Shiina Mashiro nodded, and then took out a pocket telescope from his pocket.

This was a gift from Eriri Sawamura when they met for the first time, so she cherished it very much, and basically carried it with her wherever she went.

"That is to say, during your cultural festival, when you were looking around with binoculars, you happened to find 'him', right?"

Shiina Mashiro nodded, and she pointed to the door of the Lamb Club, "I saw him and walked out from there."

"That's it," Sawamura Eriri nodded knowingly, "If that's the case, then things will be easy."

Eri Sawamura, who is of British descent, is very familiar with the costumes worn by the boy in the painting.

That is the common dress most often worn by priests of the Church.

That day is a cultural festival, so it is very likely that the reason why the boy wears it this way is because of the needs of his class or club activities.

Regarding the programs reported by various classes and clubs in the cultural festival, there are records on the official website of St. Eden Academy, just go up and check.

Eri Sawamura took out her mobile phone, and after some operations, she found what she was looking for:

[The name of the club: Lamb Club]

【Cultural Festival Activities: Confession Room】

After clicking on the name of the Lamb Club, the web page suddenly jumped to the interface of the Lamb Club, and the names of its members and their simple information were listed on it.

Sawamura Eriri's gaze was firmly locked on the name that he knew at a glance that it belonged to a boy.

【Name: Yuanjing】

【Class: Senior One Class A】

"So that's it, it all makes sense." Sawamura Eriri felt a sense of excitement to solve all the puzzles.

Why are the two members of the Lamb Club who obviously know this young man, but they just don’t want to tell themselves and Zhenbai each other’s identities; why do they look at them so strangely, why are they still unwilling to tell the reason for rejecting the commission... ..

All of these have been answered.

"Mashiro, I found that boy." Sawamura Eriri whispered to Shiina Mashiro excitedly.

Then handed the phone to Shiina Mashiro.

"Shall we go directly to talk to him tomorrow?"

Shiina Mashiro nodded heavily.

Sawamura Eriri knew very well that her mother might not be able to support the pressure there at any time, and someone would break away the hand that was holding her tightly.

What awaits me is the future of being forced to cross the ocean and start a new life in a foreign country.

She doesn't want this future, but what she can do is really extremely limited.

Then before this future comes, spend time with Shiina Mashiro, your best friend, and fulfill her wish.

I hope that after I leave, Zhenbai can think of my friend who is far away in a foreign country from time to time......

"Okay, since the two of you are quite satisfied with this villa and said that you can buy the house with full payment at any time, then I will contact the original owner of the house." The 'Ace' lady of the housing agency is still smiling, obviously Extremely pleased with how things went so smoothly.

"Just tomorrow afternoon, I will invite Mrs. Sawamura to come here too, and we will go through the relevant procedures together."

"I don't know what the two of you think?"

That's right, the original owner of the villa Kaguya Shimizu found was Mrs. Sawamura.

full name——

Sawamura Sayuri.

Chapter 5 Mrs., you also want to hug your grandchildren soon, right?

Among the other residences of the Four Palaces.

The door of a bedroom was pushed open all of a sudden, and a slender white snowy little foot immediately stretched in panic.

Before the light water vapor from the toes dissipated, the soft soles of the feet had already stepped on the thick carpet, leaving a slightly lovely wet mark.

Under the milky white bathrobe, slender legs with a hint of pink were exposed.

At this moment, a drop of water that has not been drained is quietly sliding down the round and plump thigh.It came from the dark place covered by the bathrobe, and stopped slightly at the ankle, like a natural pearl foot ornament.

But its owner has no pity for this.

With a slight turn of her feet, she jumped over the door and walked lightly into the bedroom like a dexterous deer.

The long belt bound the waist, and the snow-white and soft bathrobe tightly wrapped the delicate body tightly.The seams are obviously tight, and almost no half of the skin that should not be leaked is leaked out.But the beautiful curves that cannot be concealed by the wide bathrobe alone are enough to reveal the fatal attraction that makes people unable to take their eyes off.

She has a beautiful spine, standing tall like a bamboo, and walking like a rabbit.The long dark purple hair fell like a flowing waterfall, spreading over the waist and hips to the calves, covering the slender and graceful figure gracefully.

After walking to the window of the bedroom in two or three steps, a delicate cheek was reflected on the clean glass.

Putting one hand on the window, a pair of eyes as crystal clear as amethyst quietly looked out the window, as if waiting for something.

"Ms. Laiguang, you don't need to run in such a hurry." From the never-closed door, a girl with blond hair and blue eyes and dressed in a maid outfit walked in.

With a towel in one hand and a hair dryer in the other, she was obviously chasing after the woman she dubbed 'Ms. Laiguang', "Mr. Yuan and Kaguya went to see the house. Came back in such a short time."

"You haven't wiped your hair clean yet." The blond-haired, blue-eyed maid said so, and came behind the purple-haired woman.

She lifted up the other party's beautiful dark purple hair, first used the towel in her hand to absorb the remaining moisture on it, and then turned on the hair dryer to start drying it.

These two people are Minamoto Yorimitsu, who recuperates in the Shinomiya Villa, and Hayasaka Ai, the head maid who is in charge of all affairs in the Shinnomiya Villa.

Now, the situation of the Shinomiya Villa is a bit delicate.

On the one hand, although this house was given to Kaguya Shinomiya by the Shinomiya family before, it is nominally owned by Kaguya Shinomiya.But the actual master of this house is someone else.

That is the eldest son of Sigong Yan'an, who should have inherited the existence of the Sigong family——

The yellow light of the four palaces.

This can be seen from the fact that Shinomiya Huangguang was able to let Minatomiya Kaguya's mother and son live in without the consent of Shinomiya Kaguya.

Sigong Huangguang set up a lot of eyes and ears and eyeliner here, so it can be said that he is the real master of this Sigong villa.

But now, Sigong Huang Guang suddenly lost the inheritance rights of the Sigong family.

In this regard, Sigong Yan'an was quick and ruthless.

He came back as quickly as lightning, showing a vigorous energy that was completely incompatible with his age. With his reputation in the Sigong Empire and his sophisticated and ruthless skills, he made Sigong Huangguang's relationship and influence in the group Destroyed and corrupted are generally cleaned up.

As for Sigong Huangguang himself, he was sent by Sigong Yanan to a residence of the Sigong family in Hokkaido, and told the people of the Sigong Group to "take good care of Sigong Huangguang, Don't let him walk around 'in order to avoid 'danger'.

In short, Sigong Huang Guang was kicked out of the power center of the Sigong family by his father, and it can be said that he was exiled.

The properties under his name were naturally taken back by Sinomiya Yan'an.

But for some unknown reason, this Four Palaces villa happened to be one of the fish that slipped through the net.

According to the guesses of the servants, probably because there are too many properties under Sinomiya Huangguang's banner, and the name of Miss Kaguya is written on this house, so it slipped through the fingers of Sinomiya Yan'an, right?

On the other hand, Shinomiya Kaguya has changed her name to Shimizu Kaguya, which can be said to be officially out of the control of the Shinomiya family.

She left the house without leaving home, and she didn't show even the slightest nostalgia for the villa she grew up in.

According to her, the reason why she is still living here temporarily is because the young master of the Yuan family is also temporarily living here, and when Minamoto Raimiko and Yuan Jing move away from here, she will not hesitate leave.

Not to mention being a servant, she didn't even bring her previous clothes and jewelry to show her determination to make a clean break with the Shinomiya family.

As a result, the Sigong Villa, which originally had two masters, one light and one dark, suddenly lost even one master.

Under such circumstances, the entire Shinomiya Villa did not become a mess all of a sudden, thanks to the popularity and skill of the head maid Hayasaka Ai.

However, what she did was to try her best to support the order of the management of the Four Palaces, and it was not because she had any coveted heart for this mansion, and wanted to become the actual owner of this house.

She didn't have the slightest liking for this place, and what she did was to temporarily create a comfortable environment for the mother and child of the Yuan family.

After Minamoto Raimitsu returned to the source family, and Minamoto and Shimizu Kaguya also moved out from here, she would also move out from here without hesitation.

And as for where she will live next...

It also depends on Qingshui Huiye's side, whether the plan is going smoothly.

"I hope that as soon as Ajing comes back, I can see him." Letting Ai Hayasaka play with her long hair, Minamoto Raimitsu stared at the position of the gate of the Shinomiya Villa, "Unlike you, you can see him every day like this." When I arrive at Ah Jing, I don't have much left."

After being defeated by Yuan Jing and getting rid of the 'devil' residing in his heart, Minamoto's morbid desire to control and possessiveness dissipated a lot at once.

Although it has not been completely eliminated, it can barely be classified as 'normal'.

Yuan Jing has already told her with the facts that he is not an existence that she can control, if she "must force it", he has the ability to completely break up with the Yuan family.

This is completely unacceptable to Yuan Laiguang, who is obsessed with the relationship between mother and child.

In order not to let it become a fact, the current Minamoto Laiguang can be said to be obedient to Yuanjing.

She also tolerated a lot of "pests" like Hayasaka Ai who she thought of before.

However, Minamoto Raimitsu could not stay in Tokyo.

In addition to the need for her to go back to take charge of the overall situation at the source family, another very important reason is because of the wrong things she did before.

Without her, there would be no subsequent series of events.

Although in the end, relying on the efforts of the girls and Yuan Jing, everything was finally settled, the result can basically be said to be mostly positive.

But that's because he made it with them.

What if the end result is a failure?

Yuan Jing will undoubtedly be taken back by Yuan Laiguang and placed under house arrest, and Kaguya will also be treated as a victim and ruin his future life, and Hayasaka Ai, who has repeatedly disobeyed Shinomiya Huangguang's orders, may not end well. Where to go......

If you do good deeds, you will be rewarded; if you do wrong deeds, you will be punished.

Kindergarten children know such a simple truth.

The punishment Minamoto Raimitsu received was that after he healed his injury, he had to return to the source family immediately.

Moreover, she must strictly implement the agreement she made with Yuanjing before, that is——

[Do not take the initiative to find Yuanjing], [Do not take the initiative to contact Yuanjing].

Because of this, Minamoto Larimitsu cherishes the time when he can still stay with Yuanjing.

As soon as he saw that it was time for Yuanjing to leave school, he stared in the direction of the door in front of the window of his bedroom, quietly waiting for his child's return.

"I always feel that such a scene seems to have happened once before." Minamoto Raimitsu's hair is quite good, and Hayasaka Ai always feels as if she is holding on to a fine silk.

While skillfully using the hair dryer to dry the moisture in the long dark purple hair, she said, "When you came to Tokyo, the first person you saw related to Yuan-kun was me, right?"

Minamoto Raimiko didn't look back, but there was a flash of memory in his eyes, and he obviously remembered what happened a week ago.

At that time, Yuanjing happened to be in the situation of not returning home at night, and there was some unpleasantness between her and Hayasaka Ai.

No, it would be too light to use the word 'a little unpleasant' to describe it. It should be said to be 'fighting for life'.

After that, Ai Hayasaka, who was entrusted by Chika Fujiwara, has always been her most direct rebel. During that week, the number of conflicts between the two can be said to be innumerable.

However, all this is now a thing of the past.

Minamoto Raimitsu is about to pay the price for his wrongdoing, and the relationship between Hayasaka Ai and Genkage is one step closer.

The current Hayasaka Ai is actively repairing her relationship with Minamoto Raimitsu.

After all, this is her future mother-in-law.

"Actually, regarding the agreement between you and Yuan-kun, it's not completely impossible. Ah, don't turn your head, hair, hair!" When she said these words, Minamoto Raimitsu suddenly looked out of the window Turning around, staring at Hayasaka Ai with burning eyes.

The latter quickly let go of the hand holding the other's long hair, so as not to damage the beautiful long hair.

"Is there any way?" Minamoto Raimiko asked eagerly.

"The agreement between you and Yuan Jun is completely used to restrain you, but there is no restriction on Yuan Jun and us beside Yuan Jun."

"You can't come to Yuan-kun, but he can go back to Yuanjia's family to find you." Hayasaka Ai advised him, "St. Eden Academy doesn't go to school 365 days a year, we have holidays existing."

"When we are on vacation, Mr. Yuan will have time to go back to Yuan's family to visit you."

Listening to Hayasaka Ai's words, Minamoto Raimiko's eyes became brighter and brighter.

"Also, if you want to know about Yuan Jun's recent situation, although you can't take the initiative to find Yuan Jun, you can come to me."

Hayasaka Ai earnestly said, "Modern technology is very convenient. I can send you Yuan-kun's photos, videos and things like that through your mobile phone."

"Of course, before sending these things to you, I will first inform Mr. Yuan and obtain his consent."

"...Will he agree?" There was some hesitation in Minamoto Raimiko's words, obviously he didn't have much hope for this.

"You've already realized your mistake. As long as you have a good attitude, I don't think Yuan Jun is such a cruel person." Ai Hayasaka had obviously thought it over before.

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