Because this is to lie to you, there is no such person at all.Shinomiya Kaguya said so in her heart.

So far, among the people Kaguya Shinomiya has come into contact with, the only one who can make her blush and heartbeat is Yuan Jing.

But in Shinomiya Kaguya's heart, he always felt that his performance this time was simply coveting the other party's 'beauty', at most he added a little bit of admiration and envy for his talent, and it didn't involve any relationship between men and women.

"Oh~," Sijo Zhenfei said in a long voice.In terms of rank, she and Shinomiya Kaguya are really far behind. Naturally, she didn't see the other party's acting skills at this time, but thought that Shinomiya Kaguya was just simply shy.

"However, my love with him has not been recognized by the Shinomiya family." Shinomiya Kaguya's cheeks that were originally flushed due to shyness quickly lost their color, revealing a powerless paleness.

"My eldest brother Si Gong Huang Guang has already selected a marriage partner for me, so naturally I am not allowed to marry the person I love."

"This, this way." Sijo Zhenfei is also a child of a big family, but it may be because the time of being expelled is not too long, and because she has lived overseas for a long time and has been deeply influenced by foreign cultures, Sijo The ethos of the family is much more enlightened than that of traditional Sakurajima families such as the Shinomiya family.

At least, Concubine Shijo has the right to fall in love freely, and because of this, she has more and more sympathy for Kaguya Shinomiya.

"The marriage partner my elder brother chose for me is a child of an ancient big family," Kaguya Shinomiya's words were full of bitterness, as if complaining to Concubine Shijo.

"Although he looks very handsome and unrestrained, he is a person who has nothing to do with gentleness and consideration. He usually calls me around without any respect at all." She said pointingly, "The most important thing is Yes, he's still bothering!"

"Yes, this is the most unforgivable thing!" Said the real concubine Sijo with the same hatred.

For a girl like her who is full of longing for love, "Hua Xin" is obviously unforgivable.

"As far as I know, he has been entangled with at least four women. According to gossip, he also has an underground lover. I will not marry such a person!"

Shinomiya Kaguya's tone was very indignant, she clenched her fists in front of her chest, and there seemed to be flames burning in her eyes——

"So, I want to leave the Sigong family. Even if I leave the house completely, in short, I must be with the person I love!"

"I understand!" Makoto Shijo stretched out her hands and wrapped Kaguya Shinomiya's fists in the palms of her own hands, as if she wanted to convey her heart to the other party with this movement.

She was a little innocent, but now she has no doubts about Shinomiya Kaguya.

Shinomiya Kaguya wanted to break away from the Shinomiya family, but she was alone and helpless in the family, and she couldn't do such a thing on her own words.

After she happened to find out that her elder brother had mischievous intentions towards her, on the one hand, she couldn't bear to be kidnapped by the Sigong family.On the other hand, he wanted to use this to gain the power of the Shijo family, so he revealed this matter to himself.

He clearly knew that he would be ridiculed and doubted by himself, but he still insisted on doing so. What he did was a sincere love.

This is too good to cry!

"Kaguya, please don't give up, I will be a loyal supporter of your love affair!" Concubine Shijo looked into Kaguya Shinomiya's eyes and said very seriously.

"Ha, thank you so much." Shinomiya Kaguya never thought that her own words would have such a lethal force. She hadn't taken out the secret weapon that Yuanjing gave her, Sijo Zhenfei. It was settled so easily.

There was even a glint of water in her eyes, as if she was really moved by Shinomiya Kaguya's fabricated story.

Shinomiya Kaguya was inexplicably flustered.

Can this go wrong?

Will not.

Probably not, right?

Chapter 84 Shinomiya Kaguya who wants to be the Ouchi manager (4k)

"Please don't give up, I will always support you!"

"Ah, oh, um, thank you."

After waving goodbye to the reluctant Concubine Shijo with a little embarrassment, Kaguya Shinomiya heaved a sigh of relief.

Well, although there was a 'little bit' that exceeded my expectations, and I didn't even use the 'secret weapon' given by Yuanjing, isn't there an old saying that is good?

As long as the ending is good, then everything is fine.

At least, she has satisfactorily completed the task entrusted to her by Yuanjing, and to some extent it can even be said to have overfulfilled.Because the concubine Shijo, who was moved by her story, can be said to be in a state of 'obedience' to her.

From this point of view, my work should still be considered, um, well done?

With such reverie in mind, Shinomiya Kaguya waited quietly on the spot, ready to wait for Shijo Makoto to leave for a while before going down the stairs.

It is now the day before the cultural festival of St. Eden Academy, just after the lunch break, and the entire St. Eden Academy is in a frenzy before the festival begins. Situation is good to make oneself feel at ease and so on, it happens almost everywhere.

The conversation between her and Concubine Sijo is still in the category of "conspiracy", and naturally it cannot be held in public.

The place Shinomiya Kaguya chose was actually the stairwell in front of the rooftop that the two of them used frequently when Ai Hayasaka was her personal maid.

This is a place jointly stamped by intelligence master Hayasaka Ai and loneliness expert Yuanjing as 'inaccessible'. It can be said to be the best place for secret talks or exchange of information.

Even so, Shinomiya Kaguya was still very careful.

After all, Sigong Group is one of the chaebols behind St. Eden Academy. Although my eldest brother has been attracted by Sigong Group's still plummeting stock price, he is probably holding a computer and furious, but he is still on campus. It has its own eyeliner.

It's the same as the Shinomiya villa where I live.

Because of this, when she called Shijo Zhenfei to tell her where to meet, she specifically told the other party to pay attention to avoid the eyeliner of the faculty and staff, and for this she used some aggressive methods.

At that time, although the concubine Shijo hadn't trusted Kaguya Shinomiya, and she still had a vicious voice, she still fulfilled her request very well.

How should I put it, a girl with a tsundere personality is indeed the best.

Out of prudent considerations, she couldn't go down the stairs at the same time as Concubine Shijo.

Although he has made up his mind to leave the Sigong family, but after all, this is just a private plan and has not become a reality for the time being.

In the eyes of others, the current Shinomiya Kaguya is still the eldest lady of the Shinomiya family, and Shijo Zhenfei is the daughter of the Shijo family.

If the daughters of the two families who are feuds walk with each other harmoniously and harmoniously, even in the current state of fanaticism, it is something that can cause criticism, not to mention that there is a news agency, 'Paparazzi' societies like broadcasting agencies.

As the saying goes, "a dike of a thousand miles is destroyed by an ant's nest", if the most difficult part of the task has been completed, but the plan is aborted because of such a trivial matter, Kaguya Shinomiya will not be able to forgive herself.

And when Shinomiya Kaguya was silently reading the seconds in his heart, calculating the appropriate time for him to go downstairs——

"Ah, Kaguya?"

Below her, a pink-haired girl was looking up at her with an open face, holding a tightly sealed large box in her arms.

The box seems a bit heavy.The pink-haired girl was slightly out of breath because of this, and fine beads of sweat appeared on her fair forehead.

After seeing her friend's strenuous effort, Shinomiya Kaguya walked up to her silently, put her hands on the bottom of the box, and shared part of the weight for her.

"Are you going to move to the rooftop?" she asked.

At the end of this staircase is the gate of the rooftop, and it is closed all year round. Because of this, this place is rarely seen.

Looking at the other party's appearance, it is obvious that she is not the same as herself, but came here to 'chat' with others, so it is more likely that she is going to the rooftop to 'arrange' something.

"Well, that's right," the pink-haired girl, or Chika Fujiwara nodded, "Thank you, Kaguya."

Shinomiya Kaguya shook his head lightly, expressing that it was nothing.

For a long time, the other party was his only friend.Although he didn't say it, Shinomiya Kaguya actually cherished this friendship.

She even used her own maid to test the other party when she learned that her friend had a "loved one".

Thinking about it now, time flies so fast, Kaguya Shinomiya feels as if she has passed away.

Instead of carrying all the weight alone, two people carried it together, which undoubtedly greatly reduced the burden on Chika Fujiwara.

After taking a long breath of relief, Chika Fujiwara, who was facing Kaguya Shinomiya, suddenly burst out laughing for some reason.

"???" Shinomiya Kaguya cast a somewhat puzzled look—could it be that there was something on his face that made Chika Fujiwara laugh because of it?

Now her hands are occupied, so she can't take out the mirror to take a picture...

As if seeing the worry in Shinomiya Kaguya's heart, Fujiwara Chika smiled and shook her head, "It has nothing to do with Kaguya, I just suddenly thought of something happy."

She looked around slightly with nostalgia, as if recalling something, and then with a mischievous smile, she said to Shinomiya Kaguya: "Kaguya, do you know? A couple with O blood type, But you can give birth to a daughter with type A blood."

"Of course I know." Shinomiya Kaguya gave Chika Fujiwara a strange look, "Is it Bombay blood type or 'pseudo-O blood'? When my private teacher in biology class taught me the laws of genetics, he mentioned it to me. Let me talk about this aspect. It is said that there is an extremely rare blood type..."

"Kaguya, how could you know!" Fujiwara Chika was a little indignant for a moment, "In this case, wouldn't it be impossible for me to continue the conversation?"

"Ah?" Shinomiya Kaguya was a little confused, she thought for a moment, and then asked Chika Fujiwara tentatively, "How could a couple with blood type O give birth to a daughter with blood type A?" ? Qianhua, you are saying strange things again."

Although Shinomiya Kaguya's words sounded a bit like a good read because she knew the answer herself, but Chika Fujiwara revealed, "Exactly!" ' bright expression.

Immediately, as if she couldn't wait any longer, she told Shinomiya Kaguya about a past that happened between her and Yuan Jing in this stairwell full of memories.

"Hey, so such a thing happened." After Fujiwara Chika finished speaking, the two had already arrived at the gate of the rooftop.

After slightly increasing the strength in her hands so that Chika Fujiwara could take out the key with one hand to open the door, Kaguya Shinomiya slightly changed her mind about her own boss.

In fact, she has never been very clear about why Chika Fujiwara, who has always adopted philanthropy, favored Yuanjing so much. This made up for her shortcoming in this information.

Although in Chika Fujiwara's narration, the girly filter of "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" is extremely strong, but what Yuanjing did will not be distorted by it.

What, isn't Yuanjing quite comforting?I really didn't think about it, it turned out that Qianhua also felt lost because she might not be the child of her parents, which is somewhat similar to my previous situation.

However, for Qianhua, Yuanjing's actions are obviously trying to persuade "unity", while for me and the Sigong family, he is unscrupulously trying to persuade "division"...

This is probably because Qianhua and I have seen through the deepest desire in our hearts, so we responded differently.

My boss understands people's hearts better than I imagined.

Shinomiya Kaguya was slightly moved.

Accompanied by the slight sound of the key fitting into the lock cylinder, and the sound of rotation after the two bite, and finally accompanied by a 'click', the door of the rooftop was opened by Chika Fujiwara.

The moment the silver door was opened, a gust of biting wind rushed into the originally warm stairwell, causing Shinomiya Kaguya, who had been in deep thought, to be alerted slightly, and instantly woke up.

And accompanied by this gust of cold wind, there are also Chika Fujiwara's words full of will——

"Since then, I have started to care more and more about my classmate Yuanyuan, no, it was Ah Jinglai. After that, some things happened, which made my love more and more firm."

"I like Ah Jing, and I want to break into his heart, marry him, and be his bride." There was no shyness in her words, only firmness that was so full that it almost overflowed.

For Chika Fujiwara, who has a lively and cheerful personality, falling in love with others is not something to be shy about.If she could win his favor by confessing her love loudly in front of all the teachers and students in the school, even in front of the whole Tokyo and the people of Sakurajima, she would probably do so without hesitation.

The road to capture Yuanjing is long and tortuous. If you are not firm in your mind, or even vacillating, looking forward and backward, isn’t that adding difficulties to yourself?

Fujiwara Chika would not do such a stupid thing.

But after hearing Chika Fujiwara's words, Kaguya Shinomiya was alarmed in her heart. She is not a silly and sweet girl with a love brain like Concubine Shijo, so naturally she will not be confused by Chika Fujiwara's words——

Be wary of Chika Fujiwara playing the memory card!

And of course friendship cards!

"So, Kaguya." The biting wind in mid-November blew up Chika Fujiwara's long pink hair and made her dress make a loud noise. She ignored it, but looked at To my friend——

"Can you come and help me?"

"...Sorry." Shinomiya Kaguya looked away, "I'm a neutral faction, and I won't help anyone."

As Yuanjing's migrant worker, Shinomiya Kaguya naturally has a very clear understanding of the emotional entanglements of her boss.

I owe Yuanjing a debt of 200 billion yen. Even with the most optimistic estimate, it will take almost ten years to pay it off.

Moreover, even if I have paid off Yuanjing's debts, it doesn't mean that I will break up with him like this.

Compared to starting from another place and starting from scratch, working under Yuanjing is obviously an easier and wiser choice.What's more, Shinomiya Kaguya owes Yuan Jing not only a debt of 200 billion yen, but also the kindness of rescuing her from Shinomiya's house.

In fact, she has already made the psychological preparation and awareness to work for Yuanjing for a lifetime.

In this case, she naturally also thought about who would be her boss in private.

Just like Yukinoshita Yono, she is actually not very optimistic about the current alliance formed by the girls.

In the final analysis, this is a special product formed in response to the "evil mother-in-law" of Minamoto Larimitsu and Yuanjing's own "celibacy". What about after the 'big mountain' collapsed?

Judging others by oneself, Kaguya Shinomiya doesn't believe that the girls will be able to 'share' the source scenery so harmoniously in the future.

If it is said that they beat each other badly and never communicate with each other, then it must not be that far, but discord with each other should be the doomed future.

In this case, as Yuan Jing's right-hand man (Kaguya Shinomiya considers herself), although her inclination will not have any influence on Yuan Jing's decision, it will actually help the girls.

You see, the court ministers of all dynasties, in order to guess what they wanted, didn't they all try to win over the eunuchs around the emperor to get some inside information or convenience?

She, Kaguya Shinomiya, is going to be the biggest 'big eunuch' around Yuan Jing!

She is the woman who will become Yuanjing's 'General Manager'!

Hmm, such a statement seems a little strange?

From the current point of view, there are actually four women who have a clear crush on Yuanjing and have the possibility of becoming their own bosses.

Or, five?

Shinomiya Kaguya is not very clear about the relationship between Yuanjing and Ningguang, so I will skip it for the time being.

Among these four, logically speaking, the one who has the closest relationship with her is Ai Hayasaka, the crumb maid who grew up with her and loves her sisters;

However, Chika Fujiwara was her only friend for a long time, and she naturally cherished her friendship very much;

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