There will also be a decisive battle that will end everything.

Thinking of this, Yuanjing exhaled lightly.

With the bankruptcy of the Shinomiya Huangguang Project, the appearance of Shinomiya Yan'an, and the change of Sinomiya Kaguya's surname, the confrontation between Yuanjing and the Sigong family has finally been settled.

Yuan Jing not only got a huge amount of money from it, which was completely enough to repay the Yuan family, but also swept the annoying bald man Sigong Huangguang into the garbage dump, and at the same time gained a person who can push all kinds of troubles to him. , loyal subordinates.

From this aspect, this contest can be said to be a complete victory for Yuanjing.

However, this does not mean that Si Gong Huang Guang forced Yuan Jing to suspend school for a week, which is a great thing of "helping a lot".

the reason is simple--

The existence that Yuan Jing really wants to contend against is not the Shinomiya family, but Minamoto Raimitsu.

How to stop this possessive and jealous adoptive mother from continuing to manipulate his life, this is the biggest problem Yuanjing has encountered.

He already had a little idea, but because of Sigong Huangguang's mischief, he had to spend this week under Yuan Laiguang's nose, which made all the methods he had considered go to waste.

As the saying goes, it's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice, even Yuanjing, in this situation of being deprived of freedom and being watched by the Shinomiya family's eyeliner, what he can do is extremely limited.

The idea of ​​doing something with Minamoto's contempt for modern technology has to go bankrupt...

If you follow Yuanjing's plan, there will still be opportunities to make money if you want to make money. This week, you should concentrate on dealing with your aggressive mother-in-law. At least you must maintain a certain degree of dominance, so as not to be knocked unconscious by her stick To carry back to Kansai.

This was his original plan.

In the end, it was messed up by Huang Guang from the fourth palace.

Because of this, after receiving the notice from the school from Shizuka Hiratsuka, he showed his anger so clearly.

Different from all the previous incidents, Yuanjing itself is not sure of winning the decisive battle that will inevitably happen next.

However, what is different from before is that besides Yuan Jing, the girls obviously also made quite a lot of preparations for defeating Minamoto Raimitsu.

And the person who plays the most important coordinating role is quietly waiting for his arrival on the rooftop...

Putting his hand on the handle of the rooftop door, Yuan Jing was not at all surprised that it was not locked.

Turning his left hand slightly, after a slight 'click' sound, the boy opened the door leading to the rooftop.

A pink-haired girl wearing a gauze blouse with a cute bowknot and showing off her beautiful figure immediately came into view.

Her lower body is a pair of short jeans with black knee socks, revealing a dazzling whiteness.

After hearing the sound of the door opening, the girl who controlled everything behind the scenes looked at the boy who seemed to be melting into the night, her red lips parted slightly——

"It's so cold on the roof, Ah Jing."

There was a little trembling in her tone, obviously she was very cold.

Yuan Jing looked at Chika Fujiwara's overly thin clothes in a speechless manner.

It's almost December now, and now the sun is absent, and it's on the roof with no shelter...

Yuanjing estimates that the temperature here is at most single digits.

It's no wonder you're not cold in this outfit.

Fujiwara Chika looked at Yuanjing pitifully, stretched out her hands, and made a gesture of 'wanting to hug'.

She tentatively took a few steps towards Yuanjing, and when she found that Yuanjing didn't show any resistance, she got bolder, and after walking a few quick steps, like a baby swallow returning to its nest, she slipped into Yuanjing in the arms.

Maybe Yuan Jing himself didn't realize that after this day's 'date', he seems to have gotten used to this kind of intimate action.

For Chika Fujiwara, this is undoubtedly good news.

Smelling the smell of the young man intoxicatedly, she burrowed into Yuan Jing's arms and rubbed them, showing full attachment.

In the past week, she was actually the one who suffered the most.

As a classmate, Chika Fujiwara was the first among the girls to care about Yuanjing. Long before Yukinoshita Yukino, Touma Kazusa and others, she began to pester this "cool" classmate, wanting to Make good friends with him.

For this reason, she was once issued a hate card by the impatient Yuan Jing.

It can be said that if you want to use the time spent with you to measure the depth of your relationship, Chika Fujiwara is undoubtedly ranked first.

Naturally, Chika Fujiwara was the most affected by Yuanjing's suspension of school.

She gave the power of attorney to Hayasaka Airai, put it in the Shinomiya Villa as a nail, and provoked a dispute between her father Fujiwara Daichi and Minamoto Raimitsu, so that her father would not be concerned about Minamoto Raimitsu. There is a clear understanding of the unreasonable.

After doing these things, Fujiwara Chika naturally understood that in Minamoto Yorimitsu's heart, her hatred was undoubtedly ranked first.

If he came into contact with Yuan Jing again during his absence from school, the possibility of Minamoto Raimitsu exploding would be extremely high.

Therefore, during this week, she did not have a single word of communication or contact with Yuanjing, and she even got rid of the habit she had formed of harassing Yuanjing on the 'line', just because her plan was not good enough. Anything goes wrong.

But even she herself didn't expect that the life of leaving Yuanjing would be so difficult.

If Yuanjing is a kind of poison, Chika Fujiwara may already be terminally ill.

During class, during meals, when making plans, when collecting information, when setting up fireworks on the roof......

The shadow of the boy will appear and disappear in her heart from time to time.

Looking at the boy's empty seat, Chika Fujiwara sometimes involuntarily became suspicious—what if the boy just disappeared like this?

Knowing the boy's mind very well, she naturally knew that Yuan Jing would not just succumb to Minamoto's control.

But after all, the arms can't twist the thighs, if Minamoto loses patience, no longer cares about Yuanjing's feelings, and forcibly takes him away, she really has nothing to do.

Even if she is just a foster mother, the identity of 'mother' is too foul, which means that in Sakurajima, a place with a lot of feudal remnants, her behavior has a natural correctness.

Whenever she thought that she might never see Yuanjing again, anxiety and fear would tighten her heart, making her a little out of breath.

She never thought that she would be so fragile.But luckily, none of her fears happened.

Yuanjing is right here.

It is not a fantasy or a dream, but a living and warm source scene is here.

Fujiwara Chika suddenly felt very happy.

If there is a person that you like very much when you touch it, smell it, look it, sound it, and when you are around him, you can't help but understand that Chika Fujiwara has the same feelings as her. mood.

Although she was in a very comfortable mood, Chika Fujiwara did not indulge in the gentleness and forget about business.

She is an insatiable and insatiable woman, and the current scene is just a hypocritical phantom created under her plan, and its existence time is only until the purple woman finds here.

There is no way to satisfy her appetite in this little time.

There must be more, more...

From this point of view, she is very similar to Shinomiya Kaguya, who unabashedly made the bold statement of "to give birth to nine children" in front of Shinomiya Ganan. It is no wonder that the two are close friends who are attracted to each other.

After adjusting his position a little to make himself more comfortable in Yuan Jing's arms, Chika Fujiwara said in a crisp tone: "After getting in touch with Minamoto Yorimitsu, Dad deeply understood Minamoto Yorimitsu. Unreasonable."

"So he went back to the ancestral house of the Fujiwara family and moved all the materials related to the source family to his home. It seemed that he wanted to bypass Minamoto Yorimitsu and see if he could deal directly with the source family and settle the marriage. finalized."

"As the person involved, he naturally didn't hide these things from me, so I know some secrets of the Yuan family that are not passed on to the world."

Both the Fujiwara family and the Minamoto family are the four major surnames of Sakurajima, and they have an in-law relationship that has lasted for thousands of years. The connection between the two families is inseparable.

Therefore, it is not difficult to understand that there will be many records about the Genjia in the Fujiwara family.

"The first thing I noticed was some medical records." Chika Fujiwara's eyes revealed a look of reminiscence, "The Patriarch of the Yuan family seems to have suffered from some kind of mental illness for a period of time, and he also asked for help because of this." The Fujiwara family in Kanto, hoping to get better treatment."

"However, that was decades ago, and psychiatry is not as developed as it is now. Although the Fujiwara family found the best psychiatrist in Sakurajima for him, everyone is concerned about this strange disease." It's helpless."

"However, the Yuan family seems to have solved this problem on their own later." Fujiwara Chika raised her eyes and looked at the thoughtful Yuan Jing, "After a patriarch committed suicide, the Yuan family seemed to be deeply shaken by it. There has never been another patient like this.”

Wanjian Building.

Yuanjing said in his heart.

The time can also be matched, that is to say, the source of this strange mental illness is this forbidden place that has been sealed up.

"Based on these medical records, Dad recruited several top psychiatrists in Sakurajima, hoping to restore the truth of this strange disease with the help of some old medical records."

"Compared to that time, the progress of psychological medicine can be said to be advancing by leaps and bounds. Although they did not see the real person and only relied on some old medical records, these experts basically confirmed the monster through negotiation and discussion. The truth about the disease—”

"This is a very special kind of split personality." Chika Fujiwara said.

"Split personality?" Yuan Jing didn't show surprise at this, but after repeating the name of the disease, he asked, "What's so special about it?"

"It lies in their sub-personality." Fujiwara Chika did not show off, but simply replied, "Experts have studied the medical records of these people and found that the sub-personality produced by them is different from the many talkative main personalities. similarity."

"It's like," she glanced at Yuan Jing with some concern, and then said in a low voice, "It's like there is a lingering ghost, constantly haunting the Yuan family."

"..." Yuan Jing didn't speak.

But Chika Fujiwara, who was hugging him, could clearly notice the trembling of the boy's body.

Putting her hands together behind Yuan Jing's back, Fujiwara Chika pressed her beautiful body to Yuan Jing even tighter.

She raised her head and whispered in the boy's ear: "Besides, in the books of the Fujiwara family, there are records about the old age of Minamoto Yorimitsu."

"In his later years, this great hero who slayed ghosts, because he was afraid of death, asked the eight hundred bhikkhunis for the secret method of longevity, and with his help, he built a building."

Yuanjing once mentioned the idea of ​​Wanjianlou to Hayasaka Ai, and after the latter passed this information to Fujiwara Chika, she obviously took it seriously.

What must be explained here is that Sakurajima's monster culture was basically formed in the Edo period or after the Meiji Restoration, and it was the product of several artistic creations.

In the Heian era where Minamoto Raimiko lived and earlier eras, the monsters he refers to can actually be divided into two categories.

One category refers to some meteorological disasters, such as earthquakes, floods and so on.

And monsters like Shutendouji belong to another category, which refers to some opponents of the Sakurajima court.

For example, the legendary monster "Earth Spider" is based on the indigenous non-Yamato tribe who did not obey the rule of the Yamato tribe at that time, but hid in the mountains and constantly harassed the village of Sakurajima.

The tengu mentioned in myths and stories often do not refer to monsters, but to some wandering warriors or monk groups.

As for Jiu Tuntongzi and the Dajiang Mountain Ghost he led, according to the current textual research, it should be a group of bandits wandering in Dajiang Mountain.

According to the legend, Jiu Tun Tong led Dajiang mountain ghosts to block roads and plunder during the day, and Wanshang sneaked into towns to burn, kill and loot. At the same time, Jiu Tun Tong often turned into a beautiful boy and abducted women everywhere.It can be said that Shuten-douji and Dajiangshan ghosts used to be "ghosts", it is a bit subtle, or it is more like the style of real mountain bandits.

In the story of Minamoto Raimitsu beheading Shuten-douji, there are really not many bright spots in the contest between these fierce ghosts and humans. scattered away.

This point is actually more similar to the characteristics of some bandit groups in ancient Japan, that is, they are extremely loose and united by the ability of the leader. Once the leader is lost, they will quickly disintegrate.

As for the eight hundred bhikkhunis who are said to live forever, their real bodies are naturally nothing more than mortal bodies.The so-called "eternal life" secret is obviously also inextricably linked with this strange disease that plagued the Yuan family.

The heroic soul of the first generation of adults resides in Wanjian Tower.

Only through the trial of Wanjianlou can he inherit the name of 'Original Larimitsu'.

These words and Chika Fujiwara's words were quickly strung together in Yuan Jing's mind.

He had already guessed about this truth, and Chika Fujiwara's words provided extremely strong evidence for it.

However, this also proves one thing -

Yuan Jing looked down at Fujiwara Chika, and said in a somewhat unfriendly tone: "So, the plan you have in mind to defeat Minamoto Raimitsu is to use physical fatigue and mental pressure to overwhelm the mother's personality, so that Give way to the sub-personality, and then leave the rest to me?"

"A Jing, haven't you roughly guessed it? Otherwise, you wouldn't cooperate with us so obediently." Fujiwara Chika showed a very sly look, obviously very proud of it.

"Aren't there bets between us about who will defeat Minamoto Raimitsu first? If it really goes according to the plan, the result will be a win-win situation. After all, it was our joint efforts that brought Minamoto Raimitsu down. Well."

"That is to say, after this incident, I still have to accept your application for a date?" Yuan Jing raised his eyebrows.

And consider today's 'date', which is called 'I won twice'?

"In exchange, can't you order us to do anything?" Chika Fujiwara said with a smile.

"However, if you are still dissatisfied with this," she said with a smile, Xiafei's cheeks, softly in Yuanjing's ear:

"In the next period of time, I, the instigator, can let you ~wish~place~oh~."

After she finished speaking, she even playfully blew gently into Yuan Jing's ear.

Chapter 4 Fujiwara Chika Wants to Kiss ([-]K)

Just when Chika Fujiwara was lying in Yuanjing's arms, absorbing the warmth from the boy's body——

The cold wind, which was full of cheers in its arms, rushed to the rooftop at once.

Even if the temperature is close to freezing point, it does not hinder the enthusiasm and excitement conveyed in the cheers.

This is people's sincere admiration and applause for those who have accomplished miracles beyond their imagination.

"Ah." Chika Fujiwara made a regretful voice, she turned her head and looked towards the direction where the cheers were constantly rolling outward like a wave——

"Has the 'Hundred Trials' been completed?"

This is the only thing that can make the remaining people in St. Eden Academy cheer like this.

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