"Moreover, as the saying goes, 'blocking is worse than sparse'. Now is the time when you need to maintain a stable mind. I don't think it should be difficult to get his consent."

"..." Minamoto Raimitsu was silent for a while, then nodded, expressing his agreement with Hayasaka Ai's words.

"So, what do you want?" She raised her eyes to Hayasaka Ai, "Suddenly thinking about me so much, you should want to get something from me, right?"

"You might as well just say it, as long as the request is not too excessive, I should be able to agree."

Although the relationship between them has eased now, it has not yet reached the point where they will completely consider each other.Hayasaka Ai would help her like this, she must be trying to get something from her.

"Well," the topic has reached here, Hayasaka Ai can be said to have succeeded for the most part, and the next step is...

"I heard that, as one of the families with the longest history in Sakurajima, the Gen family has treasured up a lot of magical secrets." Speaking of this, Ai Hayasaka's eyes wandered, and a suspicious look appeared on her face. "Especially in terms of body development, it can be said to be the best in Sakurajima."

"That's true." Minamoto Raikou nodded.The reason why she was able to possess such a strong physical fitness at a young age is due to the secret method of the Yuan family.

"You want to learn the secret method of our Gen family?" Minamoto Raimiko's brows that were originally frowning were relaxed.

If Hayasaka Ai's request is just like this, then as the head of the Minamoto family, he has the right to impart the family's secret law, as long as he goes back and reports it in the relevant records of the family.

"What secret technique do you want to learn?" She asked in a rather relaxed tone.

"That's right, that." Contrary to Minamoto Raimitsu, Hayasaka Ai who has always been generous and generous at this moment hesitated, "If there is a relevant record in the Minamoto's secret recipe, I actually want to learn it—"

"...Zhongjutsu." Hayasaka Ai muttered, her voice was so soft that even with Minamoto Raimiko's hearing ability, she couldn't hear what she was saying for a while.

"What is it?" Minamoto Laiguang had question marks all over his face, and tilted his head in some doubts.

"I'm talking about [Internal Art]!" Ai Hayasaka, whose face was as red as steam, said loudly—

"Ms. Laiguang, do you also want to hug your grandson or granddaughter soon?"

Chapter 6 I need to think about my future husband

After making an appointment with the people from the housing agency company to meet tomorrow to go through the formalities, Shimizu Kaguya and Yuan Jing boarded the car bound for the Shinnomiya Villa again.

Yuanjing didn't respond to the "Mrs. Sawamura" that the population of the housing agency said.

The "Hasegawa Kotaka was framed" incident was handled independently by other girls in the Lamb Club without relying on his power.

Although Yukinoshita Yukino also included it in the "Murder Case Book", the focus of the commission is obviously not on the deceased uncle of Hanasegawa Kotaka.

And out of the consideration of avoiding the taboo of the venerable, when Hanasegawa Kotaka came to consult, although he had already mentioned that his aunt was Sayuri Sawamura, Yukinoshita Yukino did not write this name in the lamb. in the activity log of the meeting.

After all, "Murder Case Book" is not a confidential document. Considering that Yukinoshita Yukino will run for the student council president in the future, this activity log may be used as a support for her participation in the election, and it will be shown to other students.

Therefore, when writing, besides being more cautious in choosing words and making sentences, Xue Nai also pays attention to protecting the privacy of the people involved.

The combination of these factors has resulted in a rather interesting result——

That is the fact that Yuanjing is not aware of the fact that Sawamura Spencer Eriri's father, that is, the husband of Sawamura Sayuri, has died.

It never occurred to him that Sayuri Sawamura was going to sell her house to raise funds.

He thought that Mrs. Sawamura mentioned by the real estate agent was someone else.

After all, although Sawamura is not a common surname, it is actually not an unusual surname.

Well, after all, this is a problem that only tomorrow's him will encounter, so let's just press the button for now.

Let's focus on Shimizu Kaguya and Yuan Jing again.

After confirming that Yuanjing really has a very strong purchase intention, it is not possible to make a final decision, and it is over after paying the money and delivering the goods.

At least for Shimizu Kaguya, this is not the case at all.

It can even be said that the whole thing has only just begun.

At this time, Shimizu Kaguya, who was sitting on the car seat, was sorting out the various 'problems' she found during the house inspection just now.

Nestled in a corner of the carriage, Shimizu Kaguya held her smartphone with both hands, with an extremely serious expression on her delicate fair face.

She is writing down the problems she discovered today and what she will negotiate with that [Mrs. Sawamura] tomorrow on the memo on her mobile phone.

The buying and selling of second-hand houses is no different from buying and selling new houses. There are many things to worry about.

While Yuan Jing focused on the beauty of the villa, its layout and the observatory with a small astronomical telescope, Kaguya Qingshui paid attention to more practical issues.

She is checking whether there are various 'flaws' in this villa.

For example, is there any trace of water leakage, is there any damage to the load-bearing structure, and is there any sign of cracking on the outer wall.

Judging by the traces of life in the house that have not been completely removed, it is clear that the owner of this villa has not moved away for a long time.

There are more things to pay attention to.

She also checked the remaining status of the water meter, electricity meter and gas meter in the house, as well as the payment status of her cable TV fee and broadband fee, and took pictures with her mobile phone and made records.

Moreover, regarding the reason that Mrs. Sawamura wanted to sell the house, the real estate agent only vaguely said that it was because of [family changes].

As for the specific changes, they said that the original owner of the house did not give them a detailed explanation.

This requires her to negotiate with Mrs. Sawamura.

Suddenly want to sell such a good house, and also specifically stated that only the full payment will be accepted...

This kind of thing is very strange at first glance.

She had no intention of prying into each other's privacy.However, necessary measures are necessary.

For example, a contract.

That Mrs. Sawamura must indicate whether this villa is a "haunted house" where no one died, and clarify various liability clauses to avoid various disputes in the future...

This is the first task Yuanjing entrusts to her, and she must ensure that everything is smooth and beautiful.

Finally, all the issues to be considered were recorded in detail on the memo on the mobile phone. Shimizu Kaguya finally let out a long sigh of relief after reading it up and down and over and over several times to make sure that nothing was missed.

After saving the memo, she put the phone back into her pocket, and pinched her brow with her slender fingers, with a tired look on her face.

At this moment, a refreshing fragrance suddenly lingered at the tip of her nose.Shimizu Kaguya raised his head in surprise, and what caught his eyes was a cup handed over.

In the cup, there is some emerald green clear and transparent liquid, which is swirling slightly, rippling in circles of ripples.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Yuan Jing said this to Shimizu Huiye.

He is not a vicious capitalist who has no blood or tears, and Yuan Jing naturally sees all of Shimizu Kaguya's dedication, and this is his expression.

"This is a drink I made myself. It is very good for refreshing and relieving fatigue. You can try it and see if it suits your taste."

This drink was originally prepared by him and drunk by himself.

It also refers to some secret recipes of the Yuan family, but after the improvement of his cooking skills that have reached Lv.3, not only the effectiveness has been improved, but the taste has also changed from the original bitter and unpalatable to quite refreshing and delicious.

This is the one he likes most among the various drinks he has improved. He always takes a pot with him before going to school every day.

This is the part he didn't finish drinking today.

"Don't worry, I usually drink it from the lid of the cup. This is a new cup I found in the car." Seeing Shimizu Kaguya's hesitant look, he added, "There is absolutely nothing in it. My saliva is completely safe to drink."

What I'm worried about is not here at all, okay?Shimizu Kaguya thought to himself.

It would be better to say that after Yuanjing made such an explanation, she felt a little regretful in her heart...

"Then I'll be disrespectful." After taking the cup with both hands, Shimizu Kaguya smelled the bursts of fragrance from the cup, with a slightly intoxicated look on his face.

She took small sips of the liquid in the glass, and the pure joy and satisfaction appeared on her face, like a cute cat eating.

Taste buds don't lie.

If we draw a fan-shaped graph of happiness in people's voice and compare its main sources, diet can be said to be the undisputed No. 1 for most people.

This is also one of the reasons why Yuanjing attaches so much importance to the skill [Cooking], and must upgrade it to Lv.3.

With the refreshing and cool liquid pouring into the body, the exhaustion and tiredness that had haunted Shimizu Kaguya were miraculously swept away, and the originally somewhat chaotic thinking became clear all of a sudden.

'Should it be time? Kaguya Shimizu thought in his heart, "Jing seems to be in a good mood, and he is quite satisfied with my work. If this is the case, is it time to talk about [that] with him?" '

This was actually the reason for her hesitation before.

It's not that I despise Yuanjing's "dirty", but I'm thinking about whether now is the most appropriate time.

"Boss." Holding the cup Yuan Jing handed her, Shimizu Kaguya said cautiously, "I want to make an application to you."

She raised her eyes from the cup, and looked at Yuanjing with scarlet eyes, "Apply to live in this villa you are planning to buy."

"Oh?" Yuan Jing frowned slightly, but he didn't reject Kaguya's proposal all at once like the previous time.

But this does not mean that he agreed to Shimizu Kaguya's application.

"Have I already said it before? I don't provide room and board here, and I don't provide five insurances and one housing fund."

"If you don't have a place to live, you can rent it yourself, or you can pay your wages in advance to buy one. Is this what I told you before?"

"That's right." Shimizu Kaguya replied crisply, "However, now I have found a house to rent."

"That's what we're looking at today." She carefully put down the cup she was holding in both hands, and looked at Yuanjing, "I'm submitting my intention to rent an apartment to my future landlord."

"...Interesting." A slight smile appeared on the corner of Yuanjing's mouth.

He folded his legs and looked at Shimizu Kaguya, "Then, Miss Shimizu, you should have prepared a reason to convince me, right?"

He made an expression of listening attentively, and signaled Shimizu Kaguya to start her performance.

Next, is the most difficult part.

Shimizu Kaguya took a deep breath——

"The reason is simple, I need to think about my future husband."

She was such a head start.

Yuan Jing blinked his eyes slightly, showing a very rare look of confusion, obviously not too clear about how Shimizu Kaguya jumped to this angle all of a sudden.

This is what she wants!

"Through this purchase of real estate, I finally discovered how huge a sum of 200 billion yen is." Shimizu Kaguya said with emotion.

Although the specific price needs to be negotiated with Mrs. Sawamura tomorrow before it can be finalized.

But Kaguya Shimizu already knew the approximate price from the housing agency.

This entire villa, which can be said to be built in the best location in Tokyo, and the furniture and other facilities are all put together. The approximate total price is——

5 billion yen.

One-fortieth of what she owed.

Kaguya Shimizu works for Yuanjing, and his remuneration mainly consists of two aspects, namely salary and bonus.

In terms of salary, the standard adopted by Yuanjing for Shimizu Kaguya is based on the average salary of graduates from the University of Tokyo, the most prestigious university in Sakurajima.

Even graduates of the University of Tokyo have an average annual salary of 30 million yen (about 763.1 RMB) when they reach the golden age of their profession at the age of 46.

Yuanjing roughly doubled it directly, and offered Shimizu Kaguya an annual salary of 1500 million yen, and a year-end bonus of 500 million yen per year.

In other words, Kaguya Shimizu can get a salary of 2000 million yen (about 106 million RMB) per year from Yuanjing.

This is an unimaginably high salary.

After all, what Shimizu Kaguya has to do is to be Yuan Jing's barrier and life assistant.

In addition to this, there is the bonus section.

Take the task of buying a house assigned to her this time as an example.

If the final transaction price is 5 million yen, then according to the contract signed by Yuanjing and Shimizu Kaguya, Yuanjing will transfer one-tenth of the money, which is 5000 million yen, from its arrears Erase in.

This is the [bonus].

But tasks like buying real estate with large monetary transactions can be said to be rare.

Because Yuanjing is obviously not the kind of person who likes to spend money everywhere.

On the contrary, his desire to consume belongs to the kind that tends to be weak.

"In this case, the day when I can pay off all my debts is far away." After some analysis, Shimizu Kaguya came to such a conclusion.

"Boss, please think about it, if after I get married, I still maintain the state of 'being a cow and a horse' for other men, will my future husband feel comfortable in his heart?"

"..." The answer is of course self-evident, of course Yuanjing knows this very clearly.

"I don't want to turn my marriage into a deal, and I don't want to hand over this 200 billion debt to my future husband and me."

"I'm still young, and I still have my own naive fantasy about love, and I don't want it to be tainted by money."

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