
After making such a crisp sound, the long knife in Minamoto's hand suddenly split into two pieces.

This long knife was brought out by Minamoto Raimitsu from Minamoto's home.

In just over a week, it cut through gates, windows, railings...

It was even inserted into the ground by its owner to cut off the cables buried deep underground!

Baguazhang has been practiced to a high level, and it already has the ability to roll gold and break iron.The five sword strikes by 'Minaraikou' before made it even more scarred already covered in dark wounds.

That Iai slash that condensed all the strength of 'Minen Raimitsu' made it even worse when it was already close to the end of its life.

A twist of this silver thread is the last straw that breaks it.

It finally couldn't bear this torture-like destruction, and finally burned out all at once.

Masters compete, only fight for the front line.

The incident of breaking the knife had a great impact on Minamoto Raimitsu, and she suddenly became the one with bare hands.

The source family's family martial arts has three specialties, namely 'archery', 'swordsmanship' and 'unarmed combat'.

This is also the most proud and proud martial art of the first generation Minamoto Larimitsu.

If what Minamoto Yorimitsu possessed at this moment is still the same body as the original Minamoto Yorimitsu, the sword would be broken if it was broken.

'It' doesn't feel like it's going to lose to someone else in unarmed combat.

But it's a pity that what 'it' is using now is the body of a peerless beauty with all kinds of charms.

If it's swordsmanship, 'it' can still display nine out of ten of its skills in life, and if it is replaced by 'unarmed combat', which requires the highest degree of control over the body, 'it' can display six out of ten of the skills that have already been burned. High fragrance.

"Before, you always attacked and I defended. Now it's time to change people, right?" Yuanjing himself was not at ease.

Although he used Qiao Jin just now, the force of that knife was too great, even if he tried his best to let it out, his hand was cut with blood dripping from the force from the silver thread.

Fortunately, he used the method of weaving it to spread out the strength, so although it looked a bit miserable on the outside, it was basically a skin trauma, which did not hinder his next actions.

Throwing the silver thread in his hand aside, Yuan Jing suddenly arrived within three steps of 'Men Laiguang'.

In this close distance, the fist is the fastest!

"Get out of my mother's body!"

What is the basis of personality?

There is no doubt that it is memory.

And the current Yuanjing happened to know a very convenient and quick way to make people lose their memory quickly.

Its name is—

Physical, physical, amnesia, and law.

Chapter 110 Finally kill a...?

After the long sword was broken and was dragged into a hand-to-hand combat by Yuan Jing, there was no suspense about the outcome of this competition.

The most important point of this kind of super close-range bunt is to be 'hands faster than eyes'.

If, like ordinary people, you have to see the opponent's actions before you can respond accordingly, then it will be too late.

You have to predict the opponent's actions, and counter the moves in advance.

This kind of personal bunt is a bit like playing fast chess. You not only have to make a suitable response, but you must also keep up with the opponent's Speed.

In this case, it was too late to think, and the warriors were actually fighting with subconscious reactions.

Minamoto's second personality was not conceived by herself, but a 'foreign body' grafted by the outside world.

And as its blueprint, it is Minamoto Raimitsu of the first generation.

In this situation where thinking is thrown away and the subconscious must be used to fight, 'it' will involuntarily use the 'data' of the original Minamoto Yorimitsu, and make the response it would adopt in this situation.

But the problem is, the body that 'it' uses now is not the adult from the first generation.

This is not even a male body, but a big beauty with a succubus-like figure with a protruding back.


Divide, tendon, fault, bone!

Accompanied by the 'creaking' or 'clicking' sound that makes the roots of the teeth sore, Yuanjing began to disassemble the joints of his body.

After only a few breaths, Yuan Jing used a technique as precise as a scalpel to take away almost all of 'Minarai Mitsu''s athletic ability.

After successfully turning the opponent into meat on the chopping board, the boy took a deep breath——

There is a way to make the other party amnesia, so that this second personality parasitic in one's mother's mind disappears invisibly.

That is to order the other party to do so.

In psychology, there is a term called "psychogenic amnesia".

This is a type of amnesia, which refers to the forgetting of related people or things after the person concerned has experienced a major psychological trauma event because he cannot bear the pain caused by it.

This is actually a psychological self-protection mechanism, which is used to ensure the stability of people's inner world so that it will not be knocked to pieces by pain.

What Yuanjing has to do next is to trigger this spiritual self-protection mechanism.

The method it uses is 【Pain】.

As the so-called "medicine and martial arts are not separated", as an existence with three martial arts-related skills that have reached Lv.3 at the same time, his familiarity with the human body can be said to be the best in the world.

What kind of method can be used to cause the greatest pain, but it will not cause real damage to the human body...

This kind of knowledge can be said to be everywhere in Yuanjing's head.

He wanted to engrave the formula [Second Personality = Pain] deeply into Minamoto's heart, and force her to cut off the 'cancer' parasitic on her body!

If she refuses—

Then beat her!

Before she obeyed, he kept instilling pain into her, forcing her to do this!

The consciousness of the next 'Master Raikou' was suddenly thrown into the abyss of pain.

Drowning in a sea of ​​pain, even losing consciousness has become a luxury.

It has undoubtedly failed, and wants to learn from Minamoto Raimitsu's previous approach, and achieve the purpose of avoiding pain by 'substituting people'.

However, it can't.

Minamoto Raimitsu's personality was hit too hard.With a serious breach of defense, she completely sealed herself off and stopped interacting with the outside world at all.

She is the true master of this body. If she is not autistic, the second personality that has not yet grown up will not be able to gain control of this body at all.

If she really closed her heart and refused to communicate with the outside world, then there might be only one person in this world who could make her open her heart again.

Unfortunately, this so-called second personality is obviously not this person.

Therefore, 'Minarai Ko' can only accept the pain that Yuanjing instilled in it, and after reaching a certain critical point.


The protective mechanism of the mind was activated helplessly.

After confirming the equation [Second Personality = Pain], the forgetting process will start accordingly.

With the 'memory', the basis of existence, erased, the second personality of 'Minato Raimitsu' has finally melted away......


Looking at his mother who had fallen into a deep sleep in his arms, Yuan Jing finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the technique I used just now can instill pain into the opponent to the maximum extent, it will not cause any irreparable damage. As long as I recuperate well for a period of time, there will be no future troubles at all.

In this case, the Yuan family's kindness will finally be repaid...

Ah?my legs, why?

While feeling a huge sense of security, Yuan Jing was suddenly overwhelmed by another thing.

Sitting on the ground with a 'click', he felt his whole body trembling slightly.

After the dust settled, this kind of thing that swept his whole body was called [exhaustion].

He was really, really tired.

During this week, he was hardly idle for a moment.

Through the explosion of the liver, it only took two days to pile up the [Securities Trading] skill to Lv. 3, and after that, he had to fight the Sigong Group in the stock market.

Although Sigong Huangguang is not worth mentioning, the Sigong Group is one of the four major chaebols in Sakurajima after all, and those who can manage its stock market affairs naturally have two brushes.

Although with the help of skills, it still took a lot of energy for Yuan Jing to wrestle arms with such a group of people at the same time.

Not to mention today.

When dealing with those rotten fish and rotten shrimps from the Sigong family, although he slapped them unilaterally, it did take him a lot of effort.

It was even more thrilling in the fight with 'Men Laimitsu' just now.Although it ended in his own overwhelming victory, only he knows the thrilling part of it.

When he faced the opponent's almost perfect knife, he really felt the threat of death.

Even though he has weakened the opponent as much as possible, the opponent is a martial sage who dominated the world thousands of years ago. If he is a little careless, he will undoubtedly be beheaded.

But anyway, it's finally over.

I won!

After carefully putting Minamoto Raimitu aside, he finally didn't have to worry about his demeanor anymore, but just lay down on the roof all at once.

What greeted him was the bright moon and countless stars blinking at him, forming a galaxy of stars!

'The stars are so beautiful. '

'Now that everything is settled, can I finally go to do things according to my own mind?I will have a good rest tomorrow, but when I have time, I can go to the Astronomy Department for a stroll. The activities they are preparing should have something to do with the stars, right? '

Some greedily looked up at the beautiful night sky, and some Yuanjing thought so endlessly.

At this time, there were hurried footsteps in his ears.

'Oh, yes, there are also Qianhua. "Yuanjing couldn't help but feel a little headache, "I did something like that with her before, I can't just turn this page casually like nothing happened, that would be too irresponsible... ...'

'Not only her, but also Hesha, Yukino, and Ai... Hey, wait a minute. The troubled boy suddenly noticed something strange, "There are two footsteps?"In addition to the roof, footsteps were also heard from the stairs? '

'Now it's almost closing time, who else will come here? '

Yuan Jing reluctantly withdrew his gaze from the beautiful starry sky, propped up his upper body slightly with his arms, and looked in the direction of the door that his mother violently opened.

Emerging from the darkness, first was a silver streamer radiating the brilliance of the stars and the moon, and then a pair of beautiful 'red gemstones'.

The silver-haired and red-eyed girl appeared at the gate of the rooftop, and she waved gently towards the slightly stunned Yuanjing, with a mischievous smile on her face.


Yuan Jing blinked.

Regarding today's matter, Yuanjing didn't let Ningguang get involved.

the reason is simple--

He wanted to protect the student council president who was born as a commoner.

After all, today is to make a break with the Sigong family and the Yuan family. Although he is very sure of the final victory, the success rate is not [-]% after all.

Everyone is happy if he succeeds, but if he fails, there is a great possibility that he will be taken back by the Yuan family and grounded. At that time, he will naturally be unable to protect the student council president.

If she gets involved, then she will almost certainly be at odds with the Shinomiya family and the Yuan family.

Touma Kazusa's mother, Touma Yoko, is Sakurajima's pride, Yukinoshita Yukino has the protection of the Yukinoshita family, Hayasaka Ai has Hayasaka Masato, the father who is the personal secretary of Shinomiya Ganan, not to mention Fujiwara Chika said.

But Glow has nothing.

Don't think that she can call the wind and rain in this school, but outside this school, she is just a commoner.

The anger of any of the Shinomiya family and the Yuan family is not something her small body can bear.

Then simply don't let her participate.

Of course, Yuan Jing has already prepared a reward for the things that she helped him a lot in the stock market before. No matter whether he succeeds or not, this reward will be handed over to the student council president.

This is repayment for his previous acts of helping.

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