Just imagine, when I was playing the little game of "Famous Books in the Ear" with Yuan Jing in "Love Yanhui", at the moment when she was a little distracted and couldn't help but hold Yuan Jing's earlobe, the door opened. Suddenly it was opened, and my parents were standing at the door...

At that time, she would definitely die from being too shy.

Based on such considerations, she dissuaded her parents on the phone, saying that she hoped they would not participate in the first day of the cultural festival.

Yukinoshita Yukino almost never asked her parents, so although it was a pity, her parents finally agreed to the request.

However, although Xue Nai said not to come on the first day, she did not make a request for the second day, and her parents were already very curious about her daughter's school life, so it was almost as soon as the door opened the next day. Yukinoshita's mother arrived early, accompanied by Yukino Yoshino.

Mrs. Yukinoshita is going to spend the rest of her time with other wives after visiting the club established by Yukinoshita Yukino and seeing if her second daughter is doing well in St. Eden Academy. in the interpersonal communication.

Sakurajima's society is a thoroughly human society.Mrs. Yukinoshita, who is already a social person, has a deep understanding of this.She also wants to spend time with her two daughters, and doesn't want to spend time on all kinds of hypocritical politeness.

But there is no way, if you are not strong enough to ignore the rules, then you have to force yourself to adapt to various rules.

No matter how reluctant it is.

Just like her husband.

In fact, he has long been looking forward to this cultural festival, and wants to have fun with the family after a long absence, but as a member of Chiba County, he is not as free as his wife in terms of time arrangements.

In Sakurajima, the county is actually in the same administrative position as the province of Huaguo, and the position of county councilor is roughly equivalent to a mixture of Huaguo Provincial People's Congress Representative, Provincial Public Security Court Inspector, and Provincial Development and Reform Commission Member of the Finance Department. It's actually quite busy.

This time, he had to give up attending the cultural festival with his wife because he had to receive a certain important person who suddenly visited Chiba County.


Yuanjing is in a great mood.

At this time, he was standing by the window of the Lamb Club's house, stretching his muscles and bones while looking at the scenery outside the window comfortably.

It is now late November, and although the winter solstice has not yet arrived, the sun rises much later than usual.

Looking at the sky filled with the red silk-like morning glow, and the morning sun that is gradually turning into the color of molten gold, Yuanjing's mood is quite comfortable.

Although there were many twists and turns in the middle, although the two days of quiet and solitary time he originally expected were only half left, "yes" and "no" are two completely different concepts.

The visitor flow on the second day of the cultural festival is generally higher than that on the first day, but this has nothing to do with the Lamb Festival.

the reason is simple--

Zero multiplied by any number is zero.

Yesterday afternoon, after finishing the Shinomiya family, there were still a few hours before rendezvous with Chika Fujiwara.

This period of time was reserved by the girls for him to recharge his energy and save taxes, and Yuan Jing just stayed here.

During this time, the confessional traffic was—

0 people.

This is exactly the same as his initial expectation.

Therefore, he is also extremely optimistic about today's situation.

Because of the arrival of his mother, the memory and identity that was lost and recovered, and the Sigong family who was in charge of the cross, he had actually been extremely depressed in the past.

For the success of the plan, he had to race against time, maintaining a state of being pushed and moving forward without stopping for a moment.

It's true that he likes to enrich himself, but he doesn't like this state of being forced to keep moving forward.

Fortunately, the results are not bad, and he can finally breathe a sigh of relief now.

Anyway, he has given his portrait to the class to attract guests, and he has also solved the "seven wonders", turning the original "haunted house" into a joint project, and his contribution can be said to be completely worthy of his own The identity of a class A student.

So, let me take a good rest today and touch the fish.

And just as he thought so——

"Buck, buckle."

A polite knock on the door came to his ears, and then a beautiful female voice came from outside the door:

"Is there anyone, please? Can we come in?"

Yuan Jing recognized this voice somewhat similar to that of Yukinoshita Yukino.

The owner of this voice is Yukino's older sister, Yukinoshita Haruno.

wait a minute we?


"This is the activity log of our club." He took out the "Murder Case Book" that had become quite thick and put it on the table, "You should recognize the handwriting."

"If you want to know what our club is doing, I think this is enough."

This is the first time Yuanjing has seen this Mrs. Yukinoshita, although she doesn't even know her name in the original novel, but she is very active in various fan works.

It has to be said that there is indeed a reason for the opponent's popularity to be so high.

As far as the first impression of Yuanjing is concerned, Mrs. Yukinoshita is a bit like an upgraded version of the two sisters of Yukinoshita. Time has not taken away the beauty from her face, but added an extra Some mature flavors.

"This is the confessional. It is the place where the Lord watches over and allows sinners to repent. You should stay away from all kinds of temptations." The young man said very calmly, "So, please forgive me for not being able to provide all kinds of delicious drinks."

Since this is a confessional, it must look like a confessional.

If there is some aroma of coffee, milk, or black tea wafting out from here, if people smell it by chance and think this is some kind of special coffee shop, that would be bad.

"If you're really thirsty, I can provide you with boiled water," Yuan Jing raised his right hand and pointed to the hot water kettle that was plugged in in the room, "However, you may need to do it yourself."

His role is a priest, not a waiter, and he does not provide tea and water service.

Regarding the sudden visit of Yukinoshita's mother and daughter, although Yuan Jing was a little surprised at first, he immediately reacted.

Isn't it because of the invitation letter issued by St. Eden Academy that his stepmother Minamoto Raimitsu came here?Since she can receive it, there is naturally no reason why Yukinoshita's family can't receive it.

From this point of view, it is not surprising that Mrs. Yukinoshita will visit here.Because the founder of Lamb Society is her daughter.

And as for why you didn't come yesterday...

Yuanjing sighed clearly in his heart - it was because of himself.

"Please excuse my impoliteness, excuse me for a moment." After skillfully finishing the necessary reception, Yuan Jing nodded towards Mrs. Yukinoshita, made a gesture of "please come" to her, and then walked to the Lamb Club by himself The door, push the door and go out.

Only Yukinoshita's wife and Yukinoshita Yono were left looking at each other.

"Is he, Yukino's member?" Unlike Yukinoshita Yono, Mrs. Yukinoshita obviously didn't know anything about the relationship between her daughter and Yuan Jing.She looked at the "Murder Case Book" in front of her, then looked up at the direction the other party was leaving, and asked with some doubts.

"Yes, his name is Yuan Jing, he is Yukino's first member, and it can also be said that he is the first friend Yukino made." Of course, now Yukino still can't say whether he is a friend, Yukinoshita Yang Nai added in his heart, "He just has this temperament, and he didn't mean to neglect you."

"His behavior is quite decent, I don't feel that I have been slighted," Mrs. Yukinoshita shook her head, she picked up the "Murder Case Book" and began to look through it, "It's just that I saw him just now , as if suddenly remembered something.",

There was a bit of curiosity in her tone——

"What did he think of?"

"Who knows." Yukinoshita Yoshino shrugged, but his tone was a bit more playful, obviously there was some speculation, "When he comes back, he should know, right?"

Yuan Jing didn't keep the two of them waiting for too long——

When he pushed the door open again, Mrs. Yukinoshita was a little surprised to find that there was another woman around his age beside him.

The other party has fluffy pink hair, and the other party's personality is much more lively than his own.When pushing the door, Mrs. Yukinoshita noticed that the other party was like a lark, constantly asking about Yuan Jing.

After noticing her gaze, she stopped talking, then walked in front of her, and stretched out a hand gracefully——

"My name is Fujiwara Wansui. I heard from A Jing that you are Yukinoshita Yukino's mother, right?" She said very kindly, "My daughter Fujiwara Chika is also a member of the Lamb Club and has been taken care of by your daughter all the time. .”

"Where is there." Mrs. Yukinoshita also stood up immediately, and held the hand extended by Fujiwara Wansui, "I am Ayano Yukinoshita, and I still know the character of my Yukino. It should be said that I have suffered too much." Let Qianjin take care of it." She smiled wryly, obviously she had known her daughter's character for a long time, otherwise she wouldn't be so worried about whether she is doing well in other places.

Huh, wait a minute?Mrs. Yukinoshita blinked.

The surname of Fujiwara is rare, especially the other party's child is also a student of this school, so the scope is further narrowed.

Moreover, she seems to have seen the other party's face before, where exactly did she come from...

"Recognize it?" Fujiwara Wansui smiled slyly, then his face became serious, and he straightened his face, "Does this look look more familiar to you?"

"!" Mrs. Yukinoshita was surprised, "You are from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs..."

"Shh." Fujiwara Wansui put his index finger on his lips, making a silent expression, "Now I am on a long-lost vacation, don't remind me of those painful memories again, okay?"

She grasped Mrs. Yukinoshita's right hand with both hands, with a very affectionate look, "I often heard Qianhua say how good her president is, it must be because of her family background, and she has been extremely well received since she was a child." good education."

Fujiwara Wansui's words were quite sincere, "I saw you today, and it really is..."

Yukinoshita Yangno noticed that at this moment, Yuanjing disappeared quietly again.

When he reappeared, there was another woman with blond short ear-length hair and a beret beside him. The other person's face had extremely obvious mixed-race features.

Yang Nai was a little stunned—are you a wife trapper from there?

She gave Yuanjing a questioning look.

But Yuanjing didn't respond to her effort at this time.

"Let me introduce, this is Hayasaka Nao..." Without the slightest restraint, Yuan Jing introduced the woman beside him to the two of them.

But it's not over yet—

"My name is Yoko Touma," she took off the sunglasses on her face, revealing a beauty mole at the corner of her eye, and she was probably the most famous woman among all wives, showing a gentle smile.

Yukinoshita Haruno's eyebrows twitched, and she unabashedly stared at Yuan Jing who was still calm——

Hey, hey, what do you want to do? !

Chapter 110 Five So Sister Yang Nai already has someone she likes? (1/2)

"Sister Yangnai, can you come over and help me?"

After bringing Touma Yoko to the Lamb Club's room, Yuan Jing waved to Yukinoshita Yono who was staring at him.

"There are not enough tables and chairs in the activity room, come with me to the side utility room and bring some over."

Now in the activity room of the Lamb Club, there are four wives Yukinoshita Ayano, Fujiwara Wanho, Hayasaka Nao, Touma Yoko, as well as him and Yukinoshita Yono.

If you want to choose one of them to help Yuanjing work, the backup of Yukinoshita Yono who is the same as Yuanjing is naturally the best choice.

Because of the preparation of the 'confession room', Chika Fujiwara and others have already put away all the tables and chairs of the Lamb Club and put them in the utility room shared with other clubs.

When Mrs. Yukinoshita knocked on the door and entered, Yuan Jing took a set of tables and chairs from the utility room.

And after the number of wives reached four, this mere set of tables and chairs was obviously not enough.

However, Yukinoshita Yoshino knew that this could not be the only reason.It just so happened that she also wanted to ask him something, so she nodded immediately,

With a warm smile on his face, he politely said "Farewell" to several elders in the room, and Yokinoshita followed Yuanjing out of the Lamb Club's activity room.

After closing the door of the room——

"Bringing so many ladies together, what exactly do you want to do?" Yukinoshita Yoshino finally couldn't help asking.

She looked at the young man in front of her suspiciously, "As far as I know, there is a type of people who have a special habit of only being interested in other people's wives..."

"What are you talking about." Yuan Jing rolled his eyes at her, "I'm still a high school student, can you be more pure when talking to me?"

Turning around and walking towards the utility room, Yuan Jing signaled Yukinoshita Yukino to follow, "The purpose of Mrs. Yukinoshita's trip is to see if Yukino is doing well here, and the other goal is to get along with Tokyo You can connect with the upper-class society and seek your father's smooth career, right?"

Rather, the latter should be the main purpose.

Compared with high school students, the world of adults is more realistic, but also more helpless.

This is "people are in the rivers and lakes, can't help themselves", right?

For this point, Yuan Jing, who has previous life experience, can be said to be deeply touched.

The reason why he likes to be alone so much in this life can be said to be due to his painful experience in his previous life.

If Yuanjing were to make a list of things that they hate, then the point of 'owing favors to others' would definitely be on the list.

He's one of those characters who gets sick at the thought of being in debt to someone else.

He could of course guess the reason why the Yukinoshita couple didn't come yesterday.

And this reason is actually applicable to many parents.

After being reminded, Yuan Jing keenly discovered that Mrs. Yukinoshita's visit was definitely just the beginning.

Even if he entertains the other party well and makes the other party satisfied and returns home, there will definitely be other parents who will disturb his fishing plan.

So instead of sitting still and waiting to die, it is better to take the initiative to attack.

With this mentality in mind, after looking around, he immediately 'ran into' Fujiwara Wansui who was walking towards the Lamb Club as expected.

She must have seen Yuan Jing's photos from Fujiwara Chika or Fujiwara Daichi, so she immediately recognized Yuan Jing, the daughter's sweetheart, who is also the "prospective son-in-law" of the Fujiwara family.

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