'Got you. 'Although the girl didn't speak, she exuded an aura as if a cat had found its prey.

Without hesitation, she approached Sawamura Eriri, who had become a little lost and lost because of her worries, and grabbed her wrist.

This kind of contact made Ying Lili, who had been immersed in her own world, wake up all of a sudden. She came back to her senses with some surprise, and found that her friend who belonged to the same club as her was trying to move her in one direction. pull away.

That was the direction of the exclusive studio of the two of them.

"Mashiro, have you finished the painting?" As the opponent's close friend and the 'ace' who belongs to the same club, Sawamura Eriri of course knows that the opponent has been concentrating on painting a painting since yesterday.

She even skipped all of today's classes, just to complete that masterpiece.

Looking at the other party's appearance, has the painting been finished?

Shiina Mashiro nodded, then shook his head again.

For her, expressing her current state in words is actually a bit difficult.

"Yingli, come here."

She could only just grab Sawamura Eriri's hand and drag it towards the studio.

She believes that as long as Eri Sawamura sees her paintings, she will know why she is like this.

"Okay, okay, I'll just go with you, don't pull me..."

Putting all the troubles in his heart aside for the time being, Sawamura Eriri followed Shiina Mashiro's pace.



Looking at the canvas in front of him, Eri Sawamura couldn't help but give out a respectful admiration.

Although some people have always regarded her and Shiina Mashiro as the "Double Walls" of the painting department of St. Eden Academy, there are still some messy sayings about "Hinori Eri" and "Moon no Mashiro".

But Ying Lili herself knows very well that if she really wants to talk about skills and talents, she can't even catch up with her peer.

This is the talented girl who is truly favored by the God of Painting and whose palms have been kissed by Him.

It doesn't matter if you are talented, the most important thing is that the other party will work several times or even dozens of times harder than yourself.

For the time being, I still regard painting as an extracurricular hobby, but for Shiina Mashiro, painting should already be her second life.

This time, the oil painting shown by Shiina Mashiro in front of her can be said to be full of tension.

The subject of the painting is a young man in a dark black gown.

He was sitting on a hill piled up by a pile of human bodies of various shapes, his slender legs were hanging down quietly, as if they were swaying slightly bored.

He put one left arm across his chest, supported the elbow of the other arm with his left hand, and supported his chin with his magnolia-like right hand, seemingly waiting for some result.

The most amazing thing is the other party's eyes.

The boy in the painting seems to have discovered that someone is spying on him, as if two obsidian-like deep eyes are looking straight over, shining with a warning light.

"You ran around at the cultural festival again." After the initial shock passed, what emerged in Sawamura Eriri's heart was a wave of worry.

She glared at Shiina Mashiro, "Didn't you say that school is not a 100% safe place, and you have to be accompanied wherever you go. Didn't Rita tell you everything, and you still ignore it?"

Shiina Mashiro nodded, indicating that he already knew he was wrong.

But next time the same thing happens again, whether she will forget the teachings of Ying Lili and Rita is naturally two things to say.

"This painting is not good." She obviously didn't focus on the danger she might encounter, "it has flaws."

She said this to Sawamura Eriri.

"Flaws?" Eri Sawamura was taken aback for a moment, and after hearing what Shiina Mashiro said, she looked at the painting deeply again.

As a person who also has profound attainments in painting, after being shocked, she also discovered the flaws in this painting.

That is the boy who is the subject of the painting.

Oil painting, especially this kind of figure painting, is not just a portrait, otherwise, what is the difference between it and photography?

It must capture the opponent's spirit and show the opponent's most perfect appearance.

"I can't grasp the muscles of his body." Shiina Mashiro frowned, "It's a little far away, I can't see clearly."

"Eriri, do you know who he is?" Mashiro Shiina asked her friend, "I want to ask him to be my model."

Sawamura Yingli pear quite understand the other party's mood.

After seeing such a body full of [strength] and [beauty], it is very normal for Lie Xinxi to want to copy it.

She actually had some thoughts...

But she is not a social type, and basically has never talked to boys. It is a bit too difficult to find her out of the more than [-] students in the school.


"I heard that there is a society called 'Lamb Club', which specializes in solving such commissions." She looked at Shiina Mashiro, "Do you want to go find them?"

The latter nodded without hesitation.

Chapter 3 Those who are all over the body cannot be models

"Hui Ye and Ah Jing went to see the house together, and I always feel a little envious."

In the activity room of the Lamb Club, the pink-haired girl put her head on the table in a bit of boredom. Using her small chin as a fulcrum, she put her left cheek on the table for a while, and her right cheek for a while. Killing time like this.

"If you really feel envious, why don't you go together?" said the straight black girl who was sitting in another seat studying, "If it was you, Yuan should not show too much resistance. right."

"But there will still be resistance, right?" The pink-haired girl, that is, Chika Fujiwara, obviously understands this quite clearly.

"let it go."

"There's no need to be so impatient, anyway, there's still a lot of time left." She muttered so slightly.

The cultural festival this time has indeed made great progress in the relationship between the girls and Yuan Jing.

Although there is still a long way to go before the final "get what you want", at least you have seen the dawn of hope.

Before seeking to progress to the next stage, the most important thing is to consolidate the results already obtained.

If he acted too eager for quick success and pursued closely, Yuan Jing might be burned by this burning emotion, so he should stay away from it.

She, Fujiwara Chika, would not do such a stupid thing.

Now that Minamoto Raimitsu has been dealt with, the future of [Genjing was forced to transfer] can be said to have disappeared.

Next, she still has nearly three years to slowly warm up this relationship.

If it doesn't work for three years, there will be university time later.

She is Yuanjing's fiancée, the one who is destined to be with him for the rest of his life.

So she is not in a hurry.

Well, the only obstacle in front of her now is that she will most likely not be admitted to the university that Yuan Jing wants to attend...

This is a somewhat serious problem.

Fujiwara Chika frowned seriously, her delicate face shrunk into a ball.

It's not that she doesn't study well, even in St. Eden's Academy, which has a very high deviation value, she can still rank around the middle level.Although it is not to the point of being proud of, at least it will not make you feel inferior.

But if compared with Yuanjing, it's a little bit...

It's not on the same level at all.

If it's a university in Sakurajima, it's okay to say, as the eldest lady of the Fujiwara family, there is still a way to think about it.

But if Yuanjing wants to go to a famous international school, such as Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology or Stanford University.

To be honest, it's a little difficult.

Fujiwara Chika didn't think that it would be time for Yuanjing to accommodate herself, to lower her own standards, and not to apply for those top universities that he could have been admitted to.

She didn't want to hold him back.

Alas, if only I were as gifted as Yukino and Kaguya in studies, if it was the two of them, I shouldn't have to worry about such problems...

"Yukono, Yukino." Standing up from her seat, Fujiwara Chika deliberately showed a flattering expression, and came to Yukinoshita Yukino, "Would you like to form a learning group with me to help each other, we help each other, Make up for the other party's lack of learning?"

"Still learning about mutual aid groups..." Yukinoshita Yukino was a little dumb, she raised her eyes from the book, squinted at Chika Fujiwara with folded hands, making a flattering expression, "If I remember correctly, In the mid-term exam, you didn't have any grades higher than mine, did you?"

"So, Ms. Fujiwara, which subject can you help me with?"

"Ummmmmm..." Chika Fujiwara stroked her chin in distress, and finally replied tentatively—"For example, health care and sports?"


Gently hitting Fujiwara Chika's forehead with the book in her hand, and after making her let out a coquettish cry, Yukinoshita Yukino said angrily, "Be serious."

"I'm very serious. If it's health sports, I'm definitely confident that I can teach Yukino something..." Seeing Yukinoshita Yukino's gesture and about to raise the book in her hand, Chika Fujiwara Facing the enemy, he covered his forehead with both hands.

"Stop fighting, stop fighting."

"Children are not smart in the first place, and if they beat them again, they will be beaten stupid."

"You..." Looking at the playful Fujiwara Chika, Yukinoshita Yukino shook her head and spread out the book that had been rolled up by her again, "If you are still not smart, then the The standard for smart people is too high in the world."

"Hey hey~" Chika Fujiwara took off her hands covering her forehead, came behind Yukinoshita Yukino, and intimately held her graceful neck like a swan.

"Health sports are a joke, of course, but if you want to learn a foreign language, Yukino, I can help you." She said softly to Yukinoshita Yukino, "French, German, Spanish...if If you are interested in these, you can come to me at any time."

"Well, is this deal fair?"

This must have been what Fujiwara Chika had thought in her mind long ago, but she just had to play around before revealing her intentions.

If she just said "I'll teach you a foreign language, Yukino, you can help me with my homework" at the beginning, it would be too utilitarian and cold-hearted, so she would use "health and sports" as a buffer in a joking manner. ?

This is really quite 'Fujiwara Chika' approach.

What I can learn from each other is not only foreign languages...

"So, why don't you go to Kaguya?" Yukinoshita Yukino asked, "If you look at the age ranking of the midterm exam, she is still ahead of me. Compared to me, she is a better choice. ?”

In the mid-term exams that have passed for some time, Yuanjing is the undisputed NO..1 only for the first grade, firmly occupying the position of 'No. [-]'.

Shinomiya Kaguya (she hadn't changed her surname at the time) followed Yuan Jing in second place.

And Yukinoshita Yukino's grade rank is fourth.

As for Fujiwara Chika and Hayasaka Ai...for the sake of self-esteem, I will not disclose their specific rankings for the time being, I can only say.Both numbers are 3 digits.

At that time, Hayasaka Ai was still Kaguya's personal maid, and because she wanted to hide her clumsiness, she couldn't perform too well in the exam, so the three-digit ranking is justifiable.

But Chika Fujiwara didn't have such worries, and the final result ranking was still three digits......

This can only mean that she really doesn't have this ability.

"Hui Ye can't do it, she's still busy running around for Ah Jing, how bad would it be to bother her?" Fujiwara Chika said nonchalantly, "Now, she can make repaying her kindness her top priority. For her best friend, it's not good to bother her anymore, right?"

It is no secret to the girls that Shinomiya Kaguya left the Shinomiya family, changed back to her mother's surname, and owed Yuan Jing a huge sum of 200 billion yen.

The current Shimizu Kaguya, because of this debt, has no choice but to accept Yuanjing's drive.

At least that was the reason Shimizu Kaguya gave.

As for whether the reason is really that simple, only she knows.

"Whether Huiye is sincerely grateful to Ah Jing and simply wants to repay this kindness, or is there some other purpose mixed in, I can't see it."

Gently embracing the soft and fragrant Yukinoshita Yukino, Chika Fujiwara seemed to be talking to herself, or confiding to the other party, just said so.

"She disguised herself too well."

For Kaguya Shimizu, who grew up from a Shinomiya parent, camouflage is a skill she must possess and rely on to survive.Just like her original personal servant Hayasaka Ai, Kaguya is actually quite good at wearing various masks on her face.

"However, in either case, it doesn't matter at all."

"Now is the time to attack, so the more helpers, the better." Chika Fujiwara said softly.

As for the stage of waiting to break through his defense line and reap the fruits of victory...

Then you need to rely on your own ability.

"A Jing, don't you know?" The pink-haired girl sighed tiredly, "Even if there was no Kaguya, this seductive spirit would probably take away the girl's heart inadvertently. "

"The current Qingshui Huiye can at least act as a barrier to prevent Ah Jing from getting too close with too many girls. That's enough."

"The people on campus are second to none, especially those big sisters who eat people and don't spit out their bones. If Kaguya is around, Ah Jing will be safe."

For example, buying a house this time.

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