"The opportunity for the Shinomiya family's rise was the Great Depression caused by the collapse of Sakurajima's bubble economy. Other families are also waiting for similar opportunities."

"From this point of view, [kidnapping the children of the Sijo family and forcing them to negotiate with themselves] can be said to have a hundred harms but no benefits. It is a complete 'stinky chess' move. At best, it can only quench thirst with poison."

Listening to Yuan Jing's calm analysis, Shinomiya Kaguya nodded in agreement.

This is her idea too.

"But there is a prerequisite for this idea, that is, the interests of Sigong Huangguang and the interests of the Sigong family are the same. They are in a relationship where both prosperity and mutual loss will work."

"Isn't this natural? Shinomiya Huangguang is the eldest son of the Shinomiya family and also the heir of the Shinomiya family. Could it be that his interests are still at odds with those of the Shinomiya family?" Hayasaka Ai who had been listening I can't bear it anymore.

Shinomiya Kaguya on the other side of Yuanjing showed a thoughtful expression after receiving Yuanjing's call, she seemed to think of something, after Ai Hayasaka couldn't help asking, she seemed to respond to this question, muttering Muttered: "The gambling agreement?"

"Bingo!" Yuan Jing showed approval.

"Sigong Huangguang and Sigong Yan'an have great differences in the latter's will. He wants to inherit the entire Sigong family, while Sigong Yan'an tends to divide the Sigong group into [4+2+ The form of 2+2] allows Sigong Huangguang to inherit the [-]%, and the rest will be divided equally between Sigong Qinglong, Sigong Yunying and Kaguya you."

"In order to resolve this disagreement, Sigong Huang Guang signed a gambling agreement with his father. As long as the total assets of the Sigong Group do not decline during the three months he has been in charge of the Sigong family, it will prove that he has the ability With the ability to take over the entire Shinomiya family, Shinomiya Ganan's will will carry out his will."

"From this point of view, the goal of Sigong Huangguang is not to make the Sigong family great forever, as long as it maintains prosperity for three months."

"In his view, the attack on the stock market is undoubtedly the handiwork of the Shitiao family, but he currently has no way to deal with this problem in a formal way. If this is the case, then the methods of evil and heretics will naturally be used. .”

"Whether drinking poison to quench thirst or endless troubles, in short, he must use all means to ensure the stability of the Sigong Group for the past three months. As for the aftermath, we will naturally have to talk about it later."

Yuan Jing shrugged, he lay on the chair, and said lazily——

"Anyway, when the time comes, it's all done. No matter how badly the Sigong family's vitality is hurt, it's impossible to evaporate 6% of their wealth all at once. From this point of view, he can even be said to have made a lot of money."



Both Hayasaka Ai and Shinomiya Kaguya were a little silent.

The struggle between families is not as simple as it sounds.Both the Shijo family and the Shinomiya family are the top chaebols in Sakurajima. Once they fight each other to the death, turmoil in related industries is inevitable. How many workers will lose their jobs and how many families will fall apart because of this...

Such consequences, even thinking about it, make people shudder.

But Sigong Huang Guang didn't take these things to heart.

The Sigong family almost wrote 'cold-blooded and ruthless' and 'selfishness' into their family motto. The Sigong Huang Guang who was raised by this education is naturally a rotten person.

He didn't care how serious the consequences of his actions would be.

"He should still be a little vacillating now, and he is probably still preparing to see if the securities department of Sigong Group will work, and it will be able to produce a miracle to stop the downward trend of Sigong's stock."

"Of course it's impossible."

"Tomorrow is Friday, which is the last day that the Sakurajima stock market opens every week. After that, the market will be closed on Saturday and Sunday. He has two full days to solve this problem."

"And these two days are actually an excellent opportunity for Sigong Huangguang."

Hayasaka Ai and Shinomiya Kaguya seemed to have thought of something, they looked at each other, and then said in unison——

"Cultural Festival!"

"That's right, the cultural festival of St. Eden Academy is its long-lost opening day. At that time, guests from all over Tokyo will flock here. It's actually quite simple to mix some 'friends on the road' things."

"Besides, as a student of St. Eden Academy, Princess Shijo will definitely receive guests, so it is quite easy to find a good opportunity to make a move."

"Kaguya, your task is to alert Sijo Zhenfei and the Sijo family behind her, at least not to be easily captured by Sigong Huangguang."

"Is it to make her no longer participate in the cultural festival?" Shinomiya Kaguya asked.

"No, she's coming," Yuan Jing shook his head, "If the Shijo family shrinks, it will be difficult to judge the time and place of the Sigong Huangguang's attack. After all, Tokyo is the territory of the Sigong family, so it is difficult to guarantee that it will not Just in case."

"In this case, it will be more conducive to the operation at the cultural festival of St. Eden Academy, and it will not startle the enemy."

"Oh, by the way, this is for you." Yuan Jing seemed to have remembered something, stretched his arms back, fumbled out a white paper with data written on it from the table, and handed it to Shinomiya Hui night.

"What is this?" Kaguya Shinomiya looked at the data on it and asked a little confused.

"This is the closing price of the main stocks of the Sigong family when the market closes tomorrow afternoon." Yuanjing replied with some ease.

"..." Shinomiya Kaguya looked at him, his eyes were full of strangeness.

Did she hear it right?

Tomorrow afternoon, the closing price? ? ?

"With this, you should be able to gain the trust of the true concubine Sijo, right?" Yuanjing asked back.

Putting away the white paper solemnly, Shinomiya Kaguya nodded slowly.

She took a deep look at this beautiful young man who was lazily lying on the bench, acting harmless to humans and animals.

If it's all in his plan...

Shinomiya Kaguya felt at this moment that being able to be a "worker" for Yuanjing might be one of the wisest decisions in her life.

Chapter 83 Concubine Zhen: I will support your love affair! (4k)

"Huh? The Shinomiya family might come to kidnap me?" Although she was in the same grade as Minomiya Kaguya and Shinomiya Kaguya, she was neither in Class A where Minomiya Kaguya was, nor in Class B where Shinomiya Kaguya was.

She is a student in Class F, Grade [-] of St. Eden Academy.

By the way, the activity prepared by Class F in the cultural festival of St. Eden Academy is a classic project in the cultural festival, that is, the maid cafe.

However, if it was just an ordinary maid cafe, it would be too unattractive, and it can be imagined that the effect would not be very good.

So, just like what Class B prepared was a variant of the maid cafe—the Deacon Cafe, Class F also played a new trick in the style of the maid cafe, that is——

Great positive wind.

The cafe opened by Class F is the Taisho Maid Cafe.

The Taisho period is a relatively special period in the history of Sakurajima. It was immediately after the Meiji period, and it was the most intense period when Sakurajima culture collided with the incoming Western culture.

If we use a certain period in the history of China as an analogy, then it is almost the period of the Republic of China.

At that time, the enlightened atmosphere and romanticism brewed a social trend of thought in pursuit of individual liberation, and coffee shops, as imported things, initially attracted cultural groups with petty bourgeois sentiments to meet and hold salons in them, and some coffee shops took the lead in opening up the atmosphere. First, give job opportunities to women who were just liberated at that time.

However, the so-called maid culture did not exist at that time, and the women who were active in these cafes were not called maids, but were generally referred to as maids or maids.

Its costumes basically reflect the typical style of "both East and West" and "Eclectic Japanese and Western" in that era——

A pure white frilled apron with a small furisode (two-foot sleeve) kimono and a lantern hakama.

This is also the typical image chosen by Class F.

If you find it difficult to understand the special feelings of Sakurajima people for "Taisho Maid", there is still a classic female image that can help you understand the meaning, that is "Republic of China Girl Student".

There is no doubt that the concubine Shijo, who was born in the Shijo family, is a very high-level beautiful girl. After all, as long as the author does not portray it maliciously, there are basically no ugly girls in the Two-dimensional world.

Since it is a beautiful girl, it naturally conforms to the first law of beautiful girls, that is——

Beautiful girls look good in whatever they wear.

Today is Friday, and it is also the eve of the opening of St. Eden Academy's cultural festival. The atmosphere of the modern classroom in Class F has long since disappeared.When Kaguya Shinomiya came here, he even had the illusion that he really came to a coffee shop in the Taisho period.

Shijo Makoto, who is wearing a white frilly apron and small furis, is the foreman of the 'Taisho Maids', but facing Shinomiya Kaguya who came to the door, she did not make the most obvious gestures like 'greeting with a smile'. The reaction that fit the image of the uniform he was wearing showed a very obvious look of disgust.

Class F's coffee shop will only open tomorrow, and it's just a rehearsal stage, so naturally there is no need to greet the 'guests' who come to the door with a smile.

Moreover, the Sigong family and the Sijo family can be said to be a 'golden feud' with each other, and this kind of hostility and hatred naturally extends to the generation of the real concubine Sijo.

To her, Shinomiya Kaguya is naturally not a popular object, and she frowned even more when she told her that 'the Shinomiya family may kidnap you', showing 12 points of disbelief Come.

The gambling agreement between Shinomiya Huangguang and Simomiya Yanan is a secret of the Shinomiya family. If Hayasaka Ai's father, Hayasaka Masato, was not the personal secretary of Shinomiya Yanan, Yuan Jing and the others would probably have known such news. It takes a lot of effort.

In addition, the Sijo family did not have a very clear understanding of their own position.

In Sigong Huangguang's eyes, it was the Shijo family's power in the beautiful country that took the lead in stirring up the stock price of the Sigong Group, and the rapid follow-up of the local Shijo family's power in Sakurajima was a clear proof.

In his opinion, the Shijo family is the chief culprit who hindered his plan, it is simply unforgivable!

But Shinomiya Kaguya knew that the overseas funds had nothing to do with the Shijo family at all, and her current boss was behind it.

The idea of ​​Sigong Huangguang is an extremely wrong cognition he deliberately created.

The Sitiao family didn't know that they had become Sigong Huangguang's "thorn in the side" and "thorn in the flesh". From their point of view, they were just following a mysterious force to bring trouble to the somewhat turbulent Sigong family.

In addition, the practice of kidnapping the children of the other family and thereby coercing them is actually an extremely low-level practice, which has somewhat touched the bottom line of the big families.

As the saying goes, "Wives and children are never as bad as misfortunes", any big family will have its own younger generation, no matter how fierce the fight between each other is, unless it reaches the point where they want to uproot each other and never die, otherwise they will not attack the younger generation It is an unspoken rule that the big families default to.

Even if the Shinomiya family is in full swing, if it breaks this bottom line, it will cause public outrage among the Chinese in Sakurajima.

It is precisely because of the above reasons that Shijo Shinobi showed a very obvious skeptical attitude towards Shinomiya Kaguya's statement.

She frowned slightly, and said to Sigong Huiye mercilessly: "Even if the Sigong family really wanted to kidnap me, Aunt Sigong, you didn't come to tell me the reason, did you?"

"Aha," Sitiao Zhenfei's tone was full of sarcasm, "Could it be that the cold-blooded and ruthless Sigong people also have the saying 'conscience found'? No, no."

Ah, auntie...

Hearing Shijo Shino's address, Shinomiya Kaguya's blood pressure showed signs of rising a little bit.

However, the title of this aunt is really not the casual ridicule of Shijo Zhenfei. In fact, if she calls Sigong Kaguya "Sigong Grandma", then there is nothing wrong with her seniority.

The Shijo family is a branch family expelled by the Shinomiya family, and the genealogy used by them naturally comes from the same source.

Although Kaguya Shinomiya and Concubine Shijo are the same age, but if the seniority is really arranged, Kaguya Sigong is actually the same generation as Concubine Shijo's grandfather.

Therefore, the real concubine Sijo called her Aunt Sigong, but she was actually young if she had to say it.

Shinomiya Kaguya would not appreciate it.

Presumably any girl who is in her prime will not be happy if she is called 'auntie' by her peers, right?

Taking a few deep breaths, and lightly suppressing the rising black flame in his heart, Kaguya Shinomiya lightly let out a mouthful of turbid air.

If she still regarded herself as the young lady of the Sigong family, then naturally she would not tolerate the ridicule of the real concubine Shijo, and might just walk away like this.

After all, her reminder this time was actually out of consideration for the other party's safety.In the end, what I received was not gratitude but suspicion and ridicule. It was natural to feel unhappy.

But she is not.

She is now a laborer at Yuanjing, so she can no longer let her own whim do things like this, but must complete the boss's task as the top priority.

She still owes Yuanjing 200 billion yen!

From this point of view, Hayasaka Ai's maid teaching is quite effective.

Facing the suspicious eyes of Concubine Shijo, Shinomiya Kaguya, who had done a good job of psychological training, quietly said something that shocked the former——

"I'm ready to leave the Shinomiya family."

"Eh?" Shinobi Shijo blinked her eyes in a daze, as if she couldn't understand what Shinomiya Kaguya was saying for a while.After realizing the meaning of Shinomiya Kaguya's words, she immediately widened her eyes, and before she could utter a scream, a white hand covered her mouth, suppressing the scream that she was about to utter. Killed in the cradle.

Covering the mouth of Concubine Shijo with his left hand, Shinomiya Kaguya put the index finger of his right hand to his lips, making a gesture of 'shh'.

Concubine Shijo is not a fool, she naturally understood the inappropriateness of her previous behavior, and after she blinked slightly to express her understanding, she pulled down the hand covering her mouth.

"Student Sigong, is what you said true? Do you really want to leave the Sigong family?" She lowered her voice, her tone was full of curiosity and disbelief.

You don't call me aunt anymore?Shinomiya Kaguya rolled her eyes secretly in her heart.In this sense, the four real concubines are really simple and easy to understand.

As for why...

Because there is a high probability that I don't have the blood of the Sigong family, and Sigong Huang Guang wants to sell himself for a good price.

This kind of truth is really not suitable for explaining to the real concubine Shijo, and even if he said so, the other party might not believe it.

This whole story is a bit too absurd. If it weren't for Shinomiya Kaguya's experience growing up and the clues she found, she probably couldn't believe it.

Who would have thought that a character like Shinomiya Yan'an would have real affection for a woman from the night scene?

Because of this, Shinomiya Kaguya used another rhetoric she made up for Shijo Zhenfei——

"Actually, I already have someone I like." When she said these words, her face even blushed, showing a shy and embarrassed look.

This is a lie.

"Oh," the pure Shijo Makoto didn't see through Shinomiya Kaguya's acting skills, so her eyes sparkled.

In St. Eden Academy, Shinomiya Kaguya, the eldest lady of the Shinomiya family, is naturally a man of the hour, and because of her attitude of rejecting people from thousands of miles away and her unsmiling personality, she has always had the "Bing Huiye" title.

Where has Shitiao Zhenfei seen her look like "the ice and snow melted, and the spring is revealed"?

In addition, what Shinomiya Kaguya said was precisely the topic of love that Shijo Zhenfei was most interested in and believed in at her age, so she believed it almost instantly.

"Who is that person?" She asked Shinomiya Kaguya very curiously.

Hearing this, Kaguya Shinomiya blushed even more. She turned her head to the side and stammered slightly, "No, no matter who he is, it has nothing to do with our topic today, right?"

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