That's the way to go for such a bad 'cat'!

Chika Fujiwara, whose head had been shut down, opened her lips lightly, and bit the tip of Yuan Jing's protruding tongue with her white teeth...

But at this moment, there was only a 'bang' sound, and the door to the roof, which Yuanjing had closed casually, was pushed open with great force.

With Yuanjing's hearing ability, he could even hear the overwhelmed creaking sound of the metal door hinge.

"What are you doing?" Words colder than ten thousand years of ice were poured into the ears of the two of them.

Chapter 4: Su Sheng of the Dead, Immortality?neither! ([-]k)

Minamoto Raimitsu is no fool.

While I was concentrating on this so-called 'hundred trials', those 'pests' were taking the opportunity to harass my son.

Of course, she had already guessed this matter.

Doing everything, spending such a high price, and restricting one's own actions, it means that these 'pests' must have big plans.

What happened afterwards also confirmed this.

After doing such a thing, these people even deliberately ran in front of themselves, showing it in front of themselves as if they were showing off.

Really, extremely hateful!

Even so, Minamoto Raimitsu did not forcibly stop this 'Hundred Trial' which was clearly a trap.

Not that she was naive enough to think girls would keep their promises.

the reason is simple--

Because if she fails, she will not hesitate to renege on the debt; then, after comparing hearts and exchanging identities, she is naturally very clear about what the other party will do.

That's not to say, however, that her bet with the girls doesn't make sense.

On the contrary, winning this bet is extremely important to Minamoto Raimitsu.

Before that, Minamoto Raimitsu's behavior was actually quite restrained, and he was a little hesitant in every move.

There are two reasons.

One of the most important ones is to be scruples about Yuanjing's views.

In her heart, she takes her adopted son too seriously, if she is allowed to do anything, it will definitely destroy the mother-child relationship between her and Yuanjing.

This is a scene she never wants to see.

Another less important reason is that I am a generation ahead of these 'pests' after all.

She is the head of the Yuan family, so she should be a little bit concerned about the Yuan family's reputation.

If the big bullies the small, the reputation spread is not good.

Although she doesn't care about this, there are naturally many people in my family who regard this family honor as more important than their lives.

Once she made a move that damaged the family's face, these people would chatter and advise her.

From the perspective of keeping her ears clean, she still has to try her best to make her behavior more in line with etiquette.

After she completed the 'Hundred Trials', if the girls keep their promises and just leave Yuanjing like this, then everyone will be happy.

And if these 'pests' deny it, deny its efficacy—

Then she doesn't have to pretend to be a "gentleman".

After all, it's the other side who breaks the rules first, right?

Although the words are correct, but after coming to the rooftop and seeing the two people kissing each other.

The huge remorse was like a huge magic hand, holding her heart tightly all at once.

Under the squeeze of this big hand, some kind of dark emotion that had already been stirred up by the previous stimulation became even more irritable.

The reason why Minamoto Larimitsu was able to pass the test of 'Wanjianlou' and become the No. 1 success after the building was closed for decades is because of his magma-like magma-like mother-child affection for Yuanjing.

This is the anchor point for her to maintain her personality, and it is with this emotion that she can kill 'that thing' in the deepest part of her consciousness.

This is her 'devil'.

However, the reason why Minamoto Raimitsu was able to advance his own martial arts to this level, the help of 'that thing' can be said to be crucial.

After accepting the gift, she has no way to completely get rid of the influence of 'that thing'.

It's almost like being haunted by a lingering ghost.

Because of this, she became more and more dependent on this mother-child relationship, and her desire to take Yuanjing as her own and not let anyone else touch it became more and more intense.

If you don't control it and let this trend grow wildly like this——

One day, Minamoto Raikou's morbid emotions will suddenly overwhelm her scruples about Yuanjing's mood, forcing her to ignore the opposition and struggle of others and Yuanjing, and directly lock the boy into a place like the basement Bar?

By that time, no matter how much Minamoto Larimitsu insists that this is a mother-child relationship, the two of them will actually be no different from enemies.

"What are you doing?" Minamoto Raimiko said in a cold voice, barely suppressing the 'demon' that had risen up in his heart.

She looked at the pink-haired girl in Yuanjing's arms, and Shi could not hide the murderous look in her eyes.

Must be her.

She must have used some method and set up some tricks to seduce Ah Jing.

This scheming and sneaky cat!

The Fujiwara family was originally a family rich in liars and conspirators.

After all, Ah Jing has reached the age, and it is quite normal to be interested in things between men and women.

The stealing cat must have grasped this point and seduced Ah Jing with her shameless body.

Otherwise, it is to grasp Ah Jing's weakness or something like that, forcing him to do so.

Yes, that's right, it must be so!Ah Jing was right, it was the fault of the girl from the Fujiwara family!

Minamoto Larimitsu firmly held such a belief in his heart, but this self-deceiving belief was quickly defeated by reality.

Chika Fujiwara, who was already dizzy, woke up a little bit with the cold words and the real killing intent.

After realizing Minamoto Raimiko's arrival, she also noticed her previous actions.

Some reluctantly opened her lips, and Chika Fujiwara wanted to turn to Minamoto to say something.

But this simple action ended in failure.

the reason is simple--

Yuan Jing stopped her.

At some point, Yuan Jing had already held her cheeks with both hands.His thumb rested on her face, and the other four fingers held her head in place along the earlobe.

The faces of the two were too close, so close that Chika Fujiwara could clearly see her own reflection in Yuanjing's black crystal-like eyes.

Fujiwara Chika felt as if her body had been electrified, a little numb.

The longing and patience of the week, as well as my painstaking planning and hard work, have all paid off at this moment.

She watched helplessly as the boy's cheek was pressed against him again, and her lips were immediately wrapped by two touches of fiery smoothness.

'Leave the rest to me. '

Conveying such a message with his eyes, the boy took the initiative to take away Chika Fujiwara's lips.

At the same time, it also took away all her strength and what little sanity she had left.

For a long time, the lips are divided.

Supporting the girl's already unsteady body with one hand, Yuan Jing looked at Minamoto Raimitsu who was staring blankly with an extremely pale face.

"Mom, you came just in time." The boy wiped the liquid from the corner of his mouth with his hand, and then wiped the corner of Chika Fujiwara's mouth considerately, "I happen to have something, and I want to ask your point of view."

"...What?" Minamoto Raimitsu's response had a taste of 'weakness'.

After that self-deceiving idea was negated by the teenager's actions, her spirit was undoubtedly hit hard.

Deep in her crystal-clear eyes like amethyst, in her spiritual world, a storm called 'Chaos' is brewing.

She seemed to be about to lose Yuanjing.

This idea unstoppably took root in her mind, directly shaking the foundation of her mental state.

She has gradually been unable to suppress the 'that thing' in her head.

Seeing such a weak Minamoto, a trace of unbearable color appeared in Yuanjing's eyes.

However, if you want to deal with contaminated wounds, you must dig out the carrion with all your heart, otherwise, not only will the wounds fail to heal, but your life will be endangered.

Minamoto Larimitsu is in the most painful but also the most critical time.

Then it must be straightforward and decisive.

"Wedding dress or Bai Wugou, which one do you think is better?" Unable to hold back, Yuan Jing asked Yuan Yuan Laiguang for his opinion very calmly.

Bai Wugou is Sakurajima's unique women's wedding attire, just like Huaguo's Fengguanxiapei red head cover. For such a major event in life as marriage, Sakurajima naturally has its own unique customs.

However, due to the complexity and the influence of Western culture, modern Sakurajima people have become more accustomed to Western-style weddings.

But after all, the Fujiwara family and the Yuan family are one of the nobles with the longest history in Sakurajima, and the marriage habit of the two families has lasted for thousands of years.

Then the pre-sacred wedding featuring Bai Wugou is obviously more in line with the traditions of the two families.

Minamoto Larimitsu immediately understood the meaning of what Yuanjing said.

"...What if I don't agree?" Staring at Yuan Jing, Minamoto's voice was a little hoarse. "As the head of the Yuan family, and your mother, if I say that I disagree with this marriage..."

"Then I'll quit the Yuan family." Yuan Jing's answer was without the slightest bit of confusion, and there was an extremely firm will in the short words.

This kind of will suddenly became the last straw that crushed her.

"......I've had enough."

Minamoto Raimitsu muttered softly as if giving up on himself.

The current self is definitely dreaming.

And it's [-] percent a nightmare.

Otherwise, how could such a ridiculous thing happen?

Since it was a dream, it would be much easier to handle.

As long as you 'wake up', you'll be fine.

That's right, as long as I 'wake up', everything in front of me will definitely change back to how it was before.

Please, please, please change to the way it was before...

Minamoto Yorimitsu prayed to 'that thing' before closing his eyes.

Even if you take my body away, if you are not satisfied, it doesn't matter if you take my life away!

Please be sure, be sure...

With this in mind, Minamoto closed his eyes and sank into the darkness.

After a moment-

"The transaction is established."

The weakness and paleness on his face were swept away, and 'Minarai Ko' opened his eyes.

She looked at Yuan Jing, who was watching her as if she was facing a formidable enemy, and a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "Thank you so much, boy."

"Without you, it might take me several years, or even more than ten years, to gain control of this body." While saying these 'mysterious' words, she moved with slight movements. Every joint of the body seems to be familiar with the body.

Yuan Jing noticed that when she was looking down, her brows were slightly wrinkled, as if she was a little dissatisfied.

"Is this the ghost that entangled the Minamoto family..." Seeing Minamoto Raimitsu who gave off a completely different feeling although his face remained the same, Chika Fujiwara said in fear in Minamoto's arms .

"What does it mean to entangle the Yuan family?" 'Muen Laiguang' raised his brows, looking extremely dissatisfied with this statement, "The entire Yuan family is mine, and of course I can do whatever I want."

"Of course, you are mine too." She looked at Yuanjing with a greedy expression, "Compared with this body, I really like you more."

"An 'innate knowledge' like you is my best container." She made no secret of her desire for Yuanjing's body.

'He who is born to know' is the name of Yuanjing in the Yuan family.

Because of the proficiency system, even if it is the family study of the source family, there will be a steady stream of other schools of knowledge poured into this body.

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