"Puppy dog?" Chika Fujiwara repeated Ningguang's previous words, her sea-like blue eyes flicked between Ningguang and Yuanjing, "What does this mean?"

"Oh, you're asking such a question, Fujiwara-senpai, you're a little puzzled—" There was an obvious provocative smile on Ning Guang's face, but she didn't wait for her to finish.

"Ningguang." Yuanjing's words came over.

She immediately kept silent, but her smile was not restrained immediately.

Yuan Jing glanced at Ning Guang.

What this student council president is best at is to mislead others with nine truths and one false words. Looking at the smile on her face this time, it seems that she is trying to play tricks again.

"It means literally," Yuan Jing said to Fujiwara Chika, "I had some disputes with President Ningguang before, in order to prevent her from being ungrateful to me, I forced her to hand over her handle."

Yuan Jing didn't make any concealment, the relationship between him and Ning Guang was innocent, there was no need to feel guilty or lie.

Anyway, he has a clear conscience about it.

"Since then, she has called herself my 'little dog' and said she will obey me." Yuan Jing said nonchalantly, "Well, even so, I didn't let her do anything outrageous at all. things."

"Up to now, there should be only two, ah, no, including today's incident, it should be three." Yuan Jing remembered quite clearly.

"In order to find out the person who bullied Yukinoshita, I asked her to pass on the monitoring at that time to me, and you know that too."

"In order to prevent my mother from interfering with the flow of funds, I asked her to prepare some overseas accounts for me, and handed over my appeal and information to the IT minister Ryunosuke Akasaka."

"And this morning, I told her to cooperate with your actions as much as possible."

"Other than that, nothing."

Although Ningguang always called him Yuanjing's 'dog', Yuanjing didn't have such a habit.

He didn't wantonly squeeze the student council president just because he had a handle.

It doesn't fit his character.

"..." For Yuan Jing's words, Fujiwara Chika naturally did not have any doubts.

He said that there was nothing between him and Ningguang, so of course it was nothing.


The student council president doesn't seem to want that.

There was something wrong with the way she looked at Yuanjing, it was the kind of eyes that were almost exactly the same as her own.

'You definitely want something between you and Yuanjing! '

Fujiwara Chika stared at Ningguang a little angrily, as if saying so with her eyes.

"Even if you stare at me like this, rules are rules." Ning Guang still had that provocative smile on his face.

'So what? '

After throwing the look back, she continued, "The time now is not far from the closing time of 8 pm. After 8 pm, except for the dormitory area, St. Eden Academy does not allow Oh, anyone staying."

Her eyes lingered for a moment on Minamoto Raiko who was still unconscious and Yuan Jing who was already sitting on the roof, and then she suddenly realized something and said——

"So that's it, do you need help?" She made a gesture and wanted to step forward, as if she wanted to help Yuanjing up.

But its direction of advancement was once again blocked by Chika Fujiwara.

"Thank you, but unfortunately we don't need it." She said so fiercely, and then took the phone out of her pocket.

It's not that 'I' don't need it, but 'we' don't need it?Ning Guang raised his eyebrows slightly.

Click on the 'Line' icon, Fujiwara Chika in a group called 'Girls, assemble! 'In the group, edited such a message——

"The matter has been completely settled, let's come to the rooftop together."

After editing, click Send.


"Touma Kazusa, Yukinoshita Yukino, Hayasaka Ai, Fujiwara Chika." Ningguang did not do anything to stimulate Fujiwara Chika.

But she didn't leave just like that, but stood by the side all the time, watching the other three girls run up to the rooftop, and left with Minamoto Raimiko and Yuanjing.

"Is there no Shinomiya Kaguya?" Ning Guang's eyes rolled slightly, as if thinking about something.

After the girls and Yuan Jing disappeared, she walked to the fence of the roof, inserted a pair of earphones in her ears, and stood at the highest point of St. Eden Academy, overlooking the scenery below. Come.

"Ningguang, I trust you more than my siblings."

Such words came from the earphones, making her body tremble slightly involuntarily.

'Really. 'Sweetness and bitterness intertwined in her heart, she looked up at the bright moon and the stars in the sky, she said with some complaints in her heart——

'If I hadn't met you...'

'I could have done it alone. '

233 is actually on holiday, so open a reward

Everyone also knows that the epidemic situation in Beijing has risen recently. Just this morning, 158 lines were out of service...

The company I work for also affected Chiyu, because of the traffic, it temporarily closed 233.

My company adopts a time off system, and my position is quite special. Generally, the boss would rather give me money than let me take a break. Every time I ask for leave, it is very difficult to ask for it.

Now it's all right, I can finally rest for a while.

The previous bounty is still short, I will make it up today, and then I will open a bounty for May by the way.

This time the rules are changed and become like this——

Add 1000k words for every 2 recommendations;

Add 100k words for every 2 monthly tickets;

Add 100k words for every 2 blades;

Add 1k words for every 2 rewards;

Silver Treasure Chest (As You Like It) is 1w words, and Gold Treasure Chest (As You Like It) is 3w2k words.

These additions are calculated after the daily 4k word update.

As for the deadline, it will be the weekend of this week, that is, at 5 o'clock in the evening on June 8th.

Because I'm finally on vacation and I'm in a particularly good mood, so I no longer set a limit.

that's all!

Chapter 110 In the end, Yuanjing was free... (5k, 1/2)

As if holding some fragile treasure, the boy's hands gently cupped the girl's cheek.He lowered his head slightly, and just tasted those red lips that were like petals.

Gorgeous fireworks, bright moon, dots of stars... All these beautiful lights are concentrated on these two people, as if the whole world is celebrating this pair of lovers.

'don't want......'

"Mom, you came just in time." The young man noticed his arrival, wiped the liquid from the corners of his mouth with his fingers, and then gently wiped the corners of the girl's mouth considerately, "Which one do you think is better, the wedding dress or Bai Wugou?" ?”

'don't want. '

"If you don't agree," the young man stared at him without any hesitation on his face, and there was no trace of nostalgia or reluctance in his sonorous and forceful words, "then I'll quit the Yuan family."

'don't want! ! ! '

Minamoto Raikou opened his eyes suddenly.What caught the eye was the extremely familiar ceiling.

She recognized it right away, this was her bedroom in the Shingong villa.

According to the darkness in the room and the little outside scene seen through the gap in the curtains, Minamoto Yorimitsu judged that it should be late at night.

'Just now, was it a dream? ’ She thought hopefully, ‘Actually, the cultural festival hasn’t started yet, so everything before it was just a nightmare I had? '

She wanted to get up, to break into his son's bedroom, to look at his sleeping face, to caress his cheek, to immerse herself in a sense of security again.

But she can't.

Her body rejected her.

As if being repeatedly run over by a truck, every bone, every muscle, and every nerve in her body protested extremely seriously to her master. quite serious strike application.

Minamoto Yorimitsu's body, which has been tempered by the Minamoto's secret method and which Minamoto himself is proud of, has already refused her master's visit.

The right hand that was originally capable of cracking monuments and tearing tigers and leopards, at this moment, even the simple action of 'releasing' cannot be easily completed...

Wait a minute, let go of what?

Minamoto was stunned for a moment, and then she seemed to understand something, struggling desperately, relying on her firm will and the help of the bedside, she lifted her upper body slightly.

In this way, she could finally see clearly the person holding her right hand.

This 'violent' activity also woke up the boy who had fallen into a deep sleep at once.

He raised his head very quickly, and his body tensed instantly, showing an extremely alert look.

Those dark and deep black eyes immediately met a pair of purple eyes with complicated emotions.

The young man blinked his eyes, and after sizing up Minamoto Raimiko with a slightly scrutinizing gaze, a relaxed smile finally appeared on his face——

"Mom, you're awake."

"Yeah." Minamoto Raimiko responded softly.

Looking at the face of her adopted son, she felt mixed feelings in her heart.

Regret, regret, gratitude, touch... all kinds of intricate emotions intertwined together, messing up her heart.

However, now she can know one thing very clearly, that is——

What she saw just now was not a dream.

That's what happened, an indisputable fact.


Yuan Jing stood up, helped Yuan Laiguang lift his upper body, and just sat up.He stood up the pillow and stuffed it between Minamoto's upper body and the head of the bed to make her more comfortable.

"Would you like some water?" Yuan Jing asked his mother who had just woken up.

"Yes." After a brief answer, Yuan Laiguang still looked at him without blinking, as if he was afraid that Yuanjing would disappear if she blinked.

Just now when Yuanjing helped her adjust her posture, she also maintained this demeanor.

"Wait a minute, I'll get it." Yuan Jing wanted to let go of his hand, and went to the table beside him to fetch the water glass, but there was a weak but very tenacious force from his right hand.

"Then I don't want it." Minamoto Raimiko said softly, "I'm not thirsty anymore."

"..." Yuan Jing's eyes lingered on her lips for a moment, with his eyesight, even in such a dim environment, he could still find the slight crack on it.

She is lying.

Today's Minamoto Raiko has been busy non-stop since she entered St. Eden Academy. If there is no "Hundred Trials" to make her body tired, there is no possibility for Minamoto to win the final victory. It will undoubtedly be much lower.

"I'm not thirsty." After noticing Yuan Jing's gaze, Minamoto Raimitsu also noticed the flaws in her body. After emphasizing this, she parted her red lips slightly and stuck out the tip of her tongue, as if wanting to Moisten your lips to eliminate this evidence.

The current Minamoto Raimitsu does not have the domineering and exposed appearance as usual, but looks extremely weak.

Yuan Jing even felt that what he was facing was not his mother, but his own sister.

The spirit and the body are an inseparable whole, and the relationship between the two is a relationship between prosperity and prosperity, and loss and loss.

Mental lethargy creates physical exhaustion, and physical exhaustion in turn creates mental weakness.

Now Minamoto Raimitsu is at the lowest point of his life both mentally and physically, and his mental age may have degraded to more than ten years at once.

Yuan Jing couldn't just watch her childishly deceiving herself.Although he couldn't move his right hand and his body couldn't move away from the bed, the matter of bringing the water glass on the table over didn't bother him.

In the dimly lit room, a silver white line lit up.

A silk thread that seemed to be condensed by moonlight fluttered in the air for a moment, before pounced on the table like a silver snake.

Yuan Jing's left hand shook slightly, this movement was transmitted to the end of the silk thread, and the latter wrapped around the handle of the cup very flexibly.

Then he pulled lightly, and the glass half filled with water was pulled over by him and held in his left hand.

In the process, not even a drop of water was spilled.

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