If Yuanjing did it himself, it is estimated that there will be various twists and turns in places such as housing agency companies.

For a "big client" like him who is young, rich, handsome and unrestrained, there will definitely be various young ladies who will have some impure ideas about him.

Fujiwara Chika has heard that this group of people can do anything in order to sell the house in their hands and get more performance.

In addition to all kinds of provocative hints, some even directly 'hands and feet', or hand over the business card with the room number written on it to the other party, implying that if you buy the house, she can play around with you Eighteen poses and things like that.

And as long as Qingshui Huiye exists, then this kind of thing can be completely avoided.

Kaguya's jealousy is very strong, she will not let this kind of pest come into contact with Ajing.

Compared with the benefits she can bring, whether Shimizu Kaguya has any abnormal thoughts about Yuan Jing is not too important.

Anyway, there are already enough people staring at Yuanjing, and she is not one behind.

"Kuukou." At this time, the door of the Lamb Club's house was knocked softly, "Is this the Lamb Club?"

The clear and beautiful voice came from outside the door.

Got a new order?

Yukinoshita Yukino and Fujiwara Chika looked at each other.

"Yes, this is Lamb Club." After clearing her throat, Yukinoshita Yukino replied loudly——

"Please come in."

"Click." After getting the answer, the door of the activity room was pushed open, and a girl with golden twin ponytails just walked in.

Behind her, a young girl with long amber hair is following her steps, holding a large frame covered with white cloth in her arms.The crystal-like orange eyes looked left and right here, showing a thoughtful expression.

"Excuse me." The girl with twin tails nodded towards the two of them, "I am Sawamura Spencer Eriri from the painting department, and behind me is Shiina Mashiro who belongs to the same club as me."

She slightly tugged at the corner of her companion's clothes, and Shiina Mashiro, who was looking around curiously, reacted and bowed her head to the two of them.

After introducing himself, the blond double ponytail who claimed to be 'Sawamura Spencer Eriri' went on to say, "I heard that Lamb Club can be a place for students to solve various problems. What about the business of 'finding someone'?"

Find someone?

After hearing the other party's request, Yukinoshita Yukino and Fujiwara Chika were slightly taken aback.

For a long time, the lamb club has solved some difficult problems with twists and turns. This is really the first time that such a straightforward entrustment has been made.

However, things like 'finding someone' are not difficult at all for the Lamb Club.

To say why...

"Hmph," Fujiwara Chika showed a somewhat smug expression, "Now, is it finally my turn to show my talents?"

There are more than 8000 students in St. Eden Academy, and trying to find a person among them can be said to be like finding a needle in a haystack.

However, for Chika Fujiwara, whose social skills are already full, this is not a problem at all!

"Do you know the other party's name?" She asked Ying Lili.

"Sorry, I don't know." Ying Lili shook her head apologetically, but she said immediately, "But we know his appearance."

"True white." She reminded her companion in a low voice, and when the latter heard this, he stepped forward a few steps, and put the frame in his hand that was covered by the white cloth on the floor in front of them.

"I want to find him." After finishing speaking, Shiina Mashiro lifted off the white cloth covering the picture frame, completely revealing her painting in front of Yukinoshita Yukino and Fujiwara Chika.

"!!!" The faces of the two girls suddenly revealed extremely surprised expressions.

"Sure enough, with such conditions, is it still a little difficult?" Sawamura Eriri obviously misunderstood the reason why the girls were surprised.

"...It's not a question of whether it's difficult or not," Yukinoshita Yukino hesitated, "May I ask, what are you looking for him for?"

"I want to draw him." Mashiro Shiina said without hesitation, "I hope he can be my model."

"A model?" Yukinoshita Yukino repeated the other party's request.

This is not difficult to understand.

At this time, Chika Fujiwara asked curiously, "What kind of model? Are you going to let him wear different clothes and copy him?"

Shiina Mashiro glanced at her, shook his head, "If possible, I hope he can not wear clothes."

Nude, naked model? !

Chapter 4 Eri Sawamura wants to be remembered (6 chapters are still owed)

"Huh? Not going to accept this commission?" Eriri Sawamura frowned, showing some dissatisfaction, "I think you may have some misunderstandings."

"In our entrustment, you are not required to negotiate with him and let him accept this job. Just let us do the work in this area."

The two members of the Lamb Club are both young girls in their prime. If you want to let these two be lobbyists, let the boy drawn by Shiina Mashiro accept the job of a model, especially a 'naked model'... ....

This is indeed a bit difficult for a strong person, and it is quite normal for the other party to feel shy and refuse this commission.

"You just need to find out who the other party is, and then tell me. Don't you accept such a commission?"

Although Eri Sawamura has never done similar work, it shouldn't be too difficult to imagine.

If a male artist goes to a female model and says he wants to paint her nude, the possibility of being rejected is quite high, and the woman may even call the police.

But if it is a female artist looking for a male model, then the situation is very different.

Not to mention Shiina Mashiro is a famous world-class painter who has won many gold medals in domestic and international competitions. Simply relying on her top-notch appearance, Sawamura Eriri doesn't think there is any Teenagers would decline such an invitation.

In fact, she was even worried that the young man would become a beast in the process of Shiina Mashiro's painting, and take advantage of Mashiro's weakness in common sense to do some very bad behavior towards her!

As for the extent to which his friend's common sense is lacking, as his current owner, Sawamura Eriri can be said to have a deep understanding.

Shiina Mashiro was born in a family of artists. Like himself, he is a mixed race with both British and Sakurajima blood.

However, unlike himself who grew up normally in Sakurajima, Shiina Mashiro spent his childhood in a studio in England.

Shiina Mashiro's parents are both very well-known painters. As the daughter of the two, Shiina Mashiro has inherited the advantages of the two very well, and has shown extraordinary painting talent since childhood.

So, after discovering her amazing talent, her parents took her to the studio of a very famous British painter at that time. Apart from hoping that she could get the best education in painting, they also hoped that she would Be able to have a good relationship with other children in the studio, and don't spend a childhood that is too lonely.

But the final result did not meet their expectations.

The journey of a genius is always lonely.

In the process of learning painting, Shiina Mashiro's extraordinary talent made other children feel deeply desperate-"No matter how hard you try, you can't even see the back".

In such despair, the other children eventually left one by one, leaving only Rita Einsworth, the granddaughter of the owner of the studio, still struggling.

She can also be said to be Shiina Mashiro's first owner.

As for how Shiina Mashiro came to Sakurajima Tokyo from England, and how her breeding rights were transferred from Rita, the first-generation owner, to Sawamura Eri, the second-generation owner, this is also related to Sawamura. Ying Lili's father, who is a diplomat, is related.

He and Shiina Mashiro's parents are good friends.When he saw that they were worrying about their daughter who was only living in their own world, he took the initiative to push Sawamura Eriri out.

"My Ying Lili also likes to draw, and I think it should be compatible with Zhenbai."

"It may be too harsh for my children to get along with each other day and night. How about starting as a pen pal?"

This is the beginning of her friendship with Shiina Mashiro.

After being each other's pen pals for several years, Shiina Mashiro made a proposal like "Ben Xian", and Eriri readily agreed.

Therefore, Shiina Mashiro transferred to St. Eden Academy and boarded at the home of Sawamura Eriri.

As for why Sawamura Eriri was not shocked to doubt her life like other people, except that she herself has a big heart.

Also because of her other identity.

Just like voice actors are divided into superficial and inner-level, and writers have the difference between going ashore and going to sea, of course there are different categories of painters such as serious painters and book painters.

Sawamura Spencer Eri, on the surface, is just a female high school student with profound attainments in painting, but in fact, she has a deeply hidden identity——

That is the book artist named 'Eri Kashiwagi'.

In Sakurajima, a super-large comic exhibition called 'ComicMarke' is held at the Tokyo International Exhibition Center every year, allowing various fan lovers to use this platform to display, publish, and exchange their own works.

And the name [Kashiwagi Eri] can be said to be well-known among them.

Although the plots of the notebooks he drew are really lackluster, they are quite popular with the participants because of their high practicality.

Every time his masterpiece is exhibited, it is often snatched up by the flocking crowd.

With this hidden identity as a support, Sawamura Eriri was able to survive.

"How should I put it, the reason why we rejected this commission is not because of this reason." Yukinoshita Yukino showed a little embarrassment on her fair face.

This is the first time that Lamb will refuse a commission, and she is still not used to it.

"Is that because of the reward?" Facing Yukinoshita Yukino's hesitation, Sawamura Eriri, who had pulled out of her delusions, raised her eyebrows, thinking that the other party was just sitting on the ground and raising the price.

"Shiina Mashiro is the treasure of the painting department and the darling of the director. As long as it is something she entrusts, the director can say that there is nothing wrong with it."

"I've heard that the reason why you accepted the entrustment is to canvass votes for the next student union president election, right?"

"If you complete this commission, all the votes from the painting department will be given to you. I think this kind of remuneration is already very sufficient."

Shiina Mashiro should also nod in agreement, agreeing to such a transaction.

"It's not a matter of remuneration." Yukinoshita Yukino felt a little headache.

You can't just say that the subject you want to paint is your future husband, and I don't want you to see his body, right?

If what Shiina Mashiro wants to draw is a normal character model, then it is not unacceptable.

But as soon as the other party came up, he said that he wanted Yuan Jing to be their nude model.

Is this a little bit too much?

In fact, it is quite simple to complete this commission, as long as you inform the other party of Yuan Jing's identity, and then you can watch the other party get frustrated.

She didn't think Yuanjing would agree to this kind of work.

No matter how generous terms Sawamura Eriri and Shiina Mashiro say, and what kind of temptation they propose, Yukinoshita Yukino doesn't think that Yuanjing will be tempted by it.

She had such confidence in him.

However, what he does is his business, and what he does is his own business.

You can't just sell his information to others just because you are sure he will refuse, right?

She has no special hobbies, and when she thinks that her husband is being treated like this by others, she will feel bursts of stimulation and excitement from the bottom of her heart...

"In short, there is no special reason. Our Lamb Club will not accept this commission." As the head of the Lamb Club, Yukinoshita Yukino said firmly.

She looked back at Chika Fujiwara, "Qianhua, help see our guests off."

"Okay." Chika Fujiwara accepted the job with a smile all over her face.

"I'm really sorry. For some unspeakable reasons, we're not accepting this commission." With amazement in his eyes, Chika Fujiwara glanced at the painting brought by Shiina Mashiro with some reluctance.

After she covered it with a white cloth again, she handed it back to the two people in the painting department.

"You can go to other people and see if they can help you." Fujiwara Chika said with a smile, "However, the suggestion here is to stop wasting your mind on this."

"There's no way he'd agree to do something like that."


Mashiro Shiina and Eri Sawamura were politely 'invited' out of the Lamb Club by Chika Fujiwara.

Looking at the closed door behind her, Eri Sawamura raised her brows and looked a little angry.

"What, that expression seems to be looking at a thief," stomped on the floor with some resentment, and the long golden twin tails trembled slightly in the air, "It's fine if you don't accept the commission, that kind of hostility What's the matter with your attitude?"

"Is there something wrong with our entrusted attitude?"

Eiri Sawamura thought about it carefully, she had never played the temper of a young lady in this regard, and she had always been polite and courteous. As a result, the eyes of the two girls looking at her were full of vigilance. In the end, he didn't even bother to find a decent reason, so he just kicked the two of them out?

What is this like?

"Eriri." Just when Sawamura Eiri was a little angry, Shiina Mashiro, who had been silently observing from the position of a bystander, tugged at the corner of her clothes.

"Mashiro, did you find anything?" Forcibly suppressing the anger in her heart, Sawamura Eriri asked her companion.

Shiina Mashiro did not speak, but directly pulled Sawamura Eriri to the window.After looking back, she pressed Yinglili's shoulder slightly, signaling her to lower her perspective slightly.

After signaling her to keep this posture still, Shiina Mashiro stepped to a position in the corridor, put the painting in his hand on the floor, and then lifted the white cloth on it towards Sawamura Eriri.

"!!!" Eri Sawamura had a surprised expression on her face.

Because the background of the boy in the painting is exactly the same as the background in this corridor.

This painting was not framed in the first place. Looking at it from her perspective, the whole painting and the scenery behind it are perfectly blended together. Coupled with Shiina Mashiro's superb painting skills, it is like this young man It's really the same in front of her!

"Did you see 'him' here?" Eri Sawamura asked.

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