely valuable items to their younger generations for use, and they are not afraid that they will spoil things because they are young.

No, it should be said that this was intentionally ruined by them.

What he did was to instill in his own children the idea of ​​'don't take money too seriously'.

This kind of boldness of "not treating money as money" is actually included in the so-called "aristocratic demeanor".

As I said before, the Gen family is a family deeply entangled with Buddhism and Shintoism.

They regard all kinds of temptations from the outside world as "external demons" and advocate "slaying demons to cultivate one's morality".

And the temptation of money is naturally regarded as a kind of foreign 'devil', so naturally it needs to be 'cut off'.

Minamoto Raimitsu handed over the two trillion yen to Yuanjing for free use. This is a very common method of "slaying demons" used by the Minamoto family.

Although two trillion yuan is not a small amount, Yuan Jing is the future patriarch appointed by the Yuan family. If he can really use this opportunity to cut off his greed for money, then the two trillion yuan will not be too much. What kind of.

In Minamoto's view, if A Jing can use the two trillion yuan to make money from Sakurajima's stock market, then it means that he can compete with those wily guys.

It is a great thing that the future Patriarch of the Yuan family has such a strategy at such a young age.

Of course, the greater possibility is that Ah Jing can't beat those old foxes, and loses everything.

Then just take this opportunity to let him get rid of his greed for money and use this setback to temper him.

For the Yuan family who was not short of money at all, this deal was naturally not a loss.If Yuanjing can really gain something from it, then for the Yuan family, it can even be called a huge profit.

That is to say, no matter what the whereabouts of the two trillion yuan in Yuanjing's hands, the Yuanjia will always remain invincible.

In fact, after signing the mortgage contract with the Teito Central Bank to guarantee Ah Jing's '100 times leverage', Minamoto Raimitsu has never asked him about the situation of the [-] trillion yen. If Huang Guang came to her, she didn't even know that Yuan Jing had almost lost all the money.

"Well," Minamoto Larimitsu recalled in his heart the past few days, his Ajing's expression and various behaviors, and after finding nothing unusual, he nodded with some satisfaction in his heart.

'It seems that such a blow did not make any impression on Ah Jing, that's right.Money is something outside of the body, I hope Ah Jing can understand this truth from it. '

'Wait a minute, since Ah Jing has lost so much money, he will definitely feel sorry for him with his temperament. In this case, can I take this opportunity to make a small [request]? '

Minamoto Raimiko's heart suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and she suddenly became a little troubled.

'In other words, Ah Jing has refused to take a bath with me since he was 6 years old. Isn't this an excellent time to propose [parent-child mixed bathing]?Is this going too far? '

Minamoto Larimitsu secretly began to calculate the possibility of success in this matter.

Although he lost two trillion yuan, Minamoto Raimitsu didn't care about it, but felt in his heart that he had made a lot of money.

Sensing that Minamoto's eyes were a bit erratic, and his attention seemed to no longer be on himself, Shinomiya Huangguang knew that this trip was basically a futile return.

As for Minamoto Yorimitsu's statement that "the two trillion yen was originally for Yuanjing to ramble around at will", although he himself still can't believe it, but seeing Minamoto Yorimitsu's attitude towards this matter, he can't help but not believe it up.

'There is such a big generosity, is this the so-called Chinese among the Chinese? '

While marveling and envious in his heart, he naturally thought of his own father. After comparing this, the black flame in his heart got new 'fuel' again, and burned more violently.

As the eldest son of Sigong Yan'an, he naturally saw his disappointment in himself from the change in his attitude and approach to himself.

But I am the heir and eldest son of the family, so I shouldn't increase the intensity of education and training, right?In the end, he went to the night market to play with women, and even admitted to a wild girl who didn't even know if she had the blood of the Shinomiya family, and even wanted to give her two parts of the inheritance...

Dad, Dad, why are you so cruel to me?

Obtaining the power of the Sigong family from his father Sigong Yan'an, Sigong Huang Guang can be said to have suddenly sat on the cloud.However, before he could sit on his butt, a series of blows woke him up from his dream, causing him to fall down to the mortal world.

Judging from the current form, the VAM contract is doomed. That is to say, I must accept my father's will and divide the Sigong Group into "4+2+2+2".

Sigong Huangguang could even imagine the mocking smile that the old man showed when he looked at him, and the look of 'Look, you really can't do it'.

Thinking of this, he almost gritted his teeth!

This is not the ending he wanted, there must, must be some way!

Seeing that turning to the Yuan family for help was unworkable, the somewhat desperate Sigong Huang Guang began to turn his head quickly, trying his best to think of a way to break the situation.

And at the end.

Although he was evaluated as 'unusable' by his father, Sigong Huang Guang still thought of a 'solution' that was not a solution.


At the same time, in Yuan Jing's bedroom.

After being irradiated by the "pure light" of her eldest lady, Hayasaka Ai's performance has been quite peaceful.

She was really teaching Shinomiya Kaguya the massage skills seriously, and the latter also learned it very seriously.

After all, the matter of giving Yuan Jing a massage was actually recorded in Hayasaka Ai's maid notes, and it was something she had been planning to do for a long time.

Yuanjing did not hide what he did in the stock market from Ai Hayasaka.

This slick maid also naturally saw Yuanjing's hard work.

Although she doesn't know much about how the stock market works, she naturally understands how exhausting it is to be able to single-handedly move the behemoth of the Sigong Group.

Unlike Ningguang, she can't share her worries in the stock market. If she really wanted to help, it would probably be a disservice to her.

However, as the saying goes, snakes have their way, and rats have their way, so the maid naturally has her own way to relieve Yuanjing's pressure.

Massaging him is one way of doing this.

Hayasaka Ai has been professionally trained by the Shinomiya family, while Shinomiya Kaguya is an all-around genius.In the situation of teaching with heart and learning with heart, although Shinomiya Kaguya's technique is still a little immature, it is enough for Yuanjing to relieve fatigue and feel comfortable.

As the 'teaching prop', Yuan Jing closed his eyes comfortably, enjoying the service of four white and tender hands, he seemed to suddenly think of something, and said to Shinomiya Kaguya——

"Sijo Zhenfei, you should know this person, right?"

Hearing this, Shinomiya Kaguya paused the movements of her hands slightly, revealing a somewhat subtle expression.

Of course she knows Sijo Zhenfei, but the Sigong family and the Sijo family are feuds, and both of them have a bit of "that" character, so the relationship between each other is really not very good.

However, why did Yuanjing suddenly mention this name?

"This is the first task I entrust to you, and that is to remind the real concubine Shijo to make her and her clansmen pay attention to safety recently."

"You mean..." Shinomiya Kaguya showed a 'no way' expression on his face.

"From the perspective of the Sijo family, they just found an opportunity to beat the dog in the water with an unknown force recently, but Sigong Huangguang doesn't see it that way. He will think that the Sijo family is the culprit of everything."

"As the saying goes, it is necessary to be on guard against others, and it is always good to take more precautions." Yuan Jing opened his eyes, "In the end, I borrowed the name of the Shitiao family. If something happens to their family because of this, That was my fault."

"I don't want to wait until everyone has been kidnapped before I go to rescue people belatedly."

Chapter 82 It's my honor to be your [beep——] (4.5k)

"Even big brother, no, no matter how insane Sigong Huang Guang is, he won't be able to kidnap and threaten Sitiao's family members, right?" Sigong Huiyeliu frowned slightly, and couldn't believe Yuanjing's judgment.

This is not to say that the Sigong family does not have such strength.

In fact, as a big family in Tokyo, there is almost nothing the Shinomiya family can't do here, the only difference lies in the price paid.

As a member of the Shinomiya family, although she is only the concubine with the weakest inheritance rights, Kaguya Shinomiya also knows that the Shinomiya family actually has a huge influence in the underworld.

The Shinomiya family rose up in the era of the bubble economy at the end of the last century. It only took a short period of ten years to expand from an ordinary Chinese to the overlord of the Tokyo area.

Being able to rise at such a miraculous speed, the hands of the Shinomiya family will naturally not be too clean.

When animals compete for territory, they still have to fight to the death, with flesh and blood flying everywhere, and human beings are just more advanced animals, and there is no difference in essence.

In computer games, there will be something like a comprehensive strength index. As long as the values ​​are compared with each other, you can judge the strength and rank the power.

But the real world doesn't have that kind of easy-to-use function, let alone that kind of gentleness.

Tokyo is the undisputed political and economic center of Sakurajima, and it is not too much to say that it is the heart of Sakurajima.

If you want to rule Tokyo and become the Nan Bowan in this region, you must not only have extremely strong economic strength as a support, but also have enough strength to protect your own economic property.

Otherwise, it would be like a child running around in the busy city with a daughter in his hand. It would be easy for the daughter to be taken away, and it is estimated that even the child would be torn to pieces by the tiger-like adults.

In Sakurajima, black clubs or vigorous social organizations are legally legal, and even have "chivalrous names" and "good reputations".The media in Sakurajima will even exaggerate the "good people and good deeds" done by these groups, such as "maintaining street order", "enthusiasm for public welfare", and even praise their "chivalrous spirit".

Naturally, just listen to these things, and whoever believes in them is a big fool of Tianzi No. [-].

No matter how much it is packaged and whitewashed, even the law recognizes such an organization, a gangster club is a gangster club, they are a collection of dregs in society, and what they do is some shameful deeds.

This will not change because of the place or country where it is located.

When the Shinomiya family was rising, it actually had a great influence on the Tao. Sakurajima's famous and high-ranking "vigorous social organizations" were almost all its "black gloves". Shady illegal activities.

There is no way, if you want to complete the corner overtaking in the shortest time, then you must take some 'shortcuts'.

Later, after the Shinomiya family dominated Tokyo, they began to gradually whitewash their own family, and began to draw a clear line with it on the bright side.

This is an inevitable process.

After all, these forces cannot stand on the stage.

If the Shinomiya family wants to seek influence in the political world, at least maintaining their apparent purity is extremely important.

But this does not mean that the Sigong family has given up their power in this area.

As a marginal figure in the Shinomiya family, Shinomiya Kaguya doesn't know much about this aspect.However, at places like family banquets held by the Sigong family, she could occasionally see a few people who smelled of blood and didn't look like good people at all.

These people were quite respectful to her, and the business cards they handed over were basically written with words such as 'the leader of the XX group'.

The Sijo family is a branch that was squeezed out by the Shinomiya family before its rise, and thus went far away. This time it is just returning to the homeland, and its influence is basically outside the country.

From the perspective of economic strength alone, although the Shitiao family still has shortcomings compared with the Shinomiya family, they are not powerless to fight back.

But if you want to compare the power of 'over there', the Sijo family is naturally far inferior to the Sinomiya family, a local snake that has been operating in Tokyo for a long time.

If Shinomiya Huang Guang really has such courage, as the existence who temporarily takes over the position of Patriarch, Shinomiya Kaguya does not doubt whether he has such ability.

But the question is, does Sigong Huangguang really have that kind of courage and courage?

You must know that the Shijo family is not an ordinary cat or dog. Although it is not as good as the Sigong family, it is one of the few big families in Sakurajima.

If the previous targeting and dismantling behavior can be explained by normal commercial competition, once the Sigong family takes the lead in adopting the method of "kidnapping", then it can almost be said that it has torn the face of the Sijo family .

Unlike the Shinomiya family, which has very little concept of family affection, the Sijo family is actually a family that attaches great importance to the relationship between relatives and friends.

If the children of the family were kidnapped, even if they faced such a behemoth as the Shinomiya family, they would fight them to the end with the attitude of destroying everything.

Although the two previous families disliked each other and even called themselves each other's 'mortal enemies', in fact there was still some room for maneuver between them.

But once the Sigong family is the first to break the rules, these two families from the same source will fall into a situation where each other can't die in an instant.

These things, no matter how sloppy the Sigong Huangguang is, it is impossible to be unclear.

Has he really been cornered for this sake?

"Kaguya, don't underestimate anyone, or you will regret it." It is still Ai Hayasaka's "maid teaching" time, so Yuan Jing still uses a more affectionate address according to Ai Hayasaka's "instructions".

In a sense, the reason why Sigong Huangguang fell into the current predicament is that he underestimated the young man Yuanjing too much.

When these words came out of his mouth, it added some persuasive force.

"In your opinion, even if the stock price of the Sigong Group plummets in the stock market and its assets have shrunk to a considerable extent, it is nothing more than making the Sigong family feel 'painful', and it is not at all to the point of hurting the muscles and bones."

"After all, the Sigong family has been prosperous for a long time. Even if it is much easier to destroy than to build, it is impossible to collapse this building in an instant."

"What's more, Sigong Yan'an, the pillar of the Sigong Group, has not collapsed. Although there is a slight tendency of dementia, but with the advancement of medical technology, the Sigong Group does not lack money and contacts. It wants to restrain it. It's not impossible for the disease to develop."

"As long as the Sigongyan Temple does not collapse, the Sigong Group will not collapse. This has become a deep-rooted 'common sense' in the hearts of many people. You should think so, right?"

Shinomiya Kaguya and Hayasaka Ai both nodded in maid outfits.

For this terrifying figure who has developed the Shinomiya family to this point by himself, the two girls have a very high awe of him.

For Shinomiya Kaguya, although she once resented Sigong Yan'an's disregard for her, she still has a lot of respect for her nominal father.

It can even be said that Shinomiya Kaguya actually adores this man a little.

This is not an isolated case, this is actually a very common phenomenon in the Sigong family.After all, the most prestigious monarch in a dynasty is generally its founding emperor.

For the Sigong family, this is the position occupied by the Sigong Yanan.

"And once you break the face with the Sijo family, you will suffer almost endless attacks from the other side in various industries. This kind of 'war' that will only stop after one side falls is extremely cruel, even if the Sijo family If the Gong family can be called the ultimate victor, then they will definitely lose their vitality and enter into a long period of depression."

"If the Shinomiya family can swallow the Shijo family, it's okay to digest it like they digested the Hayasaka family, but the possibility of this is undoubtedly quite low."

"The 'roots' of the Shijo family have moved overseas. Even if their influence in Sakurajima is wiped out by the Shinomiya family, they still have the option of fleeing overseas. This is the most important reason why they have the courage to confront the Shinomiya family. s reason."

"In addition, Sakurajima is not the only two chaebols, the Shijo family and the Shinomiya family." Regarding this point, Minakami, who is the next generation successor of the Minamoto family, is naturally quite clear.

"The worse situation is [the snipe and the clam fight, the fisherman wins]. When these two families are fighting to the death and have no time to take care of other things, some families will take advantage of this opportunity to sneak in."

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