"However, the house where I, Yinglili, and Zhenbai live now can be given to you as a gift, anyway, we will be moving out soon." She winked playfully at Yuanjing——

"Just consider it a good relationship."

But Yuanjing's reaction was completely beyond her expectation.

He shook his head and said bluntly, "No, Mrs. Sawamura, I'm not going to buy your villa."

"Huh?" Sayuri Sawamura was taken aback for a moment, and then asked eagerly, "Why? Is this villa not to your liking? Why is it that it was fine before, but suddenly you are not going to buy it?"

"It's not the villa's problem." Yuanjing denied, "This place is very good, I like it very much, but I can't harm your mother and daughter just because of this kind of liking."

"What does this... mean?" Speaking of this, Sayuri Sawamura obviously found something wrong.

But she obviously still didn't want to believe it. After all, this was the last straw she could grab, so she forced a smile and said, "Why is buying my villa harming our mother and daughter?"

"Auntie, I don't quite understand."

"Well, Mrs. Sawamura, you wouldn't believe what I said so empty-handed, would you?" Yuan Jing rubbed his chin in distress. He didn't expect that he would be able to pull out such a pile just to buy a house. Bad things come.

But he couldn't watch Sayuri Sawamura and Eriri Sawamura just walk into the fire pit.

"Well, since you have already talked with him, you should also have the other party's contact information. Then you might as well give him a call." Yuan Jing gestured to Sayuri Sawamura, "I'll talk to him .”

Taking out the phone, Sayuri Sawamura seemed a little hesitant.

Yuantuo is really her life-saving straw. Whether she and Yinglili can continue to live together depends on each other's breath, so she has always been a little cautious when contacting each other, not feeling that she will annoy each other.

If she wanted to contact the other party, she would send a text message first, and only after getting approval and confirming that the other party had time, would she make a call.

Now, is it too offensive?

At this moment, she noticed that someone gently pulled her clothes, she looked over there, and what caught her eyes was Shiina Mashiro's pure and flawless eyes, "He didn't lie."

She whispered to Sayuri Sawamura who had been taking good care of her.

Although Shiina Mashiro lacks common sense, she has always been very accurate in seeing people.

Who is a good person and who is a bad person, there is no hiding under her pure eyes.

This made Sayuri Sawamura make up her mind.

After dialing a series of numbers and pressing the hands-free button, she put the phone on the table in front of everyone.

Soon, a somewhat drunken voice came from the phone——

"Didn't I say that? If you haven't raised enough money, don't contact me!"

"Really?" Yuanjing said in a quiet tone, "Is it even me, uncle?"

"Oh, I forgot," he seemed to suddenly remember something, and continued, "You seem to have been kicked out of Yuanjia because of bluffing and deceiving, and I don't seem to be able to call you this name anymore."

"Young master, young master!" The other party clearly recognized Yuanjing's voice, as if a quail had bumped into a falcon, and the panic in his tone was hard to conceal.

"It's not what you think, you listen to my explanation!"

Ah, sure enough.

Shimizu Kaguya looked at Sayuri Sawamura whose face suddenly became extremely pale, sighed softly in her heart, and began to pack her things.

It seems that this house can't be bought today, so I'd better find another house as soon as possible.

Chapter 12 Someone is fake, but someone is real

From a general perspective, the Yuan family cannot be called an evil family.

As the family with the strongest religious atmosphere among the four major families in Sakurajima, the Gen family firmly believes that there are gods standing above their heads. .

From this point of view, although it is unlikely to be classified as [Order · Good] in the Jiugong grid of the good and evil camps, it is actually not a big problem to be mixed with the title of [Chaos · Good].

However, this does not mean that the members of the Yuan family are all good people.

A paradise for only good people does not exist in this world.

To have such expectations without authorization is actually a very naive expression.

The Yuan family is actually a family closely related to the two attributes of 'blackening' and 'degenerate'.

For this point, everyone can get a glimpse of it from the previous performance of the current head of the Minamoto family, that is, Minamoto Raimitsu.

In the family motto of the Yuan family, it is indeed clearly proposed to [slay the devil].

However, the premise of [Slaying Demons] is to discover the [Devil Head] in one's heart, and only then can you kill and eliminate it.

Therefore, in order to complete the spiritual practice, the people of the Yuan family will actually deliberately challenge their own "weaknesses" in order to find the most troubled "devil" in their hearts so that they can be removed from their hearts.

Naturally, this kind of practice will not always be successful.

In each generation, it can be said that there are countless Yuanjia family members who have overturned because of this.

For this kind of Yuan family who failed in [Slaying Demons] and indulged in desire, the measures adopted by the Yuan family are actually quite simple and rude——

That is to arrest him (or her), imprison him in the head of the Minamoto family, and force him to punish him for sweeping the grave of the first Minamoto Raimiko for three years.

If still unrepentant, six years afterward;

For the third time, it will take nine years to sweep the grave.

There is no fourth time after that.

The Yuan family believes in "things are not more than three", and the fourth time he (or she) will be expelled from the Yuan family, his name in the family tree will be checked off, and he will be left to fend for himself outside.

And Gen Takuma is in such a situation.

He is Minamoto's father's younger brother, and in terms of seniority, Yuanjing should call him uncle.

However, unfortunately, he is a person who is devoured by his own desires, and the desires he is infected with are called [gambling].

This man is a bad gambler.

When he was not expelled from the Yuan family, he used various names to withdraw money from the Yuan family's account many times, and then spent a lot of money in the casino, becoming the most welcome guest of the casino in the Kansai area, and even had " The [reputation] of the legendary Big Fat Sheep'.

After being discovered by the Yuan family and cutting off his source of funds, he began to use the name of the Yuan family to deceive and cheat, and was finally driven out of the family by the Yuan family who couldn't bear it.

Before Yuan Jing left the Yuan family and went to Tokyo to go to school, the name [Gen Takuma] had long since ceased to exist in the Yuan family's genealogy.

Still, it appears he hasn't learned his lesson.

"Young master, listen to me," an extremely urgent voice of explanation came from the phone placed on the table.

Yuanjing's voice was clearly frightening him, the drunkenness in his original tone had completely disappeared, and it sounded like he was fully awake.

"Since I was expelled from the source family, Mrs. Sawamura is the first person I have cheated, I swear!" He said anxiously on the other end of the phone, "This time it was indeed my fascination, but I haven't succeeded yet , but happened to hit your hand."

"Such a coincidence, this is undoubtedly the warning given to me by the gods and Buddhas in the sky, so that I will know my way back!"

He didn't hang up the phone directly, because he knew it would be useless even if he did.

As one of the core members of the former Minamoto family, he knew exactly what the Minamoto family meant in the Kansai region.

Instead of having the unrealistic fantasy of being able to escape from Yuanjia's arrest, it is better to try to persuade this young master of Yuanjia who has no deep experience in the world, let him spare himself a yard.

And as for what he said, this was his first crime after being expelled from Yuan's house, which is indeed not a lie.

Of course, it's not because he still has any pride of the Yuan family in his heart.It's just that he knows that there is only one time to rely on Yuanjia's signboard to bluff and deceive.

If he can't take advantage of this opportunity to earn enough money to fly away and escape from Sakurajima, what awaits him will be an extremely tragic fate.

If the circumstances of Sawamura's mother and daughter were not too suitable for him to start, he would not have set up such a situation.

"Oh, is it?" Yuan Jing's tone was terribly cold, the temperature around him seemed to have reached freezing point, "You don't think such a statement is feasible for me, do you?"

In fact, Yuan Jing seldom gets angry. So far, the only time he got angry in the real sense was when Si Gong Huang Guang tripped him up and disrupted his original plan.

This was the second time he was so angry.

The expression on his face was not ferocious, it was still calm, but everyone in the living room could see the unconcealable anger in the boy's heart.

Ms. Fujii of the real estate agency had shrunk into a ball at this moment, trembling slightly.

She obviously didn't expect that the boy who was quite easy-going and smiled as if he had taken up all the good things in the world, would be so terrifying when he got angry.

'Broken, should I cover my ears now? 'At this time, she was panicking.

Although it was the first time for Qingshui Huiye to see Yuanjing like this, not only was there no trace of fear in her eyes looking at Yuanjing, on the contrary she seemed a little fascinated.

'Okay, so handsome! Her cheeks were even a little red, "Although the usual Ah Jing is pretty good, it's better for boys to be more aggressive!" '

...Our Miss Kaguya seems to have a deeper understanding of her hobbies.

"But, young master, this is really..."

"Takuma," in Sakurajima, generally speaking, calling someone by their first name is to express one's kindness, but Yuan Jing called him like this, which only made Gen Takuma on the other end of the phone feel chills all over his body.

He knew that the reason why Yuan Jing called him 'Tuo Zhen' was because he didn't want to say the name 'Yuan' again.

"Just pretend that what you said is true. This is the first time you have used the name of the Yuan family to cheat after you were kicked out." Yuan Jing folded his legs and leaned his back on the sofa, The coldness in his tone did not diminish in the slightest.

"Only this time, you used the name of the Gen family to lure the Sawamura mother and daughter to the Kansai area." Yuan Jing glanced at Sayuri Sawamura and Eirika Sawamura who were huddled together in fear.

"Let me guess, what will you do after that?"

"In order not to be discovered by the Yuan family and the authorities, and to buy time for your own escape, you will definitely not let the two of them come into contact with others. Then, the measures you can take are quite limited."

"There are quite a lot of deep mountains and old forests in Kansai. It is too easy to find a place to confine someone, especially since the other party is from Kanto and is not familiar with Kansai."

Sayuri Sawamura is not stupid, she should not be so stupid as to entrust her wealth and life on a person who has never been masked without taking any precautions.

But to no avail.

Although Yuan Tuozhen has been expelled from the Yuan family, but because of his early spending, he has a group of cronies in the Kansai area, most of them are bad gamblers who want money and life just like him.

This group of rotten people has no lower limit at all, and they will do anything for money.

Yuan Jing didn't think that Sayuri Sawamura's pre-prevention would be effective enough to deter this group of rotten people.

"In this way, after getting the money, it will be very convenient to deal with the mother and daughter." Taking out the phone from his pocket, Yuan Jing continued typing something on it.

"However, I don't know whether to sell them directly to the ignorant villagers, or directly tie their hands and feet and throw them into the wilderness." After editing the text message and clicking send, Yuanjing Sighed slightly.

"Takuma, can you explain to me about this point?"

After Yuan Jing finished saying this, the whole living room became terribly quiet in an instant, the only noise was the sound from the phone, that Yuan Tuozhen was panting like a bellows.

This kind of sound, even after being filtered by the mobile phone, is still clearly audible.

"...If," Yuan Tuozhen said in a very dry voice, "if I tell you all my plans, can you let me go because of the fact that we belonged to the same clan before? And me?"

His words were full of pleading, "Isn't this something I haven't done yet? I assure you, I will never do similar things again in the future, otherwise..."

"Tuozhen, you are already over 40 years old, so don't say such naive words?" Yuanjing didn't answer directly.

"Let's think about it differently. If Sawamura's mother and daughter have fallen into your hands at this time, and she begs you, please at least let her daughter go..."

"At that time, I wonder if you would agree to her request?" Yuan Jing asked back.

"I, I..." The other end of the phone murmured, not daring to say the extremely obvious answer.

Yuanjing didn't rush, and showed excellent patience.

"I won't." Yuan Tuozhen still didn't dare to lie to Yuanjing after all.

The Minamoto family is actually quite a superstitious family. As the controller of the Sakurajima Shrine and temples, they actually believe in the theory of ghosts and gods inside.

This is also the result of the deliberate creation of the original Yuan Laiguang.

The result of this is that Yuanjing, which exhibits many miraculous features, has a very high status in the Yuan family.

Just like Minamoto Raimiko said, they agreed that Yuanjing was bestowed by the gods and Buddhas in the sky on the children of the Minamoto family, some kind of "reincarnation of gods and Buddhas", and they respected and feared him at the same time.

Although Yuan Tuozhen has been expelled from the Yuan family, this kind of thinking is obviously deeply ingrained in his mind.

In addition, this time, he was discovered by Yuan Jing and prevented him before he clearly put the plan in hand into action, which made him think that Yuan Jing was someone with destiny who was blessed with luck, and it was natural for him It is also becoming more and more fearful.

"What a coincidence, our answers are exactly the same." Yuan Jing smiled lightly, puffed up his palms a little, and said as if celebrating, "To reward you for telling the truth, then I will tell you one more thing. "

"Actually, I just sent a text message and told my family about your cell phone number and what you did. The Yuan family's law enforcement team should have taken action, right?"

"!!!" The panting sound on the other end of the phone became visibly flustered, and then there was the sound of bumping and something breaking.

"Don't worry, don't worry," the young man said as if comforting, "it's useless anyway."

"Don't you still have a lot of friends? Why don't you try to find them?" Yuan Jing suggested, "Can they really be as righteous as you said, and go out of their way for your friends?"

This time, a blind voice came from the other end of the phone.

Yuan Tuozhen finally couldn't bear Yuan Jing's verbal pressure, and hung up the phone.

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