After that, Hayasaka Nao and Touma Yoko were actually in the same situation.

"So, why are they all wives?" Yukinoshita Yangnai squinted at Yuanjing.

"The reason why Fujiwara Wansui's husband Fujiwara Daichi didn't come is similar to your father's. It's all because of a sudden situation at work." Yuan Jing shrugged, saying that it had nothing to do with him, it was just a pure coincidence.

"Hayasaka Nao's husband, Hayasaka Masato, is Shinomiya Ganan's personal secretary. As his shadow, he is so busy at the moment that he has no time to participate in such activities."

The Sigong family is now in the state of 'the eldest son is abolished'.

The undisputed next patriarch, Sigong Huang Guang, suddenly lost his right of inheritance.

This situation, which was unexpected by anyone except Sigong Yanan, suddenly made the Sigong family become undercurrents.

"Oh, by the way, since Mrs. Hayasaka Nao was mentioned, let me tell you another news by the way." Yuan Jing said to Yukinoshita Yono, "The current Hayasaka family is actually somewhat in the Shinomiya family's position. Embarrassing, like your mother, she was also tasked with finding a partner."

"Huh?" Yukinoshita Yono blinked his eyes in surprise, "But I remember, isn't the Hayasaka family the arm of the Shinomiya family? The current patriarch, Masato Hayasaka, is the personal secretary of the Shinomiya Yanan?"

"One emperor and one courtier," the two of them had already arrived at the door of the utility room, "the Hayasaka family originally bet their treasure on Sigong Huangguang, who would have thought that things would develop like this ?”

"In the current Sigong family, although his son Sigong Qinglong is a playboy who only knows how to play with women, he has a much better background than the third son Sigong Yunying after all, so there are high voices for him to inherit the Sigong family."

"The Hayasaka family is actually more optimistic about Shinomiya Yunying, but there was actually a deep prejudice between Shinomiya Yunying and the Hayasaka family before."

This is no secret.

Shinomiya Yunying has never concealed his dislike for the Hayasaka family, and even publicly slandered the Hayasaka family several times as "rats in the gutter".

This seems to be directly related to the fact that he was betrayed by the Hayasaka family when he was young.

"If Shinomiya Yunying finally takes over, it is difficult to guarantee whether he will do something to the Hayasaka family, so just in case, the Hayasaka family is actually looking for a way out."

This is also one of the reasons why Mrs. Hayasaka came to see him. Apart from wanting to see what kind of person is able to fascinate her daughter like that, she also wanted to get in touch with the Yuan family behind Yuan Jing.

After opening the door of the utility room, Yuan Jing didn't go directly to move the table, but tore a piece of paper from a blank notebook, and took out a gel pen, as if he was about to write something.

"You mean, our Yukinoshita family can be with the Hayasaka family..." Attracted by the news provided by Yuanjing, Yukinoshita Yono murmured thoughtfully.

Although the Hayasaka family has been annexed by the Shinomiya family, it has become the vassal and servant of the other party.

But the Shinomiya family is one of the four big chaebols in Sakurajima after all. To put it bluntly, even if it is the "dog" of the Shinomiya family, not everyone in the Hayasaka family can get involved.

This news is excellent news for the Yukinoshita family, which is in the critical period of "transforming from business to politics". If we can seize this opportunity...

"I didn't say anything." While writing something on the paper, Yuan Jing shook his head and said, "Although cooperating with the Hayasaka family is indeed of great benefit to the current development of the Yukinoshita family. The two families are bundled together, and if Shinomiya Yunying is in power in the future and wants to attack the Hayasaka family, the possibility of the Yukinoshita family being affected is not low."

"There has never been a pie in the sky. While accepting the benefits, you must also think about the possible price. I shouldn't need to remind you of this truth."

"I'm just telling you the news. Whether you want to connect with the Hayasaka family or not is up to you to judge for yourself. You say yes, the future head of the Yukinoshita family?" Yuan Jing said with a light smile, his tone There is a little ridicule.

Unlike Yukinoshita Yukino who is the second lady, Yukinoshita Yoshino was raised by the Yukinoshita family as the future heir.

After she graduates from university, she should follow her mother's old path of recruiting a son-in-law who comes to marry her, and then take over the position of head of the family, right?

After noticing the teasing meaning in Yuanjing's words, Yukinoshita Haruno gave him a blank look.

In fact, if the Yukinoshita family really wants to climb up, there is a more convenient and quicker shortcut than trying to socialize or cooperate with other families.

That is to let my own sister and this guy...

The Yuan family has stood on Sakurajima for thousands of years, and they are Chinese among the Chinese who occupy a dominant position in Kansai. If Yukino can marry Yuan Jing, then the future of the Yukinoshita family will naturally be smooth sailing.

...what am I thinking.

Yukinoshita Haruno shook his head, expelling this thought from his own head.

If the family can be revitalized by sacrificing her sister's happiness, then she would rather not have such a revitalization.

Xue Nai's child is still in her teenage years when she yearns for love, so it's better not to pollute this pure relationship with such considerations of interests.

She should rely on her own will to come together with her sweetheart naturally, not because of the great cause of family revival.

This kind of thing is my responsibility as the older sister and the future head of the family.

"Brother Yuanjing, have you met that Sigong Yanan?" After weighing in his mind for a moment, Yukinoshita Yoshino suddenly asked Yuanjing, "In your judgment, his body is at least How many more years can it last?"

Stopping the pen in his hand, Yuan Jing thought for a moment, as if he was recalling the appearance of Shinomiya Yanan at that time——

"I'm not very good at talking."

Yuan Jing said with some hesitation.

"I don't really know much about spiritual things."

Sigong Yan'an is the most terrifying and unpredictable person among all the people he has seen so far.

Tiger poison doesn't even eat its eggs.But Sigong Yan'an was able to do such a thing to Sigong Huang Guang with such a heart...

Should it be said that he really deserves to be the hero who created the current Sigong Empire?

Yuan Jing even suspects that he forged the medical certificate of 'Alzheimer's disease (senile dementia)', the purpose is to test whether Si Gong Huang Guang has other intentions.

"If you only estimate it from the physical point of view," Yuan Jing thought for a while, stretched out 3 fingers, then hesitated, and retracted one of them.

"If there are no accidents, it should not be a big problem for his body to persist for two years."

"Two years?" Yukinoshita Yono repeated, as if he wanted to engrave this number in his heart, then he nodded as if he had made up his mind, "It's enough."

"Just make up your mind." At this moment, Yuan Jing finally finished writing. After reinserting the gel pen to its original position, he handed the paper to Yukinoshita Yono.

"What is this?" The latter took it over in surprise, and found that it was covered with the names and locations of some shops. Looking at the names, it seemed that they were all restaurants, coffee shops, and pastry shops.

"It's been a day since the cultural festival. Last night, St. Eden Academy's cultural festival official website launched a poll to select the store with the most votes and the best praise in each category." Yuan Jing pointed to Yukinoshita Yang is the white paper in his hand.

"When I went out to find someone, I checked the results of catering by the way."

"I only provide plain water, but we can't just let them chat with plain water, right?"

Yukinoshita Yoshino instantly understood Yuanjing's meaning.

"Auntie Fujiwara and Ms. Touma are both outright sugar-loving monsters. Mrs. Hayasaka is more inclined to mellow and bitter taste and dairy products." Yuan Jingjing said, "Ms. Yukinoshita's taste, you should Knows better than I do."

Yukinoshita Yoshino wandered around the note in his hand and Yuanjing's face several times.

That's all for Ms. Touma Yoko, but I remember, Fujiwara Manho and Hayasaka Nao are the first time you met today, right?

With that short contact time, did he know the taste of the other party clearly?

Your playboy level is too high, right?

Yukinoshita Yoshino has some misunderstandings about Yuanjing.

It's true that he doesn't like socializing, but it doesn't mean he can't communicate.

After all, this was the guy he used to eat in his previous life, how could he forget everything so easily.

"Why am I the only one going..." Yukinoshita Haruno said with some dissatisfaction, but she immediately reacted, "【All kinds of temptations should be rejected in the confession room】."

She squeezed out Yuan Jing's previous words through her teeth.

"That's right, when I go back, I'll go straight into the 'confession room' and not disturb your [Girls Talk], oh, or [Ladys Talk]?" Yuanjing tilted his head, "Since I'm not here, so naturally I can't restrain you."

"Don't worry," Yuan Jing touched a cross on his chest, "I will forgive you instead of the Lord."

"After all, that's what I'm doing today."


Yukinoshita Yoshino just stared at him without saying a word, saying, "I'll kill you with my eyes!" ' look.

It's a pity that this trick is useless for Yuanjing.

"Oh, this is worrying about myself as a junior, what should I say in front of the elders?" Yuan Jing snapped his fingers, as if leaving it to me, "When I enter the room in a while, I will be extremely nervous." Surprised and said [Sister Yang Nai, did you find someone you like in college?]."

"You'll be the center of attention for the ladies then, I promise."

"Hey! Don't say it!"

Chapter 110 The sixth is here, don't you go in and have a chat? (2/2))

The structure of the "confessional room" of the Lamb Society is the same as the object it imitates, and it is not complicated at all.

In short, it is to use two completely symmetrical small enclosed spaces.

One of the spaces belonged to Fr.He wants to listen to the confession of others here, and then forgive the sins of the other party instead of the Lord.

And the other space belongs to the confessor.

Here he (or she) will state his sin and at the same time ask the Lord for forgiveness.

For reasons of confidentiality, the outer walls of the 'confession room' will be as soundproof as possible to prevent the confessor inside from being heard by people outside the 'confession room' when they state their crimes.

Yuanjing likes this enclosed space quite a lot, there is a kind of solemn and solemn tranquility here.

Yuan Jing didn't think there was anything bad about pushing all the reception matters to Yukinoshita Yono.

Social communication is no longer a necessity for him now, but for Yukinoshita Yono who wants to inherit the Yukinoshita family, it is indeed a skill she must have and train as much as possible.

The Fujiwara family can hold thighs politically, the Hayasaka family can cooperate with them, and international celebrities like Touma Yoko...

For the Yukinoshita family who want to make progress, these are very beneficial resources, and Yukinoshita Yoshino himself will not let go of this opportunity at all.

The reason why she was a little upset just now was actually because she was a little unbalanced.

However, Yukinoshita Yoshino is not a person who doesn't know what is good or bad, and who drives himself entirely by emotion.

This imbalance only lasted for a relatively short period of time, after which she was already thinking wholeheartedly about how to make good use of this golden opportunity.

Come on, big sister who wants to revive the family.

Before walking into the 'confession room', Yuan Jing gave Yukinoshita Yono a veiled thumbs up, representing cheer.

Yukinoshita Yoshino rolled his eyes at him, waved his hands with some disgust, and signaled him to hurry up if he wanted to touch fish, and don't dangle in front of her to mess with her mentality.


After closing the door of the confession room and shutting Yingying Yanyan out, Yuan Jing took a deep breath of the quiet air in the confined space, and didn't directly start his big plan of fishing.

With a slight movement of his mind, the system panel slowly unfolded in front of him.

As far as the current situation is concerned, after passing the mid-term exam and officially saying goodbye to the novice stage, I should have completely passed the first incident.

Taking advantage of the current opportunity, I also just come to take stock of the harvest and make a summary of the previous period.

First of all, he gained 4 skills that reached Lv.3, namely [Securities Trading], [Archery], [Sword Do] and [Unarmed Combat].

Hey, wait a minute, the [3] of [Unarmed Fighting lv.3] seems to be subtly different from the two partners that appeared at the same time?

Compared with the other 3, this [3] has a subtle fuzzy feeling, as if it has been rubbed by something, and it looks like metal that has become slightly deformed due to re-solidification after melting.

A hint of understanding flashed in Yuan Jing's eyes.

The reason for such a difference is actually quite obvious——

That was the fight with 'Menaraikou' on the rooftop.

Because of the insight into the opponent's weakness, from the beginning to the end, Yuan Jing has always had the idea of ​​turning the battle into a close combat, so he almost only relies on the skill of "unarmed combat".

Originally, Yuanjing thought that, like [Music], he had to collect all the skills related to [Wu] before he could combine all the sub-skills to form a new skill named [Wu], so as to achieve a breakthrough to Lv. Max's possibility, but now it seems that this is not the only way?

If the previous path was called [Bo], this newly discovered skill should be called [Jing].

However, the same point is not easy to go.

Fighting for life with a whetstone like 'Minato Larimitsu', under the threat of death, the breakthrough threshold of one of the skills was slightly loosened.

In martial arts, there is also a special name for this, that is——

【Stealing secrets】.

Judging from its current situation, at least three characters no worse than 'it' are needed to make it produce an extremely obvious change.

The existence of 'Minaraikou' was caused by various accidents. How can we find 3 more similar existences?

After her mother-in-law recovered from her injuries, she was able to do this kind of thing, but it was not enough just to learn from such a stimulus, she had to fight with her life to form a strong enough motivation to break through this barrier.

For the current Minamoto Larimitsu, it is several times more difficult to have the emotion of "killing intent" than to break through this barrier.

Yuan Jing shook his head and gave up this idea.

'However, although such a character, the chance of Sakurajima still existing is not high, but it does not mean that there are no other parts of the world. '

'Anyway, traveling around the world is one of my ideals, so I'll look for it by the way, shall I? '

After adding a few strokes to the life plan he had already written, Yuan Jing put his mind on another place. Two paths, this is a more practical path.

That is--

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