"Crack it."

Accompanied by such a sound, the thick arm of the man in the suit was suddenly bent into a rather strange angle by this slender arm.

This person was struck by lightning all of a sudden, but before he could utter a mournful cry, the arm struck the opponent's throat with great agility.

This is one of the most vulnerable places in the human body, where the vagus and phrenic nerves that control breathing are located.As long as this part is strongly stimulated with external force, nervous suffocation can be easily caused.

No matter how strong the body is, there is no way to withstand this fast and precise critical blow.

He didn't even hum a few times, just shook like this twice, and then fell to the ground like this.

There was a splash of smoke and dust.

"I don't think we will be at a disadvantage here."

A young man dressed in a black priest's attire came out from the opened door.

It's hard to imagine that such a handsome young man could make such a fierce and ruthless attack just now.

He walked up to the two girls, showing a rather obvious intention of defending.

"Yuanjing?" Sigong Huang Guang clearly recognized the young man in black priest's attire, looked at the subordinate who was lying on the ground, and then at Yuanjing with a calm expression on his face. Gong Huangguang frowned——

"I know, we've always had a little quarrel." What he was referring to was, of course, the fact that he put pressure on the school to ask Yuanjing to suspend school for a week to please Minamoto Raimiko.

Of course he knew that Yuan Jing had been looking at him a little unhappy because of this matter, but he didn't care at all.

In his opinion, Yuan Jing is just a brat, but he just happened to be favored by Minamoto Raimitsu, so he flew up the high branch and became a phoenix.

His identity, status, knowledge, financial resources...all of these are derived from Yuan Laiguang's favor.

Then, in order not to lose these things, he must work hard to please and flatter Minamoto Larimitsu.

And by asking him to take a break from school for a week, it can even be said that he helped him, and the other party should be grateful to him for this.

Now, because of his youthful vigor, he may be a little emotional, but when he really grows up, he will naturally understand his "good intentions".

"But, that's a matter between us. If you want to intervene in the dispute between our Sigong family and the Sijo family, isn't it too lenient?" Sigong Huang Guang didn't want to conflict with Yuanjing.

He knew that the pimple in Minamoto's heart when he was young could largely influence Minamoto's will.

Once that crazy woman with astonishing power, background and strength got angry, even Fujiwara Daichi would dare to cut her, thinking about her identity and status would not make her hesitate at all.

Moreover, unlike Fujiwara Daichi, he doesn't have any characters who can help him "empty-handed".

"I can think that this is what the Yuan family meant?"

Sigong Huangguang ran against Yuanyuanjing with words, hoping to remind him of his identity and the consequences of his doing so.

But the one who greeted him was indeed the eyes of the other party who seemed to see a mental retardation.

"Let me tell you," Yuan Jing sighed softly, "You really don't feel anything wrong?"

"If the Sijo family is really the mastermind behind manipulating the Sigong Group's stock price, it means that they are definitely ready to fight you to the death."

"If that's the case, how could core members of the family like Concubine Shijo remain in Tokyo?"

"Isn't this taking the initiative to hand over one's handle to the deadly enemy?"

"If the mastermind behind the scenes is the Shijo family, we will definitely arrange for him to temporarily evacuate to a safe place, and wait until the dust settles before deciding whether to continue returning to Tokyo or simply transfer to another school?"

Yuan Jing said with a bit of sarcasm in his words, "Could it be that the Sijo family, as the mortal enemy of the Sigong family, is actually quite at ease with the moral standards of the Sigong family, thinking that even if each other is going to die, you will die, and the Sigong family will die." Will the family still abide by the rule of [Wife and children are less likely to be harmed]?"

"..." Sigong Huang Guang fell into silence.

Indeed, unlike the scheming Shinomiya family, the Sijo family is a family that places great emphasis on kinship among clan members.If they really wanted to go to war with the Sigong family, even if they ran the risk of alarming the enemy, they would definitely arrange the clansmen in advance to ensure their safety.

Sigong Huangguang didn't think about this.

He subconsciously believed that, compared with such ignorant things as family affection, real interests were more important.If the identities of the two were switched and the Shinomiya family wanted to take action against the Shijo family, he would not hesitate at all because the Sijo family might make a fuss about Shinomiya Kaguya.

This is the biggest difference between the Sijo family and the Shinomiya family.

If you think so, could it be that someone else is behind the scenes?Even if they captured Si Tiao Zhenfei, it would be completely useless?

Si Gong Huang Guang's thoughts changed sharply.

However, besides Sakurajima, who has such a large amount of funds, and who has malicious intent towards the Shinomiya Group, who else is there besides the Shijo family?


Sigong Huang Guang looked at the young man wearing a black identity gown, various memories flashed in his mind, and finally——

"It's you." His words were a little dry.

After ruling out all other possibilities, no matter how unbelievable, what remains must be the truth.

"Although there have been some festivals between us, we haven't reached this point at all, have we?" the furious Sigong Huangguang asked Yuanjing, "Why did you put me to death?"

From Sigong Huangguang's point of view, if he can't complete the agreement with Sigong Yan'an and take the entire Sigong family into his own hands, it will actually be no different from death.

At this moment, the anger in his heart even overwhelmed the fear of the Yuan family.

Staring fiercely at Yuanjing, Sigong Huangguang's eyeballs turned red.

"There's no particular reason, I just happen to need a lot of money." Compared with the yellow light in the four palaces that was almost on fire, Yuan Jing behaved quite leisurely.

"As a person, what I usually hate the most is what I owe to others." The young man said leisurely, "[No debt and a light life] has always been my creed in life, and I have always lived like this .”

"However, it was only after the creditor came to me that I remembered that I seemed to have owed a huge amount of money, and there were countless debts of favor." Yuan Jing said with some distress, "There is nothing worse than when you rummaged through the box. Wouldn't it be more depressing to find a long-forgotten IOU?"

"But there's no way. It's only natural to pay back the debt, so I can only look forward to making money."

"Just because of this?" Sigong Huang Guang asked in disbelief.

"Well, you can also think that I'm venting my anger on someone." Yuan Jing shrugged, "You usually do so many bad things, shouldn't you suffer some retribution?"

"If you can't accept such an argument," the young man tapped his palm after hesitating for a moment, as if he had thought of a better argument——

"Just treat it as bad luck."

"Heavy rain, strong winds, mudslides, volcanic eruptions... just treat it as bad luck and ill-fated fate. How about encountering such natural disasters?"

"In this case, does it feel better?" Yuan Jing said with a light smile.

"...Catch him!!!" Si Gong Huang Guang, who couldn't bear it any longer, ordered to his subordinates around him.

If Yuan Jing didn't show up, and just used the Shijo family as a smoke bomb and hid behind Yuan Laiguang, even Sigong Huangguang would have nothing to do with him.

However, perhaps because he didn't want to implicate the innocent Concubine Shijo because of himself, or because he was simply getting carried away, Yuan Jing appeared in front of them all alone.

How stupid!

In this case, there is no need to even negotiate with the Shitiao family, as long as this young man is caught, all problems will be solved easily.

At this time, how can he care about his identity!


At this moment, at the gate of St. Eden Academy, a very special guest was being helped out of a black luxury car.

This is an old man who seems to be dying.

Looking at the bustling crowd at the school gate of St. Eden Academy, memories flashed in the old man's eyes.

After a long time—

"Gentleman," he looked at the person who was supporting him, "it's on the second floor of the club building, right?"

Chapter 100 I want Kaguya Shinomiya to leave the Shinomiya family

The Yuan family is a samurai family among the Sakurajima Chinese, and Yuan Jing, as the designated next head of the family, must have studied the family knowledge of the Yuan family, and it must not be a show that will break at the first touch.

But so what?

Martial arts, no matter how developed they are, have an upper limit and apex.

As the eldest son of the Sigong family who eats black and white, Sigong Huang Guang's subordinates naturally do not lack any "martial arts masters".

They are not liars or people trying to catch fame, but real masters who have been immersed in this way for more than ten years or even decades, and have real materials.

But even such a master can only be an enemy of ten people at most.

In the real world, there is no such inconceivable power as internal force, grudge, etc. The so-called martial arts are only for the development of the mortal body, but no matter how exhausted the mind, the mortal body is still the mortal body, so naturally there will be upper limit.

What's more, these people around him are not just sacks.

They are the best of the best.

Compared with the bright world, the dark world is always extremely cruel. In this introverted and more cruel world, if there is no real talent and learning, the end will be to become someone else's "stepping stone" or "fertilizer for growth".

On one side is a boy who is alone and unarmed;They are "community people" with a large number of people, strong breath and rich experience.

It can be said that there is almost no suspense about which side will be the final winner.

Although extremely angry, Sigong Huangguang still has the most basic judgment.

He was even thinking about how to negotiate with Yuanjia after subduing Yuanjing.

This is indeed a difficult problem, because to be honest, Yuan Jing didn't use any despicable methods.

Whether it is spreading unfavorable news on the Internet, or using Shitiaojia as a smoke bomb to mislead them, it is a very normal business behavior.

As for the operation of capital flow in the stock market, there is nothing to criticize.

It's actually the Shinomiya family who can't afford to turn the tables now, and Yuanjing, a young man, has absolutely nothing wrong with him that can be attacked...

Before Sigong Huangguang could come up with a reason, Yuan Jing told him one thing with cold reality——

He didn't have to worry about it at all.

Because his group of subordinates couldn't take down Yuanjing at all.


Facing the men in suits who were rushing towards him with ferocious faces, Yuan Jing didn't flinch in the slightest.

Instead, he stomped hard on the ground and took the initiative to rush directly towards the person who was rushing forward.

He is quite clear that the most important thing in a fight, especially a one-to-many group fight, is two words——


Only by overwhelming this group of people in momentum, making them fear, and making them tremble, can the balance of victory be tilted towards him.

and so.

The black gown on Yuan Jing's body was stained with air, and with his movements, it exploded like firecrackers.

As if a phantom came before the person rushing forward, Yuan Jing put his hands on his arms in an instant, making a gesture as if he was pulling a branch.

This is not a show, and the opponent is a 'social person' with blood on his hands, so Yuanjing naturally doesn't pay attention to 'property' like he did to Hayasaka Ai before.

He used the same technique as before, trying to break the man's arm.

But since this person dared to rush to the front, he naturally had his confidence.

After recognizing Yuanjing's intentions, he, who is extremely experienced in fighting, quickly folded his arms back, his claws formed hooks, and he wanted to grab the young man's wrist with his backhand.

He is not alone, as long as he captures Yuanjing and restricts his freedom, his companions will swarm him and drown him.

Unfortunately, Yuanjing didn't give him this chance.

He didn't continue to 'fold', but bent his elbow, and the elbow joint of his left hand was like an iron door bar, blocking the person's back grab from the 'door', and then he clenched his right hand, taking advantage of the left arm to create a When he came out, he hit the man's chest with lightning speed and thunder.

In martial arts, there has always been a saying that "a fist is two doors", and its literal meaning is actually very easy to understand.

Of course, the door plays a role in blocking defense.In fighting, it is a pair of arms that play this role.Therefore, these two doors must be strictly enforced. This is also the reason why martial arts have always emphasized that "hands should never leave the body".

The pass that Yuanjing used just now is the movement, block and hammer in Tai Chi.

Move away the enemy's hand, then block the door, and finally punch with a fist.

This is the so-called 'moving, stopping and hammering'.

Yuanjing's [Unarmed Combat] is taught by Yuanjia, but this does not mean that he only knows the techniques of Yuanjia.

Just like the [Piano] before, Yuanjing's proficiency system will naturally instill relevant knowledge and experience into him after he puts in his efforts.

After its skill level reaches Lv.3, Yuanjing can be said to have proficiently mastered most of the schools of techniques in the world, just as the system said, becoming a person who can truly leave a name in history The 'Master'.

A blow to the chest!

His body, which was nearly two hundred kilograms, was sent flying like a cannonball and hit the wall.

The whole person stuck to the wall for two or three seconds, and then slowly slid down like a painting.

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