"Since you didn't put a collar on me when I was at the door, it means you don't want me to be a good dog."

Looking for an opportunity to attack, Ai Hayasaka opened her lips, revealing her white teeth as if threatening.

It can be seen that she tried very hard to play the role of a good and evil dog, but such an action was made by a beautiful girl like her, but it revealed a wild beauty.

"I'm a bad dog, so you have to beat me, scold me, and tame me. Only in this way, I will become a good dog who obeys my master."

"Otherwise, I'm going to be a bad dog that bites people."

In addition to being rebellious, there was also a strange emotion in her eyes, as if she was expecting something.

"Be careful, I can really bite people."

Ai Hayasaka made such a declaration of attack.

But after a few seconds...

Hayasaka Ai's body opened up.

This is not the first time the maid has encountered such a situation. As early as in the previous confrontation with Minamoto Raimiko, the other party used similar techniques to temporarily paralyze her body.

She also took advantage of that time to take away all her treasures!

It seems that this technique of depriving others of their physical freedom by hitting specific parts of the body should also be a kind of martial arts handed down by the Yuan family. , what exactly is it called...

Isn't this kind of technique too foul?

"Is it necessary to do this?" Yuan Jing's voice was somewhat helpless.

"Yes." Hayasaka Ai answered without the slightest hesitation, she looked into Yuan Jing's eyes, her words were full of seriousness. "Student Yuan, no, Ah Jing."

She appealed to her mouth the title that she had silently recited countless times in her heart.

"Recently, I'm actually very scared."

After the nonsense was stopped by Yuan Jing, the girl with blond hair and blue eyes expressed her worries very frankly.

"I'm afraid you'll just leave me, because I'm no longer worth to you."

Hayasaka Ai's words trembled slightly, and the fear in her heart was undoubtedly revealed.

For Hayasaka Ai, who grew up in Shinomiya's house and was poisoned by her servant culture, 'value' is a very, very important word.

Although she wants to believe in things like friendship, love, and bonds, deep down in her heart, she always believes that 'value' is the bond that connects her to others.

As long as you have value to the other party, the other party will not abandon you.

This is a deep-rooted concept she formed from the education of the Sigong family.

"Different from Fujiwara-san, Yukinoshita-san, and Touma-san, I am not a young lady," this is actually where Hayasaka Ai is quite inferior.

The Hayasaka family is a family that depends on the Shinomiya family to survive. To put it bluntly, the former's status is actually no different from that of the latter's slaves.

Although Hayasaka Ai doesn't usually show it, but deep down in her heart she hates the brand of "servant" on her body.

Although Yuan Jing has never treated her differently because of this, as a delicate and sensitive girl, she can't help but think wildly whenever the night is quiet.

And this kind of situation has happened more and more frequently recently, and the reason is——

"Originally, my idea was to be your helper, to help you face some things you don't want to face, and deal with some things you don't want to spend energy on." This is the position Ai Hayasaka gave herself before, and it is also The position it seeks beside Yuanjing.

She wanted to use this to show her worth to Yuan Jing.

"However," Ai Hayasaka glanced at Yuan Jing, showing a somewhat bitter smile, "It seems that you already have a more suitable candidate."

This candidate was naturally Kaguya Shinomiya.

There is a great probability that Shinomiya Kaguya is not the real life of Shinomiya Ganan, which obviously messed up all of Hayasaka Ai's plans at once.

Shinomiya Kaguya was the object she had been serving all along, and also one of the people she cared about the most.

Regarding her plan to leave the Shinomiya family, Ai Hayasaka naturally supported her from the bottom of her heart.

However, the method Shinomiya Kaguya adopted was to sell her 'labor' in exchange for Yuanjing's hand...

She didn't discuss it with herself beforehand, so when she happily shared such 'good news' with herself, although Ai Hayasaka was extremely shocked, she still offered her blessings.

Not only that, she also took the initiative to teach Shinomiya Kaguya related knowledge, and even did a "maid teaching".

Shinomiya Kaguya is indeed an all-round genius. As a teacher, Hayasaka Ai knows best how much she is growing at a jaw-dropping speed.

While feeling gratified, her inner anxiety is also increasing day by day.

She felt that her position was being occupied by the eldest lady she originally served, but she had no choice but to watch her foothold gradually disappear little by little.

This feeling of tightening the noose around my neck with my own hands is too disappointing!

It is precisely because of the consideration that she wants to put aside all negative emotions and absorb as much energy as possible from the date with Yuanjing that she chose such a plan that was almost 'practicing' herself, and wanted to anesthetize her Take a look at yourself.

However, it still doesn't work...

After silently listening to Ai Hayasaka's confession, the first thing that popped up in Yuan Jing's heart was "the Shinomiya family really does a lot of harm".

He did not express ridicule or contempt for Hayasaka Ai's not only full of mistakes, but also extremely naive ideas. This is obviously a concept deliberately instilled by the Shinomiya family, and Hayasaka Ai is also a victim.

He also didn't make some vows such as 'never be separated from you'.

Not to mention that Yuanjing itself was unable to make such a guarantee, and such a deep-rooted point of view obviously cannot be easily changed by words alone.

That just takes time.


Yuan Jing walked into the wooden 'building' placed in the center of the house, and when he came out, there was a black object in his hand.

That was the priest costume (modified) that Chika Fujiwara had prepared for him.

Returning to Hayasaka Ai's side again, Yuan Jing stretched out his hand and rubbed a few places on Hayasaka Ai's immobile body——

"This is Fujiwara-san's modified costume. I don't really know how to wear it." Yuanjing asked Ai Hayasaka, who was gradually regaining control of her body, "Can you change into this suit for me?"

He handed it to Ai Hayasaka, then stood up and opened his arms.

Ai Hayasaka blinked, "If you want to wear this outfit, you have to take off the current clothes first..."

She said hesitantly.

"That's it," Yuan Jing nodded understandingly, but did not change his posture, "Then I will trouble you, love."

what! ! ! !

Wait a minute wait a minute!

Can you really ask me to take it off? !

Chapter 96 Priest and Nun (1/2)

(To modify a bug in the previous chapter, it is Saturday, and Yuanjing is not wearing a school uniform, but a regular uniform.)

With the help of Fujiwara Chika's "power of attorney", Hayasaka Ai not only was not driven away by Minamoto Raimitsu, but served Minakami as the head maid in the Shinomiya villa where the two lived.

But on the one hand, this week's source scene is actually very busy, and on the other hand, Yuyuan Yorimitsu is watching from the sidelines, so although Ai Hayasaka can be said to be around the source scene every day, she didn't get much and source scene Chance to get close.

She had finally seized the opportunity, but because she heard about Shinomiya Huangguang's conspiracy, she had to put her personal affairs aside now and solve Shinomiya Kaguya's "lifetime event".

In addition, Yuanjing himself is extremely self-reliant, and he doesn't really like others to intervene in his affairs...

As a result, after this week, the most intimate communication between the two was that "maid teaching".

However, Shinomiya Kaguya was by her side that time after all, and her young lady's thoughts were even so pure that she was a little scared.

Even if she really wanted to do something, considering the impact on Kaguya Shinomiya at the time, she had to behave quite well.

You can't use Yuanjing as a prop, come to the scene to teach the eldest lady a physical health class, right?

Leaving aside the discussion of whether Yuan Jing would agree, whether Minamoto Raikou would break in again on a 'whim', she was actually not that bold.

Although she usually looks like an old Si Ji, in fact, Hayasaka Ai is a big girl who has never had sex.In terms of love, Hayasaka Ai is just a fledgling, and it is quite normal to hesitate and look forward and backward.

From this aspect, she really can't keep up with a certain pink-haired 'cancer of the earth'.

No way, that person was born in the Fujiwara family, an evergreen tree in the political world, even if she is also a fledgling in love, but the attribute of 'thick skin' has been integrated into her blood.

If she really had a chance, no matter how shy she was, her speed of attack would not be slowed down by it.

This can be seen from the fact that she not only secretly kissed his forehead when Yuan Jing fell into a coma, but even got all kinds of his data into her hands without hesitation.

"So, just take off your shirt first?" Ai Hayasaka, who was hit by a great sense of happiness, even felt a little unreal.

Move a little bit to regain the intuitive body, resist the urge to pinch yourself to confirm whether you are dreaming, Hayasaka Ai asked with some hesitation.

"...Are you sure you want to ask me?" Seeing the flamboyant Hayasaka Ai's timid performance, Yuan Jing felt a little funny, "Could it be that Ms. Hayasaka Ai, who is an omnipotent maid , haven’t you served your eldest lady to dress?”

Served is naturally served. Before she left her job, she was doing this kind of thing almost every day, but——

Is this a thing?

In this case, you can just say it in your heart, and it will seem too stupid to say it.

After taking a few breaths, Hayasaka Ai came to Yuan Jing, lowered her head slightly, and reached out to touch Yuan Jing's shirt.

St. Eden Academy does not require students to wear school uniforms on weekends, let alone the school's cultural festival, so Yuanjing is not wearing the winter uniform of St. Eden Academy.

It was a dark black casual jacket, and the lower body was trousers of the same color.

Yuan Jing has always been not interested in clothing, trends, etc. Before Minamoto came to Tokyo, the private clothes he wore were the fruit of the hard work of the staff in the clothing store.

And after Minamoto Raimiko came to Tokyo, his adoptive mother suddenly took over the decision-making power of Minamoto for private servers.

Yuan Jing's current body is from Yuan Laiguang's taste.

As for this, Hayasaka Ai, who is the head maid, naturally knows it clearly.

She also knew that every night, Yuan Laiguang would spend quite a long time deciding what Yuan Jing would wear the next day.

However, the current self is about to take off his private server that has condensed Minamoto Raimitsu's painstaking efforts...

Although an inexplicable pleasure rose in her heart, Hayasaka Ai's hands did not tremble because of it.

After all, this is about her dignity as a maid!

She had lost her composure in front of Yuan Jing just now, but there can't be a second time.

At this moment, Hayasaka Ai was even a little thankful that her young lady's curves were relatively flat, so that she had accumulated a lot of experience in this area. At this time, she could complete all the work very well only by relying on her subconscious muscle memory.

If I were a maid of the Fujiwara family, I would probably be a little bit at a loss, right?

Ai Hayasaka fumbled with the buttons of Yuanjing's jacket with both hands.

For the sake of aesthetics, this blouse adopts the 'hidden button' method, but this kind of thing obviously can't bother our maid.

It only took a very short time for her to unbutton all the buttons from the neckline to the hem.

"Turn over, please."

Holding the corner of the jacket, Hayasaka Ai, who gradually regained her state, instructed softly.

Yuanjing didn't play tricks on this either.

With the cooperation of the two, Yuan Jing's shirt was taken off just like that.

Therefore, the white close-fitting long sleeves inside were exposed.

Seeing this scene, Hayasaka Ai's heart lake, which had calmed down a little, began to wave slightly again.

As Yuanjing's classmate, she had tasted Yuanjing's figure as early as in physical education class.

However, after all, it was just watching from a distance, and it was completely different from this time.

As the so-called sexism, not only men will drool over beautiful and beautiful women, women will naturally have the same appeal.

Otherwise, Sakurajima's cowherd industry would not be so developed.

Ai Hayasaka felt a little thirsty for some reason.

She glanced at Yuan Jing, and found that he was still standing upright like a pine tree, and there was no sign of embarrassment on his face.

This is natural, right?

He just took off his shirt, and there was nothing embarrassing about it at all.

Not to mention Yuanjing's upper body is still wearing long sleeves, even if he didn't, for a boy of this age, he would probably just be called 'improper', not up to the level of 'immoral' at all.

On the contrary, it was me who was so shaken just by facing this level...

It's just a shame!

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