'To be able to entrust such an important matter as buying a house to the other party, it seems that the relationship between the two should be quite close. ' she thought to herself.

Generally speaking, young and beautiful girls come to the housing agency alone and say that they want to buy a villa to live in.

Then the biggest possibility is that she was taken care of by someone.

She has seen quite a lot about this, but the situation of Shimizu Kaguya is completely different from those women.

'Miss Shimizu's appearance is indeed top-notch, but she doesn't have the dusty air of those girls. Her speech and behavior are completely ladylike, and it can be seen that she has received a very good education. '

'After we proposed the price of the villa, she not only didn't show any surprise, but instead showed a picture of 【That's it? 】 expression.You know, this is a price in units of [[-] million], and she didn't even blink...'

'But if she is the eldest lady of a rich family and wants to buy a house to live in, then there should be no reason to show her face and do this in person, right?It is completely possible to hand over this job to your servants, there is no need to do it yourself. '

'Unless, the matter of buying a villa has a very special meaning to her, which makes her completely unwilling to give it to others. '

'Now she and the boy who came here with her are wearing the school uniform of St. Eden Academy. '

'If you can go to that noble school, your family must be rich or expensive.From this point of view, our previous speculation is not wrong, Miss Shimizu is definitely of extraordinary background, she is not a mistress or something like that. '

'Both of them were born rich or noble...the young girl proposed, the young boy made the decision...and the meaning is so special that the young girl is not willing to give her hands to others...'

'...I see, I see! '

If this is a manga or an animation, there will definitely be a big shining light bulb around the head of this 'Ace' lady, to show her sudden enlightenment.

'These two people should be the kind of couple who are well-matched and like-minded.No, no, it's definitely not just couples, it should be the kind of fiancee who are already engaged, right? '

'These two people are choosing a wedding room to live together! '

' Then everything would make sense. '

'If that's the case, then for a while, I should say so...'

Suppressing the envy and jealousy that was about to overflow to the bottom of my heart, our Miss 'Ace' drew up a speech for a while.

With a warm smile on her face, she opened the door of the villa with a key, while boasting about the villa with ease.

"In Azabu, there are 50 embassies of other countries stationed here, so there is no need to worry about security issues."

"In addition to the guards, there are also 24-hour patrols. In terms of security, this is definitely the best place in Tokyo!"

"In addition to law and order, there is another quality that surpasses the whole of Tokyo. I think the two of you will be interested."

"Oh?" Yuanjing was already very satisfied with this villa in his heart, so he didn't mind knowing more about the advantages of this place. "Is there any special advantage here?"

"Of course." The 'Ace' of the housing agency raised his eyebrows and said proudly, "This is the best place in Tokyo to have children!"

"As far as I know, many people will buy a house here, just because of this."

You two too, right?This is what she meant.

The smile on Shimizu Kaguya's face was a little stiff, she raised her eyelids, and looked at Miss 'Ace' who was talking about this topic endlessly, her fair cheeks instantly flushed with embarrassment.

What is this man talking about!

If you want to say whether what the 'Ace' lady of our real estate agency said is right, of course it is right.

Azabu is indeed the most suitable place in Tokyo to have children.

The public security here is stable, and the level of childcare support facilities can be said to be the best in Tokyo. There are also extremely diverse childcare support measures, including childbirth expenses subsidies, infertility treatment subsidies, exemption from second-child care allowances, and exemption from only-child care. Home childcare allowance (with income restrictions), regional childcare support system, etc.

It can be seen that the country of Sakurajima is struggling to deal with the cold wave of "decreasing birth rate" that has swept across the country.

If you have the ability, this is indeed the place that newlyweds dream of, choosing a wedding room and a place to have children.

but! !! !!

Although Shimizu Kaguya really wanted to get married with Yuan Jing, but when she chose this villa as the final plan, she never took the element of [childcare] into consideration!

Just picking out the house that satisfied Yuanjing the most had completely occupied her mind and energy, and she hadn't thought about any other messy things at all.

Really not at all!

'Why didn't you mention this kind of thing to me before? ! ' She glared at the man out of the corner of her eye.

What she didn't know was that although the possibility was extremely low, the people in the housing agency still couldn't completely rule out the possibility of a 'lover' yesterday.

And for lovers, "children" can be said to be the biggest thunder point and reverse scale.

Out of cautious considerations, they did not say it, so as not to irritate this 'Miss Shimizu'.

Now, the situation has apparently reversed.

Of course, it is its self-confessed 'reverse'.

'Ah, really, in this case, how can I talk to him later? !What to do if it is perceived as having an ulterior motive? '

Although she really has ulterior motives.

She is beautiful, talented, decathlon, and scheming, but she will have bad luck and somersaults on some inconspicuous things.

This is our Qingshuihuiye.

Chapter 2 Let him off!

"Sawamura Spencer Eiriri-san."

"Yes, yes!" The girl replied nervously, and the two long ponytails that seemed to be woven by the flowing sunlight trembled slightly, showing that the girl's heart was not peaceful.

"The teacher probably knows something about what happened in your family, but that's not the reason for you to sleep in my class."

"Yes, I was wrong." Standing in the office of the English teachers, Eri Sawamura lowered her head dejectedly, expressing that she had realized her mistake.

The two petite and slender jade feet wrapped in the indoor shoes form an 'inner eight' somewhat awkwardly, and are gently tapping on the ground.

"How would you like me to say hello? As a mixed-race person, I'm so bad at the language used by one of the blood vessels in my body." The English teacher said rather resentfully. "No, it's too prettified to say that I'm not good at it. It should be completely rotten."

'Because it's hard. Eri Sawamura complained in her heart, "Who stipulates that one who has British blood must be talented in learning English?"There is no such reason at all. '

However, she was just complaining in her heart, not stupid enough to say these thoughts.

If you just bow your head obediently and show a good attitude of admitting your mistakes, the English teacher will only talk about her for a while, and then let her go as usual.

If she wanted to talk back, the time it would take would not be such a short moment at all.

She didn't want her precious time after school to be spent on being reprimanded by her English teacher.

Sawamura Eriri originally thought so, until——

"Especially in the current situation, I think English is the course you should focus on now. Unlike other students, you will have to rely on this language to communicate with others in your later life."

Just when the English teacher was about to say something more, the girl's cold voice interrupted her words——

"What did you mean by what you said just now?"

The English teacher was a little surprised to find that the head of the student in front of him, which had been hanging down, had been raised high, and he was looking straight at him with a bit of viciousness.

A small canine tooth appears and disappears between the pink lips like petals, like a cute and cute cub desperately baring its teeth and claws at her.

After seeing such a big reaction from the other party, she realized that there was indeed something wrong with what she just said.

She was at a loss for words for a while, and said in a somewhat awkward manner, "Look, it's, uh..."

"I know what you mean, teacher, but I want to tell you here." Staring at the English teacher's somewhat embarrassed eyes, Sawamura Eriri said word by word:

"I will never leave my mother and cross the ocean."

"Absolutely not!"

Without waiting for any response from the other party, Sawamura Eriri turned around with pride——

"Click - snap!"

This is the sound of the office door being pulled open and then slammed shut.

In the office, only her English teacher was left shaking her head and sighing.

"Student Yinglili, sometimes you have to recognize the fact [the arm can't twist the thigh]......"

'It was a relief, both for you and for your mother, to give up so early.If you persist like this, all you will gain will be pain. '

Regarding the situation of Eri Sawamura, the school is actually very concerned about it.As Eri Sawamura's English teacher, she was also called to the principal's office, and he reminded her to pay more attention to this aspect of the other party.

'It is best to see the effect within 1 month. ’ These are the original words of the principal, ‘not to mention mastering the language proficiently, at least you can’t be completely [deaf], right? '

'There will be doubts about our education level. '

one month, eh?

The English teacher looked at the calendar on his desk.

Today is November 11th, and one month later is December 25th?

It happened to be Christmas.

To be forced to separate from mother at this time...

Student Ying Lili, you are really not lucky enough.


Although he slammed the door out out of anger, but as the steps gradually moved away, Sawamura's spirit visibly weakened.

She knew that the reason why her English teacher said those words was not to offend her deliberately, it should be said that it was just a momentary unintentional remark and a slip of the tongue.

The time I can still study in St. Eden Academy is not long, and soon, my father's relatives on the other side of the ocean will rush here and take me away from my mother.

This has become the consensus of the staff of St. Eden Academy.

Eri Sawamura has already discovered that, except for the English teacher, all other teachers have begun to become more tolerant of her.

As long as you are happy.

From their eyes, Sawamura Eriri seemed to be able to see such words.

It made her very, very special and terribly upset!

But she was helpless.

The family of her mother, Sayuri Sawamura, is indeed quite powerful, and can be considered a prominent family in Sakurajima.

But compared with the Spencer family on the other side of the ocean, it's not enough.

The Sawamura family will not be the help of their mother and daughter, but members of the family will persuade Sayuri Sawamura to let go in time.

"Ying Lili has the blood of the Spencer family on her body. Even if she goes to England, she is a proper blue-blooded nobleman. She will definitely receive a very good education and upbringing, and she will never be abused. '

"Sayuri, you are still young. It is the most interesting age in a woman's life. You can find another man who loves you and you also love, get out of the shadow of this marriage, and rebuild a happy family. '

'Separation is not a bad thing, but it is the best choice for you and Yinglili. '

These are the words that the Sawamura family persuaded her mother, Sayuri Sawamura.

You have to ask, what did Sayuri Sawamura say after that?

She didn't say anything.

Just with a gentle and sweet smile that seemed to drown people, and then swept out the group of family lobbyists one by one.

It was really 'sweep and go' because Sayuri Sawamura really used a broom and mop.

According to the Spencer family, they are only planning to take away Sawamura Spencer Eriri, not Sayuri Sawamura.

the reason is simple--

They believed that Sayuri Sawamura had not fulfilled her duties, and placed the responsibility for the sudden death of Eriri's father on Sayuri Sawamura.

As a wife, caring for and loving your husband is the most important duty you should fulfill. As a result, not only did you fail to do so, but you caused him to die suddenly due to a "myocardial infarction" because of the ridiculous reason of "overdrinking".

This is not your responsibility, whose responsibility can it be?

It is said that Ying Lili's father's parents, that is, her grandparents, behaved extremely badly after learning the news.

They even stated in public that Sayuri Sawamura is no longer their daughter-in-law. Such a daughter-in-law who shamed the Spencer family and made her a laughing stock among nobles is not recognized by the Spencer family!

'Mom, how long can you last? Pacing slowly in the campus, Eri Sawamura was full of thoughts.

As if reflecting the owner's mood, the pair of beautiful ponytails made by her mother also slid over her shoulders somewhat dejectedly, and the golden color that was originally as bright as the sun seemed to have dimmed.

Although in the office, she spoke firmly and unshakably.

But she knew that the reason for the current stalemate was, on the one hand, Sakurajima's Ministry of Foreign Affairs out of care for the people of the country, and on the other hand, it was because of her mother's gritted teeth.

But this is not a long-term solution after all, once the patience over there is exhausted...

At this moment, a girl with amber-like hair suddenly popped out from the corner, and her orange eyes locked onto Eiri Sawamura.

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