"Don't look behind." The straight dark black deacon uniform set off Shinomiya Kaguya's chic and handsome, and she was quite suitable for the color [black].Her lips barely moved, just squeezed out the words from between her teeth——

"We haven't reached our destination yet, so try not to act in ways that irritate them."

"...Why don't you let me call?" Shijo Makoto said nervously, tightly clutching Shinomiya Kaguya's white palm.

Although Sigong Kaguya had already told Sigong Huangguang that he wanted to kidnap her to facilitate peace talks, but when this happened, Shijo Zhenfei still felt uncontrollably nervous and fearful.

She almost subconsciously wanted to ask her family for help, but Shinomiya Kaguya pressed the call before she got through.

She didn't ask Shinomiya Kaguya why she didn't call the police.

As the daughter of the patriarch of the Sijo family, she naturally knows how big the Sigong family is.

In Sakurajima's various film and television works, although they are always late, the police have always been regarded as the "messenger of justice", but Shijo Makoto knows that the police in reality will never behave as "hateful as hatred" like in the film and television works.

The Shinomiya family has been the overlord of Tokyo for too long, even if they successfully make a call to the police, they will probably be blocked by someone at some point in their actions.

That's why she chose to turn to her family instead of the police.

"It's useless." Holding the hands of the concubine Sijo, Kaguya Shinomiya walked towards a certain place very calmly, "Sigong Huangguang has already broken the pot to take such an action, he will definitely take complete measures to ensure the success of the program.”

"The Shijo family must have been in his expectation, and he won't let those people disturb his plan." For his big brother, Shinomiya Kaguya still knows quite well.

After all, for a long time, Shinomiya Huangguang was the imaginary enemy of Shinomiya Kaguya.

Sigong Yan'an is old after all, if she wants to escape from Sigong's house, the biggest obstacle will undoubtedly come from this bald man.

"But, if this is the case, isn't there nothing you can do?" Out of her trust in Kaguya Shinomiya and her good education, Concubine Shijo was not completely panicked, but her tone had begun to reveal some Very desperate.

"Generally speaking, that's right." Shinomiya Kaguya's words were utterly cold, "The other party is stronger than me, has no lower limit than me, and is more thoughtful than I think... "

"If you face such an enemy, it is normal to feel powerless." Shinomiya Kaguya has quite experience in this, because she herself has actually been immersed in this feeling of despair. In the [weakness].

Because of this, she closed her heart and became the [Bing Hui Ye] in everyone's mouth.

However, the situation is different now.

Although neither gentle nor considerate, and a wanton arsonist, the man's intelligence and strength were unquestionable.

Shinomiya Kaguya herself has always been called a 'genius' by others, but she knows that if compared with that person, she is nothing.

Sometimes she even suspects that the other party is not a human being at all, but a new human being who has traveled from the future to the present, or simply some kind of alien creature or the reincarnation of a god.

Otherwise, how could it be possible for just one person to wrestle with Sigong Group and manipulate its stock price?

"Don't worry, this situation is actually still in someone's plan. No," Shinomiya Kaguya denied the previous words, "It should be said that the reason for such a situation is actually that person who deliberately led the result of."

"Although I can't figure out his thoughts, I can be sure of one thing, that is—" Shinomiya Kaguya's words were full of great confidence.

"He's a happy-end cook through and through."

"Happy-end chef?" Madam Shijo blinked her eyes, as if she didn't quite understand the meaning of the word.

"It's the kind of person who would have a deep aversion to [deliberately turning the ending into a tragedy, so as to make people impressive or thought-provoking]."

For Yuanjing, the future boss, Shinomiya Kaguya certainly couldn't have a blind eye.In addition to the daily contact with Yuanjing (if there is one), she is actually collecting relevant information herself, so as to summarize the character traits of her boss.

This is her conclusion.

"He would definitely choose a second-rate comedy over a first-rate tragedy."

"Kindly, isn't it? But that's who he is."

"He like this will not intentionally design a bad ending that [the wicked are full of ambitions and the good have nothing], that doesn't match his own aesthetics."

Shinomiya Kaguya shook the hand of the real concubine Sijo with a little force, as if she wanted to transfer her strength to the concubine Sijo, and appease the uneasiness in the heart of this 'junior'.

After all, I am her grandma.

Shinomiya Kaguya said with some self-deprecating in his heart.

Sure enough, under her comfort, Concubine Si Tiao really calmed down, and her hands no longer trembled slightly.


"...Is that him Kaguya's favorite?" She suddenly popped out such a slightly curious words.

"...Why did you bring this up all of a sudden?" Just now they were discussing the dangerous situation the two faced and how to save themselves, but the next moment the style of painting became romantic.

Even a genius like Kaguya Shinomiya didn't know what to say for a while.

"Didn't you say before, Kaguya, you want to leave the Shinomiya family because you already have someone you like." Concubine Shijo said convincingly, "Even if you go out of the house, you still have to be with the person you like, that's why At the risk of informing me of this...isn't that what you told me?"

Oh, it seems that there is indeed such a setting, Shinomiya Kaguya remembered.

"I never said, that [he] is the person I like, right?" Shinomiya Kaguya said a little speechlessly.

"Does it need to be said?" Shijo Zhenfei opened her eyes wide in surprise, "I can't hide my love for someone."

"Kaguya, you may not have noticed, but when you mentioned him, you kept smiling."


Raising his other hand, Shinomiya Kaguya stroked the corner of his mouth.

Sure enough, it was slightly bent.

It turned out that he had been smiling just now?


"You read it wrong." Shinomiya Kaguya said firmly.


"There is nothing but, you are definitely wrong."

I was able to get this position because I didn't have a 'covetous heart'.

Then, you must really not have it.

At least, I don't have that qualification until I pay off my debts...

Chapter 99 Treat it as a natural disaster (2/2)

"Lamb Club?" Sitiao Zhenfei read the words on the door sign of the front house word by word, "[Those who step into this door, abandon all despair]."

She knew this sentence, it should be used from the "Divine Comedy" on the gate of hell "Those who step into this gate will give up all hope".

As for the organization of the Lamb Society, Shitiao Zhenfei had already heard about it.

She remembered that this was a society aimed at helping others, and Shinomiya Kaguya was also a member of it.

Is this Kaguya's destination?

In other words, the "he" that Shinomiya Kaguya said should be inside this door?

But, as far as she knows, there seems to be only one male member in the Lamb Society, right?

She looked at Shinomiya Kaguya who was standing aside.

'That man, I remember called [Yuanjing]? '

Shinomiya Kaguya breathed a sigh of relief after successfully bringing Concubine Shijo to the front and back of this door.

Concubine Shijo found that the strength from her hand also suddenly relaxed a little.

This shows that they have indeed reached their destination.


"As expected of my good sister, she has already started to cooperate with my brother's work." Such words came from behind the girl.

Just when they arrived at their destination, Si Gong Huang Guang, who was notified by his subordinates, also rushed here in a hurry.

"Okay, Kaguya," said Sigong Huangguang, there was a deliberate kindness and enthusiasm in his words, "I've come, now can you give me the four real concubines in your hand?"


Shinomiya Kaguya didn't say a word, but just held Shijo Zhenfei's hand and turned around.

so many people.

This is the most intuitive feeling of the two of them.

In order not to irritate the "black gloves" of the Shinomiya family, Shinomiya Kaguya and Shijo Makoto had actually just glanced at the crowd silently following them from the corner of their eyes.

They knew that many people were following them, and that this group of people was slowly gathering, but what they didn't expect was that there would be so many...

The room of the Lamb Club is at the corner of the second floor of the club building. If you want to escape from here, there are three paths, namely, the stairs leading to the upper and lower floors, and the corridor.

Now, the corridor he passed by when he came here has been blocked by Sigong Huangguang and his men.

Shijo Zhenfei looked in the direction of the stairs, and found that both the upward and downward stairs had been blocked by burly men in suits.

They looked at Shinomiya Kaguya and Shijo Makoto blankly, their eyes full of threats.

The three paths have been blocked, that is to say, Shinomiya Kaguya and Sijo Zhenfei have become the turtles in the urn of Sigong Huangguang, and it can be said that it is impossible to escape.

It was also because of this that Sigong Huang Guang showed up so complacently, right?

However, facing the encirclement circle formed by his elder brother and his subordinates, Shinomiya Kaguya did not show the slightest bit of fear.

Of course, she didn't just hand over Sitiao Zhenfei as Sigong Huang Guang said.

Keeping Concubine Shijo behind him, Shinomiya Kaguya showed a mocking expression on his face——

"Brother Huang Guang, since you look so ugly, don't think so beautifully." She had long since disliked Huang Guang from Sigong, so she took this opportunity to start spraying venom unscrupulously.

"When did I say that I would cooperate with your actions?"

"You!" Sigong Huang Guang twitched, and the calmness on his face disappeared instantly.

He stared at Shinomiya Kaguya with a ruthless look on his face.

He was originally narrow-minded, and it can even be said that he must take revenge.

As the prince of the Sigong family, he can be said to want wind and rain, and his character has long since become extremely arrogant, thinking that everything in the world should revolve around him.

When Yuan Laiguang rejected him, he had resented her because of this, but because of Fang Yuan's identity as the head of the Yuan family, he could only swallow his anger and find another way.

But what are you Shinomiya Kaguya?

She's obviously just the daughter of a nightclub girl, and you don't even know if she's really of the old man's blood, so how dare you show me your face?

The Sigong family has raised you for more than ten years, do you really consider yourself a young lady?

Sigong Huang Guang winked at the person beside him.

The latter understood immediately, and then a burly man in a suit walked out of it.

"So it seems that you want to resist me?" Si Gong Huang Guang's words no longer showed any intentional enthusiasm, "If this is the case, your actions are not clever at all."

"If you call the police directly, or go to crowded places, I might spend more time. It's a pity, women are women after all, and they are so stupid to come to such a secluded place."

"Isn't this a self-inflicted trap?" He sighed hypocritically.

"That's just [spending more effort]," Shinomiya Kaguya didn't show the slightest fear because of the approaching man in suit.

"That's not what I wanted."

"Can there be other results?" Sigong Huangguang snorted coldly, "As the head of the Sigong family, my power is unlimited. In Tokyo, if I really want to, there is nothing I can do. Impossible!"

Facing Shinomiya Huangguang's declaration, the mocking look on Shinomiya Kaguya's face became more and more obvious——

"It seems that this does not include raising the stock price of Sigong Group again."

She accurately grasped the pain point in Sigong Huangguang's heart.

"...Catch them and bring me that little girl from the Shitiao family."

Sigong Huangguang's face was as dark as a pot lid.Shinomiya Kaguya's words stung him with extreme precision, and he suddenly lost the interest to continue talking.

What's the use of sharp teeth?

In the end, whoever has the bigger fist is right?

He shouldn't be talking nonsense with these two little girls!

"Oh, did you start to use force angrily when you saw that you couldn't say it?" Covering the corner of her mouth with her hands, Shinomiya Kaguya did not give up her verbal attack on Shinomiya Huangguang, "It's a pity... "

There was a "click", and the door behind the two girls opened suddenly.

An arm stretched out from it, and suddenly grabbed the arm that was grabbing towards the two girls.

Compared with the burly man in a suit, the arm protruding from the door is much slender, but...

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