'Even when I'm old, I'm not so weak that I need to repent to make myself feel at ease. '

He took a step in the direction of the Lamb Society.

It seems that Shinomiya Yan'an has chosen the Lamb Club's room as a chat room for him and Shinomiya Kaguya, a pair of 'father and daughter'.

Ai Hayasaka, who was dressed as a nun, and Concubine Shijo, who was dressed as a Taisho maid, came out of the room of the Lamb Society.

Shinomiya Ganan's move to push Hayasaka Masato away showed that he only wanted to have a one-on-one private conversation with Shinomiya Kaguya.

Therefore, both girls behaved quite empathetically.

Because of Yuanjing and Sigong Yanan, all the danger warnings have been lifted, and this "kidnapping incident" has also been resolved and invisible by these two people, so naturally there is no need for Sijo Zhenfei to hide.

Of course, in addition to this, there is another reason why Shijo Zhenfei is more ashamed to talk about it, and that is——

She is actually a little, no, it should be said that she is quite afraid of Shinomiya Yanan.

The Sigong family and the Sijo family are sworn enemies, and the two families have already confronted countless times.

But the Sitiao family always loses more and wins less, and the most important reason is the extremely frail old man in front of them.

Concubine Sijo's generation grew up listening to the legend of Sigong Yan'an, and she would naturally have a strong fear of this mortal enemy who had been demonized by her family.

Especially just now, she saw with her own eyes the extremely cold and cruel side of the other party when facing her own son.


She looked at Shinomiya Kaguya who was supporting Shinomiya Ganan expressionlessly.After a moment of hesitation, she lifted her skirt slightly, carefully stepped over the bodies of men in suits who were in a coma, and came to the window in the corridor.

Since it was Shinomiya Kaguya who protected her and came here, then he should also go back with Shinomiya Kaguya.

Hayasaka Ai just glanced at her father, and then came behind Yuanjing without hesitation.

Now she is a nun who serves the gods, so she naturally wants to maintain the same position as the priest.

Strictly speaking, until dusk, it was actually her turn.This is the special treatment Fujiwara Chika gave her in consideration of when this incident happened.

At the same time, it is also the reward for working so hard before.

After all, if one were to find a girl who had worked the hardest this week from among Touma Kazuo, Yukinoshita Yukino, Hayasaka Ai, and Fujiwara Chika, the result would undoubtedly require a long time to face Minamoto Larimitsu, and Hayasaka Ai who also needs to mediate with the eyeliners in the Shinomiya villa.

Not to mention, she also spied on Sigong Huangguang's conspiracy.

Therefore, none of the other girls had any objection to the fact that she would occupy the most time today.

With the support of Shinomiya Kaguya, the pair of 'father and daughter' moved slowly in the direction of the Lamb Club.

But just when the two were about to pass by Yuanjing.

The boy in black quickly jumped down from the crowd and stood in front of the two of them.

Shinomiya Yanan frowned.

Judging from the current situation, among all the people present, the undoubted center of the youth in front of him was actually dancing in his palm.

Don't look at how high-spirited he was when he taught Sigong Huangguang a lesson, but that was actually something that could only be done with the tacit consent of this young man.

If Yuan Jing showed obvious objection to the conversation between himself and Shinomiya Kaguya, even Shinomiya Ganan would have nothing to do.

His status, power, wealth, prestige...everything he has painstakingly worked out in his life cannot pose the slightest threat to the young man in front of him.

Thinking of this, and thinking of his three useless sons, deep envy for Minamoto Raimitsu arises spontaneously.

If the Sigong family picked up this boy, why do I need to hold on to this old bone?

"However," feeling the support of Shinomiya Kaguya, Shinomiya Yanan thought silently in his heart, "it's not that there is no way to think..."

Yuan Jing didn't pay attention to the deep-minded old fox Sigong Yan'an at all.

"Kaguya," because apart from Shinomiya Kaguya, there was also Sinomiya Yanan at the scene, so Yuanjing didn't use the easily confusing title of Sinomiya.

"Although there is a good old saying called 'It's hard to be confused', but if you really want to understand, I will naturally not forcefully stop you."

"After all, you are just my subordinate, not my slave."

No one is qualified to make decisions for others without authorization, this has always been Yuanjing's life creed.

"However," he glanced at Shinomiya Yanan, who was looking at him, and said meaningfully, "If someone wants to rely on the old to sell the old, or use some 'non-existent things' like family affection to impress You, so that you can do something you don't want to do."

From the priest's gown, Yuan Jing took out something and handed it to Shinomiya Kaguya who was staring at him with scarlet eyes.

It was a check book that had been signed, stamped and stated the amount.

200 billion yen is not a small amount. If you only rely on a check, you can't write such a large amount of money all at once.

Therefore, Yuanjing could only use the form of a checkbook to send Shinomiya Kaguya's advance remuneration to her.

However, this is fine.

Compared with a check, it is obviously more painful to slap the checkbook on the face.

"My suggestion is to slap this thing directly on his face, and give him a big mouth by the way to wake him up."

There was a very obvious threat in the young man's words. Everyone present naturally knew who the "he" he was referring to was clear.

Masato Hayasaka frowned, obviously dissatisfied with this threat from Yuan Jing;

His daughter Hayasaka Ai showed a smile. As a being who grew up with Kaguya Shinomiya and had the same love as her sister, she had already harbored resentment towards Kaguya Shinomiya in her heart;

And the four real concubines simply laughed out loud.For the people of the Sijo family, they are naturally extremely happy to see the 'big devil', Sigong Yan'an, being deflated.Seeing Sigong Yan'an's somewhat ugly expression, Sijo Zhenfei couldn't help feeling relieved for a while.The little resentment that had arisen from the previous fear disappeared in an instant.

She felt that she should be able to get along well with Hui Ye's ideal person.


She tilted her head, and a little question mark appeared on her head, "What does [subordinate] mean, shouldn't it be [lover]?" 'Thinking of Yuanjing's previous words, she was a little confused.

Shinomiya Kaguya was not thinking about anything at all, 'I'm out of luck! ' and things like that.

There was no room for these 'little things' in her mind.

Staring blankly at the young man in front of him, a moment later, Shinomiya Kaguya's originally cold face had a smile blooming quietly.

A warm current gushed out from her heart, and after melting the ice in her heart, it merged into an even more turbulent emotion, like a raging ocean wave, washing her heart extremely transparently.

Forcibly suppressing the urge to cry, Shinomiya Kaguya stretched out her hand, and took the check book from Yuanjing with great solemnity.

"Yes, my lord." she replied.

She did not use the most commonly used 'boss' to refer to her boss, but used the more respectful 'lord'.

As for the word 'lord', in addition to the meaning of boss and lord, its meaning is more inclined to control one's own 'master' and 'king'.

In addition, this word can actually refer to the gods he serves, as well as——

Own husband.


After helping Sigong Yan'an to the seat and sitting down, Sigong Huiye turned around and closed the door of the Lamb Club.

In this case, the room of the Lamb Club is called a closed space.

Like Shinomiya Ganan, she didn't want the rest of the conversation to be overheard by outsiders.

Oh, yes, and close that thing too.

As if remembering something, Shinomiya Kaguya walked towards a place.

That's where the cameras are placed.

Shinomiya Kaguya is a member of the Lamb Society, and she, Fujiwara Chika and Yukinoshita Yukino arranged the layout of this room together, so she knows quite well what is in this room.

After clasping her hands together in an apologetic gesture towards the camera, she reached behind it and switched it off.

Shinomiya Yanan watched with great interest as Shinomiya Kaguya completed all the preparations, and watched her come to him just like that.

Looking at Shinomiya Kaguya's face that was almost exactly the same as his mother, Shinomiya Gan'an was slightly lost in memories, but he didn't indulge in it, but forced himself to wake up all of a sudden.

"This is the first time we have talked face to face." Sigong Yan'an said with some emotion, "However, this is probably the last time."

He looked at the pocket of Shinomiya Kaguya's deacon's coat, and she put the check book in it carefully.Why did Yuanjing give Shinomiya Kaguya this thing, and what exactly would Shinomiya Kaguya do with it, Sigong Yan'an is naturally quite clear.

He leaned back on the back of the chair tiredly, and closed his eyes, as if he had lost the strength to open them.

"Don't you want to ask me a question, then ask me." The old man's tone was a little weak.

Facing Shinomiya Kaguya, he naturally didn't need to be as tough as facing Sigong Huangguang.

After all, it's useless to be tough, and Shinomiya Kaguya will not be afraid of him now.

"Okay." Sitting opposite Shinomiya Kaguya, Shinomiya Kaguya asked her first question——

"Brother said, I don't have your blood flowing on my body," she said in a very calm tone, as if she was just telling a very ordinary incident, "This incident must be false, right?"

"Oh?" Sigong Yan'an slightly opened his eyes, "Why do you say that?"

"In the past, the number of times I met you can be said to be counted on the fingers, so I am not familiar with your character, so although I think it is unlikely that the head of the Sigong family will indulge in blind love, but after all, the great world No wonder, I still accept it for the time being.”

"However," Shinomiya Kaguya looked at Shinomiya Yan'an, "I can see how you treated my elder brother just now."

"The head of the Shinomiya family, the man known as the 'Showa Monster', no matter how seductive he is, he will never become a 'receiver'. Your dignity does not allow you to do such a thing. Come."

"There is only one reason why you did such a thing, after thinking about it." Looking at Sigong Yan'an, Sigong Kaguya's eyes revealed a trace of coldness, "It is to isolate my mother, Let her only rely on you?"

"Papa papa." Sigong Yan'an applauded.

"That's right," he confessed, "Qingshui Ming Yezhu is a beautiful woman like an elf. From her, I have tasted the sweetness of love for a long time."

"However, unlike her who was young and beautiful, I was nearly 70 years old at that time, and I was a bad old man."

"Your mother is a very emotional person. Although she is smart, she also has a very strong yearning for love. With my tireless pursuit and sincerity, I really embraced the beauty, and let her not mind her status." Give me your body."

"But it's not enough." Said Shinomiya Yanan, "Unlike her, I don't have any fantasies about love, so although I got her love, I was always worried that she would empathize with someone else."

"Because of this, I took advantage of her status as a night show girl. When others attacked her, I just tried my best to defend her, but I refused to conduct a paternity test, creating an illusion that you are not my own. "

"In this case, Ming Yezhu will naturally be unable to argue with a hundred words, and can only rely on me more than before."

It was obvious that he had used the girl's innocent feelings so despicably and trampled on the girl's heart, but there was no trace of remorse in Shinomiya Yanan's tone.

If he did it again, he would still do it, right?

Sure enough, his father was a complete rotten person.

Shinomiya Kaguya's eyes darkened slightly.

Although she had guessed this before, but after being confirmed by her own father, she still couldn't help feeling a little sad.

In particular, beside her, there is Chika Fujiwara, who is almost completely opposite to her, as a contrast...

However, didn't I have no expectations for this already rotten family?This fact just cut off her last ray of fantasy.

Shinomiya Kaguya's eyes became determined again.

She looked at her father without the slightest hesitation or hesitation.

She already had new pillars, and things that had to be done.

"The eldest brother is already useless, the second brother is a waste, the only remaining threat is the third brother." Looking at Sigong Yan'an, the girl said so.

"What do you mean?" Shinomiya Yan'an smiled.

"I mean, I want to inherit the Shinomiya family." Shinomiya Kaguya said without hesitation.

She wants to become, [his] strength.

Chapter 4 must give birth to at least nine! ([-]k)

"Do you want to inherit the Shinomiya family?" After hearing Shinomiya Kaguya's declaration, Shinomiya Gan'an's slightly squinted eyes all opened.

He didn't say anything like 'overreaching! ' and other contemptuous words, but looked at her only daughter inside and out, up and down, as if she was evaluating something.

If you only look at it from the outside, Shinomiya Kaguya is actually very similar to her mother Shimizu Mingyazhu, which is why Shinomiya Yan'an has always been reluctant to have too much contact with her——

As soon as he saw Shinomiya Kaguya, he couldn't help but think of her mother.

The life of Shinomiya Yanan was full of glory and sin.

He himself can't remember how many people he has sorry for and how many people he has regarded as nourishment for his and his family's growth.

After all, you can't remember exactly how many slices of bread you ate, can you?

If there really are heaven and hell in this world, he has no doubts about where he will go.

But so what?

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