Minamoto Raimitsu didn't show any surprise at Minamoto's move, if her physical condition wasn't as bad as it is now, she could easily do such a thing.

All her attention was on the silver wire that Yuan Jing used just now, "That's..."

"This is a birthday present I gave you before," Yuan Jing revealed a look of reminiscence, "I remember it was when you were 20 years old, to celebrate your coming of age and taking over the position of Patriarch."

In Sakurajima, no matter male or female, they are considered adults when they reach the age of 20.

For the source family who is a samurai family, after abolishing the original condition of 'Wanjianlou Trial', the condition for wanting to inherit the patriarch is actually quite simple, that is——

Become an adult, and become the strongest of the Genjia.

Everyone in Sakurajima has Mu Qiang's genes engraved in their bones, and the Yuan family is the best among them.

As long as you are strong enough, everyone will naturally gather under your command.

Both of these conditions were met on Minamoto's 20th birthday, so she took over her father's burden and became the youngest head of the Minamoto family for hundreds of years.

However, Sakurajima's recent amendment to the "Public Office Election Law" has directly unified the age of adulthood to 18 years old, which is directly in line with international standards.

Passed the water glass in his hand to Minamoto Raimiko's mouth.

Minamoto Raimitsu did not pour the water in the cup into his mouth like ordinary people, but stuck out his tongue, 'licking' the water surface like a cub.

She seemed to have a premonition of something, like a primary school student who was dawdling while eating and unwilling to do his homework, trying his best to postpone the arrival of that moment in this way.

For a while, neither of them spoke, and only the slight sound of water echoed in the room.

"Men Raimitsu, let's talk." Yuan Jing's words broke the silence.

His address is no longer 'Mom', but 'Men Raimitsu'.

Minamoto Larimitsu paused for a very obvious moment, as if a thunderbolt struck from the top of her head.

Slowly withdrawing her tongue, she nodded slowly——

"it is good."


The eldest daughter or young master of a big family wants to break away from the control of the family, pursue their own happiness or realize their own ambitions, which can be said to have been written badly in various texts, comics or video works.

And the process is roughly similar, left and right are just some kind of drama like hiding in Tibet, chasing me and running away.

Oh, and the classic "Is this how you give back to the parents and family who gave birth to you and raised you? You unfilial son (daughter), white-eyed wolf!" and other words.

As an audience, he doesn't like such a plot very much.

And when this kind of thing happened to him, he hated it even more.

He is a lustful and greedy man.

He wants to get rid of the control of his own life by the Yuan family, especially Minamoto Laiguang, and win the freedom to decide his own future; at the same time, he is unwilling to bear the title of ungrateful person or "white-eyed wolf", so as to gain peace of mind.

Can't have it both ways?

He wants to have both!

This kind of "I want it all" can be said to be extremely difficult and almost impossible for ordinary people to achieve.

Fortunately, he is not ordinary.

He's an open guy.


"Using Yuanjia's 200 billion yen in the Central Bank of the Imperial Capital as collateral, and using a hundred times the leverage to turn over the 7 trillion yuan, in fact, I didn't lose it all, but I changed a few accounts. Now, because There is no way to make an accurate estimate of the reason why the stock market is closed on the weekend, but there are still 8 to [-] trillion yuan."

It's not that Yuanjing can't earn more, but there's no need for that in the first place, and the money is already enough to repay the clean Yuan family's investment in him.

Secondly, if you just draw blood for a giant like the Sigong Group, then the problem is not too big.

If you want to knock the bones and suck the marrow, some forces outside the field will end.

Once the Sigong Group goes bankrupt, hundreds of thousands of employees under its command will face the crisis of being laid off. It is not an exaggeration to say that it will have a very bad impact on the stability of Sakurajima society.

Those above are not going to sit back and watch something like this happen.

If he went too far and provoked the higher-ups to take action, he would probably have to ask the Fujiwara family to help and owe the other party a favor in the end.

Isn't that putting the cart before the horse?

"For the money, I will call the deputy head of the Securities Department of the Central Bank of the Imperial Capital on Monday. I remember his name is Teiichiro Inoue?" Yuan Jing recalled the name of the person who only met once, " Use him to transfer the money to Yuanjia's account."

"This amount of money should be enough to repay the Yuan family's investment in me, right?"


In fact, I don't know how many times more.

The family style of Yuanjia's main family is not extravagant. In terms of basic necessities, food, housing and transportation of Yuanjing, although the Yuan's family comes according to the highest standard of the family, the expenses are not too much.

In fact, among these investments, the most important thing is to teach him the untold secrets of the Yuan family's three unique skills, namely [bow], [sword], and [fighting].

Although it is often said that 'knowledge is priceless', the reality is clearly not the case.

Yuanjing's feedback is already enough to repay the Yuanjia's investment.

That is to say, he and the Yuan family are no longer in a relationship!

"About the guy who resides in your heart, I have also removed it through special means." Yuanjing continued.

"About the truth about Wanjian Tower, although you kept silent to me, but now, I have almost understood what is in it." He looked at Minamoto who was silent——

"The words there should be something like a diary, right?"


Although Minamoto Raimitsu did not give an affirmative answer, from her reaction, Minamoto already knew the other party's answer.

The word "Jian" actually means a mirror in ancient times. 'Wan' is a function word, referring to many.

Then the name 'Wanjianlou', as the name suggests, means 'attic with many mirrors'.

The famous Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty once said that "with history as a mirror, one can know the ups and downs", so history books are often called "Jian", such as "Zi Zhi Tong Jian".

Therefore, 'Wanjianlou' can actually be translated as 'Zangshuge'.

Because of the clear brilliance of the mirror, 'jian' is also often used in the sense of being excellent and correct.

The term 'Mirror' therefore has the meaning of 'excellent role model'.

Then, it is self-evident who the [Jian] in Wanjian Tower, that is, the "excellent role model" is.

And what is this so-called method of personality inheritance?

Yuanjing's current guess is that it should be 'copying the book'.

In the Heian era when the first Minamoto Yorimitsu lived, the technology of papermaking was not mature, and the paper obviously could not be passed down for thousands of years without decay.

This obviously does not meet its 'immortality' requirement.

Transcribing books can obviously solve this problem.

This is precisely the way to let the personality pass.

Minamoto Yorimitsu of the first generation, in his later years, copied his whole life on books and placed them on a special pavilion built by eight hundred bhikkhunis, called "Wanjian Tower".

Later generations need to live in this special environment for more than a year, and what they do every day is to copy the diary of the first Patriarch who is so detailed to the horror.

During this process, induced and hypnotized by the special environment, I took the content in this diary as an 'excellent example' and thought it was my personal experience.

While absorbing the experience of the first Patriarch in martial arts and state of mind, he also absorbed the personality residing on it, artificially creating a 'second personality'.

This is why, after passing the trial of Wanjian Tower, the Patriarch will improve greatly in martial arts, but also change his temperament greatly.

Well, the basic principle is almost like this, but the specific mechanism must be much more complicated, and it should also involve various psychological knowledge.

At this time, I can only sigh the wisdom of the ancients.

However, although he was a little curious, Yuanjing still knew what he could do and what he couldn't do.

For this devil's lair-like place, he is very grateful.

"If 'it' is not pulled out, 'it' will take over your body one day and make you no longer you. In this respect, I almost saved your life, and I have paid it back The grace of upbringing, right?" Yuan Jing asked.

"...Yes." This word seems to be extremely important, and Minamoto Raimitsu took a lot of effort to let his lips and tongue pronounce this simple syllable.

She looked at Yuanjing, with a hint of weakness and pleading in her eyes.

"Okay, now it's two.not.relationship..." As if he didn't notice Minamoto Raimiko's eyes, Yuanjing said so with some heartlessness.

"Okay, the next topic is," he pushed the topic down on his own, and at the same time pushed Minamoto Raimitsu into the abyss of despair——

"What constitutes a positive and healthy mother-child relationship."

Then he pulled her back from the abyss.

Minato Raikou blinked.

She seemed a little hard to believe her ears.

"Mother and son...relationship?"

Like a parrot learning its tongue, she repeated what Yuan Jing said just now.

Just looking straight at Yuanjing, there is a golden light brewing in her amethyst-like eyes.

"Mom, your previous concepts are too outdated. In a more modern term, it should be [feudal dross]. I think if you want to—"

"It's all up to you." Before Yuanjing could finish speaking, Minamoto Raimitsu spoke at an extremely fast speed, as if he was going to finalize the matter directly.

"Afterwards, I won't interfere with your affairs, you can do whatever you want. As long as you..." Yuan Laiguang stopped the conversation, as if he was afraid of reminding Yuan Jing.

As long as you don't leave Yuanjia, everything is up to you.

Human nature always likes to compromise. For example, if you say that the room is too dark and you need to open a window here, everyone will definitely not allow it; but if you propose to tear down the roof, they will come to mediate and are willing to open the window. up.

Minamoto Larimitsu is now holding this mentality.

She was already intimidated by what Yuan Jing said about "leaving the Yuan family".

Thus, Yuan Jing took back the power to decide his own life from Yuan Laiguang's hands.

This matter has finally been drawn to a fairly satisfactory end.

Chapter 110 Kaguya's first mission and Mrs. Le? (2/2)

It was Sunday, which was the morning of the second day of the St. Eden Academy Cultural Festival.

The location is on the luxury car of the Shinomiya family.

The characters are Yuanjing and Shinomiya Kaguya, oh, she should be called Shimizu Kaguya now.

Minamoto Raimiko's body still needs recuperation, so today she is still resting in the Shinomiya villa, and did not continue to participate in the cultural festival of St. Eden Academy.

So on this Sunday, Yuanjing and Shimizu Kaguya went to school by car.

Previously, Yuan Jing once had the spirit of sharing a ride home with Hui Ye.There was friction between the two that time, which was very unpleasant.

Times have changed, although the car is still the same car, but the mentality of a certain person in it has completely turned upside down.

And on top of this luxury car, Shimizu Kaguya received her first mission from her 'boss'——

"Buy, buy a house?" After hearing Yuanjing's request, Shimizu Kaguya's eyes widened in surprise, showing a little confusion.

"That's right." Leaning comfortably on the back of the car seat, Yuanjing's voice was a bit lazy.

He has finally got everything done, and now he is in a period of burnout after overwork, and he is a little lazy and doesn't want to move.

Fortunately, now he already has a subordinate who can order.

"Sigong Villa is the residence that Sigong Huang Guang prepared for his mother, but not for me." Yuan Jing shrugged and said with some self-deprecating, "After my mother returns to Kansai, I don't have the cheek to continue Stay there and don't go."

The Shinomiya Bettei is the property of the Shinomiya Group.

As for the current relationship between Yuanjing and Sigong Group, to be honest, it can only be described as [pretty bad].

He was one of the 'culprits' who caused Huang Guang, the eldest son of Sigong, to lose his position as the next head of the family, and he also used the stock market to gnaw a considerable piece of meat from the Sigong family.By the way, it also forced the Shinomiya family to give up their control over Shinomiya Kaguya, allowing her to regain her freedom.

From this point of view, in the eyes of the Sigong family, he can be said to be bullying men and women and committing all kinds of evil.

If one day someone told Yuan Jing that the Sigong family had sent an assassin to take his head, Yuan Jing probably wouldn't be surprised at all.

Because the rift between him and the Sigong family is so deep.

After sending his mother to the car home, even if the Sigong family didn't take the initiative to propose, he would take the initiative to move out of the Sigong villa.

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