When he landed, the pupils in his eyes were dilated, and he opened his mouth, breathing desperately like a fish swimming on the shore.

Just a face-to-face meeting, he was beaten by Yuan Jing so that he lost his combat effectiveness.

The air froze for a moment.

Yuan Jing, a young man with a weak appearance, actually played so violently. Such a contrast was obviously beyond everyone's expectations, and the movements of others also froze for a moment.

But Yuan Jing never thought of relying on this alone to frighten this group of ruthless people who are licking blood.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he shrank his body slightly, and then flicked!

With the momentum of a fierce tiger descending the mountain, he slashed his hands and divided the ear roots of the two people behind him.

Changing from Taiji to the tiger-shaped boxing in Xingyiquan, Yuan Jing's movements did not have the slightest bit of stagnation and obscurity.

The two of them just came back to their senses when they saw Yuan Jing rushing in front of them, a heart-piercing sound came from their ears, and accompanied by the cold wind blowing, they couldn't help but feel their scalps go numb.

But they are also masters, so naturally it is impossible to just sit and wait for death.

After raising their arms, the trajectory of their movement towards Yuanjing blocked the past.

But the boy didn't change his tricks.

It is still at a time when you want to scare the opponent, and a certain degree of head-to-head confrontation is necessary.

If the opponent blocks, he just forcefully punches in!

With one chop, he opened the forearm of the opponent's blocking hand and knife, and the tiger chop naturally turned into a crane peck, accurately and fiercely pecking at the trigeminal nerve below the root of the ears of the two of them.

This is also the key point not inferior to the temple.

With one blow, the two of them were struck by lightning——


The tall body swayed slightly, then suddenly threw itself straight to the ground, motionless.

They have fallen into a coma.

However, Yuan Jing seemed to rush a little too hard.

Now he has been caught in the crowd, and suddenly he has turned into a state of facing the enemy on all sides.

Behind him, a burly figure let out a muffled roar as if trying to dispel his own fear.

He opened his arms, like a bear hug, and immediately wrapped around the boy's body.

Yuan Jing is not short, he is 1.8 meters tall, which can already be listed as an important [advantage] in a blind date.

However, compared with the person who was holding him, his figure was still a bit small.

Even in the underground world of Tokyo, this person is also a famous "Hercules". Not only is his physical fitness extremely high, but he is also very good at this kind of grappling technique.

He once used this move to crush the bones of several enemies to death.

Yuan Jing frowned slightly.

Although he deliberately hugged him this time, the extremely strong smell on this person still made him a little annoyed.

He squatted down, the muscles in his waist rotated vigorously, the joints in his whole body swung, and at the same time, he stretched his hands.

As smoothly as flowing water, it changed from the Xingyiquan just now to the "turning palm" in Baguazhang.

This is the most powerful move in Baguazhang, and it is also a kind of 'wrestling', which uses this kind of throwing energy.

His body weighing more than 200 kilograms was thrown out like a scarecrow, and before he landed, Yuanjing rushed forward like a ghost.

He bent his arm into a sharp shape, as if he was swinging a big gun, and stabbed his elbow into the man's chest.

This way of using the elbow as a big gun is an important feature of Bajiquan.


The extremely clear sound of bones breaking just like that reached everyone's ears.

Seeing the boy's expressionless cold cheeks, everyone present shivered slightly.

Pulling out the elbow from the man's slightly sunken chest, Yuan Jing straightened his body up again.

He moved the joints of his whole body slightly, as if he was just warming up.

Obviously he was the one surrounded by the crowd, but if you just look at the expression, it seems that he surrounded everyone.

After looking around for a while, everyone's complexion paled slightly and their bodies trembled a little wherever he looked.

However, they did not back down.

Looking at such a scene, Yuan Jing's face showed a faint look of joy, as if he was finally able to exercise his muscles and bones.I was very happy to have a good fight.

Stretching out one hand, he made a 'come here' gesture towards the crowd.

The first round is over, and it's time to start the second round.


In the crack of the door of the Lamb Club, there are three pairs of eyes looking out through the crack of the door.

From top to bottom, there are Ai Hayasaka in a nun's costume, Shinomiya Kaguya in a deacon's costume, and Shijo Makoto in a Taisho maid's costume.

...I don’t know, I thought there was a Cosplay exhibition here.

Concubine Shijo and Kaguya Shinomiya didn't stand outside and make trouble for Yuanjing.

As early as Yuan Jing opened the door of the Lamb Club, the two took this opportunity to sneak in and meet Hayasaka Ai in the room.

However, because they were worried about Yuanjing, the three of them did not lock the door, but opened it a little to peek at the situation outside the house.

Hayasaka Ai has received professional training from the Shinomiya family, while Shinomiya Kaguya has received guidance from relevant masters.

Both of them are agile people, if Yuanjing's situation is not good, they can act as a surprise soldier to rescue Yuanjing to the Lamb Society's quarters.

On the screen of the mobile phone in Hayasaka Ai's hand, Todo Lilicia's number was listed impressively.

Once Minamoto showed signs of decline, she would call Todou Lilicia next to Minamoto, call Minamoto, and tell this devil-like woman about the scene here.

Even if this may lead to the failure of the 'Hundred Trials' and the plans of the girls, it is not hesitating.

The safety of Yuanjing is the most important thing, and everyone else has to stand back.

They know it all too well.

You can see this situation...

Hayasaka Aizang watched Yuanjing who was showing off his might outside the house, hoisting up and beating members of a group of vigorous social organizations.

Looking at the source scene does not need such help at all.

And after settling down, the three of them didn't take their eyes off the boy, but stared even tighter.

The word [force] has always been closely linked with [beauty].

And Yuan Jing's vigorous figure, in the eyes of the girls, almost completely fits the girls' longing for this kind of 'beauty'.

Hayasaka Ai and Shinomiya Kaguya had actually seen Yuan Jing make a move before, but that time it was only one-on-one, and Shinomiya Yunying's valet was really good at it, and the two of them were not in the mood at the time, So it didn't have much impact.

In their minds, what Yuanjing showed was actually a reborn image like a banished immortal. When had they seen Yuanjing with such a domineering and exposed side?

The beautiful eyes of both of them are full of brilliance, and they are not even willing to blink.

Although Shijo Zhenfei has some love ideas, her status in the Sijo family is actually higher than that of Sigong Kaguya in the Sigong family.She has been exposed to the elite education of the Sijo family since she was a child, so she is naturally not an idiot.

Although Yuan Jing, Shinomiya Kaguya and the others did not tell her the whole situation, but based on what she saw and heard, she could actually make a rough guess.

Why did Sigong Huangguang kidnap him, what did this boy outside do, and what kind of hat the Sitiao family was forced to wear...

She already has a rough image.

'Is this the boy that Huiye is looking for? She glanced up slightly, and looked at Shinomiya Kaguya who was staring at Yuanjing intently, "Well, it's not incomprehensible......"

But at this moment, both Shinomiya Kaguya and Hayasaka Ai couldn't help but let out an exclamation, Shijo Zhenfei was stunned, and hurriedly turned her gaze to the crack of the door again.

It turned out that when he saw that Yuanjing could not be taken down by bare hands alone, he seemed to feel extremely unhappy about being pressed and beaten by a high school student. Here come the daggers.

This dagger was very cold, and there were blood grooves on it.

If you once stabbed someone...

At this time, it was too late to make a sound reminder.The three of them could only watch as this person showed a sinister smile and quickly stepped forward, rushing towards the back of Yuan Jing who was entangled with others.

But the young man didn't even look back, he clenched his fist with one hand and raised his arms vigorously!

Turn around and beat!

blah blah blah!

The hammer hit this person's chest, and even collapsed a large piece of his chest!

As if eyes had grown behind him, Yuan Jing loosened his clenched hand and snatched the dagger from the man's hand.

Originally, Yuan Jing, who was unarmed, was already as terrifying as Yan Luo, but now he has a weapon in his hand...

The group of Si Gong Huang Guang's subordinates had already lost all courage, and now they dared not step forward even more.

The rest of the people scattered all at once, as if they all wanted to stay away from this scary boy in black gown.

Playing with the dagger in his hand a little, Yuan Jing piled up the people on the ground with his feet.

Sitting on top of his 'war results', Yuanjing tilted his head and looked at the extremely ugly Sigong Huangguang——

"You see, the fight is over, isn't it?"

"Now, shouldn't it be time to talk about compensation?"

"Compensation?" Sigong Huang Guang looked at Yuanjing in disbelief, he had never hated this handsome face so much, "Do you want me to compensate you?"

"Otherwise?" Yuan Jing's eyes widened in astonishment, and he pointed to the dagger in his hand, "I won't talk about the fact that you gathered a crowd to beat me up, someone wanted my life just now."

"Hayasaka, have you recorded all the scenes just now?" Before Sigong Huangguang could respond, he yelled at Lambhui.

"It has been recorded according to your previous instructions." The maid replied.

"That's good." Yuanjing nodded in satisfaction, and after hearing this, Sigong Huangguang's face became even more gloomy, "Look, I have evidence here, if you don't want to pay compensation, Then I can only give it to someone else to give me justice."

Sigong Huangguang almost gritted his teeth, but...

He looked at Yuanjing who was confident and looking at him with a smile on his face, and then looked at his group of subordinates who were obviously fearful.

He could only forcefully suppress his anger.

"What do you want me to compensate?" He said in a hoarse voice.

"Well," Yuan Jing thought for a moment, "I want you to agree to let Shinomiya Kaguya leave the Shinomiya family."


Before the shocked Sigong Huang Guang could respond, an old voice came from behind him——

"Huang Guang has no right to make decisions about this kind of thing."

"The only one who can make this decision is me."

Sigong Huangguang's body trembled, he turned around slowly, looked at the old man being supported by someone, his lips squirmed for a moment, and finally spit out a word——


That's right, the person who came was the founder and helm of the Sigong family who should have been recuperating because of a serious illness.

Four Palace Goose Nunnery.

Chapter 4 I won't give it to you, you can't grab it ([-]k)

"Father, why did you come here?" Sigong Huang Guang stepped forward quickly, he lowered his head, showing a very respectful attitude.

"Since the alma mater held a cultural festival, it's understandable for me to come back to participate, right?" Sigong Yan'an glanced at Sigong Huangguang's lowered bald head, and replied indifferently, "Could it be that I made such a decision? Do I need to report to you in advance, too?"

Sigong Yan'an is over 80 years old this year, and his body has been eroded by the erosion of the years and is riddled with holes.

But even so, his words were still full of majesty, when he heard that 'Huh? 'Afterwards, Sigong Huangguang's head drooped lower all of a sudden, and traces of sweat appeared on his forehead——

"Don't dare." He said so submissively.

Seeing such a yellow light from Sigong, an undisguised disappointment flashed in Sigong Yan'an's eyes.

"Yellow light," said Sigong Yan'an after a moment of silence, "You should wear my seal, right?"

After hearing these words, Sigong Huang Guang's body trembled slightly, "Yes."

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