After secretly scolding herself for being worthless, Ai Hayasaka became more courageous.

The current self is on a 'date' with Yuan Jing, since Yuan Jing has allowed himself to change his clothes, then a little intimacy should be okay, right?

Minamoto Larimitsu is a warrior among warriors, and his determination must be far beyond the imagination of ordinary people like her.If this is the case, how can it be enough to change clothes for her favorite son in order to break her mind?

You have to do something more extreme!

This is not to satisfy my own curiosity and desire, but a necessary condition for the 'plan' to succeed!

After successfully convincing herself, Ai Hayasaka put Yuan Jing's coat on her right arm, stretched out her pointed fingertips, and gently poked Yuan Jing's chest.

'...A boy's chest, so it feels like this? '

This kind of touch is quite amazing. If Ai Hayasaka had to sum it up in one word, it should be:


However, it is not the feeling like touching a rock, but rather like touching nephrite. Although it feels hard, there is a bit of flexibility hidden in it.

Therefore, because of the slight touch, Hayasaka Ai was not able to fully feel it, so——

She held out her finger again.

However, she didn't poke this time, but touched it gently with the pads of her index finger and middle finger.

Well, this time, besides [hard], her other feeling is:


At the tip of the finger, because only the peripheral blood vessels exist, the temperature is inherently lower than other parts of the body.

This is why some people often feel cold fingertips.

However, even leaving this point aside, Yuan Jing's body seems to have a higher body temperature than ordinary people.

At least it must be higher than Ai Hayasaka's body temperature.

As if to confirm whether her point of view is really correct, Ai Hayasaka put her entire left hand on Yuan Jing's chest.

The feeling this time is the strong beating of the heart inside.

Silently counting the beats in her heart, Hayasaka Ai was a little discouraged and found that Yuan Jing's heartbeat was quite stable compared to her own organ that was already beating non-stop.

That is to say-

He really didn't seem to take the current situation seriously.

...Suddenly I feel so angry.

After feeling that her female dignity had been greatly hit, Hayasaka Ai pulled her hand back all of a sudden.

Now is not the time to be obsessed with masculinity!

This 'date', according to the agreement between the girls, is actually shared with other people, because after all, this is an opportunity that the girls have fought for together.

Before welcoming Yuanjing, Ai Hayasaka had already watched the video several times.

Between Yuanjing and Touma and Sa, that parade holding hands like a couple, and that deliberate 'indirect kiss'...

Yuan Jing and Yukinoshita Yukino's somewhat aggressive little game, and the two of them galloping on the horse field together...

Ai Hayasaka knew such things clearly.

Similarly, she also knows that every move between herself and Yuanjing will be recorded and sent to other people.

This is actually a kind of competition.

Girls are smart people who can clearly recognize what is the main contradiction and what is the secondary contradiction; what is the problem that must be solved now, and what problem can be delayed a little later.

Opening Yuan Jing's tightly closed heart is the most important thing now.In front of this matter, other things can be put aside for a while.

But then what?

Hayasaka Ai is quite clear that the current friendship between the girls is actually because they have a common goal, and once this goal is achieved, she herself has no idea what the relationship between them will be like.

It was the first time for her to even fall in love, not to mention 'jealous because of love'.

When will the poisonous snake like jealousy arise, and to what extent will it destroy the relationship around Yuanjing, and how will the friendship between the girls deteriorate...

For Hayasaka Ai, such things are a bit too complicated. She has no such experience, and she can't predict what happened at that time.

However, there is only one thing that Hayasaka Ai knows quite clearly, and that is——

She must not be left behind by Yuanjing.

Absolutely not!

In this way, at least she can't be pulled too far by other girls.

It can be said that the opportunity for Yuanjing to cooperate like this is extremely rare, and it cannot be wasted on such things.

Ai Hayasaka made up her mind in her heart.

She turned around, folded the shirt she took off from Yuan Jing into a square shape and put it away properly, then she came to Yuan Jing's side again.

She didn't ask stupid questions like before, she seemed to have returned to the time when she served Shinomiya Kaguya, and became that perfect maid again, not a little girl addicted to love.

The priest's outfit prepared by Chika Fujiwara is different from the previous one, it is not the style that is full of tops and bottoms.After seeing the astonishing destructive power shown by Yuan Jing before, although she treasured it well, she didn't dare to let Yuan Jing wear this outfit to go out.

Well, after she and Yuan Jing get married, in order to add some interest, they may activate it again, but before that——

This thing should be listed as a prohibited item!

Fujiwara Chika's priest outfit this time is an extremely large black gown.

Such a style can not only provide a comfortable experience as much as possible, but also hide the amazing charm of Yuanjing to a great extent.

Of course, since it's just a long gown, there's no need to take off Yuanjing's pants.

If it was the former Hayasaka Ai, there might be some regrets.But at this moment, Hayasaka Ai was a little rejoiced.

The top is okay, but if you want to take off Yuanjing's trousers...

She really didn't have the confidence to maintain the current state.

This kind of stimulation is too much.

Yuanjing is enough to make her heart move, but no matter how much she depends on Yuanjing, it will not benefit her bright future.

It is necessary to make Yuanjing blush and be moved for her.

and so--

After letting Yuanjing's two arms pass through the sleeves, and putting on a long gown.

Ai Hayasaka stood on tiptoe slightly, and while buttoning her neckline, whispered in her ear: "For the confessional, only the priest is not enough, right? At least there should be a supporting nun."

"Considering this, I actually prepared a set of nun uniforms myself, but it's a bit cumbersome to wear, and I'm really powerless to do it alone."

"I don't know, my lord priest, can you do me a little favor for the sake of being a loyal servant of the Lord?"

Ai Hayasaka's face even flashed a brilliance called 'piety'.

She used exactly the same reason as Yuanjing.

Chapter 97 A successful but not entirely successful kidnapping (2/2)

Noon and dusk are the two busiest periods for various cafes and restaurants in the cultural festival, because at this time, people are preparing to eat.

However, compared with other cafes and restaurants, the Taisho Maid Café opened by Class F of Senior One where Concubine Shijo is located is even more lively.

Concubine Sijo had already made relevant psychological preparations, but she still greatly underestimated the form.

"It's not good, Concubine Zhen! The line outside has already reached the stairs!"

"I have prepared numbered coupons. You go to the end of the line and distribute these to the guests who plan to queue, so that they can go to other places now, and then they can enter with the numbered coupons. In short, don't make the queue longer .”

"Student Sitiao! The biscuits are almost gone!"

"Is it used so quickly? I'll notify the back kitchen immediately and ask them to put the others aside and bake some biscuits quickly. It won't take much time, so don't worry."

"Chijo Maid~! There seems to be a customer pestering our waiter!"

"For this kind of bad guy, don't be tolerant, give him a few big slaps and kick him out, do you really think we are a coffee shop here?"

Ah~ I'm so busy.

There is a word called "the crowd is like a city", which is a word used to describe the huge number of visitors.

But what Class F of the first year of senior high school is facing is not an ordinary "city". Just looking at the long queue outside it, one may even think that this is not a Taisho maid cafe opened by students, but a mobile phone brand New product theme conference.

"That's great, Concubine Zhen! Dazhengfeng is indeed the right choice! Let me just say, people really like [Taizheng Romance]!"

It was another cultural festival executive committee member of Class F who proposed to build the Taishofeng Maid Cafe.At this moment, seeing such a grand event, she seemed quite excited.

"...You're right." The real concubine Shitiao hesitated to speak, stopped and wanted to speak, and finally gave up explaining, expressing 'yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes'.

People naturally like Taisho Romance, but if it is said that this alone can attract so many people, it is still too unrealistic.

There must be other reasons, such as——

'Is the target me? '

Thinking of Sigong Kaguya's words before, Shijo Zhenfei said secretly in her heart.

Her eyes roughly scanned the guests who had already entered the classroom and the crowd queuing outside, as if she wanted to screen out some people who had malicious intentions and ulterior motives.

But she didn't find such a character.

Everyone seems to be immersed in the joy of the festival, and there is no such character who knows that the other party must be a bad person at a glance.

However, this is also a matter of course.

The one who came to her this time was not some low-level group of gangsters, but the real Tokyo overlord group. The people who accepted such a commission must be the elite of the elite.

It would be a strange thing if it was so easily identified by a female high school student.

Modern people often complain that the involution among peers is too serious. If you don't work hard to keep up, you will have a bigger and bigger gap with others as time goes by.

However, compared with those serious industries, the degree of involution of these 'vigorous social organizations' is several times or even dozens of times more cruel!

If normal people can't beat others and lie flat, they are at best 'optimized'.

But in Jianghu, where the law of the jungle follows the law of the jungle, there is no such gentle method as 'persuade'.

Once you can't kill others, you will be killed by others.

This may be the so-called 'once you enter the rivers and lakes, it's as deep as the sea'.

Sigong Huang Guang was not a soft-hearted person in the first place, but the fall in Sigong Group's stock made him, who was already sinister and vicious, even more irritable.

The top-ranked groups in Tokyo are basically the "black gloves" of the Shinomiya family. When they received the death order of Shinomiya Huangguang' must catch Shijo Zhenfei', they all sent the elites of the elites in their gangs. over here.

They even held a meeting on Friday night, and for tomorrow's kidnapping, experts among these experts discussed various options to ensure 'safety'.

And the timing they chose...

"It's not good, classmate Sitiao." A male classmate ran over from outside the store in a panic. Beads of sweat rolled down his forehead, and he could see the anxiety in his heart. Already!"

"Missing?" Concubine Sijo's expression froze, her willow eyebrows stood erect, and her expression suddenly became serious, "What do you mean missing? Is it difficult to say that someone stole that kind of thing?"

Naturally, a coffee shop cannot only have a front hall for receiving guests, and it must have a back kitchen for cooking food.

For the Taisho Maid Café of Class One F, the 'Front Hall' is naturally the classroom of Class One F, and the 'Back Kitchen' is the cooking room used for cooking classes.

Just like Concubine Shijo is the person in charge of the front office, this male student is the person in charge of the back kitchen.

His family owns a large chain restaurant, and he is quite familiar with back kitchen management. It stands to reason that such a low-level mistake of 'being stolen by someone' would never happen.


Concubine Shijo's thoughts moved slightly.

"What should I do, Sitiao classmate." The male classmate said in a daze, "White sugar is a must-have item in the coffee shop. Without it, almost all desserts cannot be made. Although we can still rely on the past The inventory is struggling to support, but..."

He looked at the crowd queuing outside the classroom, and did not continue to speak the rest of the words.

Because there is no need for this at all.

"Have you contacted the supplier? If it is urgent, how long will it take for the new candy to be delivered?" asked another executive member next to Concubine Shijo.

"I have contacted, they said it will be delivered in half an hour, but..." The male student hesitated, and then continued, "White sugar is the most important ingredient, and I have been paying close attention to it. I paid attention to its stock, but in the end, such a thing happened.”

He approached the two of them and said in a low voice, "I suspect that we are being targeted by someone. It is estimated that someone is jealous of the popularity of our store, so they did such a dirty thing."

"If this group of people is not caught, it is estimated that even if the new white sugar arrives, it will disappear soon."

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