"Mom has something to do, so Ah Jing can go shopping by himself for the time being."

Just put him on the bench in the garden area, Minamoto Raimitsu, led by that person, left without looking back.

It seemed that turning her head would shake her will to leave.

Yuan Jing is naturally very familiar with the character of his adoptive mother, and it is undoubtedly another matter related to him to make her temporarily leave him.

As for the behind-the-scenes instigation of this matter... Yuan Jing can roughly guess it.

However, what kind of bait did they use to get their mother hooked?

A promise that you will never associate with me again?

The agreement to give up her fiancée status?

Or is there some other 'something' that can temporarily escape from the self controlled by the mother and return to her eyes?

Right at this moment-

"Test, test!" A clear and melodious female voice flowed from the campus speakers all over St. Eden Academy.

Accompanied by such voices, images began to appear on the various large screens in St. Eden Academy.

A beautiful woman with gorgeous blond hair combed into twin ponytails appeared on the screen.

This is, Todou Lilicia?

Yuan Jing had some entanglements with the head of the news department, so he immediately recognized the man with the microphone in his forehand.

She is...?

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the 198th St. Eden Academy Cultural Festival!" As the head of the news department, Todou Lilicia was obviously at odds with the attribute of 'stage fright'.

On the contrary, she is a typical 'crazy' person, and she seems a little excited to express herself in front of so many people.

"If you opened the activity brochure sent to you by the gate guard after you entered the academy, you should have discovered it."

"Different from previous years, today's activities related to sports clubs can be said to be surprisingly few!"

"It's not that they've silently withdrawn from the fight for traffic, disheartened by their usual failures."

"On the contrary!"

"It's because almost all sports clubs will be involved in a project that can be said to be the best cultural festival of this year!"

"We call it, 'Hundred Trials'!"

Fujido Lilicia is an extremely eye-catching beautiful girl, coupled with her extremely provocative voice, and the publicity system that radiates throughout the entire academy, almost all the tourists of St. Eden Academy will Attention was focused on the project she called - 'Hundred Trials'.

"The name comes from the 'twelve trials' completed by the half-human, half-god hero Hercules in Greek mythology."

"Although in terms of quality, it is definitely not as good as that great hero, but it doesn't matter, we can surpass it in terms of quantity."

"Speaking of which, you may be wondering—what kind of plan is the so-called 'Hundred Trials'?"

Fujido Lilicia's voice paused for a while, and after giving everyone a little time to think and react, she immediately revealed the answer——

"It's actually very simple!"

"That is to rely on one person's strength to challenge the hundreds of clubs in our St. Eden Academy, and defeat them without hesitation in the field they are best at!"

"It sounds like a fantasy. Even when I heard about this project, I couldn't help but have deep doubts about whether such a powerful person exists."

"But! If she succeeds in targeting, then today will undoubtedly be a big event that can be recorded in the history of St. Eden Academy."

"And such a major event will happen under the witness of all of you!"

"Then now, let us hand over the screen to the protagonist among the protagonists, who is the challenger of the 'Hundred Trials'."

"By the way, she is an extremely beautiful woman, don't let her peerless beauty burn your eyes."

After saying these words, the screen on the big screen changed suddenly. The girl with blond hair and ponytails disappeared, replaced by a young woman in a purple kimono.

However, unlike Fujido Lilicia who was smiling all over her face, this beautiful woman with her long dark purple hair tied up almost to her knees with a big hair band had a frosty face, and there was a sparkle in her amethyst-like eyes. With a cold light as sharp as a blade, her delicate and small mouth was tightly closed, drawing an extremely cold arc.

If not Minamoto Raimitsu, who is this woman with 'discomfort' written all over her body?

However, it's okay to be unhappy, but she didn't express her opposition to this plan.

This woman with low air pressure all over her body behaved extremely sparingly, and just rushed straight towards her first target at an extremely fast speed.

Like a player ready to break speedrunning records.


"How did you convince her?" Looking away from the purple figure on the screen, 'Yukinoshita Yukino', or Yukinoshita Haruno dressed as her own sister, asked curiously Here comes the pink-haired girl.

This is the monitoring room of the security system of St. Eden Academy. With the cameras all over the academy, if you just stay here, you can have a panoramic view of almost the entire campus.

Logically speaking, this place should be forbidden to open to students, but Fujiwara Chika did get the key here by virtue of her social skills and connections.

"All." Fujiwara Chika replied indifferently.

"All?" Yukinoshita Yoshino blinked, "What do you mean by all?"

"Our vow to sever ties with Minamoto, the marriage contract between the Fujiwara family and the Minamoto family, and the big scandal that can shake St. Eden Academy... As long as she completes this 'Hundred Trials', this Everything will belong to her."

"..." Wow, this is really big enough.

The most important thing is that the original proposer of this plan was actually my sister...

Can love really have such a magical power?

Huh, wait a minute...

Yukinoshita Yoshino thought of something, "No, if it goes according to the plan, wouldn't the kidnapping incident be solved quietly before Aunt Minamoto Raimiko finished the trial?"

"Isn't that natural?" Fujiwara Chika gave Yukinoshita Yonomo a strange look, "This is a major event that can temporarily close St. Eden Academy, and even shake its foundation, how could it happen? "

"But, in this case, if Minamoto Raimitsu really completed the trial..."

"Then don't let her succeed." A confident smile appeared on Fujiwara Chika's face, "We have someone who can definitely defeat her."

'It will take [a little] time, though. ' she added in her mind.


"Long time no see, Yuan-san."

"It hasn't been long, it's only a few days if it's full."

"Isn't a few days not too long?" Touma Kazusa widened her eyes in surprise, as if she was a little incredulous at Yuan Jing's answer, "You hurt my girlish heart, and I will punish you."

A few days of longing, coupled with Yuan Jing's previous words of 'don't believe in believers', made this loyal girl a little bolder.

"I'll fine you to hang out with me."

"Say it first, don't refuse." Touma Kazusa tried to put on a threatening expression, but the result turned out to be a little cute—"We had a bet, and we had to compare who can defeat Minamoto Raimitsu."

"This is also a part of the plan. If you refuse, it will be malicious obstruction." Touma Hesha stretched out a finger and said seriously.

"This is going to be punished~~"

Chapter 88 Stepping stones and the 'first gap' (4.5k)

"Hmph, whether it's the student council president or Fujiwara-senpai, they all respect this person so much, I thought it was some Doll Gundam," said a very blessed minister , A boy who is so fat that people can't help worrying about his health.

"In the end, it's just a woman, and she's so slender that she can't even see a little fat." The person let out a very contemptuous snort from his nose.

Accompanied by this cold snort, the school uniform that he was wearing, which was obviously specially changed for him, made a somewhat ominous 'chi chi' sound, as if it would be burst by him in the next second.

"In that case, isn't our sumo club sure to win?"

That's right, the person who is making these remarks is the president of the Sumo Club of St. Eden Academy. He is 1 meters tall and weighs 80 kilograms. He is a frightening super-heavy tank. Cough, I mean super-heavy warriors. classmate.

He was born in a sumo family and has shown excellent sumo talent since he was a child.With his outstanding talent and the careful teaching of his parents, he already won the youth group championship in the Sakurajima National Sumo Championship when he was still in junior high school.

At this time, he is already a sophomore in high school, and even in the adult sumo competition, he can get a good ranking. He is a rising star in the Sakurajima sumo world.

Don't say that his tone is too arrogant, because in sumo, a sport called "national sport" by Sakurajima, what he said can be said to be the common perception of the world.

Sumo wrestling is a skill that emphasizes 'strength' the most, and women are inherently in a disadvantaged position in this respect.

This has nothing to do with sexism, it's simply a statement of fact.

In addition, unlike boxing and other competitions, in Sakurajima's sumo competition, there are no similar classifications such as 50 kg and 75 kg. Any part other than the balls of the feet touches the ground or pushes it out of the established boundary.

There is no classification plus such rules, and the final result is a truth that is widely circulated in the Sakurajima sumo world——

The fatter the sumo wrestler, the better.

In order to gain weight as much as possible, sumo wrestlers sleep for a long time in addition to eating two full meals a day, and only train for a short time during this period.

Sakurajima's professional sumo wrestlers sleep more than 10 hours a day, and their food intake can even reach 10 times that of normal people!

By the way, the talent of the classmate Guo mentioned earlier is that he is especially good at eating and gaining weight...

"Trial of a Hundred" is the latest and trendiest project launched by St. Eden Academy. This kind of "one against a hundred" drama itself has the effect of attracting the attention of others, let alone "kicking the pavilion" in advance 'Yes, she is still such a magnificent beauty.

Coupled with the sparing efforts of St. Eden Academy's publicity, it is not an exaggeration to say that this is the highlight of the first day of St. Eden Academy.

Although sumo wrestling is called a national sport, according to the experience of previous cultural festivals, those who will come to watch their games and pay for their tickets are basically a group of diehard fans of sumo wrestling, and the benefits are actually not too big , can only be said to be 'earning hard money'.

However, today is different, as long as the lady in the purple kimono can be defeated in full view...

The sumo club will definitely become the focus of people's discussion, and it will definitely attract a large crowd!

Not only that, but for a long time, because of their body shape, although they have quite a strong 'record' for high school students, the students who pass the class have always been respected and kept at a distance by all the girls in the school.

Not everyone can accept a fat man who weighs more than 300 kilograms as a boyfriend.

Some mean young ladies would use contemptuous titles such as 'fat pig' or 'bullfrog' behind their backs, as well as the members of the sumo club.

But today, as long as this "Hundred Trial" can be interrupted, then this group of young ladies who usually look down on them and even speak ill of them can be given a little color.

More importantly, maybe there will be other beautiful women who are paying attention to this trial, who can discover the beauty of sumo and fall in love with his stalwart figure...

Doesn't it mean that all men will enter the peach blossom period twice in their life?

Today is the beginning of my life as magnificent as a rose!

And just when he was thinking about it, the door of the sumo club was pushed open with great force and mercilessly.

A purple figure slowly stepped in.

And behind him are related personnel of the student union carrying cameras and other related facilities, and Todou Lilicia who is the commentator of "Hundred Trials".

And behind this group of people, there is a crowd full of curiosity.

Todou Lilicia closed the gate, shutting out the crowd and the hustle and bustle to prevent them from interfering with Minamoto Yorimitsu and the people in the sumo club.

Of course, the more important reason is for a better live broadcast effect.

The head of the court had a serious expression on his face. Although he was just thinking about it, his professional quality was quite excellent. In just a moment, he changed from a high school student full of fantasy to a very professional sumo wrestler.

"You are here."

While saying this, he bowed to him with great respect.

This is a necessary etiquette before a sumo match begins.

But Minamoto Yorimitsu obviously did not intend to carry out such red tape. Although she was tempted by Fujiwara Chika to accept this so-called 'Hundred Trial', she was not in a good mood at all!

If there hadn't been such a thing, she should have enjoyed the cultural festival with Ah Jing!

Well, I'm so worried, when I'm not around, I don't know if there will be "pests" coveting Ah Jing's beauty, so don't bother him shamelessly...

There must be, right? !

After all, Ah Jing is so good and handsome, and today and tomorrow are the times when the number of people in this broken school is the largest. Not only the female students on campus, but also a huge number of off-campus personnel and parents of students will enter here.

Thinking of this, Minamoto's mood became extremely irritable.

Emotions as dark as ink began to seep into her heart bit by bit.

Recently, Minamoto Raimitsu's mood has actually been quite stable, except for one outburst during the confrontation with Fujiwara Daichi, because he has always been accompanied by Minamoto.

But with the departure of the suppressor Yuanjing, and Chika Fujiwara's plan to set her up at first sight, the most important thing is that she still has to eat this bait...

Under the influence of these various factors, Minamoto Raimitsu's stable state of mind began to shatter, and he gradually couldn't suppress the demonic nature in his heart.

She pursed her lips tightly, facing the court salute, she didn't even reply a word.

She just wants to blow up this group of people now, the sooner the better!

His eyes wandered around Kudo Hikoichi's body, which was too "giant" for a high school student, Minamoto Raimitsu showed a little disdainful expression.

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