However, just as the Shinomiya Group and Minamoto Raimitsu are in the same camp, but they are still a little close, the source scene and the girls represented by Fujiwara Chika are actually not a complete cooperative relationship.

No, it can even be said that the flavor of 'competitive relationship' is stronger.

Their representative, Hayasaka Ai, once issued a challenging declaration to Yuan Jing in the bathroom of the Shinomiya Villa, that is——

"If they can defeat Yuan Laiguang first, Yuan Jing will accept their application for dating," and it is "one time per person, no default is allowed."

Just like Yuan Jing took action against the Shinomiya Group, the girls must be taking action in order to defeat Minamoto Raimitsu.

However, Yuanjing, who is in the 'foot-free period', cannot get in touch with Touma Kazusa, Yukinoshita Yukino, and Fujiwara Chika who are still in school.

Although he can get in touch with Ai Hayasaka as the head maid of the Shinomiya Villa every day, she has a very strict tone and never revealed anything to him. She just said mysteriously, "Master Yuan, you will meet me when the time comes." know'.

Every time at this time, the blond-haired and blue-eyed maid's eyes will show an expression of determination, as if she is very confident in their plan.

Of course, if Yuan Jing wanted to get something out of this maid, it would not be difficult at all to be honest.

However, although he was evaluated as 'not considerate enough' by a young lady with black hair and red eyes, he was obviously not so confused.

Therefore, Yuan Jing still doesn't know exactly what kind of medicine is sold in the gourds of the girls.

Well, anyway, I will know today...

Just as he was thinking like this, a door next to the living room of the Sigong Villa was gently pushed open, and accompanied by a gust of fragrant wind, a peerless beauty walked out slowly.

She is slim and graceful, with warm spring water in her eyes, and countless tenderness in her eyes looking at Yuanjing.

A luxurious purple kimono was attached to her body very obediently. It was embroidered with complicated flower and bird patterns with gold and silver threads, which further highlighted the elegant and gentle temperament of its owner.

Generally speaking, a loose kimono is actually a kind of clothing that does not need a figure to set off. As long as you have a good face and a good temperament, even if your figure is lacking, you can still wear a kimono very beautifully.Because whether it is AA or D, as long as you wear a kimono, there will not be much difference in the appearance curve.

However, just like everything has a degree, the "tolerance" of kimono has an upper limit.And the woman in front of her has obviously gone far beyond the "upper limit" that the kimono can carry. Even with the layers of kimonos, she still can't cover up the infinitely beautiful curves of the other party, adding a bit of coquettish luster.

This kind of "coquettish color" did not damage her own dignity, dignity, elegance and gentleness, but mixed into a unique temperament that belongs to her, which makes people fall in love with it at the first sight, even without thinking about eating and drinking, and sleeping soundly Sifu.

The person who came here wasn't Yuanjing's adoptive mother Yuan Laiguang, so who was it?

It has to be said that if one wants to find a woman who best fits the term "peerless beauty" among the people Yuanjing has come into contact with, then Minamoto Raimitsu will naturally do his part.

Unlike girls such as Fujiwara Chika, Yukinoshita Yukino, Touma Kazusa who are still in the 'flower' state, Minamoto Raimitsu has completely 'matured'.

Carefully polished by time, she has come to the most beautiful golden age of a woman, exuding a unique charm of mature women.

Not only that, but as the patriarch of the Minamoto family, he naturally practices the secret method that can keep his body in peak condition, so compared to other women, Minamoto's golden age is extremely long.

Even when Yuan Jing really grows up, she will still have such a magnificent appearance.

Under Yuan Jing's gaze, Minamoto Laiguang stopped in his tracks, and turned around playfully, so that his adopted son could have a panoramic view of her beauty——

"How?" Her purple eyes were full of smiles, "Such a mother, isn't it embarrassing for you?"

Obviously, Minamoto Raimitsu was in a very good mood.

In her opinion, the so-called cultural festivals are actually similar to temple fairs.

My son likes to be quiet, so he naturally avoids things like going out with her if he can.

In her memory, the number of times she participated in festivals and temple fairs with Yuan Jing can be said to be very few, and this is also one of her regrets.

Because of this, she actually attaches great importance to the two-day cultural festival, and regards it as an excellent opportunity to "exchange feelings" with her most precious adopted son.

"...I have never felt ashamed of my mother." These are Yuan Jing's words full of sincerity.

For this foster mother, although he knew that there would be a day when they parted ways due to disagreement, but this did not prevent him from feeling respect for her from the bottom of his heart.

After all, if there was no Minamoto Raimitsu, even if he was still a child at the time, no matter how mature his inner mind was, limited by his immature body, the possibility of surviving in the deep mountains and old forests and successfully walking out is actually not very high.

After all, his previous life was not the one who could eat anything as long as the head was removed.What's more, even if it was Master Bei, turning him into two years old and then throwing him into the deep mountains and old forests with his bare hands is actually not much different from murder.

The grace of saving life plus the grace of nurturing... This kind of grace cannot be easily erased.

"I will say such things that make my mother happy." Hearing the sincerity in Yuan Jing's words, the smile on Yuan Laiguang's face became sweeter and sweeter.

She came to Yuan Jing's side gracefully, and then raised her jade hand lightly, pulling Yuan Jing up.

"do not move."

After whispering something softly, she began to arrange the clothes on Yuanjing's body.

Naturally, Minamoto couldn't be wearing a kimono like Minamoto Raimitsu.Like simplicity, he has always been insensitive to this kind of clothes that are quite troublesome to wear.

However, he naturally didn't wear the clothes he bought himself after he came to Tokyo.

Minamoto Larimitsu has mercilessly discarded the fruit of hard work and hard work of those shop assistants.

What Yuanjing is wearing now is actually a new product purchased by Minamoto Raimiko based on his own taste.

In the first few days of this week, Yuanjing had to be occupied by these new clothes for almost half an hour a day, to serve as a 'dress-up doll' in the hands of his mother.

If it wasn't for his desperate opposition and argument, this period of time would have been extended several times...

It can only be said that it is a woman's nature to dress up for the person she cares about, even a woman like Minamoto Raimitsu.

After slightly smoothing out the wrinkles on Yuan Jing's clothes, and tidying up the cuffs and neckline, looking at his handsome adopted son, Minamoto Laiguang's beautiful eyes sparkled.

After letting out a satisfied sigh, Minamoto Raimitsu took Yuanjing's arm very naturally——

"It's about time, let's go."

Of course we mean Yuanjing and herself.

As for the destination, it was like setting off with Kaguya Shinomiya and that annoying Ai Hayasaka, and it never existed in her mind for a second.


Just when the mother and son of the Yuan family were about to leave, in St. Eden Academy, a special 'swearing-in meeting' was being held.

Its location is the auditorium of St. Eden Academy, and the participants are almost all sports clubs of St. Eden Academy.

But the speaker was not the high-ranking student council president.

It was a girl with pink hair.

Because the class activity was a haunted house, Chika Fujiwara didn't wear any serious clothes.

She wears a strange headdress of iron spikes, and there are strange painted metal lines on her face, and she looks like an 'artificial human'.

But such an unscrupulous attire did not cause any loss of majesty in her subsequent words, but instead gave her a very peculiar charm.

"Flesh and blood human beings, I believe everyone is quite clear about today's plan, and they are all prepared." With the help of the microphone, the deliberately hoarse voice reached everyone's ears.

"However, I still want to emphasize that the enemies you are facing today are not even human beings at all."

"She's the devil."

There was a slight commotion, but Chika Fujiwara didn't care about it, and just continued talking.

"After all, what is a demon king?"

"For most people, the Devil King is a product of video games. He talks about conquering the world and destroying the earth, but he is actually just an illusory existence sitting cross-legged in his own territory. Isn't that right?"

The students' discussions gradually subsided.

"Although it is called the biggest obstacle, it is actually an enemy that you have to spend labor, money and time to cross thousands of mountains and rivers, sneak into the underworld, and reach the deepest place. This is the devil. As long as you put the peace of life first One, if you abandon your sword and return to ordinary life, you will be able to live a stable life with no relationship with the Demon King. Yes, although the Demon King is an obstacle to human beings, it has never stopped you from living in peace."

Fujiwara Chika paused for a while, and she looked around the auditorium with her eyes.

Unknowingly, everyone present listened attentively to her speech.

The place was suddenly eerily quiet.

Only her words continue to echo in this space.

"The devil is the unreached mountain for mountaineers, the uncharted sea for sailors, and the unfinished work of novelists. As long as you don't deviate from the straight and long boring road of life, you will never be able to step into the same length but rough road. It is impossible to reach the place where the Demon King is located.”

"That's right, most people have nothing to do with the devil in their lives, because the devil will not interfere with your boring life. If you just want to live your life like birds and beasts, you don't need to fight at all."

"Among human beings, only a very small number of courageous people are willing to risk their lives and challenge the devil. There will be no benefit if you defeat the devil; but if you don't defeat the devil, you will be notorious and regret all day long Throwing youth. But even so—if human beings want to be proud of being human, they must fight, and they must choose their own muddy and bruised paths."

Fujiwara Chika's voice was neither passionate nor high-pitched, but it pierced deeply into people's hearts.

"People always believe that the enemy who is destined to be defeated, the devil in life, will come and pull him to the burning stage."

"However, this is wrong. People who sit on the sidelines will only roll to the straight and gentle slope and reach the end of death. If you don't take the initiative to find it, the devil will not come! Because she is such an existence!"

"Isn't this kind of life too sad?"

"However! Just today! There is a demon king who is about to come here!" Chika Fujiwara raised her voice.

"She will crush all living beings and let you understand that fighting is the source of happiness, and that burning your life for meaningless battles is the highest joy!"

"Are you ready to accept the ravages of the Demon King?!"

Chapter 87 Hundred Trials and Malicious Obstruction (4K)

The total number of students in St. Eden Academy is more than 8000, and its area is about 30 times that of ordinary middle schools.There is no doubt that even in terms of specifications, it is worthy of the title of "No. [-] Middle School" in the Tokyo area.

However, although the scale is basically not much different from the university, but unlike the latter which is basically open to tourists all year round, Saint Eden Academy is an extremely 'closed' academy.

High exterior walls, specially trained guards, ubiquitous cameras in the campus, security guards patrolling everywhere... All of these constitute the extremely detailed security system of St. Eden Academy, To ensure the safety of its teachers and students.

St. Eden Academy is an aristocratic school. The people who go to school in it can be said to be either rich or noble. Among them are the daughters of chaebols like Kaguya Shinomiya and the eldest daughter of a political family like Chika Fujiwara. In this way, St. Eden Academy is undoubtedly cautious about safety issues.

Because once a vicious incident such as kidnapping occurs, regardless of whether the result is good or bad, St. Eden Academy will definitely be thrown into the limelight of public opinion, criticized and criticized, and a large number of people will be criticized because of this. Resign......

Out of such considerations, St. Eden Academy has extremely strict controls on the entry and exit of personnel.For the vast majority of people in Tokyo, St. Eden Academy, as its name suggests, is the real 'Garden of Eden', a place that ordinary people like them cannot touch.

However, St. Eden Academy does not maintain such a closed state throughout the year.For at least two days every year, it can be completely open to the outside world. Not only that, but the students in the school have also prepared a wealth of activities for the tourists to have fun.

This is the time of the annual cultural festival of St. Eden Academy.

Provided you can afford the exorbitant ticket price.

Oh, by the way, during the cultural festival, the price inside St. Eden Academy, even in an international metropolis like Tokyo, is undoubtedly the top of the top.

Don't think it's too expensive, think about it, in normal times, no matter how much money you spend, it is undoubtedly wishful thinking to ask a daughter of a big family like Concubine Shijo to serve you tea and water.

But here, you can enjoy such a service.

If you think about it this way, not only did you not lose money, but you made a lot of money!

...It can only be said that although the name of St. Eden Academy contains various "holy" characters, its supporters behind the scenes are indeed a group of vampires. For them, "squeezing money" has almost become a kind of instinct.

But the thing is, people in Tokyo take it without a doubt.At this time of year, the passenger flow of St. Eden Academy can only be described as 'horror', even compared to large theme parks such as Disneyland.

Otherwise, Ningguang, who is the president of the student council, wouldn't have shouted, "[-] million yen in profit!" ' Such a catchphrase.

But today, due to a 'special reason', some unharmonious 'people' were mixed in among the guests of St. Eden Academy.

Yuan Jing glanced at a man not far in front of him, with a thoughtful expression in his eyes——

Although this person is dressed in a suit and leather shoes, he looks like a successful person, but as a being who has reached Lv. From the habitual movements he makes, the occasional aggressiveness, etc., it can be seen that the other party is definitely not the urban white-collar he pretended to be.

But a nimble 'practice'.

This was already the No.2 pretender he had seen.

Considering that the cultural festival has only just begun, and he has only arrived in less than half an hour...

Well, it seems that Sigong Huangguang is really in a hurry for this taste that is inevitable.

Yuan Jing looked away from the man.

The shop of Concubine Shijo is full at this time, and among the guests, there must be Shijo's own bodyguards mixed in, so she is extremely safe for the time being.

It also takes time for this group of heterogeneous people mixed in the customer flow to gather near the Taisho Maid Cafe in Class F, Senior One, and complete the 'encirclement'.

Judging from the disguises of these people, Sigong Huang Guang obviously didn't want to make the whole incident too big. If he could tie people up silently, that would naturally be the most perfect result.

It's obvious that I'm going to tear my skin apart, but I'm still looking forward and backward, afraid of having too much impact...

Yuan Jing shook his head in his heart, and stopped paying attention to these people.

These people won't do anything in a short time, instead of spending energy on it, it's better to think about other issues, such as——

What the hell did mom do?

At this time, Yuan Jing was sitting alone on a bench in the garden area of ​​St. Eden Academy, and behind him, the trees carefully pruned by the gardeners of the Academy were casting a shade of trees in a very thoughtful manner, for his Blocked the harsh sunlight in the morning.

And according to his nature, Minamoto Raimitsu, who was supposed to 'grow' beside him like a conjoined twin, disappeared at this time.

Not long after he and Minamoto Raimiko arrived at St. Eden Academy, a person dressed as a teacher seemed to greet her eagerly, as if he wanted to tell her something.

Minamoto Raimitsu didn't want to talk to this person at first.In her opinion, there is nothing more important than going to the 'temple fair' with her dearest Ajing.

However, after he handed a note to Minamoto Raimiko, she showed a hesitant expression on a very rare occasion. After looking him up and down with extremely sharp eyes, she immediately hugged the man in his arms. Yuanjing's arm in the crook of his arm was put down voluntarily.

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