If the husband does not eat five tripods during life, he will cook ears with five tripods when he dies.

How many people's lives are so dull that even a piece of paper can't be filled.Compared with these mediocre people, he, Sigong Yan'an, has won too much.

However, among the group of people he was sorry for, Qingshui Mingyezhu was the most special one.

This woman is quite smart.

A woman who can become an oiran in a night show and earn millions of yen in "accompaniment fees" every night, in addition to a beautiful appearance, naturally also needs a delicate heart. Save yourself in this extraordinarily filthy place.

But at the same time, this woman is pretty silly.

Regarding the real intention of Sigong Yan'an's actions, he did not believe that this ice-snow-smart woman could not see through.

But even so, she didn't feel angry or resentful because of it, and she still showed her deep affection and obsession with him.

This time she clearly saw through everything, but she chose to block her own eyes, which made Sigong Yan'an, whose heart was already as cold as a stone, a little touched by something like love for the first time.

Those days with her can indeed be said to be the most beautiful memory in Shinomiya Yan'an's life.


The confidante is disappointed.

Just because he didn't want to think about this elf-like cunning woman again, he entrusted Shinomiya Kaguya with full authority to educate his third son, Shinomiya Yunying, and rarely met her.

Apart from providing sufficient material, it can be said that he has not fulfilled the slightest duty as a father...

Moreover, what he did to Shimizu Mingyazhu also caused a great stain on Shinomiya Kaguya's birth.

Although he ordered that no further discussion of related matters be allowed, just like before, his subordinates and servants of the Shinomiya family regarded it as a proof that he 'loved' Qingshui Mingyezhu too much.Although they promised with promises, how could Sigong Yan'an not understand what they were thinking in their hearts?

Growing up in that environment, Shinomiya Kaguya would feel resentment toward the Shinomiya family, and thus want to leave the Shinomiya family. Sinomiya Yan'an would not be surprised by this at all.

However, Shinomiya Kaguya actually said that she wanted to inherit the Shinomiya family.

This is really...

It saved him a lot of effort.

"Kaguya you have such ambitions, I'm so gratified." After looking Sigong Kaguya up and down, like a kind old man, Sigong Yan'an said with a smile.

"If the information I collected is not wrong, Kaguya, you have always wanted to get rid of the Shinomiya family before?" There was a little curiosity in his tone, "You will change your mind this time... Can I ask why?"

Shinomiya Kaguya was not at all surprised that Shinomiya Yanan would know her previous thoughts.

The entire Shinomiya family is nothing but an extension of the old monster in front of him.As long as he wants to know, no one in the Sigong family has any secrets for him.

This is the same as the founding monarch of each dynasty is often the one with the highest prestige and the strongest control.

As the existence that promoted the Shinomiya family to the position of "Four Great Zaibatsu in Sakurajima", the ability of Shinomiya Yanan to control the Shinomiya family can only be described by the word "terrible".

However, Shinomiya Kaguya never thought of lying to him.

"I haven't changed my mind." Looking at Shinomiya Yan'an without showing any weakness, Shinomiya Kaguya said in a cold tone, "Until now, I still think that the Shinomiya family is a magic cave that is no different from a monster's lair. Use each other, plunder each other, squeeze each other, devour each other..."

"After taking off the glamorous appearance, the Sigong's house is just a place deliberately created by you to raise Gu."

Shinomiya Yanan still maintained a smiling and kind expression, noncommittal about Shinomiya Kaguya's accusation.

"I have never wavered in my desire to escape from the Shinomiya's house, and my current master is obviously aware of this."

That's why Yuanjing stopped the two of them and told Shinomiya Kaguya something 'it's hard to be confused'

In Yuanjing's past life, before he crossed over, the manga that Shinomiya Kaguya was in was still being serialized, and the chapter had not yet reached the final battle with the Shinomiya family, the final boss.

Therefore, for the character of Sigong Yan'an, Yuanjing actually does not have the so-called God's perspective.

As for what Sigong Huangguang said about Sigong Yan'an willingly becoming a "receiver" for the so-called "love", although he felt that the style of the painting was slightly wrong, but considering that this comic in the previous life was a "funny comic after all" ', then this kind of thing is not impossible.

Although it was extremely reluctant, he still accepted this setting, and made a plan to let Shinomiya Kaguya leave the Shinomiya family.

However, according to Sigong Yan'an's previous ruthless behavior towards his son Sigong Huang Guang, Yuan Jing naturally became suspicious of Sigong Huangguang's previous statement of being a "receiver".

However, he had considered the possibility of such a situation earlier, so he hinted that Shinomiya Kaguya was "rarely confused"——

After all, this matter involves the innocence of her biological mother, so he will not prevent Shinomiya Kaguya from finding the truth.

But looking for the truth is the search for the truth. If Shinomiya Kaguya wants to use this to restrain Shinomiya Kaguya and prevent her from leaving the Shinomiya family, then Yuan Jing has already told Sigong Kaguya what he will do next:

That is to directly throw the check book of 200 billion yen on the face of the old guy Sinomiya Yan'an, so as to draw a clear line with the Sinomiya family.

Even if he said that Kaguya was indeed his own, Shinomiya Kaguya could still think that he was lying, and thus refused to admit such a blood relationship.

What Yuanjing gave her was such confidence.

"Actually, in the bottom of my heart, I secretly hope that I am not from the blood of the Shinomiya family," Kaguya Shinomiya said, "In this way, I can break off the favor with the Shinomiya family without any scruples, and then go to the master wholeheartedly." I worked as a small laborer there."

"He is destined to soar above the nine heavens, and my job is to keep those vulgar, filthy, and unsightly things out of his sight." Shinomiya Kaguya's tone had a bit of longing .

When she was mired in the mud, it was Yuan Jing who pulled her out of despair.

Therefore, she must repay this kindness.

And before this kindness is repaid, she will numb her heart and seal up all her passionate feelings.

Her positioning of herself is the most convenient and dependent 'tool' in Yuanjing's hands.

And tools obviously don't need emotion.

She will dissociate from Yuanjing and the girls, and become a 'third party' who looks on coldly, quietly waiting for the day when Yuanjing's kindness will be repaid.

From this point of view, what Shinomiya Kaguya said before, 'I have no desire for you', is actually not wrong at all.

She just didn't add a limited time behind it.

By that time, the girls should have breached the indestructible fortress of Yuanjing, right?

Although it was a pity that she couldn't be the first person to eat crabs, she should be able to drink soup at that time.

For Shinomiya Kaguya, this was completely enough.

Looking at Shinomiya Kaguya's resolute expression, as if afraid of being burned by the sunlight emitted by him, Shinomiya Ganan narrowed his eyes slightly.

'This kind of gesture that once you fall in love with someone, you will dedicate everything to him wholeheartedly...Ming Yezhu, Kaguya is indeed your daughter. '

Not only the appearance, Shinomiya Kaguya also saw some other very similar things in Shinomiya Kaguya's body.

"However, Kaguya is nothing [Ming Ye Bamboo Second], she is much stronger than you..."

Whispering in his heart, Shinomiya Yanan asked knowingly—"If that's the case, why didn't you follow your master's advice?"

He tilted his head curiously, "Could it be that you suddenly became concerned about the blood ties with the Shinomiya family? I don't think Kaguya is the kind of person who cares about such boring things?"

"Of course I don't care." Shinomiya Kaguya said firmly, "Some people may be proud of the blood of the Shinomiya family, such as my second brother Sigong Qinglong."

When she mentioned this name, she frowned with some disgust, "If he was not lucky enough to be reincarnated into Si Gong's family, how could he be 'groom every night' in the night scene?"

"But to me, the blood of the Shinomiya family will only make me feel sick. If I can, I don't want to admit you as a father at all."

Shinomiya Kaguya did not hide her disgust for the Shinomiya family and the Sinomiya Yanan who created the Sinomiya family into such a single-handedly.

She didn't have any good feelings for this devil's lair that devoured her mother without hesitation.


"I need strength." Shinomiya Kaguya said quietly.

If there was one thing she learned from living in the Shinomiya family, [The Importance of Power] was undoubtedly at the top of the list.

"I can see that my master is actually a little unhappy recently, and if the reason is, it is undoubtedly because of the 'debt' he said."

Whether it's manipulating the stock price to get revenge on Si Gong Huang Guang, or accepting the girls' date invitations, these are actually somewhat contrary to Yuan Jing's personality.

Shinomiya Kaguya's observation of Yuanjing actually started quite early.

As early as when her friend Fujiwara Chika showed very obvious kindness to this boy, she had already started to care about him.

And after Yuanjing took care of the student union single-handedly, her interest in this boy became more and more intense.

For a long time, because there was no "lover filter" with Chika Fujiwara, Yukinoshita Yukino and others, as a bystander, she actually had a clearer understanding of the boy's temperament.

Therefore, Shinomiya Kaguya was extremely keen to discover Yuan Jing's behavior that was somewhat contrary to his temperament, and as a character who was "sick and sympathetic" in a certain sense, she also immediately discovered the reason for Yuan Jing's behavior——

That is the source family.

Just like she wanted to break free from the Sigong family, Yuan Jing herself actually wanted to break free from the control of the Yuan family.

However, with a teenager's heart, he naturally wouldn't just accept it and just walk away with a pat on the butt.

Minamoto Raimitsu can be said to have saved the boy's life, and it can be said that he has nurtured him.

Although this kind of kindness cannot make Yuan Jing willingly obey Minamoto Larimitsu, but with his temperament, he will definitely consider leaving the Yuan family after repaying this kindness.

Yuan Jing is the kind of person who, once he thinks that he owes others something, he will have trouble sleeping and eating, and can't sleep at night, so he will take the fastest method to complete the "repayment" to the Yuan family.

Taking advantage of the great opportunity of Sigong Yanan to hand over the Sigong Group to Sigong Huangguang, he obtained a huge amount of money by manipulating its stock price, but most of it should be exchanged by him to Yuanjia , in order to repay the source family for his material help.

As for accepting the dating invitations of the girls, it is closely related to Minamoto Raimitsu's own mental state.

Shinomiya Kaguya also lives in the other residence of Shinomiya, so she naturally understands that Yuanjing's adoptive mother's mental state is not stable, and what Yuanjing did this time should be a means of treatment.

After repaying these kindnesses, he no longer has any worries in his heart, and he can put the resistance against the control of the Yuan family on the agenda.

This is not an easy task.

It is foreseeable that neither the Minato family nor Minamoto Raimitsu will let go of Yuanjing's body so willingly, especially the Minamoto who regards Yuanjing as her private property.

That woman wished that Yuan Jing would be tied to her body 24 hours a day, how could she accept that Yuan Jing was out of her control like this?

Although there is the Fujiwara family as a helper, Fujiwara Daichi is only a part of the Fujiwara family after all, and he cannot represent the will of the Fujiwara family.

If he really broke his face with the Yuan family, what he can do is actually very limited.

and so--

She will inherit the Shinomiya family.

Not reconciled to just accepting Yuanjing's gift, Shinomiya Kaguya also wanted to become a force that he could rely on.

In this case, will he...

"How many children do you want?" Sigong Yan'an asked abruptly.

"Of course, the more the better, at least nine..." Kaguya Shinomiya subconsciously replied, but before she could finish her words, she immediately reacted.

But she just glared at the smiling Shinomiya Yanan, and didn't show any shyness. Instead, she raised her white right hand generously, clenched her four fingers into a fist, bent her index finger, and made a 'nine' Gesture to come.

"At least nine children!" The girl made no secret of her ambition.

Chapter 4 is not Shinomiya Kaguya, but Shimizu Kaguya ([-]k)

Just when Shinomiya Kaguya in the room was uttering bold words to Shinomiya Yanan, the people outside the room didn't just keep waiting.

After sending Shinomiya Huangguang to a certain place for 'protection', the remaining men in suits went back and forth, and began to pack up the lamb club house under the command of Hayasaka Masato, the personal secretary of Shinomiya Yanan. The group of companions who were lying down in a mess outside came.

When fighting with this group of people, although Yuan Jing didn't show the slightest sympathy, it can be said that he can't leave the vitals of the human body, but he didn't take anyone's life.

In Yuanjing's previous life, there was a piece of news that seemed to be a joke, that is, "After the scumbag boyfriend cheated on him, his girlfriend from the medical department stabbed him dozens of times in a rage, and finally his disability was judged to be a minor injury." '.

Yuanjing didn't know whether this joke actually happened, or if it was just made up by sand sculpture netizens.

But for Yuan Jing who has three skills related to 'Wu' that reach Lv.3 at the same time, it can be said that it is not too easy to do such a thing.

The so-called 'wu', no matter what kind of weapon is used, its ultimate purpose is the same, that is to develop and utilize the human body, a [precision instrument] created by nature.

In this matter, Yuanjing has undoubtedly reached the pinnacle.

For now, only Minamoto Raimitsu, who has already half-stepped into the unknowable realm, can stabilize him.

Don't think that he can't leave the key point when he makes a move, but for the difference between "take away consciousness" and "take away life", as a martial arts master, Yuan Jing is naturally very clear.

Even in a fight of this intensity, he was still controlling himself, never allowing himself to cross that extremely dangerous line.

Although these sprawling men in suits look miserable, as long as they are treated properly and lie in the hospital for a few months, at least their lives will be safe.

It's not because he said, "He has a kind heart and doesn't want to see this"—for these desperadoes with bloody hands and blood on the edge of their knives, he would not give his kindness to these things.

The reason is actually quite simple, that is [not worth it].

In his previous life, Yuan Jing was a law-abiding and good citizen. Although he came to another world, his nature has not changed much.

When the Lamb Club was first established, Chika Fujiwara once asked him to name his activity log, and Yuan Jing's answer was "Killing and Killing Case Book".

When explaining the name, he clearly expressed the view that 'depriving others of their lives is a very serious sin'.

And Yuanjing has not changed this point of view.

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