The supervisor of the back kitchen seemed a little worried.

'To be targeted is to be targeted, but it is not [we], but [me]. "Sijo Zhenfei's heart is like a bright mirror," Kaguya was right, that Sigong Huangguang really wanted to attack me unruly. '

'Isn't it just that the stock price has been frustrated and assets have evaporated, so it's not fun? "Although the stock price of Sigong Group is still falling quite fiercely, even the Sijo family, which is the mortal enemy, did not have the extravagant hope of killing Sigong Group just like that.

The reason is quite simple -

Sakurajima would not allow such a thing to happen.

Sigong Group has thousands of enterprises and nearly one million employees.Once the Sigong Group collapses, not to mention the bad impact its bankruptcy will have on the industry, the sudden increase of nearly one million laid-off employees will cause extremely serious social problems.

Unlike Huaguo, Europe, America and other countries, Sakurajima's company employment contracts are almost all lifelong.

Their company values ​​the 'loyalty' of employees to the company, and regards job-hopping as an extremely serious act of 'betrayal', which will be recorded in the files.

If the Sigong family really collapsed, except for a handful of the most talented people, most people would suddenly become unemployed, and it would be extremely difficult to find a suitable next job.

This will cause quite serious social problems, and the relevant departments will not allow such things to happen.

Once things develop to the point of no return, Sakurajima's state machine will be activated to save the crisis of the Shinomiya family.

The most invincible opponent is actually the referee.After all, it is the 'person' who has the final interpretation of the rules.

However, the relevant departments will not end until the situation is judged irreparable.

On the one hand, Sakurajima is a capitalist country after all, at least show some respect for the regulation of the market;

On the other hand, the rapid development of the Sigong family has indeed offended some people, such as those old Chinese who have been embezzled by the Sigong family.Although these families are not as rich as the Sigong family, they still have influence in the political world.They are also happy to see this 'enemy' deflated.

'Besides, it's clear that the real mastermind is someone else, and our Shitiao family is just an accomplice playing the side drum, so why are you targeting me? '

This is where the four real concubines are puzzled.

As a person who was moved by Shinomiya Kaguya's "true feelings", she did not doubt her "elder" at all, and of course Shino Shijo firmly believed in what she said.

However, she believes that it does not mean that other members of the Shijo family will believe it.

Because it doesn't make sense at all?

If the Sijo family is the culprit for the current situation of the Sijo family, kidnapping the real concubine Sijo to facilitate negotiations is still a way of jumping the wall.

But aren't they?

Even if Sitiao Zhenfei is caught, the current plight of the Sigong family will not help, and instead they will take the initiative to hand over the handle to others...

After all, Sigong Huang Guang is the son of Sigong Yan'an, how could he not know such a thing?

After some internal discussions, although the Sijo family also improved the security measures for the real concubine Shijo, they didn't really take this kind of thing too seriously.

After all, Kaguya Shinomiya is a member of the Shinomiya family, maybe this prank of hers is just to make your heart jump and keep you awake at night. '

Among the four families, there are not a few who uphold this view.

However, on this point, Shijo Zhenfei had already discussed countermeasures with Shinomiya Kaguya.

"I'll take care of it." Taking off the badge on her chest representing the 'person in charge', Concubine Shijo handed it to another executive member.

"The white sugar order is also placed." She looked at the male classmate in charge of the kitchen. "As for the half hour before it is delivered, I will figure out a way."

"In the cultural festival of St. Eden Academy, we were not the only ones who opened a coffee shop. Although our white sugar was stolen, they must have sufficient reserves there."

"I'll borrow it first, and return it after our goods arrive."

That's one way, but——

"Student Sitiao, who do you want to borrow?" the male student asked worriedly.

St. Eden Academy is a school that engraves the word "competition" in the bones of its students. For now, all restaurants and cafes are actually "rivals" competing for traffic.

The business here is so hot, I guess many people will feel unconvinced, right?

After seeing the unlucky side here, it is estimated that it is too late for them to laugh in their hearts, how could they help themselves in turn?

It was precisely because of this consideration that he did not make the move of "borrowing sugar", but came to report to Concubine Shijo and others first.

"Don't worry," Shinobi Shijo smiled brightly, "Kaguya and I are very good friends, and she won't leave me alone."

After finishing speaking, Shijo Zhenfei just walked out of the classroom of Class F of Senior One, leaving only the two of them looking at each other in dismay.

"Kaguya?" The male student repeated the name in confusion, "Which Kaguya?"

"...There is only one Kaguya in St. Eden Academy, right? That is Shinomiya Kaguya from Class B of Senior One." Hanging the badge of the person in charge on his chest, another member of Class F of Senior One An executive member said, "Besides, Class B of the first year of high school runs the Deacon Cafe, and they must have white sugar that they can borrow."

"But, I heard that the Shinomiya family and the Sijo family are not incompatible enemies, why do they become good friends?" He showed a look of disbelief.

"How do I know?" The executive committee member rolled his eyes, "This is not something that small shrimps like us can get involved with. We just need to trust Sitiao."

"...That's right." The boy scratched his head and found that he was indeed a little too lenient.However, since the situation has been reported and there is a solution, it is time for him to go back.

Because of the theft of white sugar, the students were a little panicked, and he couldn't leave for too long.

What the two of them didn't expect was that their conversation was heard by a 'special' guest.

Glancing in the direction where the concubine Sijo was leaving, the man in a suit and leather shoes, who looked like a successful man, muttered to himself—"Did she go look for her, miss?"


Shinomiya Huangguang, who was wearing a kimono, was in front of the screen, watching the purple woman show her might.

Whenever she beats an opponent, he curls his lips in displeasure.

At this moment, a subordinate came to his side.

"Did you get it?" Sigong Huang Guang asked very indifferently, as if asking about an extremely trivial matter.

"If it was successful, it wouldn't be called it; but if it was not successful, then it doesn't seem right..." The subordinate replied with some hesitation.

"What a mess, could it be that the plan has changed?" Si Gong Huang Guang said in an extremely unfriendly tone.

The subordinate whispered in his ear——

"What?" Si Gong Huang Guang said with some doubts, "You guys didn't succeed, but Hui Ye succeeded?!"

Chapter 98 happy-end chefs don't film tragedies (1/2)

Facts have proved that if a family of the size of the Shinomiya family really wants to do something regardless of the cost, there are really not many things that can stump it.

Although the Sijo family claims to be able to wrestle with the Sinomiya family, not to mention that the overall strength of the Sijo family is slightly inferior to the Sijo family. As the "returnees" faction, most of the Sijo family's forces are still abroad. On the other hand, it has not been a long time since his strong comeback, and his foundation in Sakurajima is also relatively shallow...

The result of the superposition of these three factors is that if the Shinomiya family really wants to do something to the Shijo family in Tokyo without considering the consequences and costs, the latter will actually be unable to resist.

Even without the excellent opportunity of the cultural festival, it would be the same.

However, this premise is 'regardless of consequences and costs'.

The Sijo family is a family that attaches great importance to family affection. If the Sijo family really kidnaps the daughter of its leader to force a temporary truce between the Sijo family and the Sigong family, those "hypocritical hypocrites" (Sigong Huang Guangyu) ) The possibility of agreeing is actually quite high.

However, afterwards, the Sigong family will definitely face an extremely violent counterattack from the Sijo family.

They will definitely regard this incident as a disgrace in the history of the family, and take unending revenge on the Sigong family.

However, the gathering of wealth and power, the sorting out of the opponent's black material, espionage, and other means that can hit the opponent all require a certain amount of time to prepare.

As the saying goes, soldiers and horses go before food and grass are used. The more the Sitiao family wants to fight the Sigong family, the more time they need to prepare.

Then, Sigong Huangguang is also going to give them a lot of time to prepare——

On the negotiating table, he will very considerately draw up a four-month "war-free period" to prepare for the war, so as to show his "righteousness"...

As long as the Sijo family doesn't make trouble, Sigong Huangguang is confident that the Sigong family's stock price will be raised again.

Moreover, in these three months, the matter between Kaguya Shinomiya and that kid from the Yuan family should be able to work out—left and right are just things like men and women, so what's the problem?

If it doesn't work, Sigong Huangguang still has a way to forcefully 'cook raw rice into mature rice'.

The Sigong villa was originally the property of the Sigong family. Among them, there are countless eyeliners. If Sigong Huang Guang wants to do something, it should not be too easy.

At that time, when the charming beauties are sent forward, he does not believe that the kid can resist the temptation and not eat the "meat" delivered to his door.

Once there is a 'fait accompli' and evidence is left, then he can use this to break the marriage contract between the Yuan family and the Fujiwara family.

At that time, with Minamoto Larimitsu's promised help, it will be a breeze to complete the agreement with the old man.

As for the revenge of the Shijo family...

For one thing, the overall strength of the Sitiao family is not as good as that of the Sigong family, not to mention that he will have the Yuan family to help him.

Secondly, he actually needs a cruel 'war' to wash away the brand of his father Sigong Yan'an in the Sigong Group, and let others know that now is the era when Sigong Huangguang is in power.

He also knew that the Sigong family would probably be seriously injured because of this, but, as the saying goes, if there is no destruction, he just took this opportunity to change the Sigong Group.

Even if the power of the Sigong family will be affected by this, Huang Guang of Sigong doesn't care.

Just like if you want to heal the festering wound, you must cut off the carrion with pain.

If he can achieve the goal of completely controlling the Sigong family, he must crush those 'dregs' who don't listen to him.

These losses are 'necessary sacrifices'.

As for how many innocent people will lose their jobs and how many families will be shaken up in this process...

What does this have to do with his four palaces of yellow light?

If there is no Shijo family to make the first move, if Minamoto Raikou can be more sensible and obediently listen to his suggestion to use the influence of the family——

How did things get to this point?

I am the 'victim', and these operations are just my 'legitimate defense' to reduce losses.

No one can accuse me of this!


Although the Sijo family didn't really believe that the Sijo family would really do the kidnapping of the real concubine Sijo, but she said so after all, so the Sijo family also strengthened her security measures.

Just to reassure her.

This is the idea of ​​the Shijo family.

Since this idea is adhered to, even if the relevant measures are strengthened, the bodyguards of the Sijo family secretly protecting the real concubine Sijo have not been able to resist the "black gloves" of the Sijo family from being too powerful. Long.

However, these bodyguards also played the role of delaying time, otherwise, Shijo Zhenfei would never see Shinomiya Kaguya at all.

And after...

This group of Sigong Huangguang's subordinates didn't know what to do.

Shinomiya Kaguya is the eldest lady of the Shinomiya family, the daughter of Sigong Yan'an, and the younger sister of Sigong Huangguang.

Their identities can be said to be ferocious dogs raised by the Shinomiya family, and they are absolutely not allowed to show their fangs to their masters.

Although Shinomiya Kaguya's status in the Shinomiya family is not high, but as an existence with the right to inherit, it is enough for them to be wary.

Moreover, they couldn't understand which side Shinomiya Kaguya was on.

If Kaguya Shinomiya expressed his intention to help Concubine Shijo escape from their pursuit, even if they might offend the eldest lady of the Shinomiya family, they should take action without hesitation.

What they obeyed was Sigong Huang Guang, the temporary helm of the Sigong family, so naturally he would take his order as the first priority.


Shinomiya Kaguya seems to be from their side?

According to general logic, when one finds out that one's friend is in danger of being kidnapped by others, the normal reaction should be to move him to a crowded place besides calling the police.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, they will naturally have to spend more energy.

However, Shinomiya Kaguya did not do this.

Not only did she not call the police, she even stopped the concubine Sijo from calling her family for help. Not only that, she also did not pull the concubine Sijo to a place full of people, but went against the crowd and walked to a secluded place. place.

This operation made this group of people a little bit incompetent.

Could it be that, in order to suppress the possible influence as much as possible, Lord Sigong Huang Guang specially entrusted his younger sister to gain the trust of Sijo Zhenfei, so as to facilitate this operation?

It's not that there is no such possibility.

That is to say, after the bodyguards of Concubine Shijo are 'disposed', their work will be completed?

This time, the kidnapping ended so easily with the four true concubines falling into the hands of the Sigong family?

They can't be sure.

In the end, they could only inform Shinomiya Huangguang who had arrived at St. Eden Academy, while following the two girls who were walking hand in hand.


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