Compared with women who rely on others and suck blood from other men, Yuanjing appreciates independent and self-reliant women more.

This is the conclusion Shimizu Kaguya got from previous observations.

"So, before my time is gone, I must pay off all the 200 billion. Otherwise, I will have no way to fall in love with or marry other people normally."

Shimizu Kaguya saw that Yuanjing seemed to be about to say something, so he hurriedly continued, "The salary you gave me is already generous enough, if you give me a salary increase when I don't have outstanding achievements, then I will be fine." It is an insult to my personal dignity, I would rather not."

"Since the salary remains the same, the only place where we can think of a way is the bonus."

"This is also the reason why I want to live in that villa." Shimizu Kaguya looked at Yuan Jing with extremely firm will in his eyes, "Besides, this is also a good thing for you."

"Living in a villa sounds very pleasant, but actually living in it is much more troublesome."

For this point, Shimizu Kaguya is obviously very experienced.

After all, she grew up in the four palaces.

"Cleaning of the room, tending and pruning of the flowers and trees in the garden, maintenance and maintenance of the exterior of the building..." Shimizu Kaguya counted them one by one, "These are all things to worry about."

"But as long as I live in, you can leave all these things to me. You just need to give me the money as usual."

"How about it, is this a win-win thing?" After finishing all this, Shimizu Kaguya looked at Yuanjing with some trepidation.

All she could do was done, and all that was left was to wait.

Waiting for Yuanjing to make a final decision.

Chapter 7 Go on, I can take it

The moonlight is clear tonight, strands of optical fiber are as thin as a girl's hair, hanging endlessly from the sky.

At this time, it was around 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, and the lights in the Shinomiya villa were basically completely extinguished. Under the shroud of the bright moonlight, it looked like a huge beast that had fallen into a deep sleep, slightly swaying under the night wind. breathing.


It was the sound of the door being gently opened.

As if afraid of waking up the sleeping monster, the sound of opening the door was deliberately suppressed to a low and hoarse voice, almost inaudible.

From the slightly opened door, a black shadow flashed out.

This black shadow showed an astonishing familiarity with the Shinomiya Bieku. Not only did it stick to the base of the wall to hide itself in the dead corner of the monitor, but it also limped around the infrared alarm that would only be turned on at night. device.

Finally, the black shadow arrived at its destination——

That's a bedroom.

On the door of the bedroom, the words [Shimizu Kaguya] were written.

However, unlike the engraved [Kaguya], the previous word [Shimizu] was painted over with a black pen on the original engraving, and then written directly on it.

With this faint moonlight, the original word [Four Palaces] can be vaguely distinguished.

Quietly coming to the door of the bedroom, the black shadow fumbled for a key from the pocket of his coat.

Before inserting it into the keyhole on the gate, the black shadow looked around with extreme vigilance. After confirming that the surrounding area was quiet and no one had noticed the infiltration, he finally started to proceed to the planned next step. .

After the sound of the lock cylinder biting like a hair being torn off, the bedroom was opened slightly.

The black shadow slipped into the bedroom through this gap.

This is a rather girly boudoir.

Dressing table, coat rack, large wardrobe...

Of course, there is also the big bed covered by curtains in the middle of the boudoir.

If you calm down and listen quietly, you can still hear the slight but regular breathing from the bed.

The person on the bed seemed to have fallen into a peaceful dreamland.

But unfortunately, the purpose of Sombra was to wake her up from her sleep.

He tiptoed to the side of the big bed, and parted the lowered curtains to both sides.

A delicate pretty face just appeared in front of her eyes.

Her long black hair was scattered on the pillow like fine silk.The petal-like red lips are slightly parted, as if a plum blossom is in bud, making people look like they want to take a bite.

And on top of these lips is a small and upturned nose.

This is also the ultimate goal of Sombra.

Hei Ying stretched out his right hand without mercy, and pinched the Sleeping Beauty's nose.

After the largest breathing channel was blocked, her originally extremely quiet face suddenly wrinkled, looking a little uncomfortable.

After subconsciously opening his small mouth, he took a breath for a while.Although there is no prince's kiss, our Sleeping Beauty still has her eyes open.

Eyes as scarlet as blood suddenly met a pair of eyes as blue as the sky.

"Hayasaka?" Keren on the bed opened and closed her eyes several times, and then asked a question that was still mixed with deep sleepiness.

"It's me, Kaguya." After Kuroko, or Hayasaka Ai let go of the right hand that pinched Shimizu Kaguya's nose, he replied extremely calmly, "I'm sorry to wake you up so late, but I I do have something important to confirm with you."

"Please excuse my hasty behavior."

Shimizu Kaguya shook his head, saying it was nothing.

Then he pressed his hands on the bed, trying to prop up his upper body.

Although she succeeded, her whole figure was still wobbly, and she seemed to be lying down at any moment, falling asleep again.

When Shimizu Kaguya was still Shinomiya Kaguya, her schedule was extremely regular.

When should I go to bed every day, when should I wake up with my eyes open... In the regular life for more than ten years, Kaguya has formed an extremely stable biological clock in his body.

For health, this is undoubtedly of great benefit.

But at the same time, it will also cause a problem that cannot be said to be a problem, that is——

Kaguya will become very sleepy if he doesn't fall asleep at the time when he should be sleeping!

Just like now.

"Hayasaka..." Shimizu Kaguya let out a soft voice that was not like her usual at all, she gently rubbed her eyes with her hands, "You came to me so late, what's the matter?" something?"

"That's right," Ai Hayasaka nodded slightly, "During the day, there is really no way to ask you under the eyes of Gen-kun and Ms. Laiguang, so I chose this time."

"please understand."

"It's okay, I understand." Strongly pulling himself together, Shimizu Kaguya looked at Hayasaka Ai, "What do you want to ask?"

"Although you can basically guess what you looked like after you returned to the Four Palaces today, but for the sake of insurance, I still want to ask, because it is related to our next plan."

Ai Hayasaka did not use "I", but directly used "we".

And Shimizu Kaguya did not raise any objection to this.

"Have you successfully obtained permission to live in Yuanjun's new house?" asked the blond-haired, blue-eyed maid.

"I got it." Shimizu Kaguya said clearly, but this kind of sobriety only lasted for such a short moment, and soon——

"Hey, Ah Jing, hey." She picked up the quilt, and rubbed the silky fabric with her fair cheeks, as if she was rubbing against someone's cheek.

"He who always likes to be alone, unexpectedly agreed to my renting permit..." She whispered like a dream.

"It must be because he has me in his heart."

Like a naughty child, Shimizu Kaguya asserted so decisively.

Shouldn't you be boasting about your strategy here?In that case, it would be most reasonable to agree to your rental permit, right?

Ai Hayasaka rolled her eyes slightly in her heart.

However, as long as you are happy.

Looking at Shimizu Kaguya who was hugging the quilt, already immersed in her own world, and whose mental age had degenerated to be no different from that of a child, Ai Hayasaka sighed.

With your current appearance, how can you still boast that you have "no covetous heart" for Yuanjing?

Isn't this all over the place?

As a personal maid who lived with Kaguya since she was a child, she can be said to know everything about the young lady she served before.

Yuan Jing and Fujiwara Chika couldn't see through the disguise, and there was nothing to hide in front of her.

From the very beginning, she never believed any nonsense such as 'no coveting heart'.

Naturally, Shimizu Kaguya knew that he couldn't hide it from his maid, so he had already talked with her frankly before.

The current two are an alliance of offensive and defensive alliances and mutual assistance.

However, the time of the two of them is quite precious. In addition to asking about the progress of Kaguya, Hayasaka Ai still has something to teach Shimizu Kaguya.

"I'm sorry." Pulling Shimizu Kaguya's arm over, Hayasaka Ai began to search for something on it.

Ah, found it.

Ai Hayasaka put one of her fingers on a certain position on Kaguya's arm, and fixed Kaguya's arm with the other hand.

As Shimizu Kaguya's former personal maid and the head maid of the Shinnomiya Villa, sometimes she has to work late into the night even if she doesn't want to.

Because of this, Ai Hayasaka actually mastered a few tricks to fight against the sleepiness that hit her.

For example, as long as you use this force to stimulate this acupuncture point on your arm...


Shimizu Kaguya's eyes widened suddenly, and the drowsiness lingering in them disappeared in an instant like dew in the sun.

"Since there is such a method, use it as soon as possible." Her words have brought back the usual awe.

"If you always use this trick, it won't work after a long time." Letting go of Kaguya's arm, Hayasaka Ai responded in this way, "And, I also want to see Kaguya in a frank state."

"You..." Shimizu Kaguya shook his head slightly and sighed.

While straightening her long black hair with her hands, she said to Ai Hayasaka, "Tell me, what do you want to say to me that made me sober at this moment?"

Just like Hayasaka Ai knew her quite well, Shimizu Kaguya actually knew this maid who grew up with her very well.The two are not so much master and servant, but actually closer to sisters.

"Actually, I found out as early as last week, but I haven't found a chance to tell you." Ai Hayasaka showed a very serious expression on her face.

"This is a matter of our life, so I hope you can answer me seriously."

Is it such a serious topic?

Shimizu Kaguya blinked.

However, if it is not such a serious problem, there is no need for Hayasaka Ai to come to me so late...

After thinking about this, Shimizu Kaguya put down his hands that were combing his hair, and looked at Hayasaka Ai with a serious face.

"Kaguya, let me ask you," Ai Hayasaka stared at Shimizu Kaguya's blood-red eyes under the moonlight, and asked her question——

"Do you know how a man and a woman give birth to a child?"

"Hayasaka, don't take me for an idiot." Shimizu Kaguya frowned, showing some dissatisfaction, "As a lady, I still have this kind of necessary knowledge."

"Hey~~~" Hayasaka Ai said with a long voice on purpose, "Then you should talk about it."

"Anyway, as long as a man and a woman stay in the same bed for one night, there will be the possibility of conceiving a new life in the woman's body, right?" Shimizu Kaguya said as if it was a matter of course, "According to the education I have received, At this time, just hand it over to the men."

"What's that look on your face, am I wrong?"

"If you say it's not right, there's nothing wrong with it; but if you want to say it right, it seems a bit too forced." Hayasaka Ai had a strange expression like accidentally biting a peppercorn while eating, and she always felt a little bit Root pain.

I have to come...

Sighing in her heart, she put her lips next to Shimizu Kaguya's ear.

"If you want to have a child, you have to do this...then this...then that..."

Whisper, whisper.

Listening to the words that came into his ears, Shimizu Kaguya's eyes opened wider and wider, showing a somewhat shocked and unbelievable expression.

"That's it. I don't know if you understand Kaguya or not."

After narrating everything, Ai Hayasaka stood up her upper body again, and said this to Kaguya.

Compared with Shimizu Kaguya whose face was already covered with red clouds and seemed to be about to spew water vapor in the next moment, Hayasaka Ai was extremely calm and breezy.

It's as if she wasn't the one who shattered Kaguya's gender concept just now.

"I-understood." Shimizu Kaguya's eyeballs turned around in a panic, as if he didn't know where to look.Her hands grabbed the quilt in a daze, making it a little crumpled and completely out of shape.

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