Sakurajima should be the only country in the world where seals are more credible than signatures. From buying a house or a car to inheriting an inheritance, to receiving a courier, signing in and clocking in, everything is inseparable from a seal.

As long as you hold a certain person's seal, you can do many things in the name of this person, and all of them have legal effect, and you don't need to show up in person.

This kind of "seal is big" can be regarded as a certain characteristic of Japan. In detail, there are many historical and practical reasons. Sending people to handle affairs on behalf of others does not need to run around in person, which improves the efficiency of social operation.

The power of attorney Chika Fujiwara gave to Ai Hayasaka was able to be admitted by Minamoto Yorimitsu, in addition to her own signature, the seal of the Fujiwara family on it accounted for a considerable amount of credit.

Sakurajima's recognition of the seal can be seen.

On average, every adult Japanese has five private seals, and the types are generally divided into three categories: real seals, bank seals, and official seals.

The real seal needs to be filed by the government. After obtaining the certification documents, it is mostly used when buying and selling houses, establishing a company, changing household registration, and transferring major assets. It must never be lost and needs to be kept very carefully;

The bank seal needs to be recorded in the banking system. It is also very important to use in deposits and withdrawals, insurance, purchase of securities and bonds, etc., and it also needs to be carefully kept;

Recognition seals are used in daily life, and are mostly used for simple contracts when renting a house, sending and receiving letters, receiving express delivery, and confirming to the community circulation board.Generally, you only need to engrave a surname, and you don’t need to match the family crest. If you lose it, you can change it at will.

There are also other uses, such as book collection seals, appreciation seals, alias seals, nickname seals, skill seals, etc., but these are not very important and have no legal effect.

After signing the gambling agreement with Sigong Huangguang, in order to show his sincerity, and also to facilitate Sigong Huangguang to better secure his position as the temporary helm of the Sigong family, Sigong Yan'an put himself The most important real seal was handed over to his eldest son.

In this way, the "temporary patriarch" of Sigong Huangguang has the power to independently decide various affairs, and is no longer a puppet controlled by Sigong Yan'an remotely.

However, although three months have not yet come, Sigong Yan'an obviously has other ideas.

"Give me back my real seal." He said so calmly to Si Gong Huang Guang.

Withdrawing this most important seal, the hidden meaning behind it is actually self-evident.

"Father!" Sigong Huang Guang raised his head, with a surprised and angry expression on his face, "Three months have not yet come, so it is too early to draw conclusions like this?! "

Before Sigong Yan'an could reply, he suddenly turned to Yuanjing, and his body bent down, and the arc even exceeded 90 degrees all of a sudden——

"I'm really sorry!" Si Gong Huang Guang even cried in his tone.

The current situation is extremely clear. The reason why he has fallen to this point is that the culprit is this brat in front of him that he has always despised.

There is 12 points of regret in his heart, if he had known that Yuan Jing would be such a monster, he would never provoke him just to please Minamoto Raimitsu.

However, although the situation is already extremely bad for him, it is not without the possibility of recovery.

Because the source scene is here.

If you can get his forgiveness and let him hold you high...

"Oh," seeing Sigong Huangguang's performance at the moment, Sigong Yan'an made a voice with great interest, "If you can immediately notice someone who can get you out of trouble, then it means that you are not so stupid that you can't be saved medicine."

"It's a pity," Sigong Yan'an shook his head, "sincerity is still not enough."

"Hey, you." He stretched out his finger, pointing at a subordinate of the Shinomiya family who was not defeated by Yuan Jing, "Do you have a knife on you?"

After being named by Sigong Yan'an, the latter nodded respectfully. He slightly lifted the top of his suit and took out a dagger from his waist.

And just when he was about to hand over the sharp blade together with the scabbard to Shinomiya Yanan, the latter waved his hand and refused without hesitation——

"No, don't give it to me. What do I need a knife with my old bones? I can hardly cut any vegetables now."

"Give it to him." Sigong Yan'an pointed to Sigong Huangguang who was bowing.

Sigong Huang Guang took the dagger, showing a very obvious bewilderment.Just when he was a little confused about his father's intentions, the latter's cold words drifted to his ears——

"Go, get on your knees, walk up to him on your knees, and chop off your own pinky finger."

"Father!" Sigong Huang Guang showed horror on his face, he turned around and looked at Sigong Yan'an, as if he couldn't believe his ears.

"If you do something wrong, you will naturally be punished. Isn't this a matter of course?" Sigong Yan'an showed no mercy on his face, and every wrinkle on his face was telling the master's ruthlessness, "Since you If you have already used the people of the Tao, then you must abide by the rules of the Tao.”

"But I'm your son! I'm still your legitimate son!"

"It is precisely because you are my son that I will take the time to mention you." Sigong Yan'an's words were like a basin of cold water, extinguishing the anger in Sigong Huangguang's heart, "Otherwise, you are so embarrassing The things in front of my eyes have long been thrown out by me."

"Don't dawdle, are you going to do it or not?"

Sigong Huang Guang's hand holding the dagger trembled slightly. His father actually threatened him to apologize to a boy who was several decades younger than him, and he even walked up to him on his knees, and put his little finger in front of him. Cut off the dagger to apologize...

This is simply a disgrace!


"If I do this, Father, you won't take back the real seal?" Looking towards Sigong Yan'an, there was a little prayer in Sigong Huangguang's words.

"Of course..." A little joy appeared on Sigong Huang Guang's face,

"Yes." The Xu Xishen immediately turned into deeper despair.

"...You didn't intend to abide by the agreement from the beginning, did you?" Under these repeated blows, Sigong Huang Guang seemed to have finally realized something.

He looked at the ruthless old man, his eyes were bloodshot, "Even if there is no such thing, even if I have managed the Sigong Group in an orderly manner and flourished in these three months, you will not abide by the agreement with me." The gambling agreement, hand over the entire Sigong family to me, right?!"

"That's right." Shinomiya Yan'an showed a look of 'Why did you only find out now'.

"You!" You didn't even bother to cover up!

"The entire Sigong Group is the empire I brought down, so I naturally have the power to dispose of it at will." Sigong Yan'an looked at the yellow light of Sigong, "What I give you is yours."

"If I don't give it to you, you can't take it."

Since Sigong Yan'an has drawn up a will, it means that he has made a decision.

But Sigong Huang Guang expressed dissatisfaction with his will and wanted to inherit all of the Sigong family.

This is an offense to Sinomiya Yanan.

Therefore, Sigong Yan'an had no intention of going along with his wishes.

"Are you kidding me?" Si Gong Huang Guang suffered a blow today, probably more than the sum of his previous life.This is obviously a bit beyond his mental capacity.

"How can it be called tricking you? If I want to trick you, I won't give you all the real seals." Sigong Yan'an disagreed with his son's statement.

"You've been with me for decades. If you still don't know what kind of person I am, it's useless to hand over the Sigong Group to you." Salt.

"If you are really courageous, after you get the real seal and take over the Sigong family, you should ignore this bullshit gambling agreement, and directly conspire to make me disappear."

"However, it's not too late."

He straightened his chest, "You already have a guy in your hand, since you don't have the courage to cut off your little finger, you can come here." Sigong Yan'an patted his chest.

"Beside me, there is only Hayasaka Masato, if you let your subordinates hold him back," he glanced around a group of men with icy cold eyes, and those men in suits with tough breath lowered their eyes one after another. Dare to meet the eyes of this old man who seems to be powerless.

"Then you can stab me to death with the dagger in your hand." He said in a bewitching tone, "You still have my real seal on you, so it's not difficult to forge a will."

"As long as you take measures to seal it up, it won't take three months at all. The entire Sigong family will be yours tomorrow."

"How?" He was obviously instigating his son to 'kill his father', but the old man's tone seemed to be indifferent as if he was talking about what to eat tonight, "Is this a pretty good proposal?"


Sigong Huang Guang didn't speak.

His eyes were constantly patrolling between his father and the dagger in his hand, and the right hand holding the dagger was also constantly changing between clenching and loosening, and it was obvious that he had entered an extremely fierce battle between heaven and man. middle.


There was a bang.

It was the sound of the dagger falling to the floor.

This is also the final decision made by Sigong Huangguang.

"I gave you a chance, but you are useless." Sigong Yan'an shook his head, showing a very regretful expression.

"Put away your hypocrisy." After making this final decision, Sigong Huang Guang calmed down. He stared at Sigong Yan'an, mercilessly exposing his hypocrisy.

"Even if I take the risk, I will definitely not succeed. You old guy must have been prepared for a long time."

"Either the group of subordinates around me has nails planted by you, or your people have already controlled this area." He spat at the foot of Sigong Yan'an resentfully.

"Oh, wouldn't it be too funny if you just say it like this?" Sigong Yan'an said so, and winked to the side.

Those remaining men in suits understood immediately, and after apologizing, they controlled Sigong Huangguang.

"However, you are wrong about one thing." When the men in suits 'invited' him to leave here, Shinomiya Yan'an said softly, "I don't need to bury any nails at all."

"The entire Shinomiya family is an extension of my arm."

"They were all mine."

Si Gong Huang Guang didn't react at all to these words.

His heart is dead.


After Sigong Huangguang and the rest of the men in suits left the scene, the whole scene instantly became a little clearer.

Yuan Jing looked at Sigong Yan'an who was looking at him, with a look of full vigilance on his face.

The appearance of Sigong Yan'an was not in his plan.

Compared to Sigong Huangguang, this old fox is undoubtedly much more difficult to deal with.

These two people are not on the same level at all.

"I just heard that you want Kaguya to leave the Shinomiya's house?" Shinomiya Ganan raised his hand, motioning for Masato Hayasaka to help him get closer.

He was already a little old and dizzy. If he didn't get closer, he couldn't see this boy clearly.

"That's right." Yuan Jing replied quite simply.

Although the negotiating partner changed from Sigong Huangguang to the old fox Sigong Yan'an, Yuanjing didn't show any worries.

It's just a matter of spending a little more.He had no doubts about it.

"Oh?" After getting closer, the young man wearing a priest's gown, sitting on the hill piled up under his hands, holding his chin and looking at him, gradually became clear from the initial blur.

Sigong Yan'an narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he wanted to see the young man more clearly, and Yuanjing looked at him without showing any weakness.

After not spending too long, Shinomiya Ganan seems to have made a decision——

"Okay." He agreed quite simply.

"However, if we only let the two of us decide, isn't it disrespecting Kaguya too much?" As if he was really thinking about Shinomiya Kaguya, the old man said to Yuanjing with some sincerity, "At least let me see you." See how Hui Ye is, and give her a chance to scold me?"

Yuan Jing frowned.

He didn't want Shinomiya Kaguya to get in touch with Shinomiya Yan'an.

However, making decisions for others without authorization is undoubtedly contrary to his life creed.What's more, Shinomiya Kaguya is also here...

At this time, the door of the Lamb Club was slowly opened, and Shinomiya Kaguya walked out from it.

She looked at the father who had never shown her any family affection, and her scarlet eyes were full of complexities.

"Exactly, I also have something I want to ask you." She said to Sigong Yan'an.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Shinomiya Ganan gently pushed Masato Hayasaka, who had been supporting her all the time.

As a servant and secretary who has been with Sigongyan'an for decades, the latter immediately understood the meaning of Sigongyan'an.

He glanced at the other party with some concern, Shan still took a step back slightly, and let go of the arm supporting Sigong Yan'an.

After losing the support, Shinomiya Yan'an's figure was a little shaken.His legs didn't seem to have enough strength to support his whole body, which made him stagger slightly.

When he faced and punished his son-in-law before, the ruthless, cruel and tyrannical appearance made it easy for people to forget his age and physical condition.

But at this time, people will find out that this man with the title of "Showa Monster"——

In fact, he is already a dying old man.

The high-spiritedness before was just the afterglow of the setting sun, and weakness and powerlessness were the normal state of this old man.

He tremblingly extended his arm towards Shinomiya Kaguya.

The latter stepped forward silently, taking over Hayasaka Masato's previous position.

Sigong Yan'an raised his head and looked at Lambhui behind Yuanjing.

He had collected relevant information a long time ago, and knew that this was the club where Shinomiya Kaguya and the boy named Yuan Jing belonged.

He also knew exactly what activities the society was preparing for during the cultural festival.

'The confessional? "Sigong Yan'an smiled self-deprecatingly in his heart, "I remember, this is a place used to repent to the gods and pray for peace of mind, right? '

'Unfortunately, the word [confession] has never had anything to do with me. '

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