Wanjian Building.

Here, resides the souls who have lived in the human world for thousands of years, and even if they offer their offspring as sacrifices, they want to realize the extravagant hope of 'immortality'.

Once stepping into it, there is a risk of being lodged in the heart by this evil spirit and being taken away by it.

However, the reason why the Patriarchs of the Yuan family in the past were able to dominate their lives with force and maintain the glory of the samurai family all the time, this forbidden area is indeed indispensible.

This is the place to sign a contract with the ancient evil spirits and exchange your body for great power.

Yuan Jing didn't intend to enter this place, but the existence of this place gave him some inspiration.

In history, Minamoto Raimitsu cannot be the only one who has reached Lv.MAX.

Although they are unlikely to make something like "Wanjian Building" like him, the traces left by him during his lifetime may become a guidepost to guide himself.

Maybe I'll have to focus on this in the future.


A figure came to the gate of the Lamb Society.

She slightly raised the hair on her sideburns, and then put her ear against the door, carefully listening to the sound from inside.

After listening for a while, a slightly odd look appeared on her face.

Want to laugh out loud, but have to hold back.

That's pretty much it.

Taking the mobile phone out of her pocket, as a messenger, she needs to report the situation here to the four anxious girls.

"I have a good thing and a bad thing to tell you, which one do you want to hear first?" She skillfully typed out a line on the keyboard of her mobile phone and sent it to a group of five in "line".

Although she hasn't used a smart phone for a long time, the operation of modern technology has a "foolish tendency", and she is not an electrical idiot, so she is quite proficient in operating it now.

"Huiye Huiye, don't be fooled, I'm in a hurry here." A message of a girl who used a photo of a blue hair circle as her profile picture immediately appeared in the group, "My mother, she and Ah How is Jing getting along? Have you had any disputes with other aunts?"

This is Ai Hayasaka.

"That's right, that's right." A girl who had changed her profile picture to a beautiful night scene of fireworks also echoed, "Although my mother looks lively and cute, she is unexpectedly black-bellied and mean-spirited. She didn't embarrass others, did she?"

This is Chika Fujiwara.

"Don't worry, this is the good news I want to tell." Kaguya Shinomiya typed on the phone, "As far as I can see, the aunties are chatting happily, and there is no sign of arguing at all."

"That's good." Said the girl with a black and white keyboard on a piano, she seemed to be completely relieved. "The worst case, it seems that it didn't happen..."

This is Dongma Hesha.

"Don't be too happy," a girl with a panda doll as her profile picture looked quite calm, "Kaguya, the good news is over, what is the bad news?"

This is Yukinoshita Yukino.

"The bad news is that the wives seem to be in a very strange state of showing off and comparing themselves." Shimizu Kaguya forcefully suppressed a smile and wrote on the phone.

"Showing off and comparing?" Yukinoshita Yukino was a little puzzled, and there was a little bad feeling in his heart, "What to show off, what to compare?"

"Show off how cute my daughter is, and compare how affectionate my daughter is to me." Suppressing the sadness and envy in his heart, Shimizu Kaguya posted this message in the group, "This is what I want to say 'bad news'."

Ai Hayasaka: ...

Chika Fujiwara:  …

Winter horse and yarn:  …

Yukinoshita Yukino: ...

The girls all sent a series of ellipses in unison.

They were silent.

"Yue Nao, I never knew that when you were a child, if you didn't hold your mother's earlobe with your hands, you couldn't sleep peacefully at all." Shimizu Kaguya listened to the conversation in the room, and began to accurately finish the knife.

"!!!" Yukinoshita Yukino completely lost her usual composure, "How old was I at that time, isn't this normal? Mom really, why are you talking about everything!"

"Love, your mother was showing off just now, saying that every time she visited you, you would come to her with a pillow in your arms, and insisted on sleeping with her." Hui Ye began to look for the next victim. "Even in high school, this habit has not changed at all~"

"Who is to blame for this? It's not because she was too busy to visit me a few times in the Shinomiya residence, so I cherish this opportunity so much." Ai Hayasaka complained in her tone, "I think She should find out more about her own reasons."

"Yeah, that's what she said, that she didn't pay enough for you, she's not a qualified mother," Kaguya thought about what she had heard before, "I seem to hear a bit of crying, it seems like she really Some of them are seriously reflecting on it.”

"...It's no use just talking, it depends on whether she will change it in the future."

There was a moment of silence in the group, everyone seemed to be thinking about Ai Hayasaka's past, so some didn't know what to say.

It was Shimizu Kaguya who broke the silence.

"In order to liven up the atmosphere, Ms. Touma seems to have taken out her treasures. It sounds like a photo of 6-year-old Kazuya when she played the piano for the first time." Kaguya leaned one side of her body against the door, while He continued typing while listening to the content inside the door. "Now inside, it's full of 'kawaii (so cute)' exclamations."

"!!!" Touma Kazusa first sent a few exclamation points, and then wrote weakly as if resigned to fate—"Well, if this can make Auntie Hayasaka happy..."

In the end, only Chika Fujiwara, who was a little worried, was left.

She knew very well about her mother's character.

Lively and generous, with a cheerful personality, but also has the black belly and bad intentions of a little devil. This is the nature of this wife Fujiwara Wansui.

She won't show off honestly like other wives, but she will definitely expose her embarrassing things on purpose!

But when she was a child, she was always mischievous and mischievous, with all kinds of black material like a mountain...

But just when she was trembling, Kaguya didn't send any more messages at that time.

Fujiwara Chika:? ? ?

Chika Fujiwara: Are you there?Kaguya, what are you talking about?

Chika Fujiwara: Just let me be worried here, isn't it a bit too wicked?

Chika Fujiwara: Or, what did your mother say that you were embarrassed to say?

Fujiwara Chika: Swallowing saliva nervously.jpg.

Shimizu Kaguya didn't intend to tease Fujiwara Chika's appetite with bad intentions, she just had more than enough heart but not enough energy.

Eavesdropping on the conversation in the Lamb Club and typing on the mobile phone had taken up all her attention, so she didn't notice someone coming behind her.

"You are Shinomiya Kaguya?" The voice suddenly came from behind her, making her shiver.

Kaguya turned around and found a girl with short hair who was carrying a big bag, the outline of her face was very similar to Yukinoshita Yukino.

Who is it if it's not Xuexia Yangnai?

She obviously just bought a lot, and when she came back with a full load, she found Kaguya Shimizu who was eavesdropping at the door.

However, she didn't know that Shinomiya Kaguya had changed her surname, so she still called her Shinomiya Kaguya.

Putting the phone in his pocket in a panic, Shimizu Kaguya adjusted his appearance, "As a member of the Lamb Club, I was a little worried, so I came here to check the situation."

"Now that everything is going well, I'll leave now. There's still something to do in class..." She coughed lightly twice, and then made a pretty standard skirt-lifting move towards Yukinoshita Yono Li, "Sister Yang Nai, goodbye."

"Don't." With a deep smile on Yukinoshita Yoshino's face, he began to press on Shinomiya Kaguya step by step, "It's already here, if you don't go in and sit around, isn't it too shameful?" ?”

Chapter 110 Seven Shimizu Kaguya Wants to Conceal (End of this volume!)

In the end, Shimizu Kaguya was still unable to escape Yukinoshita Yono's clutches.

Well, this actually has a rather direct relationship with her own desire to escape.

Shimizu Kaguya's mother, Qingshui Mingyezhu suffered from congenital heart disease, and died of illness shortly after giving birth to her.

After that, she was thrown by her father Sigong Yan'an to her third brother Sigong Yunying, and Kaguya basically grew up under her third brother's upbringing.

Therefore, Shimizu Kaguya is actually quite unfamiliar with the emotion of maternal love.

Then it is natural to have longing for it.

While eavesdropping on the conversation of the wives at the door and broadcasting it live, watching the mournful cries of the four girls in the group, deep down in her heart, she was already filled with envy.

The woman who once held her in her arms like a treasure, and softly hummed a lullaby in her ear to lull her to sleep, left too early, too early.

As early as now, there is almost no trace of the existence of that woman beside her.

Text, photos, videos... Shimizu Kaguya does not have these things that can carry memories.

Therefore, when she was threatened by Yukinoshita Yono, the resistance in her heart was actually not serious.

Another reason besides this is because she also wanted to have a good relationship with Yukinoshita Yono.

She hasn't forgotten the task that Yuanjing entrusted to her.

Shimizu Kaguya knew that as long as he explained to Yukinoshita Yonoshita that 'Genjing wants to buy a villa in Tokyo', then even for Yukinoshita Yukino's sake, Yoshinoshita would be extremely concerned about it. Shangxin, told her all the twists and turns, and even offered to go to see the house with her and so on.

But how should I put it, when Yukinoshita Yukino called Yangno, she felt a little remorse in her heart for no reason.

Inexplicably, she didn't want Yukinoshita Yono to be too involved in this matter.

She hoped to gain relevant knowledge and experience from Yukinoshita Yono, but she didn't want to share this errand with her.

This is the task that Yuanjing entrusted to her, and she doesn't want to assign it to others.

Especially when it comes to buying real estate.

The meaning of a house to human beings is not just a place to live.

That's 'home'...

Fortunately, before Yukinoshita Yukino told her sister about this matter, she was the first to be turned by Yukinoshita Yono, and was told that her mother had already arrived at the door of the Lamb Society.

In this case, there is still room for redress.

She didn't plan to use Yuanjing's name, but planned to achieve her goal only by relying on her friendship with Yukinoshita Yono.

As we all know, eating together is actually the best way to deepen the friendship between each other.

With such thoughts in mind, she was pushed into the activity room of the Lamb Club by Yukinoshita Yono.


The one who showed the most welcoming attitude towards Shimizu Kaguya's arrival was Fujiwara Manho.

When Chika Fujiwara was at home, she never stopped nagging her friend.

When Shimizu Kaguya was still Shinomiya Kaguya, she visited their house once, but at that time she was busy with work and was not at home, so she regretted it very much.

This important time gave her a chance to get close to her

Regarding Shimizu Kaguya's situation, she knew better than the other three, so she felt more pity for this child.

Of course, as a mature adult, she naturally knows that a girl of Kaguya's age has a delicate and sensitive heart.If the love he showed was out of pity, Kaguya would not say anything, but it is estimated that his heart would still be a little hurt.

Therefore, she attributed her affection for Shimizu Kaguya to another reason——

She hugged Shimizu Kaguya in her arms, and at the same time embraced Hayasaka Ai's mother, Hayasaka Nao, with the other hand, dividing boundaries with the other two wives and Yukinoshita Yono.

"This is 3 vs 3, evenly matched." She said with some pride.

"What 3 vs. 3..." Mrs. Yukinoshita was a little puzzled, she couldn't keep up with this peer who was a bit out of character.

"Stare—" Fujiwara Wansui didn't speak, just stared at something silently, with a little sinister look in his eyes.

Yukinoshita Ayano followed her gaze, and finally stopped on a thing, no, it should be a pair of things.

That is the high peak on the chest of Dongma Yaozi.


It turned out that Yukinoshita Ayano finally understood what the so-called 3v3 meant.

Somewhat beyond the expectations of others, although the three sisters of the Fujiwara family are all "mountains gathered together and waves like raging waves", their mother Fujiwara Wansui is a person with an "open heart".

The reason why the three Fujiwara sisters look like that is actually the result of the genetic improvement of Fujiwara Daichi...

Fujiwara Manho, Hayasaka Nao, Shimizu Kaguya.

Yukinoshita Ayano, Touma Yoko, Yukinoshita Haruno.

This is really [3] vs [3]...

Touma Yoko, who was stared at by Fujiwara Wanho with 'hate' eyes, did not show any shyness at all. She put a pair of arms on her chest, highlighting the two heavy balls——

"Kaguya, right?" Yukinoshita Yono had already introduced Qi to the wives in the room when he pushed the door open, "If you're rebellious now, it's okay to let you rub it like this. "

Touma Yoko said in a somewhat bewitching tone, "I heard that as long as you feel the fullness with your hands, your breasts will feel 'unconvinced', and then they will gradually grow bigger."

"It's very important to be older, after all, you don't want your future child to eat milk powder after birth, do you?"

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