"Kaguya, I hope you understand that I didn't say this on purpose to make you shy." Seeing Shimizu Kaguya who was panicking, Hayasaka Ai calmly reminded.

Her share of today's shyness had been used up earlier, which was why she was acting so cool.

"This is closely related to our future."

"According to a survey by Sakurajima, physical fitness is actually an extremely important factor affecting the relationship between couples."

"About one-third of couples break up because of insufficient physical fit." Ai Hayasaka tried to use this cold number to reawaken Shimizu Kaguya's rationality, "In short, it is doing that kind of When things happen, you can't make the other party happy."

"!!!" Shimizu Kaguya let out a scream that exceeded the frequency that human ears could accept.

Tonight, Hayasaka Ai's behavior can be said to be a bit of a spoiled child, and regardless of whether Shimizu Kaguya can accept it or not, she suddenly forcibly raised her knowledge that was completely behind her peers to a level almost equal to her peers.

"Three, one third?!" She asked eagerly, "So much?"

"It should be more than that." Ai Hayasaka shook her head and said very seriously, "Considering that not all couples who broke up have reached that stage, the proportion of them should increase."




Shimizu Kaguya fell silent.

She always thought that as long as she slept on the same bed with Yuan Jing and "let her do what she wants", her dream of "having nine children" would be realized quickly.

Didn't realize there were so many twists and turns...

"Actually, from Ms. Laiguang, I obtained a secret method that can improve the physical fit between men and women." Ai Hayasaka said.

This is one of the reasons for her late-night visit.

However, looking at Kaguya's appearance, it was obvious that he had suffered a huge blow.

Let her take it easy now, let's talk about it next time...

And just when she was about to stand up and leave, a hand grabbed Ai Hayasaka's wrist.

"...Leave after finishing speaking," Shimizu Kaguya's voice trembled, but he insisted, "I can still stand it."

Since you want to do it, you have to do your best.

This is Shimizu Kaguya's life creed.

Chapter 8 Girlfriend, Compartment...?

On Wednesday, the morning light is faint.

Because it was still early, except for the students on duty who needed to arrive early to open the school in twos and threes, the entire St. Eden Academy seemed empty, and there were not many people in sight.

It was precisely at this perfect opportunity that the two girls began to advance their plans.

"Grade One Class A, Senior One Class A..." The blond girl with twin ponytails looked around, looking for her target.

A girl with long amber hair was following behind her, clutching a corner of her school uniform.This girl seemed quite unaccustomed to getting up so early, not only her eyes were half-closed, but her forehead was still lightly tapping from time to time in the void, looking quite sleepy.

The area where the two are located is not far from the entrance of St. Eden Academy, generally known as the 'shoe changing place'.

In order to unify students' clothing and grooming, and facilitate cleaning, students in Sakurajima need to change their shoes into uniform indoor shoes when they enter the school.

For this reason, the school will basically divide a special area for placing shoe cabinets specially used for storing shoes.

St. Eden Academy is no exception.

"Ah, there." After discovering the sign with [Senior Class A], the girl's long twin tails shook slightly excitedly.

When she turned around and wanted to tell her companion the good news, she found that he seemed to be falling asleep.

"Mashiro, if you're really too sleepy, just go to the classroom first." The girl with blond twintails, that is, Sawamura Spencer Eriri said worriedly, "Actually, I can do it alone. "

Shiina Mashiro shook his head.

This is her own willful request, how can there be any reason to leave everything to her friend, and instead go to sleep?

"Yinglili, what are you going to do next?" She rubbed her eyes gently and asked her friend.

"The next step is to find the shoe cabinet of [Yuanjing] classmate, and put this letter in." Eri Sawamura took out an envelope from her pocket.

This is a very beautiful envelope, with a very elegant pattern of cherry blossoms on it, and it can be seen that the writer has spent a lot of thought in choosing it.

And on the cover, the words "Yuanjun kisses you" are written in extremely graceful handwriting.

This letter, of course, was also written by Sawamura Eriri.

After knowing the class and name of the boy, asking him out for a secret talk has become a fairly simple task.

At least Eri Sawamura thinks so.

After all, relevant experience has already been taught to her in the comics, and now she can be said to have stood on the shoulders of giants.

Soon, she drew up a plan that was extremely practical and simple to operate, and she named it——

'Suspected Love Letter Battle'!

In short, I wrote a letter to that classmate Yuan Jing with the handwriting of a girl, saying that I have [very important things] I want to tell the other party, so I sincerely asked the other party to come to the school during the lunch break. Meet her in the stairwell in front of the roof of the teaching building.

And this ambiguous letter, which looks very much like a love letter, was delivered in the 'mail box', which is the shoe cabinet of that student Yuanjing.

Just like the seats, the students of St. Eden Academy all have their own shoe cabinets for storing shoes, and there is also a label with their name on the upper right corner of the cabinet door.

So even for the non-sociable Eri Sawamura, finding the place isn't too difficult if you take your time.

As long as that Yuan Jing is still going to school, then he will definitely take out his indoor shoes before coming to his exclusive shoe cabinet.

At that time, he would have found the letter naturally.

Adolescent boys and girls, there is no one who is not interested in love!

Eri Sawamura is very, very, very sure of that.

As long as he found this letter, opened it and read its contents, the possibility that he would go to the agreed place during lunch break was almost [-]%!

Moreover, after all, this kind of scene seems to be confessed, so even if he has friends, the possibility of coming alone is very high!

At that time, relying on your own charm, you will be so fascinated by the other party, and you can say that it is a certainty if you agree to be a real model!

This is the request of a beautiful mixed-race girl, and she is also a model for another beautiful girl of mixed race. There shouldn't be any adolescent boy who can stand it, right?

Sawamura Spencer Eriri is extremely confident about her looks.

This appearance, which inherited the advantages of her father and mother at the same time, is the thing she is most proud of besides her painting skills.

She is not afraid to use weapons like appearance to achieve her goals.

And as for whether this plan will succeed...

It can only be said that although it is basically a copy of the classic operations in comics or novels, it can be called nothing new.

But the classic is called a classic precisely because of its high repeatability.

Logically speaking, although this plan is simple, it is extremely feasible, and it is actually a very reliable idea.

If the other party is an ordinary adolescent boy, Sawamura Eriri's plan is indeed as sure as she thinks.

However, Yuan Jing is not an ordinary adolescent boy.

He may be the farthest existence from the word [ordinary] in this world...

"Genjing~, Genjing~" At this moment, Eriri Sawamura was still full of confidence, she even hummed softly with quite enough leeway, and seemed to be in a pretty good mood.

In the end, she found the [Source View] sign on the top floor of the shoe cabinet.

"Well, it's so high." She frowned slightly, but this difficulty obviously couldn't stop her.

I looked around and found that there was no one around except Shiina Mashiro behind me.

Sawamura Eriri felt relieved.

She tiptoed slightly and reached for the handle of the shoe cabinet door.

Indoor shoes are not worth much, and St. Eden Academy's security is excellent, so there is no soil for 'shoe thieves' to survive.

The shoe cabinet is not locked either, even if it is not its owner, the door can be easily opened.

The next thing Eri Sawamura had to do was to open the cabinet door, put the letter in her hand squarely on Yuanjing's indoor shoes, and then close the cabinet door.

This is a very simple 'three steps'.

Unexpectedly, at the first step, an accident completely beyond her imagination happened.

It's easy to open the door.

But at the moment she opened the cabinet door.

As if opening Pandora's box, a pile of black things slanted out from Yuanjing's shoe cabinet, hitting the face of Eriri Sawamura who was caught off guard.

If there is someone who is strong and strong behind Sawamura Eirari, then she can pull Eiriri out of the range of these 'hidden weapons'.

But this is obviously beyond the ability of Shiina Mashiro, a soft girl.

She could only watch all this happen in a daze.

After Ying Lili let out a cry of pain, reflexively squatted down and covered her nose, she also squatted down in extreme worry.

"Yingli, are you okay?"

"It's okay." Eri Sawamura's voice was a little stuffy and nasal, "Those things are not heavy, and I am not injured."

Not only is it not heavy, it should be said that it is basically light and airy.

The reason why Eri Sawamura had such a big reaction was actually mostly a subconscious reaction after being frightened.

But that doesn't mean she isn't angry anymore.

"What did he put in his shoe cabinet..." Rubbing the tip of her red nose, Sawamura Eriri looked at the ground angrily.

She wanted to see what kind of psychological barrier that Yuan Jing had before she set up such a mechanism in her shoe cabinet.

However, when the things that had been scattered all over the ground came into view, the anger in her heart was instantly extinguished.

From the shoe cabinet, what gushes out is a letter.

It was quite similar to the things she was holding on to, and they were envelopes that seemed to come from the hands of a girl with a high probability of containing the girl's feelings.

Somewhat dumbfoundedly, she picked up an envelope at her feet, and after seeing the handwriting on it that was even more beautiful than her handwriting, she turned it over and looked at the back of the envelope.

Lines of sentences are written on it in English. It looks like poetry?

Although her English level is extremely poor, Sawamura Eriri still knows the word [love].

Although she wasn't quite sure whether the other party had copied it or created it herself, but this sentiment alone had already killed the "suspected love letter" in her hand.

"Eriri." Shiina Mashiro also picked up an envelope from the ground, and after looking at it for a while, handed it to her friend.

Eiri Sawamura raised her head in a daze, and found that the owner of the envelope was obviously not playing with any literary flair like the one she saw just now——

The other party directly printed a lip print on the envelope.

"!!!" The left side of the Yinglili submarine was shot, and the entire cabin began to seep.

No, is writing a love letter so complicated now?What about your girlish modesty?

What should I do in this situation?

It's not written in comic books or novels at all? !

"Eri, do we want to print too?" Shiina Mashiro was obviously inspired, she looked at Eri with pure eyes that were not polluted at all, and suggested, "There are two of us, we should have more advantages Bar?"

"Indeed, if it's two lip prints, it will be better than one lip print. I'm going to buy lipstick... No!"

I was almost missed by Shiina Mabai.

It's not a matter of how many lip prints there are!

Sawamura Eriri looked at the envelopes scattered all over the floor, feeling like crying.

This is a question of whether the plan will succeed!

She had already thought that Yuan Jing, a young man, would be quite popular, but she never thought that the other party would be so popular.

There are almost dozens of love letters, right?Is this number slightly exaggerated?

What Eri Sawamura doesn't know is that Yuan Jing has attracted a lot of fans in the past cultural festival.

As the character on the promotional poster of the "Haunted House" project in Class A of Senior One, the handsome but evil mad scientist has made outstanding contributions to the popularity of "Haunted House".

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