After a slight sigh, Chika Fujiwara took out a somewhat strange device from her arms.

This is a special 'lighting device' made by the firework masters of the Fujiwara family.

When thinking of lighting a firework, people usually automatically think of the constant sparking and 'hissing' fuze.

But with the development of modern technology and the birth of such things as 'electronic fuzes', open flames are no longer necessary to ignite fireworks.

There are cleaner, safer, and of course more expensive ways to arrange a fireworks display.

Enter the password, decide the sequence, press the button.

After Fujiwara Chika completed the above actions with her slender fingers——


Accompanied by a sharp piercing sound, a shining white spot shot straight into the sky, and then——


Brilliant light spots exploded all over the sky.

Starting from this, more and more "whoosh-boom!" flew into the sky in an orderly manner according to Chika Fujiwara's previous arrangement.

The light spots cruising in the sky drew extremely beautiful trajectories, illuminating the dim night sky like daytime.

The two people on the rooftop were gently embraced by this gorgeous light and shadow.

"This is a celebration of Aunt Yuan's completion of all my troubles." Even with the interference of the sound of fireworks, the girl's voice still reached Yuan Jing's ears very clearly.

"At the same time, it's telling her, 'I'm here.'"

Against the backdrop of the fireworks, her eyes were shining extremely brightly.

Like stars.

"With the strength of her feet and the anger that is about to break the embankment, she should come here soon. In other words," the dazzling blue eyes and the deep and dark black eyes looked at each other.

"We don't have much time left."

"Although Aunt Yuan has already accumulated a lot of psychological pressure, it's not enough."

"If you want to make her main personality completely lose her mind, so that the extremely special sub-personality can completely surface, the previous stimulation is still not enough."

Now that Minamoto Yorimitsu, like the former Minamoto family, also suffers from this very special kind of "schizophrenia", Chika Fujiwara will naturally consult these experts for a cure for this strange disease.

After consultation and discussion, the suggestion of these top psychiatrists in Sakurajima is to try this kind of 'shock therapy'.

"You are the most important pillar in Aunt Yuan's heart, and [losing you] is the most terrifying nightmare in her heart."

"And the existence that makes her worry the most—"

"There is no doubt that it is me."

As a member of the Fujiwara family with the same status as Minamoto and a deep connection, as well as a betrothed by her predecessor, Chika Fujiwara is the undisputed number one dangerous person in Minamoto Yorimitsu's heart.

Because of this, when they first met, she even directly blocked her approach with a blade.

Dongma Hesha, Yukinoshita Yukino, and Hayasaka Ai.

Although Minamoto Yorimitsu was also extremely upset at seeing these three girls, but there was no doubt that Chika Fujiwara was the only enemy in her heart.

"Swimming hand in hand, kissing indirectly, rubbing shoulders together, sharing a ride, changing clothes..." Chika Fujiwara counted them one by one, "after all these blows, Aunt Yuan has no doubt that these Stuff creates a certain immunity."

"That is to say, in order to be safe, a bolder move is necessary."

"For example..." Chika Fujiwara raised her finger and gently touched her petal-like lips.

The meaning of this action is self-evident.

"Ah Jing, you don't want Aunt Yuan's treatment for her heart disease to fail, do you?" The pink-haired girl Tu Qiong saw made a threat that could only be described as cute.

She fiddled with the expression on her face, as if she was trying her best to look like a ferocious villain.

But it's a pity that she has no talent in this area at all.

No matter how hard you try, it won't make people feel scary at all, but it will reveal a cute and cute look.

Seeing Chika Fujiwara like this, while Yuan Jing couldn't help laughing, his heart also softened slightly.

In fact, Yuanjing knew very well why Fujiwara Chika made such an expression and said such words.

She is taking responsibility.

No matter what the starting point is, what the ultimate goal is, Yuan Jing and the girls have done very excessive things to Minamoto Raimitsu.

In order to alleviate the burden and guilt in Yuan Jing's heart, Chika Fujiwara, who is the most considerate, tried to take all the mistakes on herself.

This girl is smarter than anyone else when she is smart.

If you are stupid, you are more stupid than anyone else...

"Understood, first is 'I want to hug', and after that is 'I want to kiss'?" Yuan Jing nodded clearly.

"That's right." Fujiwara Chika affirmed generously, but she said later with a little red face, "However, because it's the first time for me, if I just force myself to do it right away, it's still a little bit awkward." Not suitable."

"Can you talk a little bit about the mood and cultivate the atmosphere?"

It's rare that she prepared such a romantic and beautiful fireworks as the background...

"It's understandable," Yuan Jing nodded, "However, this is my first kiss after all, so there may be some shortcomings, so please don't put too much hope in it."

"First, first kiss?" Chika Fujiwara's cheeks brightened up.

Although she had expected it in her heart, but after Yuan Jing said this sentence, she still couldn't suppress the joy in her heart.

Just the exchange of first kisses is romantic enough for a young girl like Fujiwara Chika.

"Ahem," cleared his throat slightly, and after suppressing the smile on the corner of his mouth, Chika Fujiwara tilted his head and asked, "What should I do next?"

"Well," Yuan Jing pondered for a moment, and then said, "Sure enough, we should deepen our understanding of each other, otherwise, it will always feel a little strange."

"So, let's play a game first?" Yuanjing suggested.

"Game? What game?" Chika Fujiwara asked curiously.

"This is a game I just thought of, so I haven't had time to name it yet," Yuan Jing replied: "Isn't there a saying [what a person likes will reflect his personality to a certain extent]? Then as long as you know the other person This is what I think, so I can get to know each other better.”

"The rules of the game are, you say something you like, I say something I like, and it goes on in circles like this, then we will know what the other person likes."

"what do you think?"

Fujiwara Chika nodded, obviously quite in favor of this game.

"Then you come first," Yuan Jing looked at Chika Fujiwara in his arms, "What do you like?"

Fujiwara Chika thought about it.

Since the purpose is to enhance mutual understanding, it is natural to show your truest side.However, if you talk about some more private topics from the very beginning, it would seem that you are too hungry and impatient.

In this case, let's start with some relatively small hobbies: "I like to eat ramen."

This is one of her little unladylike hobbies.

"I like you."


Fujiwara Chika blinked her eyes in disbelief, in the flickering light brought by the fireworks, she could see Yuan Jing staring at herself with a very serious expression.

Yuanjing, it's really beautiful...

If Yukino, who is a literary girl, is here, she should be able to come up with more and better adjectives, right?

But it was Fujiwara Chika who was in this situation, and she was still in a situation where her head went blank because she was too shocked.

Facing the young man's face so close at hand, she could only sigh in her heart.

"I'm done talking, it's your turn." As if he just said a very ordinary sentence, Yuan Jing slightly urged Chika Fujiwara who was in a daze.

His calm attitude even made the girl think that she just had an auditory hallucination because of the sound of fireworks.

"Oh..." Chika Fujiwara, who came back to her senses, thought for a while, and then said tentatively, "I like to take a walk."

"I love you."

Now there is no possibility of mishearing.

Chika Fujiwara raised her eyes, looked at Yuan Jing's eyes that were completely different from usual, and then couldn't help but feel inexplicably short of breath, and then whispered, "I like listening to music."

"Je t`aime, Je t`adore. (French: I like you)"

Fujiwara Chika's mother is a diplomat, so in addition to Japanese, she also masters English, French, German, and Spanish.

She once said this to Yukino Yukino inadvertently during the lamb meeting, but she didn't expect Yuan Jing to keep this matter in her heart all the time.

Now German and Spanish remain...

Fujiwara Chika bit her lower lip——

"I like skiing."

"Ich liebe Dich. (German: I like you)" Yuan Jing tilted his head, looking at Chika Fujiwara with some expectation.

Fujiwara Chika felt a little dizzy.

The social skills she honed at the Fujiwara home, as well as in school and in life, seemed to have completely abandoned him.To be surrounded by one's soulmate and to pour out love...

Such an approach is simply a nuclear weapon for Chika Fujiwara, who is even in love for the first time.

What about the nuclear non-proliferation treaty?

This is a foul!

However, she did not intend to report to the referee at all, but instead tried her best to cover up the 'criminal' Yuanjing.

"I like sunshine."

“Te amo, Tequiero. (Spanish)”

Alright, now I have run out of languages, Yuanjing can no longer use this method.

Fujiwara Chika forcibly suppressed her beating heart. Although she is extremely shy now, she is also looking forward to it.

"I, I like shoujo manga."

Yuan Jing raised his eyebrows, and then stretched out a hand to pinch Fujiwara Chika's round and clean chin, making her look up.

"You are mine." The boy's eyes became sharper, and there was a domineering tone that Chika Fujiwara had never heard before.

Because of the girl's full preparation, the fireworks on the rooftop are still blooming at this time.

But compared to the fireworks in the girl's heart, it is undoubtedly much inferior.

Is there something wrong, it shouldn't be like this!

Wasn't he the one who had the upper hand, created such an ambiguous atmosphere, and made Yuanjing agree to his request?

How did it become like this?

If this is an acting skill, then Yuan Jing is simply a born playboy and public enemy of women!

It’s true that I want to enlighten Yuanjing, but can we follow the objective rules, first jump from 1 to 2 and then transition to 3, instead of jumping from 1 to 100 all at once!

Your update is too fast, I can't stand it here!

"I...I like children."

Yuan Jing glanced at her playfully, and let go of the hand that was holding Chika Fujiwara's chin. He moved closer to Chika Fujiwara, and whispered in her ear with a boy's voice:

"Big sister, you are really beautiful. When I grow up, you will marry me, okay?"

To die to die.

Fujiwara Chika felt like her head was going to smoke.She wanted to blow the cold wind to calm down, but found that she was still in Yuanjing's embrace.

He took care of himself like a treasure, and the biting cold wind couldn't blow here at all.

"Hmm." With a low cry, Fujiwara Chika suppressed her confused thoughts and continued, "I... still like dogs, no, I should like cats more now..."

Yuan Jing raised his head, thought for a moment under Fujiwara Chika's expectant gaze, then bent down again, and approached her fair cheek.

Then, he slightly stretched out the tip of his tongue and licked her face full of attachment.


Ah, that's enough!

If it goes on like this, I will die from my heart beating too fast.

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