While moving his footsteps slightly, he turned sideways at the same time, easily dodging the blow aimed at his throat.

When he missed a hit, 'Minaraikou' was not discouraged. With a movement of his wrist, the sword's momentum changed from stabbing to slashing, as if pushing a boat with the current, it slashed towards the young man's chest.

She has a long sword in her hand, while Yuan Jing is unarmed.

Then she will naturally have the advantage, and she doesn't have to worry about anything at all.

How can flesh and blood compete with steel?

No matter how the times change, this matter will never change.

But just when she thought Yuan Jing would continue to dodge and consume her energy with brisk steps.

But the other party's choice was completely beyond her expectation——

Facing the slashing sword edge, the young man did not dodge, but stretched his arms lightly, his five fingers hooked, and he just grabbed towards the sword edge.

Minamoto Larimitsu frowned, feeling like there was a fraud in it.

However, this door-to-door business naturally has no reason to spit it out.

The moment Yuan Jing's fingers were about to grasp the edge of the sword, her hand shook slightly, and the sword body instantly spun like a top, the whole sword body was like a rapidly rotating electric drill.

If the boy really caught him, she wouldn't mind cutting off a few of his fingers.

At her time, the so-called sword-grabbing technique naturally existed, but it was only a method that warriors could use against people who did not know how to use swords.

For a master swordsman like her, the sword in her hand is already an extension of her arm.Mosquitoes flew by, and suddenly she slashed with a sword. If she wanted to cut off the mosquito's left wing, she would never hurt the mosquito's right wing.

How could someone else take away the sharp sword in your hand?

"That's why I said that you are an old antique who can't keep up with the times..." The boy let out a chuckle.

Chapter 2 Get out of my mother's body! (2/[-])

Fists and weapons.

If you want to roughly classify martial arts, this should be the most in line with public perception.

However, the status of the two is not the same.

And knives, guns, swords and halberds, axes, axes, hooks and forks, whips, maces and hammers, sticks and sticks, kidnappers and meteors, those with hooks, pointed ones, bladed ones, barbed ones, Emei needles, and chains Compared with other things, fists and feet are in an overwhelmingly weak position.

In this world where there is no mystery, it can be said that it is an iron law that a mortal body cannot compete with steel.

However, is this really the case?

Facing the long sword like a high-speed rotating drill bit, Yuan Jing's fingers suddenly turned into palms when they touched the blade.

The light palm like a butterfly wearing a flower danced lightly around the edge of the sword, like a tongue with excellent tenacity, wrapping around the edge of the sword at once.

The extremely vicious drill of 'Minen Larimitsu' turned out to be stuck in the sand, and its operation suddenly became obscure.

The sword that was originally slashing towards Yuanjing's chest unexpectedly changed its direction involuntarily under the action of the palm force, and finally swiped past the young man.

Not only that, the spinning blade didn't feel like cutting anything, and the boy's ten fingers were still as slender and white as jade, not to mention cutting off his fingers, he couldn't even see a decent wound.

'Minaraikou' frowned, but was not discouraged.

Put away the sword and cut again!

She doesn't believe that there is really a fist that is not afraid of cutting.

But not only the result was the same this time, she tried 5 times in a row, and Yuan Jing used the same method to resolve it.

The palm technique used by Yuanjing is called Baguazhang.

This palm technique is easily confused with the well-known Tai Chi, but although the two have similarities, they are not the same thing at all.

The most unique feature of Baguazhang is that it requires the palm to be moved like a cow's tongue.

And why is there such a statement?

The most accepted theory at present is that its founder Dong Haichuan, Master Dong, was thinking about how to use a pair of fleshy palms to counteract weapons, and accidentally saw the scene of a cow eating thatch.

The edges of the thatch are serrated, one by one, extremely sharp.When people pull weeds, if they are not careful, they will be cut with blood.

But it is this kind of grass that cattle like to eat most.When encountering this kind of grass, the mouth is close together, the tongue is rolled, and large pieces are rolled into the mouth and chewed, and the tongue is never cut.

This thatch is like a sword, and the tongue is like a palm.

As long as you train your palms like a cow's tongue, when you hold a sword with your bare hands, it's like eating thatch with a cow's tongue.The grass is broken but the tongue is not hurt.

How rich is the struggle experience of 'Minen Raimitsu'?Although such a scene has completely exceeded her cognition, there is neither confusion nor panic on her face.

Some are just as calm as water.

After all, her [heart] originated from the hero who slays monsters and begs ghosts. Once she entered the battle, redundant distracting thoughts disappeared completely.

All she could think about now was victory.

Since this trick doesn't work, then try another trick.

No longer in close combat with Yuan Jing, she took a quick step back and at the same time shook her wrist, and the long sword body reflecting the bright moonlight disappeared in an instant.

It suddenly shrank under the wide sleeves of the kimono it was wearing, and restrained all its sharp edges.

Sakurajima's sword is actually a combination of a sword and a sword. It can stab flexibly like a sword, and chop aggressively like a knife.

Since the 'cut' and 'drill' of the sword don't work for you, then try the 'cut' of the knife!

The short-term restraint is for the ultimate blooming later.


Accompanied by a loud shout, the bright knife light flashed!

It was as if a bolt of lightning suddenly appeared in the dark void!

Masters of swordsmanship like 'Minaraikou' naturally rely on more than just the strength of their arms when they strike their swords.

When her footsteps trembled, Yuan Jing felt the ground under her feet shake slightly, relying on this huge counter-shock force, she sent a knife, advanced, and bowed like a crossbow in an instant!

Juhe, cut!

Her body seemed to be completely clamped on the knife, and her energy and energy were all concentrated on the blade. The so-called 'human and knife in one' is nothing more than that!

When people describe the blade added to the body, they often use the phrase that a gust of cold wind hits and the hairs suddenly rise.

But this knife is completely different.

What rushed towards Yuanjing was a fiery aura, as if steel was being burned!

Although 'Men Laimitsu' is not familiar enough with the current body, this only affects some coordination issues.Regarding the most basic question of how to exert force, there is no difference between her and Minamoto Raimitsu.

At this moment, when she stabbed with a knife, she poured her energy into the blade, the blade moved away from the dragon and the snake, and the violent vibrations rubbed against the air, causing the blade of Bailian pure steel to heat up violently, producing an aura like red-hot steel!

With Yuanjing's extraordinary eyesight, he could even clearly see the trajectory of the knife - it is not a straight line, but a "zigzag" that keeps moving around, and the air in the air is torn apart by the vibration of the blade, appearing There are many distortions, making it difficult for people to see the exact position, and it is not clear where it will fall.


This is the sound of a long knife tearing through the air. This kind of noisy noise immediately occupied Yuanjing's ears, as if thousands of wind chimes were blown by the wind at the same time, or as if hundreds of zithers were playing. There was a sound like a broken bottle, as if an evil spirit was demanding his life!

Although it is not clear what method Yuanjing used to defuse her sword move.

But it doesn't matter!

As the saying goes, one force breaks all ingenuity, no matter what method you use, there is a limit to the strength you can resolve.

Well, find it, then, go beyond it!

Relying on his amazing sense of martial arts, 'Minarai Mitsu' suddenly found the most effective solution.

That's right, Baguazhang can indeed allow Yuan Jingsheng to grasp steel, but there is a limit to that.

Facing a knife that gave everything away, if Yuan Jing continued to use Baguazhang, his ten fingers would definitely not be able to be brothers again!

Facing the terrifying knife, Yuan Jing didn't feel the slightest fear.

Even though the strong wind was blowing in his face, he did not squint his eyes, but opened them angrily, as if he was looking for something.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and his right hand flew out like a lightning bolt, grabbing something over at once.

That's a hair tie.

Minamoto Raimitsu's hairstyle is long hair tied at the end.

Her dark purple hair was nearly ankle length.For the convenience of movement, she generally gathers it up and tie it up near the end.

This hairstyle can not only keep the long straight hair flowing and soft, but also prevent the hair from becoming messy under the wind.

Generally speaking, like breasts, this long fluttering hair is actually just a burden.

If not tied up, these long trouble threads will blow away in the wind and easily block the view.

That long braid can also be a weakness if tied up.

Liming, stepping on toes, licking the genitals, poking the eyes... When fighting, your opponent doesn't care whether these methods are dirty or not.

They don't mind pulling your braids.

When Yuan Laiguang picked up Yuanjing, in order to facilitate sword practice and fight with others, she had short hair at the ear level, looking lively and energetic.

And the reason why he made up his mind to keep it long is also because of Yuanjing's personal preference——

When raising him, Yuanjing showed a very obvious love for long hair.

After learning about this incident, Minamoto Raimitsu never cut his hair again.

And when Yuan Jing grew up, her hair had already grown to reach her ankles.

And this unremarkable headband that she always carries with her to tie her hair is a birthday present from Yuanjing.

That's why she always regarded it as a treasure and was reluctant to take it off.

Because he was too focused on the knife, 'Minarai Mitsu' had apparently forgotten his long hair that reached his ankle.

As he turned around and exerted strength, his long hair swayed in the air, and the headband that slightly reflected the moonlight and starlight came into Yuanjing's eyes.

Although this headband looks quite simple, Yuan Jing didn't just buy an accessory on the street casually to fool his mother.

This was specially built by him privately entrusted by the skilled craftsmen of the Yuan family, and there is no doubt that there is something else in it.

Just fiddle with it a bit somewhere...

Yuan Jing's fingers flipped over with great dexterity, undoing a hidden button that was bitten together at once.

'Crack. ' Then there was a rustling sound.

Yuan Jing pulled out a long string of silver threads from it.

These silver wires are made of special metals, which have excellent toughness and are not afraid of cutting with knives and axes.

It was originally a very special weapon, but Minamoto Raimitsu didn't need this thing at all before, he only cherished it as a gift from his own children, and never used it for purposes other than binding hair.

The pupils of 'Men Laiguang' shrunk slightly, and a bad premonition emerged in his mind.

However, this Juhe is all about going and not returning, one blow to decide life and death, if he draws the knife and fights back at this moment, he will exhaust his energy and energy, and it can be said that all previous efforts have been wasted.

The key to this judgment!Is it to continue cutting down?Or change the knife?

If you don't stop, you can still take a gamble.Bet that with my own strength, I can cut off the silver thread and hit him on the forehead.

And changing the knife situation is to start all over again, giving up this excellent situation!

Is this still an option?


'Men Raimitsu' not only did not withdraw the knife, but added a little more strength.

She bet everything on this one knife that never returns!

Yuan Jing clapped his hands, under the oppression of death, his movements could not be seen clearly with the naked eye, only saw his palms clasped, and the long silver threads flipped between his hands.

His ten fingers were like ten spindles, using the silver thread as a thread, he wove a large net in an instant.

If he had the leisure to open his system panel at this moment, he would find that the skill called [Unarmed Combat] had turned golden at this moment, and the 3 after Lv.3 was burning like a flame.

Its handwriting became blurred, as if it was about to melt.

But Yuanjing obviously didn't have such leisure time.

This moment of change, fast!quick!quick!

The net woven by silver thread met the long knife as red as charcoal fire, and then twisted——

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